Miracle 19

  • October 2019
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  • Pages: 4
Miracle 19 MATHEMATICS and 19 On the previous parts of the book, we have examined the mathematical miracles of the Quran. We witnessed to the mathematical miracles of the Quran which are easy to understand but impossible to emulate. The mathematical miracles of the Quran can be comprehended easily by everyone who knows how to count and is conversant with figures. You do not need to be a mathematician in order to comprehend these miracles. However, we believe that people with a stronger mathematical background would perceive the glory of these miracles better. The miraculous structure formed by the “system 19” in the Quran, is comprehensible but not amenable to emulations. In this part of the book, we will give more examples that will make the miracles easier to understand. As this book will appeal to different reader groups, we shall also deal with subjects requiring greater initiation. “Mathematics is the language in which God wrote the universe” is the famous saying of Galileo. The Quran’s mathematical miracles, confirm God’s using the language in which He wrote the Universe in His book also. What these miracles teach us is not about the British Royal Family, New York Stock Exchange or the matches of the champions league. It is about the Creator of the universe, the reason for the creation and the life hereafter since all these have been explained in the messages revealed in the Quran. And the miracle we are going to witness shows the impossibility of imitation of the Quran and of its composition beyond human capacity. As Hrovista of Gondersheim says “This discussion would be unprofitable if it did not lead us to appreciate the wisdom of our Creator, and the wondrous knowledge of the Author of the world, Who in the beginning created the world out of nothing and set everything in number, measure and weight, and then in time and age of man formulated a science which reveals fresh wonders the more we study it.” Every subject that is not related to our Creator is meaningless since our main concern in this world should be the reason of our creation and our situation in hereafter. The miracles of the Quran will help us to accomplish our main goals about the fundamental issues of our lives.

PROOFS AND DISBELIEVERS 7- We narrate to you the history of those communities; their messengers went to them with clear proofs, but they were not to believe in what they had rejected before. God thus seeks the hearts of the disbelievers. 7. The Purgatory, 101 God supported His messages He sent to humanity with corroborative evidences. But the psychology that rejected these messages approached these proofs with a ready to deny mind and looked at them with prejudiced ideas. The people approaching these proofs with bad intentions have tried to deny them, instead of trying to understand them. Every human being is in need of God’s messages. A person who denies God contradicts with himself. The first thing that disbelievers should do is to avoid denial and approach the proofs objectively. It is

not logical to give up the eternal life God promised, because of arrogance and stubbornness.

118- Those who posses no knowledge have said “Why does God not speak or show us a proof?” The same question has been asked by others before them, who were like them in their hearts. But to those who are firm in their fate, we have shown our proof. 2. The Cow, 118 God shows his signs He deems fit. It is in vain to expect God’s miracles to be displayed to suit disbelievers’ wishes, such as “God should be visible and Angels should come down from heavens”. God displays His evidences clearly to the people who are ready to receive them. Science has a respectable place in today’s world. Mathematics which is the origin of all sciences has the most respectable place and scientific realities depend on mathematical data. Even the most skeptic people yield to mathematical certainty. In the age we live in, God confirms that He wrote the Book He sent to humanity in the same language in which He wrote the universe. So the Book of God proves the correctness and reliability of its messagesin a miraculous style.

38- Do they say that: “He has fabricated it?” Say to them “Bring a sura like this, and call anyone apart from God you can. If what you say is true. 39- Indeed, they have rejected what they have no knowledge about and before explanation is attained by them. Thus did those before them disbelieve? Therefore note the consequences for the unjust. 10. Jonah, 38, 39 When the disbelievers are insistent in their denial, instead of trying to comprehend, what has been presented they reject it immediately without trying to meditate on the proofs of God. Their denial is not justified. Arrogance, stubbornness and contradiction motivate them. Quran states such people will not believe.

