Miracle Of Life Questions

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  • April 2020
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  • Words: 732
  • Pages: 4
Name:________________________________________ cohort ___________ Date:________ Reproduction – Human Development

Miracle of Life Questions Watch the video, and answer these questions while you are watching. If you miss something, fill it in at the end. The Beginning is a bit boring but gets more interesting!!! 1. What is the procedure by which the cells make a copy of itself?

10. Are all sperm functional? ______ What causes these defects?

2. What is a gene?

11. What causes a man to become erect?

3. Why is DNA important? 12. Why does the semen get thicker in the vagina? 4. What is ovulation? 5. How long does the egg move through the oviduct?

6. What is the pathway of sperm in the male’s body?

7. Why can’t a man “pee” when having sex?

13. What is the function of musin?

14. Why can only one sperm fertilize the egg?

15. What is the fertilized egg called?_______________________ 16. Are humans ever born with tails? Explain

8. What are nurse cells? 17. What is fetal respiration? 9. Why do sperm have enzymes on their head? 18. What signals birth?


THE PATH TRAVELED BY THE EGG The egg travels through the ____________________ after being released from the ____________________. The fertilized egg contains ____________________ from both parents. The egg is surrounded by a cloud of ____________________. These hairs, called ____________________ move the egg along towards the uterus. It takes the egg ____ days to travel of _______________ inches along the fallopian tube. The egg must join with a sperm within _____ hours in order for conception to take place. If no sperm are present the egg ____________________.

WHEN SPERM ENTERS THE FEMALE BODY Nearly ____ of the sperm will die almost immediately after entering the woman’s body. Sperm will remain viable (able to survive) only _____ hours. The sperm have one goal: ________________________________________. There are many barriers (things to overcome) for a sperm to reach the egg. Some of these are: 1. ________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________

SPERM ENTER THE FALLOPIAN TUBE The fallopian tube has ____ openings; one leads to the _______ and the other to ________. Of the 200 million sperm that enter, only about _____ ever reach the egg. Only ____ sperm will enter and fertilize the egg. Once inside the egg, the sperm undergoes a big change, it ____________________ The genetic material is released from the ____________________. Within ____ hours, the new cell begins to divide.


THE EMBRYO DEVELOPS INTO A FETUS Once it has begun to divide the fertilized egg is called a ____________________. As the zygote divides, it moves along the fallopian tube toward the ____________________. Number of Appearance of embryo/fetus weeks since fertilization has elongated (grown long) it is barely 1/10th of an inch long has arm buds, and is curled it has the beginning of eyes nose begins to take shape leg buds appear embryo is less than _____ inch long it floats inside the fluid filled amniotic sac its ____________________ is clearly visible embryo is ¾ of an inch long can move its _______, where there are clearly defined fingers its ____________ are visible eye lenses are formed fingers are clearly seen the ____________________ of the feet are clearly visible embryo is 2 ½ inches long it can bring its hands together and suck its thumb organs of senses are nearly formed turning inside the mother now a fetus that is 5 ½ inches long eyes are closed, but the fetus can see the ____________________ is the fetus’ link to its mother, the source of its life. All of its important features have been developed, but it will take another ____ weeks before it can survive outside its mother. The Caesarian Video 1. What 3 layers of tissue did the surgeons have to cut through to get to the uterus? 3

2. What structures did they have to pierce that made the fluid squirt out?

3. What was this fluid and what is its function?

4. Why did she need to have a C-section?

5. The umbilical cord connects the fetus to the ____________________.

6. What structures can you identify as they put the “structures” back into the woman’s body before they stitch the incision? Your opinion: What was the best part of the videos?

What was the worst part of the videos?

Describe one thing that you learned from the video that you did not know before.


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