Mins Poppyland Bd 240708

  • October 2019
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Minutes of Poppyland Partnership Board Meeting 24 July 2008 at Merchants’ Place, Cromer at 4.00 pm Present: Julie Chance (JC), Mary Haynes (MH), Victor Howard (VH), Catherine Plewman (CP), Paul Powell (PP), John Rampling (JR), Peter Stibbons (PS) PCSO Elaine Roberts, PCSO from Norfolk Constabulary also attended. 1.

Welcome and Apologies In the absence of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman, VH chaired the meeting. He welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies were received from Mark Danson-Hatcher (MDH), Tony Nash, Sue Riggott (SR), John Simpson (JS), Hayley Staniforth and Angie Tillett (AT)


Matters Arising from Previous Meeting JC asked that her apologies be recorded for the previous meeting. Apart from that there were no matters arising from the minutes.


Police Liaison ER gave a brief report on the way the Police were handling the three priorities set at the last meeting and requested that they be considered further. (1)

Anti-social Misuse of Vehicles including Speeding Patrols were continuing, particularly during the evenings and drivers were being warned. The Police were working alongside the District Council to put up signage about parking byelaws. It was agreed this priority should continue.


Damage to Visitor-Sensitive Areas particularly the Seafront There had been a few problems and several arrests made with regard to the damaged beach huts in Cromer. VH reported that the people responsible for the damage at East Runton playing field had met members of organisations affected by their actions which VH felt was an excellent way of dealing with the problem. It was agreed this priority should remain. JR commented that it was important to let the public know about these successes and it was agreed to put an article about this in the next newsletter.


Graffiti Several people had been arrested with regard to the graffiti. It is expected they will have a conditional caution and have to clean it themselves. The Police are working with the High School and holding a graffiti workshop in order to educate young people what is acceptable.

Speedwatch TN and MD-H had written to Wymondham about the form volunteers were asked to complete as they did not feel it was appropriate. David Rust had replied that the information was only requested and not required. The Police

had found that many people did not want to do speedwatch now. It was agreed it would be useful to know who was still interested as soon as possible as there had been concern at the long delay. ER was thanked and she left at this point. 4.

Treasurer’s Report There was no report as figures had been presented to the AGM and there had been no expense apart from normal administration costs. No decisions could be made on Community Chest grants owing to lack of a quorum.


Update on Local Area Partnership Association (LAPA) Development PP and TN had attended the LAPA meeting, notes from which were included in papers circulated. Each Partnership had given an update on its work. The Chairman and Co-ordinator of the Partnerships attended these meetings. The next meeting is on 24 September at Holt Community Centre. Each Partnership has since been asked to complete a form giving details of its work in order to get an overview of their objectives. There will also be the opportunity to collaborate with other Partnerships on projects. CP said she would circulate this form with the minutes. Additional funding for the Community Chest had been discussed with Bonnie Robinson from NNCP. It was agreed it was important to continue to make small grants to local organisations therefore it is necessary to find additional funding. CP commented that there is still some money left but it is not easy to get grants for this type of fund. It may be possible for LAPA to apply for funding and then divide the money between the Partnerships.


Update and Discussion on Unitary Local Government Boundary Commission The Boundary Committee had proposed one unitary authority for the whole of Norfolk and Lowestoft. There was considerable concern about this proposal. It was expected that local area partnerships would play a major role but there was concern as members were not elected like parish councillors. JR presumed the Committee had arrived at this proposal because the whole of Norfolk is predominantly concerned with agriculture and tourism. There are no enormous areas of business activity and its requirements are not diverse. PS felt there would need to be regional offices. There was concern that the current three tier system would be replaced by another three tier system, replacing the District Council with local area partnerships run by volunteers, thus saving money. There are various meetings about the proposal which members were encouraged to attend. A response must be sent to the Boundary Committee by 26 September. The meetings are as follows: 30 July – County Hall 4 August – South Norfolk 5 August – Jubilee Rooms, North Walsham 7 August – North Norfolk District Council offices, Cromer.

JC and JR will be attending several of these and will keep the Board updated on any more that are arranged. CP asked them to report back to the next meeting on 4 September. JC felt that all parish councils should be Quality Councils so they were ready to take on extra powers. At the moment very few clerks were trained to this standard. She then went on to explain a little more about this. It was agreed that most of the next meeting should be devoted to discussion about local government reorganisation. 7.

October Open Meeting: Coastal and Environmental Support CP would like to have a panel to discuss different aspects of the coast: coast protection, tourism, the implications of the lobster hatchery etc. The Broads could also be discussed. CP would like Norman Lamb to attend, if possible, but he was not available on the proposed date for the meeting. She therefore suggested changing the meeting to either 17 October or 24 October and that members of the public be invited. She suggested holding it in the Community Centre (ex WI Hall). It was agreed that the date be changed.


Action Management Group: Activity Reports Speedwatch This had been discussed earlier. Action Plan: Analysis, Themes and Project Planning This had been covered at the AGM, notes from which were included in the documents circulated. Active Travel It had been decided to do ‘travel mapping’ instead which would be more useful. Minibus This being well used. Old Belfry Art Centre CP was working with the Trustees and Overstrand Parish Council to help create artists’ studios and exhibition space at the Old Belfry School. CP had offered to help write an application for funding for the project. Youth Provision PP had attended a meeting, together with JC, about proposed youth activities to be held in the ex WI Hall. JC reported there had been a very successful dance session that day. It was intended to have afternoon sessions on Mondays and Fridays where young people could play pool, table tennis and use laptops. It is hoped to do this more often if there are sufficient volunteers. (JC left the meeting at this point.) Church Trail CP and PP had had a meeting with the Rural Dean, a retired minister from East Runton and Ken Macnish from Cromer about a proposed church trail leaflet. As the boundary of the deanery was larger than Poppyland, the

project would be a joint one with North Walsham and Sheringham. The leaflet would include a map showing the various churches, most of which are open. The probable cost would be £1,000 and it was aimed to launch the leaflet in February. Michael Langan will be doing the research. There could be a webpage on the Poppyland site for these churches. IT Rural Mobile Training Project This had gone very well. There had been 240 sessions in two pilot sites, Overstrand and East Runton. There had also been a couple of sessions at Ashdown Court in Cromer which had been well attended. Evaluation forms had been sent to all attendees. It is important to have an internet connection in future at all sites. A lot has been learned from these pilots. Newsletter – suggestions for Autumn issue It was agreed that ideally it would be good to get the newsletter out to all Poppyland residents but there had been major difficulties distributing the previous issue. JR suggested that future newsletters be placed in various places, eg shops, churches, the hospital, schools, doctors’ surgeries, in order that people could pick them up if they wanted. Parish Councils could be asked for advice as to which centres would be best in their area. People should be encouraged to visit the website. It was agreed that this course of action should be followed for the next newsletter. 9.

Co-ordinators Report As CP had been on leave, there was no report.


Any Other Business There was none.

The meeting closed at 6.05 pm.



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