Midnight Snack

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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 3,305
  • Pages: 8
MIDNIGHT SNACK By Jack Bush A short tale of loneliness, sex, lust, desire and bite…


Rick dropped his battered leather jacket to the floor of the bedroom. His eyes never leaving the bed; for the vision he sees before him is something he wouldn’t have even dreamed of only a couple of hours ago. Tanya looks up at him from the bed, her eyes locked on his and her hand caressing the side of her breast, through the tight black blouse she wears. Try as he might, Rick can hardly even think straight. His Friday evening had begun like any other. Arriving home late from his job at the storage factory, jumping into the shower and then flopping down in front of the TV to watch whatever trashy movie they were showing on the Horror Channel. But something had told him to go out that night. A weird yurning to be in the company of others. Not really for conversation, but just to reassure himself that he wasn’t the last man on earth, as he sometimes felt, cooped up in his one bedroom apartment. Rick hadn’t had the best past couple of years. He’d been in a serious relationship for around 10 years, with a girl he was supposed to be marrying, but almost overnight, it ended. He remembers coming home that day to find the letter she’d left for him. Even though the letter was 2 pages long, the very first sentence had said it all… “Rick, I want you to know that I’ll always love you, but…” Rick had balled up the letter in his fist long before he finished reading it. Standing at the window, he looked out into the darkness, with only the sickly yellow street-lights giving the pavement a weird alien-like glow, as he gazed out in a trance like state. A few people were still walking around, but they were few and far between. His small town was pretty much deserted, and with the cover of night upon him, he felt somewhat safer. That was a feeling he could never explain, even to himself. Lots of people were scared of the dark, but not Rick. He welcomed the darkness like an old friend. A smile started to slowly form itself on his lips and his decision was made. So, after throwing on some fresh clothes, Rick found himself walking out of his apartment and grinning like a child at the simple thought of even going left or right. With no work tomorrow, a reason to wake up early the next morning was null and void, so Rick had the whole night to do whatever he wanted. Rick decided on going right, with no destination in mind, only the sense of freedom guiding his feet. It was amazing how quiet the coming of night made the town. No growling of an endless procession of cars filled his ears, or the drum of footsteps from zombie like 9 to 5er’s, who’s only goal was to finish their working day and get home to the partner and several kids, with screaming mouths to feed. Rick started to wonder which part of their day was the busiest; work time or family time? The air seemed fresher as well at night. More crisp and soothing for some reason. Rick inhaled a deep breath and turned a corner. A red neon sign attracted his attention. It was a diner that he had past countless times during the day, but hadn’t even given it a second glance, but at this time of night, the Last Bite Bar, had a very welcoming aura indeed. It was one of the few bars in his area to serve food up until midnight. Rick smiled as he pushed through the door and entered.


With only several people already there, Rick found himself a small round table at the back. Draping his jacket over the chair, he decided to sit for a moment and have a much desired cigarette. He’d been trying to quit for months and had finally managed to get himself down to three a day; One in the morning, one in the afternoon and the last one at night, just before sleeping, which he always thought was the best one. But tonight was a special occasion…. In Rick’s world it was, anyway. He was out! Jabbing a Marlboro into the corner of his mouth, Rick searches for his Zippo lighter in his jeans pocket, while scanning the bar lay-out before him. The bar stretched along the far wall as you would expect from a saloon bar in a long forgotten western, which is also the reminder the large mirror gives Rick, which almost covers the entire wall behind the strong oak bar. He smiles as he inhales a lungful of Marlboro magic and muses at the idea that he could quite easily be the man with no name, for the simple reason he has so little friends nowadays, that his name is seldom used anyway. Rick shakes his head at the realisation and flicks some ash from the tip of his cigarette, as a stab of hunger tugs at his stomach. Only then does the aroma of the bar attack his senses and pulls at the pains all the more. Grabbing up a menu from its perked position in the middle of the table, Rick flicks it open and lays his eyes on what could be on offer for him tonight. The selection surprises him. Rick expected Quarter Pounder’s with Cheese or Hotdogs, with side orders of fries for each. Yes, there was that, but so much more to seduce the pallet as well. Prawn Korma. Chicken Chilli Spicy Bean Burger. Lemon & Lime Peppered Eggs Meatball, Red Onion and Jalapeno Pizza. The list seemed almost endless, and for Rick, it read like a menu straight from heaven for this time of night and for the hunger that was dwelling within him. With eyes now bulging as much as his appetite, the only problem now was choosing what he desired the most. And that’s when Rick saw Tanya for the first time. Every food orientated thought stopped dead in its track. Rick’s desire suddenly became human. She was sitting on a stool at the end of the bar, her long black hair pulled back in a pony-tail, which matched the rest of her outfit. All black. Black jacket, black blouse, black jeans, black boots. Only her face stood out from the gloom of her persona. It was milk-white, almost pail, with subtle dark smudges under her eyes, like someone who hadn’t seen slumber in a few night, and glancing at the clock on the wall, Rick figured he could maybe add another moon rise to the collection. Then her eyes found his. The first thing to happen to Rick was a complete lack of breath. He’d heard the expression, “to be left breathless,” before, but that was just a figure of speech, not something that actually happened.


