Mis Letter To Employees

  • Uploaded by: Wayne Schulz
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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 597
  • Pages: 1
July 2t,2O O 9

T he purpose of this com m unication is to inform you of a couple of outstanding item s tha t will im pact you persona lly.

H ealth lnsurance E a rly M onday e vening, G re g and I were inform ed of som e very im porta nt news regarding health insurance .

F irst, cove ra ge will have effectively stopped for all of us on M ay 31 instead of the June 30 date we had be e n provided. T his change cam e about as a result of the way tha t the carrier processed our paym ent for June. T he pa ym e nt wa s overnighted on tim e but not deposited at their end for an extended period of

tim e.

By the

tim e they ha d finally deposited the check, our bank had already closed our account for norm al busine ss. W e have done a ll tha t we ca n to alter this outcom e and have not been successful. F or a few of you tha t used the insura nce in June, this situation will result in claim s being de nie d. lf you were still in your H S A deductible period, there should be little if any effect unle ss you were past your deductible. T he other item tha t ne e ds to be discussed is regarding the 63 day m axim um wa iting period for replacing your insura nce with m inim ized risk. T his change effectively alters this final date to approxim ately July 3 1 . T he

prim ary subje ct tha t this date effects is the handling of pre-existing conditions. E xistine C om outer E quipm e nt/N ote books F or a ny of you tha t have M IS com puter equipm ent tha t belongs

e ithe r to the bank or a leasing com pany,

ple a se se e be low. T he ba nk has offered to allow the purchase of your existing notebook com puters for the price of $Z O O . tf you choose to e xe rcise this right, please do the following:

1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

M a ke a check or m oney order payable to M IS G roup. C he cks will be sent to Ba nk of T e xa s a t the address below. lnclude details of your com puter noting the serial num ber, m ake and m odel and service tag lD loca te d on the bottom ofthe notebook. P le a se realize tha t any notebook in your possession is the legal property of the bank a nd/or leasing com pa ny and not M IS G roup. lf you choose not to keep the notebook under this offer from the Bank, the n please m ake a rra nge m ents to return the equipm ent. A list of equipm ent and em ployees have been provided to the bank. P le a se em ail R obert or G re g at R obert.m uir@ m isgroupusa.com or qre g.bovd (om isgrouousa.com with a ny questions.

T he Ba nk ofT exas

Attention: S te ve M oon 8 25 5 W alnut H ill La ne D a lla s, T e xa s 7 5 2 3 1

sm oon@ ba nkoftexas.com

214) 378-0100 R e spe ctfully,

R obert and G reg

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