Milorad Cubrilo Dtl Assessment

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102086 Designing Teaching & Learning

Assignment 2 Lesson Plan Analysis

Contents QT Analysis ........................................................................................................ 2 Modified Lesson Plan ........................................................................................ 4 Academic Justification ..................................................................................... 10 References ...................................................................................................... 12 Learning Portfolio Website.............................................................................. 13


102086 Designing Teaching & Learning Assignment 2: QT Analysis Template

Evaluate the lesson plan according to the following NSW Quality Teaching model elements. Evaluation score – refer to NSW QTM Classroom Practice Guide for each element Comments incl. evidence for evaluation score (2 sentences)

1 Intellectual quality 1.1 Deep knowledge 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 Comments: Key concepts and ideas are identified at the start of the lesson, but were not reinforced throughout the entirety of the lesson. 1.2 Deep understanding 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 Comments: Students apply communication skills and knowledge learned from the lesson in real life contexts. The tasks somewhat get students to demonstrate their deep understanding of learning. 1.3 Problematic knowledge 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 Comments: Most of the knowledge in the lesson is socially constructed with input coming from students who have differing perspectives. 1.4 Higher-order thinking 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 Comments: The lesson did not involve tasks that required students to apply knowledge, synthesize or evaluate information. Some higher order thinking evident in the discussions. 1.5 Metalanguage 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 Comments: Metalanguage was relatively absent in this lesson, with little to no introduction of new vocabulary terms as well as continual use of simple language. 1.6 Substantive communication 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 Comments: Verbal communication is sustained and present through most of the lesson. Students were engaged in conversations about concepts and ideas relating to the lesson. Quality learning environment 2.1 Explicit quality criteria 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 Comments: This lesson makes little attempt to address the quality of the work students have taken part in. There is also no evidence to suggest students are using criteria to judge the quality of their work. 2.2 Engagement 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 Comments: Engagement in this lesson is great through communication and interaction between students during activities with links to the syllabus content. 2.3 High expectations 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 Comments: Some objectives are made reference to at the start of the lesson however reinforcement of expectations is not apparent throughout the entire lesson. As a result, students participate in work that is not challenging. 2.4 Social support 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 Comments: Communication and social learning are at the forefront of this lesson. All student contributions are valued with support and respect between teachers and peers. 2.5 Students’ self-regulation 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 Comments: Autonomy is evident through participating in the creation of rules and standards relating to student behaviour. 2.6 Student direction 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 Comments: There is a moderate amount of student direction in this lesson. The teacher sets up what activities are going to be run with the students having some control in the


lesson through setting some of the rules of the classroom and choice of who they interact with. 3 Significance 3.1 Background knowledge 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 Comments: Background knowledge is mentioned in the introduction and students use some of their out of school knowledge to build relationships with others. 3.2 Cultural knowledge 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 Comments: Students have opportunities to discuss their culture or diverse backgrounds. It is not mentioned by the teacher directly or in the lesson plan itself. 3.3 Knowledge integration 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 Comments: Knowledge is mostly limited to this specific lesson, with few connections between other topic or subject areas. 3.4 Inclusivity 1–2–3–4–5

Comments: The lesson is highly inclusive as it involves all students. Students introduce themselves to others, communicate and participate in discussions.

3.5 Connectedness 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 Comments: This lesson is highly relevant in terms of applying class knowledge to contexts outside of school through developing communication and interpersonal skills. 3.6 Narrative 1–2–3–4–5

Comments: Some aspects of narrative are targeted through communicating some personal stories and factors students may have in common.

Identifying Areas for Improvement Identify the four NSW QT model elements you are targeting for improvement. QT model 1) Higher order thinking 3) Explicit quality criteria


2) High expectations 4) Knowledge integration

Modified Lesson Plan Topic area: “Connecting with others” – (Getting to Know You) Date: XX/YY/ZZ Time: 60 minutes

Outcomes Syllabus outcomes (Board of studies, 2003a) Outcome 4.1 – A student describes and analyses the influences on a sense of self. Outcome 4.2 – A student identifies and selects strategies that enhance their ability to cope and feel supported. Outcome 4.11 – selects and uses communication skills and strategies clearly and coherently in a range of new and challenging situations Life Skills LS.1 – A student recognises the personal characteristics and needs that make them similar to others yet unique. LS.5 – A student uses appropriate behaviours in social situations. LS.7 – A student uses appropriate strategies to initiate and manage relationships.


