Ministry And Manifestation Gifts

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 528
  • Pages: 8
Spiritual Gifts Study Romans 12:6-8, 1Corinthians 12:6-8, 12:28, Ephesians 4:11

Spiritual Gifts Study

Fruit of the Spirit But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance Galatians 5:22-23 What is the difference between the Fruit of the Spirit and Spiritual Gifts? Fruit of the Spirit is not given to individuals but should be the character of the Christian life. Spiritual Gifts are usually individual.

Spiritual Gifts Study

Spiritual Gifts Two Categories Ministry Gifts “those gifts which ministry to the family of God”

Manifestation Gifts “those gifts which manifest the presence and power of God”

Spiritual Gifts Study

Ministry Gifts Romans 12:6-8, 1 Corinthians 12:28, Ephesians 4:11

a) Leadership or equipping gifts apostle, prophet, evangelist, and pastorteacher, administration (governments) b) Body ministry gifts also called motivation gifts exhorter, teacher, helps (service), benevolence (mercy), giving and hospitality, etc. (although all could be included in these seven)

Spiritual Gifts Study

Importance of ministry Gifts 1. Used to equip the body of Christ. Teaching, training. 2. Used to bring order to the body of Christ 3. Recognized gifts.

Characteristics of Ministry Gifts 1) Ministry gifts are permanent 2) Ministry gifts usually are related to natural gifts 3) Ministry gifts determine the position of an individual in the body of Christ 4) Ministry gifts have to do with persons 5) Each believer must identify and develop his own ministry gifts

Spiritual Gifts Study

Manifestation Gifts

1 Cor. 12:6-8, 28 (mixed)

These are broken down into three categories Gifts of Revelation “gifts that reveal” word of wisdom, word of knowledge, discerning or distinguishing of spirits. Gifts of Demonstration “gifts that display God’s power” faith, working of miracles and gifts of healing Gifts of Communication “gifts that God uses to communicate to his people” prophecy, speaking in tongues and interpretation of tongues also known as "surprises of the spirit"

Spiritual Gifts Study

Characteristics of Manifestations Gifts 1) Manifestation Gifts are temporary 2) Manifestation gifts have no relation to natural gifts 3) There is little relationship between a person's position in the body of Christ and the manifestation gifts. 4) In the manifestation gifts, it is the gift that is emphasized and not the person. 5) The body of Christ is to receive and rejoice in these "surprises of the spirit". Importance of Manifestation Gifts 1. Used to edify the body of Christ. 2. Totally controlled by the Holy Spirit yet must be yielded to by the person.

Spiritual Gifts How do ministry Study

gifts relate to manifestation gifts? 1. Spiritual manifestations aid the five leadership ministries in accomplishing their tasks. It is not a matter of God assigning to certain offices as him allowing people to work in certain areas. 2. Leaders as a part of their roles in equipping saints, are to teach others how the gifts of the Holy Spirit function. So that every believer can become a responsible worker in the vineyard of God. 3. Leaders and all of God’s people receive graces of the Spirit, we also call these motivational gifts Romans 12:6-8. 4. Most importantly is that we each understand that all members of the one church are equally important even if our

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