But nevertheless, it was happening. Happening to him. Rick was truly caught in her gaze, with no hope of escape. Even the simple action of looking away had deserted him. But in the mist of his internal panic, she smiled. She smiled at him. Rick interpreted it as her way of saying, “look all you want, I like it.” He then felt more free to relax and take in her beauty, and before he knew it, he was smiling in return. When was the last time I had ever smiled at a girl this beautiful? The voice in his head answered the question with one simple word. Never. The most amazing thing about her was her eyes; they seemed to bore into Rick’s soul. They had him hypnotised and rooted to his seat like invisible chains. Then Tanya got up from her stool at the bar and began to slowly walk towards Rick’s table. The spell was broken and panic drenched Rich like a bucket of ice cold water. Oh my god, she was coming over!! Averting his eyes, he began simply looking down at his hands on the table, as a child would, when sensing trouble. In an effort to not become as wooden as the table, Rick reached for a cigarette again, noticing as he does, that his hands are shaking ever so slightly. Focusing all his energy on getting the Marlboro out of the pack, he losses track of Tanya’s approach. Keeping his head down, he finally manages to wedge the smoke in the corner of his dry mouth, and as Rick reaches for the lighter on the table, Tanya sits down next to him. All he can do is stare at her, with the unlit cigarette dangling from his mouth. Again, the smile rises on Tanya’s lips and slight amusement plays behind her eyes, as she picks up the Rick’s forgotten lighter. Without breaking the eye contact, she flicks the hood of the Zippo open and sparks a flame from it with a swift brush of her thumb. Holding it under the cigarette, Rick inhales deeply, finally finding that his muscles still work enough to take it from his mouth and lay it in the ashtray as he exhales. For what seems like an eternity, they sit in silence. Only their eyes have a secret discussion. Rick then clears his throat in an attempt to say something, but Tanya’s index finger reaches his lips first, as she touches them gently to silence whatever he had in mind to say. Rick’s expression softens as she runs her finger off his lips, down his chin and finds his chest, where she lays her palm over his heart, feeling the loneliness within. A longing washes over Rick like something he’s never felt before, catching in his throat and welling in his eyes. He realises that a complete understanding has passed between them, without the utterance of a single syllable. A sad smile finds its way to Rick’s face, as Tanya mirrors the same expression. Without even having to think anymore, Rick stands to put his jacket on, as Tanya leads the way to the front door of the snack bar. The cool air once again greets him on the pavement outside, but when Tanya slips her hand in his, warmth spreads through him as if it was the height of summer on a beautiful sunny afternoon. Rick smiled all the more.


This was like something from a wonderful dream; even to the point whether he wondered if he should pinch himself, but decided against it for two reasons. One: Rick didn’t want to look stupid in front of this beautiful stranger. Two: If it was a dream, Rick never wanted to wake from it… Ever. Noticing again how quiet the streets were, he suddenly preferred it to be busy, for the simple reason of recognition. To be seen with her. Hands held and smiling. The walk back to his building was short, so Rick focused his mind on enjoying the moment as much as possible, cause he knew from past experiences that moments are often lost through distant daydreams removing you from reality in times of great pleasure. So Rick began to concentrate on ever little detail from this moment in his life, savouring the amalgamation of emotions he felt flowing through his body and fluttering in his stomach as they walked, and as she would gently brush against him while turning a corner or crossing a deserted street. All too quickly they arrived at the front door to his dwelling, behind which were the stairs leading to his apartment. Rick turned and looks at Tanya, as he reaches for his keys. Her eyes seemed to twinkle like two stars in the night sky. But these stars were only for Rick.

Rick dropped his battered leather jacket to the floor of the bedroom. His eyes never leaving the bed; for the vision he sees before him is something he wouldn’t have even dreamed of only a couple of hours ago. Tanya looks up at him from the bed, her eyes locked on his and her hand caressing the side of her breast, through the tight black blouse she wears. Try as he might, Rick can hardly even think straight…. Her eyes draw him closer to her as he slowly takes a few steps towards the bed, only stopping when Tanya smiles and sits up, her eyes never leaving his. Her hands reach out and grab his belt-buckle, unclasping the leather tongue and loosening the waistband of his jeans. Rick can feel his heart hammering against his chest, while she unfastens his buttons and pulls them down his legs. Only now does she break eye contact, to view what she desires from Rick, the bulge in his white cotton underwear getting bigger with each passing second. Tanya’s smile widens, as she looks back up at Rick. All Rick can return is a nervous grin. Then she hooks her fingers under the waistband of his briefs and slowly slides them down to join his jeans, leaving him fully exposed to Tanya, as she caresses the side of his leg and her other hand strokes the length his penis. Rick’s grin disappears as he closes his eyes and tilts his head back, letting out a low groan as he does so.


