Milling Lab

  • April 2020
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Milling Lab Moisture of Wheat: _20_% at harvest: _10.5-11__% in storage: __14.5__% for milling What is the difference between a break roller and a reductcionroller? A break roller leaves the particles bigger. The reduction roller reduces the size of the particles. Cake flour will come from the break rollers and will be small in size (_20-70_um) and low in protein. Less damage to the starch granule in _break_ flour makes it good for thickening soup. This is because is a low protein flour. Reduction flour may be larger (up to 140_um) and have higher protein. Bleaching with benzol peroxide or bleach is used to accelerate natural bleaching, or improve functionality of cake making. Whole-wheat flour will have a short shelf life due to the relatively high content of embryo fat making it susceptible to spoilage.

What were the differences in the yields of the two soft wheat flours at different stages of milling? The flour yields were 0.765 percent for the 5024 and 0.773 for the 2017. The break flour yields were 0.28 for5024 and 0.293 for 2017. The yield werealmost the same for both probably because they are both soft winter white wheat. The reasons there is lost yield is lost moisture, some left in machine, and some comes out as dust.

Testing Lab The farinograph is used to test the flour strength and determine the amount of water that needs to be added to the dough.

The 5024 wheat cookie was 20.93 cm in dia. and the 2017 wheat cookie was 18.395 cm.

Were there color differences between the cookies? I think the thinner one would be darker.

Was there a difference in tenderness between the cookies? I think that the smaller cookie would be more tender because it is less spread out.

Was there a difference in crispness? I think that the thinner cookie would me crispier because it would be more done.

The loaf volume of the hard wheat sample was 646.67 cc and the soft wheat volume was 563.34cc. The hard wheat is a better wheat for making bread because it is higher in protein and can establish a bigger better bread loaf.

Were there any differences in the appearance of the bread loaves? The difference in appearance was that the hard wheat bread was more symmetrical than the soft wheat bread. This is because hard wheat is better for making bread because it is higher in protein.

Discussion: The difference between break flour and all-purpose flour is that break flour is made up of only the break that you get when is milled. Al-purpose flour is made up of the break and the reduction flour that you milled.

Soft wheat is a lower protein flour and is best used for the making things such as cookies. Low protein wheat means about 7 percent protein. Hard wheat is higher protein wheat and is best used for the making of things such as breads and bagels. High protein wheat means about 17 percent protein.

Winter wheat is the wheat planted in the fall about mid September. It grows through winter and is harvested in July. Spring wheat is planted in May and is harvested in July or

August. Michigan grows winter wheat. Places like Minnesota grow spring wheat because their weather would not allow winter wheat to grow.

The purpose of milling is to separate bran from the endo-sperm.

FSC 325 - Wheat Milling Results

DATE: Description of Wheat

Wheat No. 1: 5024 1 Kg MI soft, white, winter wheat

Wheat No. 2: 2017 1 Kg MI soft, white, winter wheat

10.5 % moisture

11.09 % moisture

40 mL water added to temper to

39.9 mL water added to temper to

14.5 % moisture

14.5 % moisture

Weight (g) 172.6 59.5

Weight (g) 167.9 55.4

1st Break 2nd Break 3rd Break

154.4 107.0 18.3

163.2 112.5 14.5

1st Reduction 2nd Reduction 3rd Reduction

391.3 77.4 10.5

411.2 53.4 9.3

Flour Yield Break Flour Yield

0.765 0.28

0.773 0.293

Fraction Bran Shorts

Cookie Width Measurement(cm)

Average Width Cookie height Measurement (mm)

Average height

5024 All-purpose 14.9

5024 Break 15.4

2017 Break 16.1

14.8 15.0 15.1 14.95 20.16

15.5 15.3 15.4 15.4 21.34

15.3 15.5 15.5 15.425 18.33

16.3 16.0 16.1 64.5 17.41

20.99 21.76 20.82 20.93

20.89 20.28 20.27 20.695

18.41 18.47 18.37 18.395

18.25 17.40 17.94 17.75

Wheat No. 3: Soft White Loaf Volume Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3

2017 All-Purpose 15.4

535 cm 580 cm 575 cm

Wheat No. 4: Hard Red 625 640 675

Average 563.34 Loaf Appearance Less symmetrical Slides 15 and 16 lighter in Supplemental Pictures have pictures of the soft and Hard wheat loaves.

646.67 Symmetrical Nice brown color

The Story of Milling:

The Wheat Page: Kansas State University

General Information on Wheat flour: The Artisan

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