Midnight At My Lake

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  • Words: 2,280
  • Pages: 5
Midnight at my lake Chapter 1- Everlasting I gazed out onto the lake, feeling the cool wind on my face. Then jumped as Jack sneaked up and tapped me, from behind. "What the fuck?" I said, ruining the peace and quiet. Instantly I regretted my use of coarse language as a frown settled on Jack's face. "What was that about? You knew I was coming." he said. I gazed at him, trying to comprehend what he was saying. His beauty had taken my breath away. Today he was wearing his hair in a tussled look, along with jeans and a t-shirt that said: "Don't bite, just suck." finally, I was able to comment on his t-shirt, "What the hell is that about?" I said, pointing at his t-shirt. He sighed, looking down at his t-shirt. "You have a better vocabulary then 'hell' and 'fuck', use it." "Soz," I said, blushing, "Well, now that you're here, let’s get down to business." I took him by surprise, pushing myself onto him, and sticking my tongue into his shocked mouth. He pushed me away, breathing hard. "You didn't just call me here for a making out session did you?" "But you know you wanta." I said, avoiding his question. I pushed myself onto him again, and received a feel of movement from the front of his trousers in response. This time he gave in. He started moving his hands up and down my back, while making us move in rythmatic motions, coming from the lower part of his body. I pulled down his pants, and when he was about to arch away, I put a dose of my addictive venom into his mouth. He moaned, pulled me closer, and reached up to touch my butt, then pull down my undies from under my skirt. Then he went into me. We started moving in rhythmic motions, him moaning while I tried to think of how i was going to tell him. Eventually we found release and lay there, panting, the waves from the slightly rippling lake licking at our toes. "Are you going to tell me now?" He asked. I decided to tell him the truth. "I'm sorry, but our love has ended." He stared at me in shock. I took a big breath. "I wish I could say it’s not you. I know you're hot and all, but you don't have what I need." "What do you need? And also, then why did you have sex with me just then if you don't love me anymore?" he finished, with a triumphant look creeping into his shocked face. "Let’s call that break up sex." I said in a relatively emotionless voice. "Then," his voice broke and I knew that he was trying to keep back tears, "Then, what do you need?" I looked away before answering. "I need someone of my kind." I looked back at him, showing him my true face. My vampire face. His face transformed into features of fear, and all traces of his tears gone. As he ran away, I transformed back into my mask. My human face. Why did I think he was going to be any different? I let the tears come as my memories of my others attempts at a relationship came. I heard him drive off, his engine roaring. Every time I had told them the truth, and was still waiting for the right human not to be scared, and to beg for me to stay with them. If that happened not only would they have proven themselves, but then I would start believing in miracles. I looked out at the lake. My lake. The lake with all my stories in it. With all the dead bodies of the ex-boyfriends I’d had to kill to keep my cover. I got up and put my undies back on. "At least vampires couldn't get fertile; otherwise I would have a zillion babies." I thought as I raced off, into the darkness, to kill my latest ex-boyfriend.

Midnight at my lake Chapter 2 – Too sad to contemplate I turned off the ignition, and hopped out of my car, slamming the door behind me. Mrs Moloney looked up, and then looked away quickly, scared, making her way out of the apartment building’s car park. I grimaced. She had used to say hi, until finally I had lost my temper with her and screamed at her to fuck off. I made my way up the stairs, to see police at the door of my apartment. “Miss Herring, could you please come down with us to the police station.” The first police officer asked me. I smelt a wisp of smoke in the air and saw the remains of hastily stubbed out cigarettes in the ash-tray outside my door. ‘Sorry; things to do, places to go, people to see.” I said as I brushed past them, into my apartment. After about a minute of shocked silence they started pounding on the door. “Miss Herring, Miss Herring, we need to talk to you.’ They called. I heard people in the other apartments calling out to them, and asking them (not very politely) to shut the fuck up. I shrugged off my jacket and had put away my bag and keys before I noticed some blood stains on my white t-shirt, from where I had sucked the life out of Jack. “Oh, shoot.” I murmured, walking over to the sink. I tried to wash the blood off for a few seconds before I gave up. I ripped off my t-shirt just as a police man called “We just want to know if you had any leads on the whereabouts of Dean Machnokat.” I grabbed a spare t-shirt from my room and opened up my computer, checking my emails. I deleted all my messages since they were all chain mail, and continued to ignore the pounding and yelling coming from my door. The pounding stopped. I sat down and cradled my head in my hands. Even if they had gone away for now, they would eventually find me and find out I had killed 14 of my exboyfriends. Alex Right. Blood hair, blue eyes, and innocent small boy look. A player. Max Erwin. Brown hair, small eyes and extremely athletic. Very quick on his feet. And other parts of his body. Phil Bright. Black hair, with bits of gray, glasses, my lawyer. Had to use him for a little ____, then he made it a steady thing for the ____, even though he already had a family. Erik Dorkie. Okay, his last name was Remy, but he was such a dork. I don’t know why I went out with him, probably because I felt sorry for him. Longish dark brown hair, an array of pimples on his face, and looked the best in black. At least I didn’t sleep with him. Donnie Helbert Daniel Cumminton Elbert Crumbs George Quart Neil Jump All of 5-9 were creeps I don’t want to talk about. Peter Grabbe. In the black market, whenever I had sex with him he gave me priceless items. Yuker Tobe. Foreign exchange student at our school didn’t speak English very well, but screaming is an international sound of fear.

