Milwaukee Initiative Document

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  • Words: 1,428
  • Pages: 5


Request for

Board of Regents Action

December 2009


Institution: The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee


Request: Requests (1) to enumerate and approve the Expenditure Plan for the $240,000,000 UW-Milwaukee Initiative Phase 1 ($123,400,000 General Fund Supported Borrowing, $55,600,000 Existing Program Revenue Supported Borrowing, $1,000,000 Building Trust Funds, $60,000,000 Gifts/Grants). (2) approval to release the $240,000,000 over the next three biennia (2009-15) as indicated in the table below. (3) approval to allow for the redistribution of funding source allocations, given they remain consistent with the table below, between specific projects as more detailed scope and budget parameters are defined. Biennium 2009-11 2011-13 2013-15 Totals


GFSB $43.4 . $50.0 $30.0

PRSB $27.8 $27.8




Gift/Grant $10.0 $20.0 $30.0

BTF $.5 $.5




-_.. _.. _­

Total $81.7 $98.3 $60.0 $240.0

Project Descriptions: Replace Neeskay Research Vessel: The existing Neeskay Re~earch Vessel is a 57-year old converted Army T -boat that was never originally designed for research. This project will design, build, and equip a new 120-foot research vessel that will fulfill increasing demands for larger scientific crews, extended operations, dynamic positioning, contemporary laboratory environments, state-of-the-art handling capabilities, and large buoy and mooring service abilities. School of Freshwater Sciences Research Building Phase I: This project will construct the initial phase of an Integrated Marine, Freshwater and Atmospheric Research Laboratory addition to the existing Great Lakes Research Facility (GLRF). It will provide state-of-the-art laboratories for interdisciplinary research that will focus on climate systems and forecasting, ecosystem management, environmental health and integrated marine technologies. Shared research support core facilities will be created for computation and visualization, genomics, biosecurity (BSL2-3), and trace analysis. The addition will also house research collaboration areas such as conference/meeting rooms, visiting scientist support, and outreach spaces.


Kenwood Integrated Research Complex (lRC) Phase I: This project will construct the first phase of a multiple phase initiative to add new integrated research/teaching space to the southwest precinct of the Kenwood campus. This initiative is intended to advance STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) education, research and outreach with spaces that promote collaboration and provide core resources. To accomplish these goals, Phase I will seek to balance the space needs of four components: departmental needs, core facilities, collaborative space and teaching/instructional spaces. A rigorous prioritization process will identify the conceptual framework of how these space needs will be satisfied in a multi-phased approach. The top priority STEM department for Phase I will be Physics, with the project identifying a strategic approach to address their current and future needs. Representing the common needs of all campus STEM functions, some shared core facilities will be considered for placement in the bUilding. Potential collaborative spaces will consist of conference/meeting rooms, shared office/lab spaces, and interaction spaces. Finally, the building will consider the inclusion of appropriate teaching/instruction spaces. The existing Kunkle Children's Center is also located in the southwest precinct of the Kenwood campus. The Kenwood IRC Phase I will be configured such that relocation of the Kunkle Children's Center will not be required at this time. Milwaukee County Grounds:. This project will acquire the property and complete infrastructure improvements on an approximately 80-acre parcel (including buffer zone and Wisconsin DOT right-of-way) in the northeast quadrant of the Milwaukee County Grounds in Wauwatosa. Infrastructure improvements will include roads, water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, natural gas, electric, telecommunications and rough grading work. The acquisition and infrastructure improvements will be the first step in the proposed development of an Innovation Park that will locate UW-Milwaukee research clusters near key partners to advance the University'S research mission. Key partners in this area include the Medical College of Wisconsin, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, GE Medical, Milwaukee County Research Park, and Blood Center. Initial plimning has commenced on the Phase I interdisciplinary research complex to be located at this site. The building will support key research themes in Engineering, Health Sciences and the Basic Sciences. Laboratory and research core facilities will support bioengineering, energy, transportation, industrial innovation, imaging, informatics, rehabilitation science and technologies and biomedical clinical sciences. In addition to research space, the building will house conference/meeting spaces, instructional spaces and collaborative spaces. Public, Community and Clinical Health Phase I: Through adaptive reuse, this project will renovate existing space at the Brewery site in downtown Milwaukee to meet the initial programmatic needs in Public, Community and Clinical Health. This downtown location provides the opportunity for the university to: be an active participant in urban regeneration; collaborate with surrounding government agencies, institutions and businesses; and, improve access to and outreach with underserved populations.