Stage of Learner: 4, Year 7

Syllabus Pages:

Location Booked: Classroom Total Number of students: 30

Lesson Number: 1/3 Printing/preparation: Bingo cards Smartboard/projector Definitions resource Butchers paper

Assessment Lesson assessment Prior knowledge/skills Teacher to observe student abilities/interactions during the lesson. Pre-quiz via kahoot as a fun and interactive way to assess student background knowledge.

Informal assessment - Ongoing observation of student input towards activities. Questioning students to encourage student engagement and participation

Summative assessment Assessment task “My Influences” due at the end of the term.

Students learn about

Students learn to

4.1 – a sense of self – being the same as and different from others. defining a sense of self

4.1 – explore the influence of who I am, who I relate to and what I can do on a sense of self

4.2 – Interpersonal communication - the qualities of effective communication LS.1 - how people are similar to each other - the needs people have in common - how people are different from each other - what makes people unique LS.5 – behaviour that is appropriate in a range of situations LS.7 – initiating relationships

LS.1 – recognise similar characteristics of students within the class group, e.g. feelings, interests and abilities recognise some of the needs of students within them class group, eg love, sense of belonging, friendship, shelter, assistance, medication, physical aids recognise some differences between students within the class group, eg hair, eye, skin colour, gender, culture, personality, interests and abilities LS.5 – demonstrate behaviours that are socially appropriate in a range of situations - use good manners, eg when eating, asking for assistance LS.7 – demonstrate the skills to initiate relationships

Time 5

Teaching and learning actions Introduction As this is the first HPE lesson for the students the teacher is entering the class with three initial objectives: 1. To introduce them-self to the students and address what we hope to achieve over the coming year. This will involve a demonstration of the scope and sequence for year 7 (see appendix A) which includes the layout of each unit and assessment task students will complete for each term. 2. To identify the background knowledge and understandings which students have previously attained. This second objective is specific to each unit of work as new skills are introduced and developed; hence in this unit background knowledge circulates around student relationships and helping build connections between new peers. A kahoot prequiz will be conducted to assess this prior knowledge in an enjoyable and engaging way. 3. Every class/classroom activity needs to ensure all students are given equal opportunity to be included, for students to feel safe, and to have an element of fun within the lesson. This can be achieved through various pedagogical approaches which address a variety of students learning needs. Examples are group work, audio-visual learning, comprehension and integration of ICT learning mediums (as seen in appendix B). After explaining (in summary) these three points to students, the teacher will then state that: “While this unit will be enjoyable, there will be some topics that we cover that may make you uncomfortable, embarrassed, or may spark a question that you don’t wish to share with the class.” “Because this can happen, we have created a “Question Box” which can be used by placing an anonymous (or named) question, suggestion or any other kind of feedback on a piece of paper. This is to help ensure that you feel like this is a safe environment where all of your question’s – no matter how long or short, simple or difficult they are - can be heard as long as they are appropriate to the conversation. Alternatively, you may stick your hand up if you have a question at any point during the class. The question box will be located next to the door and is available every lesson in our classroom or between class times too at the HPE staff room. It is also worth noting that the door is our primary fire exit in the event of an emergency so cannot be blocked at any time. Remember, chances are if you are thinking of asking the question, then someone else is too.” Ask if there are “Any questions?” at this stage. Discuss with students the structure and layout of this lesson along with what is expected of them in each activity. Remember to include the purpose of each activity and how it relates back to learning outcomes set out by the syllabus. Each student is expected to take part in all of the activities, with them being able to fill in an exit ticket demonstrating one thing they have learned in the lesson



Introduction activities (Explore) Go through the definition of what a sense of self means for students. Introduce students to some common terms associated with relationships through the definitions resource. Terms such as building rapport, what an icebreaker is, peers, interpersonal skills and friendship will be discussed. Ice breakers: 2 truths, 1 lie Reinforce the objective and purpose of the activity so students are familiar with what is required of them. -

Students begin by pulling out a spare piece of paper and a pen. They are to write down three facts about themselves – however two must be true and one must be a lie. The teacher should provide an example about themselves which students are to guess:

e.g. I teach HPE at this school (truth) I enjoy participating in sport (truth) I have competed at the Olympics (lie) - Students are to write their three “facts” down and partner up with another student nearby. - Students take turns to read out their three “facts” and guess which of the three their lie is. They may also stand up, move around, and repeat this process with other students too. 25

Do You Know Bingo Make reference to how this relates back to the similarities/differences outcome in the syllabus. This game has been adapted from the idea “human bingo” as described in McDonald (2010). -




Students receive a bingo card (see resource 1 below) with a 4x4 grid of information which students could have in common with each other. Some of these boxes will be empty to encourage students to put in some cultural or background related information in about themselves such as where they are from, their religion, favourite food etc. The aim of the game is to walk around and meet other students, asking them if they share one of the same boxes in common (as found on the bingo card). (Remind students to tuck in their chair’s) If students have the same thing in common as listed on the card, then they place eachothers names down for ONE of those categories only and continue to search for other students with things in common. This game has two challenges – first is to list up to four names in a row (up, down or

diagonal) then second is to finish the sheet with a different students name in each box.