Toby Friense. Long blond hair, singer, wrote a song for me, I sang that song while i came into his room to kill him. Dean Machnokat. Cute but Goth like, thought I was trying to scare him with a mask, but when he pulled at it – it wouldn’t come off. I killed him at the lake. Jake Babe. Take my breath away beautiful. Didn’t like coarse language, something I use a lot of. Went out with him for three weeks, a record, before fucking him. Midnight at my lake I waited a few minutes, pondering what I should do next, before deciding to stop worrying and go to sleep. Yes, vampires do need to go to sleep. They can also go out into sunlight and when they do sleep, they sleep in beds, not coffins. ********** I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I sat up, then screamed and swore. “Shut up” chorused my neighbours in the flats beside me. It was kind of a ritual now. I would wake up. Remember the nightmare I had been having, then let go. Letting go could range from me swearing and screaming to bashing my furnitureor at least a pillow until it burst. But i tried to keep it to screaming and swearing, because after a while furniture and pillow bills get a little high. I would then get my ‘dream’, more like nightmare, diary out of my cupboard and write the dream down. Once in a while I would read some of my past entries, but since this was depressing, I would keep that part of the ritual to a minimum. Since i already felt like crap, and wasn’t planning on going to school today (since the cops would probably be there waiting for me), I decided to get depressed and review my diary entries in the past month. 1 March 2009 I see dead people everywhere. Flies buzzing over their rotting corpses. Ok, let’s skip the rest of that one. 2 March 2009 Faces flashing past me. People screaming. An explosion. I stopped and took a deep breath. I started skimming through my entries, then paused at one that looked not too nightmarish. 17 March 2009 He ran his hands down my body, crooning softly as I rubbed myself against him. “I have never lain with a maid, but I’ve heard it can be painful the first time. If you would rather wait.....” He said. “No, no. This was the worst of them all.” I thought as I felt pain shoot through me. Although I knew it was irrational, it felt like a dozen, no, two dozen red hot pokers were ripping at my heart. I curled up into a ball. It wasn’t a nightmare, but it was more painful than anything else. Because I had dreamt of a man who had cared for me. Me, not just wanting to score, with no care for my feelings at all. I slammed the book shut, wiping angry tears off my face. I’m not usually as out of control as this. Well, with swearing and bashing, yeah. But I can usually keep the weak side of me under guard. It was sad; I couldn’t

even claim PMS issues- because vampires aren’t fertile. We create our ‘young’ by biting into humans and resisting sucking them dry. This is altogether impossible for me- with my temper and all, I have no self-control. I bit my lip, trying not to cry. “Strong, girl, strong” I told myself. I almost crawled back into bed before I realised what I needed to do. I needed to go to school. There I could put my ‘happy’ face on and pretend I wasn’t a psycho-path vampire dying to suck everyone dry of their blood. I could be normal. Or as normal as I could be in college. Because with all Midnight at my lake the hormones raging, people change. And I changed a lot. I had turned into an ultra-fast, hot, strong and seducing vampire. I grabbed my bag, keys and coat before walking out the door. Then I hesitated, remembering about the cops who were after me. “All well, my life’s already fucked up, what else could go wrong?” I asked myself. (A lot of things actually) Slamming the door and earning myself a “fuck you” from a drunk and high guy coming out of his apartment. I paused, and swivelled round. Before the guy could realise what was happening i threw him hard into the wall and stalked off.

Midnight at my lake Chapter 3- Hot and heavy I turn up at the school, my radio tuned to 106.3, and the music blaring. As I step out of the car I hear someone come up beside me and say: “104.7 has better music.” Without turning around I reply “We’ve had this argument before, you know 104.7 plays shit.” I hear Bobby continue to follow, his group of cronies wolf-whistling as bobby puts his arm around my shoulders. He leans closer, and he whispers so only I hear him “Actually, it ends up in heated sex, before I give in.” I hear him chuckling as he walks away, pretending he just dissed me. Pussie. Although I knew by the end of the day he would find some way to fuck me without his cronies knowing. Because, although he likes me, I’m under his league and it would screw things up for him if people (aka. His cronies) found him with a girl like me. Well, it depends how they found him. If they found him having sex with me- that would be okay since he’s scoring. But if they found out he actually liked me.... “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.” I swore to myself as I walked unsteadily across the car park towards my friend Bella, who was standing and grinning like a fool. “Headline news!” she exclaim ed. “Jack ...... is missing!” I know she sounds bitchy, because she’s smiling about someone being dead, but remember: I kill guys and it doesn’t really trouble me. Okay, it does; and I don’t start grinning about it, but she’s head of the school newspaper. So, therefore, bad news is good news to her. Since most people would rather read bad news than good news. Then she stopped smiling and looked guilty. “You had a thing with him, didn’t you?” “Yeah,” I replied. “but I’m sure the police will find him.”

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