109- They solemnly swear by God, that if a proof came to them, they would certainly believe in it. Say “The proofs are with God.” For all you know, if a proof did come to them, they would continue to disbelieve. 110- We shall turn their hearts and their eyes for they did not believe them at the very first, we leave them in their transgression, blundering. 111- Even if we sent down the angels to them, even if the dead spoke to them, even if we gathered all things before their eyes, they will not believe unless God wills it. For most of them are ignorant. 6. The Cattle, 109-111

IS IT POSSIBLE TO SAY “WE ALREADY BELIEVE, NO NEED FOR PROOFS” Some people say: “We already believe in the Quran! Are proofs really necessary?” afer they have understood the mathematical and scientifical miracles in the Quran. We have nothing to say to the people who state that they believe in the Quran without seeing any

proofs, but if they say “Are proofs really necessary?” then we should answer them “Now, stop there!” Prophet Abraham who opposed his father and his community is praised in the Quran. But even Abraham, praised as a prophet in Quran had asked proofs from God. (See 2. The Cow, 260) We should ask to the people who say “Are proofs really necessary?” and who look down upon the proofs of God, “Is your faith got stronger than the faith of the Prophet Abraham?” The believers should be grateful for the proofs of God. If God displays a proof, then He must have a reason. Some may think that he does not need proofs but then should he not learn them in order to help the people like God’s religion. If the believers do not give the neccesarry importance to God’s miracles, who will? The same is true for the miracle of the number 19 which we will examine in this chapter. The number 19 is a proof that Quran has a miraculous structure and has not undergone any change. In addition in the Quran God draws attention to the number 19 to consolidate the faith of the believers. (74.The Hidden, 31) The people who deny reason cannot witness the miracle of mathematics, the origin of all sciences and the back bone of logic. The miracle in question challenges all imitation while laying the cornerstone of truth. These miracles will not be accessible to those who attach importance more than necessary to the spiritual and economic support of their friends, of their respective communities and family members who give overdue importance to dissension with their communities and disregards God’s evidences and opt for the comfort that the imitation gives rather than the discursive reason. These, who fear being declared reprobate by the community, saying “How am I to account for my recantation” cannot witness to God’s miracles.

WHY 19? When we talk about the miracle of 19 in the Quran and claim that the words, suras and verses in the Quran are related to the number 19 and its multiples, people ask us “Why 19?” If this number were 11 or 23, then they would ask “why 11?” or “why 23?” The number in question however is 19. In the Quran, the 30th verse of the sura “The Hidden” says that “Over it is 19.” The 31st verse of the same sura informs us about the functions of number 19. 19 is the only number in the Quran whose functions are commented upon. We will investigate the sura “The Hidden” in details in the following chapters. The special characteristic 19 is enough for an answer to the question “why 19?” There is a reason why God chose 19 and emphasized it in His Book. In addition to the fundamental reasons we will present in the following chapters, we can mention some other reasons for the question “why 19?” here. 19 is a prime number, that is to say, 19 can be divided only by itself and by 1 (it is also a preference of banks and intelligence services to use prime numbers to form a security code). If the code of the Quran was formed by a composite number then it would be debatable whether the code was formed by that composite or by its multiples. For example, the multipliers of 21 are 7 and 3. If the number 21 had formed the code of the Quran, then it would be questioned, which number formed the code of the Quran since every number that

is the multiple of 21 is the multiple of 7and 3. The figures 1 and 9 form the number 19. 1 is the smallest and 9 is the biggest of single digit counting numbers. Moreover, the written forms of 1 and 9 are very similar in many languages. For instance, spelling of numbers in Arabic is very similar to the widely-used spelling in the world. Like the properties we mentioned, 19 has many other interesting characteristics. For example, there are interesting researches on number 19 for the table of elements of chemistry. Yet this is not the subject of our book and we must conclude that further researches have to be done. We have witnessed to the existence of a mathematical system in the Quran – without the knowledge of the code 19 – in the previous chapters of MMLC. Whoever examines whether the Quran draws attention to a specific number or not, notices that the Quran indicates the number 19 in particular. Here we are going to witness that there are many codes in the Quran formed by this number and its multiples. These codes are the answer of the question “Why 19?”

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