World map activity Students arrange themselves into the shape of their world map depending on what country they are from. Once students have arranged themselves, have them go around finding a partner that is not near them but rather from another side of the globe. “You will get a few minutes to find out a bit more about your partners before introducing them to the class.” Students are then given a few minutes to have a brief chat about each-other. -


The students name. Their previous primary school. What country they come from One place in the world they would like to visit One thing from either the “bingo card” they have in common (or at least one fact if nothing in common).

Brainstorm activity Students can choose whether to brainstorm on their devices or on butcher’s paper. Open the criteria for the task on the smartboard/projector. Small brainstorming/discussion activity in groups where students describe what impacts on a sense of self and how you have become who you are with reference to some similarities/differences between some of your peers that you have met today. Relate back to the syllabus (setting expectations) through who I am, where I come from, who I relate to, what I can do, what I believe and value. Some factors which can influence self of self: friends, family, media, body image, gender, interests, peers, culture etc. Discuss some of the ideas put down by students. Get students to provide reasoning behind their answers with some implications. Give answers and feedback to student responses relating back to the quality of their work. 7


Set the tone: After having met their classmates and completing introductions, the teacher is to direct student’s attention towards the board. The teacher is to write up on the board “Classroom Rules and standards” and direct students towards this statement. Teacher states: “Okay, so I hope you’ve all enjoyed todays class. We will now be going through a set of rules and standards that can be used for our class for the year. If you have a point, then please share it and I’ll scribe it up on the board. Alternatively, there is also the “Question Box” available if you would like to drop an anonymous piece of feedback or suggestion also.” Accordingly, students are given a chance to set the rules for the class. Students are encouraged to take notes related to this. Teacher to facilitate discussion and ensure fair and equal input occurs. An important part of this process is allowing the students the freedom to assist with setting the rules as it encourages positive social interactions to occur (Board of Studies, 2003b). As this is the case, the teacher will have a prepared list of rules for reference (see resource 2 below), though will avoid referring to them to allow this task to be student directed. Get students to set some expectations of how they should behave and the consequences of poor behaviour. After this process, the teacher states: “Thank you very much for your input. I will ensure these rules are checked over and available for the next lesson, along with any additional rules or standards we may have missed. Before the next lesson I would like you to think through what we discussed and any notes you’ve taken about the rules and standards for next weeks’ discussion. Don’t forget to bring a workbook (exercise book) if you haven’t already.”


Remember my name and exit ticket Students stand up, spread out around the room and pass the ball to each other. At the start, when students catch the ball they state their name. As students become more familiar with the game and each-others names, the rules can be changed so that students are calling the name of the person they are passing to. Students complete an exit ticket listing one concept they learnt in the lesson to identify student progress. See if students were able to relate back to a sense of self, interpersonal skills or building relationships


How am I measuring the outcomes of this lesson? Learning Outcome Identifying characteristics of self and others

Method of measurement and recording Within each activity of this lesson the teacher is able to observe student interactions. This can be useful for revealing prior knowledge as it is anticipated that some students may already know each-other while others may not. The final activity “Remember My Name” provides a pre-emptory view of student’s basic sporting ability which can be translated to the practical aspects of HPE. Student responses in the pre-quiz resource assessing prior knowledge and how to build upon it.

Relating to others

The group activities throughout this lesson are able to reveal: a. how students interact one-to-one with their peers and b. how students respond to the teacher during class discussion. Observations about attitudes, values and ability of students to relate to others can be made during both formal and teacher and student directed discussion/activity times. Gathering student responses in regards to one concept they have learned in the lesson relating to the syllabus through exit slips

Communication skills As this will be the first time the teacher and students meet in a classroom setting, communication is vital to this lesson. The majority of activities in this lesson are student centred which grants more room for teacher observation.