The project is focused on the initial space needs for the School of Public Health and its research themes of: community and behavioral health promotion; environmental and occupational health; policy, administration and health services research; epidemiology and biostatistics; and, informatics. The project is also examining the possibility of locating the Helen Bader School of Social Welfare at the site, as there are significant synergies with both the downtown location and the School of Public Health. Space may also be provided for numerous other centers, institutes and external partners related to the School of Public Health and Helen Bader School of Social Welfare such as the: Center on Addiction and Behavioral Health Research, Center on Age and Community, Center for Urban Initiatives and Research, Center for Urban Population Health, Milwaukee Child Welfare Partnership for Pro{essional Development, Center for Ergonomics, Helen Bader Institute for Non-Profit Management, Institute for Urban Health Partnerships, and Milwaukee Health Department. Research spaces in this location will focus mainly on dry labs such as computationaVsimulation labs, interview/observation rooms, survey centers, etc. These will be supported by office spaces, conference/meeting rooms, instructional spaces and collaboration spaces. Columbia-St. Mary's: Columbia-St. Mary's Hospital (CSM) is building a new replacement facility and will vacate its facilities adjacent to the UW-Milwaukee campus in 2011. This project will acquire and renovate the former Columbia Hospital, adding seven major buildings and 10.9 contiguous acres to the UW-Milwaukee Kenwood campus. The CSM campus has facilities built between 1919 and 1993, totaling 828,000 gross square feet. In addition, there are 174 surface parking spaces and a five-story parking structure with 788 spaces. This project represents a major opportunity to address a wide range of campus space deficiencies.



Expenditure Plan:

Proiect Replace Neeskay Research Vessel School of Freshwater Sciences Research Building Phase I Kenwood Integrated Research Complex Phase I Milwaukee County


Public, Community and Clinical Health Phase I

Total Cost

G.F.S.B. -



P.R.S.B. - .

.. .




Gifts/Grant - -





10.0 !












38.4 •




Columbia-St. Mary's

10.0 55.6 Change Order to MasterPlan (previously approved) 0.5 Total 260.0* 123.4 55.6 80.0* * UW-Milwaukee proposes a $20.0 million increase in Gifts/Grants



0.5 1.0

In addition to the projects listed in this expenditure plan, the Campus Master Plan has identified additional high priority major projects critical to the support of the campus mission of access and research. The campus anticipates adding these projects in future capital budgets. These projects include, but are not limited to, the following: - Milwaukee County Grounds Interdisciplinary Research Complex Phase I - Public, Community and Clinical Health Phase II - School of Freshwater Sciences Research Building Phase II - Kenwood Integrated Research Complex Phase II - UWM UnionlTransit HublBookstore - Columbia-St. Mary's - Kenwood Library/Teaching/Learning Spaces - Kenwood Student Services Spaces - Athletic Fields



Previous Action: December 2008:

Board of Regents approved modification of the UW System 2009-11 Capital Budget

recommendation previously submitted to the Department of Administration in

September 2008 with three projects including:

UW-Milwaukee Master Plan Initiative

$240,000,000 ($123,400,000 General Fund Supported Borrowing, $55,600,000

Existing Program Revenue Supported Borrowing, $1,000,000 Building Trust Funds,

and $60,000,000 Gift Funds).

Ultimately, in 2009 Assembly Bill 75, 2009 Wisconsin Act 28, the UW-Milwaukee

Master Plan Initiative was enumerated at $240,000,000 ($123,400,000 General Fund

Supported Borrowing,.$55,600,000 Existing Program Revenue Supported Borrowing,

$1,000,000 Building Trust Funds, and $60,000,000 Gifts/Grants Funds).

Section 9106 Nonstatutory provisions; Building Commission.

(13) MILWAUKEE INITIATIVE. Notwithstanding section 18.04 (1) and (2) of the statutes, no public debt authorized for the Milwaukee initiative in section 20.866 (2) (s) 1., as created by this act, may be contracted until the board of regents of the University of Wisconsin System has approved an expenditure plan for the Milwaukee initiative that includes the identification of specific projects and sources of funding and the identified projects are enumerated pursuant to section 20.924 (1) (b) of the statues.

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