Tanya leans forward and kisses the end of the swollen tip, and tilts it upwards and licks the underside with her tongue, before allowing it to drop again and taking it full into her mouth. This time, Rick’s groan of pleasure becomes louder as he can feel himself touching the back of her throat. He grabs her head and runs his hands through her long dark hair with all the urgency of a virgin, or a man who hasn’t experienced something like this in a long time. Pulling away from Rick throbbing member, Tanya rises to her feet, once again meeting Rick’s eyes. They stare at each other for a second, their eyes as always doing the talking before the passion bursts forth and their mouths smash together, tongues seeking each other out in an embrace that Rick has been dreaming about since the first moment he laid eyes on this mysterious woman. In the throws of their passion, they both crash onto the bed; lips still locked, and begin tearing at each others clothes, through a mixtures or grunts and groans from both parties. Rick grabs her wrists and pins them down above her head, as he stares down at her, her eyes wanting him all the more. He grabs at the neck of her blouse and tears it open, releasing her breasts and the dark erect nipples. Rick cups one in his hand and takes the hard bud into his mouth, sucking on the breast and then lets his tongue flick at it, while his other hand softly tweaks the matching nipple between his thumb and forefinger. This time its Tanya’s turn to moan in pleasure. Rick takes his mouth from her breast and runs his tongue down between the mounds of flesh and kisses round her belly button, before venturing even lower. He pulls her trousers down her legs and tosses them to the floor and brushes his lips along the outline of her white lace panties and then bites at the waistband and pulls them down with his teeth; Tanya subtly raising her buttocks to help in the process. Once Rick gets them to her feet, they join her trouser and his leather jacket on the floor. With the kissing resumed at her ankles, Rick travels up her inner thighs until getting to the destination most sought by man. He brushes his lips against the narrow V of soft dark hair, and then pushes his tongue beyond, forcing a gasp from Tanya, as she now grabs Rick’s head in pure pleasure, forcing his tongue deeper still into her open wetness. Rick can already feel her moistness surge forward as he continues to lap at the top of her open vagina, cause further more groans from above. Tanya arc's her back in pure ecstasy and slide her hands round to Rick’s ears and slowly begins to pulls him away, delaying an orgasm that isn’t far from coming. Rick climbs back up her naked body, kissing as much flesh as possible on route, until their lips meet again, open and longing. Tanya locked her legs round Rick’s back as she slide a hand down between their bodies to his groin, where she guides his penis to its ultimate goal. He slides into her feeling the greatest sensation he has ever felt; her hugging tightness sheathing his cock perfectly. Rick realises what he’s been missing all these years, as their flesh continues to pound at one another, impaling himself in her hard and sure as her vaginal walls build up all the more pressure again him. This is something Rick had never felt in his life. The feel of being inside her was amazing, and he couldn’t remember it being like this before, ever. That’s when Tanya bit his lip.


Rick jerks his head back a little and looks into her eyes, half expecting an apology, but all he can see is the mischief behind her pupils, and the slight trace of his blood on her lips, until her tongue licks it away and she smiles. Once again, Rick is drawn in by her sultry gaze and their lips meet. Tanya begins sucking on the cut lip, and this time Rick has nothing to say about it, as the pressure on his penis reaches breaking point and an orgasms not far away. It almost feels like he’s getting sucked down there as well, as he feels himself begin to release into her. The flow, warm and exciting, as it passes from body to body. Rick continues to buck into her, trying to prolong it for as long as possible, until he realises something is wrong. Through the daze of his pleasure, he knows an orgasm doesn’t last this long, but still, he flows into her regardless. Then it hits him. His orgasm hasn’t happened yet. What’s flowing between them, isn’t what it should be. It’s his blood. Rick pulls his head back from Tanya’s lips once again. This time even more blood is on her lips, and she doesn’t lick it off, but her smile returns, and for the first time Rick notices how large her teeth are. While still flowing into her, Rick panics. But only for a second, cause Tanya notices it too. In a heartbeat, her mouth is on his neck, biting and sucking. Rick tries to struggle away, but to no avail. And after a few moments the pleasure returns to him, both from the groin and from the neck. Only now does his real orgasm come, and its at some point in the mist of the greatest sensation of his life that he slip into unconsciousness, overcome by pure pleasure. As the darkness claws at his dwindling senses, Rick smiles.

The Last Bite Bar is still there. If you pass it during the day, chances are you won’t even notice it, but if you happen to stumble upon in the dark hours, the neon sign flashes brightly into the night and the welcoming smell is more than delicious. Stop in by, grab a table and see what’s on the menu. Tanya still sits at the end of the bar, but she is no longer alone. A man in a battered leather jacket sits next to her. His face pale, and some dark smudges under the eyes, made maybe a few lost night of sleep. But if you look behind his gaze, you can tell one thing. Rick’s hungry…….



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