Academic Justification Based on the PDHPE lesson plan provided, there were four elements of the NSW Quality Teaching Model (QTM) which were identified as areas for improvement. The four areas which were include: higher order thinking, explicit quality criteria, high expectations and knowledge integration. In the original lesson plan, few higher-order thinking tasks were incorporated for students. Students were engaged in icebreaker activities which required them to recall information or describe in simple terms basic concepts in order to produce information. This was addressed in the amended lesson plan by incorporating brainstorming and class discussions. These activities were designed to develop student’s ability by applying previously learned knowledge into implications of factors which affect a sense of self and students also created mind map resources to present to the class. By providing learning environments which move students from passive to active learners whereby they are able to construct knowledge for themselves, this application of knowledge can translate into improved critical thinking ability (Bonwell & Eison, 1991). Teachers should provide many opportunities for students to engage in the upper levels of Bloom’s taxonomy where higher order thinking takes place (Collins, 2014). A teaching format that moves away from a traditional lecture or rote learning environment to one which fosters critical thinking abilities is more likely to be engaging and enjoyable for students as well as teachers (Duron, Limbach & Waugh, 2006). By trusting students to take charge of their own learning through the improvements to the lesson plan, it has the potential to improve critical thinking skills which can be translated across subjects and ultimately into the workforce. With regards to the lesson, it was initially designed in a way that students had little to no information being given to them by the teacher about the quality of work they were producing. One way explicit quality criteria was incorporated into the lesson was by incorporating a criterion for the brainstorming/discussion task to make students examine the quality of their work and how well they were meeting these expectations. By making clear the expectations of the quality required for students, it assists them in developing good work as well as providing students with a means to reach an acceptable level of what is required of them in the activities (Gore, 2007). By providing feedback to students in relation to the syllabus outcomes and criteria, it can be used as a way to further support student learning. The lesson as a whole only made references to the objectives and high expectations at the start of the lesson with little reinforcement or mention throughout the activities. This leads to students failing to participate in work that lacks sufficient challenge and as a result learners apply minimal effort to the activities in the lesson. Teachers who are effective strive to 10

engage and motivate their students through setting up expectations and what is expected of them rather than labelling students as not being able to complete the task (Department of Education & Training, n.d.). As a result, the modified lesson plan set a purpose for each activity as well as what was expected for each student that related back to the syllabus and learning outcomes. The implications of this is that it values the contribution of all students as each one has unique experiences to engage with the class in regards to the context of a sense of self within the lesson. The performance of students can rise or fall depending upon the expectations that are placed upon them (Oakes, Gamoran & Page, 1992). It is important for teachers to support students through scaffolding if help is requested to overcome challenging tasks if initial expectations are set high. This lesson had low levels of knowledge integration as there was little to no connection between different topics or subject areas. To address this issue, multiple modifications were made to the lesson in order to achieve it. By incorporating a world map activity, students were able to link some of their knowledge from the geography subject area into an engaging icebreaker activity. Additionally, students also completed a kahoot quiz with students also having the choice of completing a mind-map on their devices which integrates Information and Communication Technology (ICT) into the lesson. Knowledge integration between subjects is not always straightforward or easy to implement due to the fragmented nature of having multiple teachers across a variety of subject areas. The ability to make these connections between subject or topic areas can be achieved through planning and sharing of resources between subject departments in schools. An integrated curriculum helps students apply skills, encourages more in depth learning, leads to a faster retrieval of information and ultimately makes the learning more relevant as well as applicable for learners (Lipson, 1993).


References Bonwell, C. C., & Eison, J. A. (1991). Active Learning: Creating Excitement in the Classroom. ERIC Digest. Collins, R. (2014). Skills for the 21st Century: teaching higher-order thinking. Curriculum & Leadership Journal, 12(14). Department of Education & Training. (n.d.). Effective Teaching. Retrieved from g.pdf/5dcc8207-6057-3361-ade8-cf85e5a2c1ab Duron, R., Limbach, B., & Waugh, W. (2006). Critical thinking framework for any discipline. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 17(2), 160-166. Gore, J. (2007). Improving pedagogy: Challenges of moving teachers toward higher levels of Quality Teaching. Lipson, M. Y., Valencia, S. W., Wixson, K. K., & Peters, C. W. (1993). Integration and thematic teaching: Integration to improve teaching and learning. Language Arts, 70(4), 252-263. NSW Education Standards Authority. (n.d.). Effective feedback. Retrieved from Oakes, J., Gamoran, A., & Page, R. N. (1992). Curriculum differentiation: Opportunities, outcomes, and meanings. Handbook of research on curriculum, 570-608.


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