Midterm Ii Pa Topics

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 219
  • Pages: 1
Article of Confederation

Battle of New Orleans

Civic Humanism

The Treaty of Ghent 1814

Liberal Individualism

Era of Good Feelings

Republic Motherhood

Henry Clay

Thomas Jefferson

Internal Improvements

Alex Hamilton

The Rush-Bagot Treaty 1817

John Locke

The Adams-Onís Treaty of 1819

French Revolution

John Calhoun

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

The Missouri Compromise 1820

Charles de Montesquieu

Second Great Awakening 1790 – 1840

Check & Balance

Feme sole

Direct Representation

Separate Estate

National Debt

Private Examination

Jay Treaty of 1795

Dowry Protection

Pinckney's Treaty 1795

Lowell Mill Girls

XYZ Affair

Charles Grandison Finney

The Quasi War

The Cane Ridge revival 1801

William Murray


Alien Sedition Act 1798

Mother Ann Lee

Alien Naturalization Act 1798

Oneida Perfectionist

The Virginia and Kentucky Resolves

John Humphrey Noyes

Revolution of 1800s (election)


Marbury vs. Madison

Joseph Smith

Writ of Mandamus

Temperance Society

Judicial Act of 1789

Washingtonian Movement 1840

Judicial Review

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)

Judicial Act of 1801

Andrew Jackson

Louisiana Purchase

Bank War 1830s

Aaron Burr, Burr Conspiracy

Presidential election of 1832

Napoleon I

McCulloch v. Maryland 1819

The Continental System

Nullification Crisis

Embargo Act of 1807

Tariff of Abominations 1828

Non-Intercourse Act 1809

Force Acts 1833

Macon's Bill Number 2

The Indian Removal Act 1830

Napoleon War 1810

Worcester v. Georgia 1832

War of 1812

The Trail of Tears 1830s

Feme covert

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