Migrating To Php 5.3

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  • Words: 596
  • Pages: 29
Migrating to PHP 5.3 Stefan Priebsch July 31st 2009

Copyright © 2009 thePHP.cc, Germany

Premium PHP Consulting & Training. Worldwide.

Sebastian Bergmann

Arne Blankerts

Stefan Priebsch

Why PHP 5.3? 


Better tested

Officially supported on all Windows platforms

Loads of new features

Selected PHP 5.3 Highlights 


Late Static Binding

New extensions: fileinfo, intl, Phar

New datastructures in SPL



Garbage Collection

Namespaces 

Work for classes, functions and constants

Namespace separator: \

Work like directory navigation 

Relative Path namespace foo\bar + class baz = foo\bar\baz namespace foo + class bar\baz = foo\bar\baz Absolute Path namespace foo\bar + class \baz = \baz

Prepend built-in classes and functions with \ 

throw new \Exception


Namespaces Example namespace my\Application\Models; use Framework\Model\ModelBase as Model; class UserModel extends Model { ... }

Late Static Binding Example class BaseClass { static protected $foo = 'foo'; static public function getFoo() { return self::$foo; } } var_dump(BaseClass::getFoo()); Will output: string(3) "foo"

Late Static Binding Example class SubClass extends BaseClass { static protected $foo = 'bar'; } var_dump(SubClass::getFoo()); Will output: string(3) "foo"

Late Static Binding Example class BaseClass { static protected $foo = 'foo'; static public function getFoo() { return static::$foo; } } var_dump(SubClass::getFoo()); Will output: string(3) "bar"

Late Static Binding Example class SomeClass { static public function foo() { var_dump('foo method'); } } $classname = 'SomeClass'; $classname::foo(); Will output: string(10) "foo method"

Phar  

PHP Archive Stream wrapper-based PHP extension + Userland implementation

Can be executable

No temporary files involved

php.ini: phar.readonly=Off; You cannot set this at runtime!

Phar Example src/: ... any files ... stub.php: Phar::mapPhar('alias.phar'); ... __HALT_COMPILER(); create_phar.php: $phar = new Phar('executable.phar'); $phar->buildFromDirectory('./src'); $phar->setStub( file_get_contents('./stub.php'));

Migration Problems 

Environment 

Compile-time errors 

Name Conflicts

More strictness

Runtime errors 

Old Extensions

New error messages (E_DEPRECATED)

Logic errors 

Altered behaviour

Altered function behaviour $haystack = 'hello world'; $needle = 'lo'; var_dump(strrpos($haystack, $needle));

Altered function behaviour $haystack = 'hello world'; $needle = 'lo'; var_dump(strrpos($haystack, $needle)); PHP 4: int(9)

Altered function behaviour $haystack = 'hello world'; $needle = 'lo'; var_dump(strrpos($haystack, $needle)); PHP 4: int(9) PHP 5: int(3)

Solution: Create a wrapper function strrpos_wrapper($haystack, $needle, $offset = 0) { return strrpos($haystack, substr($needle, 0, 1), $offset); }

More Strictness abstract class Test { abstract static function foo(); } Strict standards: Static function should not be abstract

More Strictness abstract class Test { abstract private function foo(); } Fatal error: Abstract function cannot be declared private

Useful Tools 

Lint: php -l

Validators (HTML, XML, CSS, JS)

PHPUnit 

Selenium 

http://www.phpunit.de http://seleniumhq.org

xdebug 


xdebug Function Trace

Mocking include_once './library/function.php'; for($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { var_dump(get_random_value()); } library/function.php: function get_random_value() { return rand(1, 10); }

Mocking mock_library/function.php: function get_random_value() { static $i = 0; static $random_values = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5); return $random_values[$i++]; }

Mocking include_once './mock_library/function.php'; for($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { var_dump(get_random_value()); }

How To Migrate 

Fix errors/warnings/notices

Normalize the PHP configuration

Set up two test systems, old and new

Do A/B testing

Compare the results

Fix the problems

Switch the production system

Future­Proof PHP Configuration 







Code Works '09 Workshops 

”Advanced OOP and Design Patterns” ”PHP Code Review” with Arne Blankerts and Sebastian Bergmann


Thank You. ■





[email protected], IRC: spriebsch

Copyright © 2009 thePHP.cc, Germany

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