Mid Term Exam English F4

  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 12
SECTION A Questions 1 – 8 For each questions, read the question first and than study the information given to find the best answer. Question 1 Look at the cartoon below and answer the question that follows. I’m burning the midnight oil. There’s so much to study.

1. When Arif say’s he is ‘burning the midnight oil’ it means he is A studying until midnight. B studying throughout the night. C studying until he is sleepy. D studying until 12 a.m.

Question 2

2. When you see this sign in banks, what does it mean? A Hand phones are not allowed inside. B Holding hand phone is not allowed. C Hand phones must be handed over. D Hand phones cannot be used inside.

Question 3 Burning is one way of clearing the land for cultivation but it is never the smartest. That’s why at AGRO PLANTATION we employ the Zero Burning Technique. By allowing vegetation to decompose naturally, the soil is enriched, meaning we yield more products and increase our profits. But more importantly, we do not pollute the environment. 3. Which is the best reason to practice the Zero Burning Technique? A There is an increase in production. B There is an increase in profit. C The soil is more fertile. D The environment is not polluted.


Question 4

SENIOR CITIZENS ONLY 4. What does the sign mean? A Prescriptions and senior citizens must wait here. B Senior citizens can leave their prescriptions here. C Senior citizens can get their prescriptions filled here. D Anyone can buy his or her prescriptions here.

Question 5 - 6 5. From the graph, it can be said that A more people suffer from heart problems in Tonga compared to Willa B in Tonga and Willa, the total number of people suffering from cancer is about 20 000 C in Willa, approximately 30 000 people died from heart attack 6. From the graph, it can be inferred that A people in Tonga lead a healthier lifestyle than the people in Willa B people in Willa lead a healthier lifestyle than the people in Tonga C people in Tonga and Willa don’t die from heart disease Question 7


7. According to the notice, A ink will damage the computer B pen can be used to mark the answers C the computer accepts pen and pencil markings D the computer will reject sheets that has been marked with pen Question 8


A retired teacher, Haji Jamaludin Daud, was saved by a boy during the recent flood which hit his house in Taman Tebrau. At his hospital bed, he told us his admiration for the boy’s quick thinking. He said he would give RM 5000 for the boy’s education. This was to show the boy that his help to a complete stranger was much appreciated. The boy, Fitri Ihsan, when interviewed said that he was glad for the rescue and survival skills he had learnt during scouts meetings as it had become useful in times if need.

8. From the text, we can say that Fitri Ihsan A did not attend any co-curricular activities B was unhappy that he knew rescue and survival skills C attended scouts meetings regularly D knew Haji Jamaludin Daud very well.

Questions 9 – 15 Read the following passage and choose the BEST answer. As we age, we experience something known as bone loss. No, it does not mean that parts of ____9___ skeleton go missing. ____10____ what happens is that our body is not able to make enough new bone to replace the old bone that breaks ___11____. This process is caused by a combination of factors that include decreasing hormone levels, lack of nutrients in our diet and lack of exercise. All of us, both men an women, experience ___12___ as part of the normal aging process. However, some people ____13____ more rapid bone loss, placing them at higher risk of osteoporosis. This condition is characterized by brittle and weak bones that are prone to _____14_____.That is why elderly people may suffer hip, wrist or spine fractures following minor incidents like a slight tumble or bending ______15_____ to pick up something. You can lower your risk of developing osteoporosis by ensuring that you attain high peak bone mass during childhood and early adulthood. 9. A B C D

his her our their

11 A B C D

up off out down

13 A B C D

suffer suffered are suffering have suffered

10 A B C D

Instead Despite Similarly Therefore

12 A B C D

this these them theirs

14 A B C D

breaks damage illnesses fractures

Section B Questions 16 – 25 Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow. 3

15 A at B in C over D under


There are many ways people around the globe express their love for each other. John Lennon sang “All You Need is Love”. Mexican poet, Jamie Sabines, wrote that “love is most exquisite, awesome and unbearable silence”. But it was Mahatma Gandhi who expressed it best of all; “Where there is love,” he said, “there is life”. And as unique as each person’s experience is of love, each culture has its own traditional way of expressing these feelings. China









The world’s most populous nation has one of the richest traditions regarding love. Before the discovery of Valentine’s Day, the Chinese already had two days set aside for expressing love. The first is Chinese Day of Love, which is celebrated on the seventh of the seventh month, according to the Chinese calendar. It is the story of two lovers, he a cowherd and she a weaver, who could only meet once a year on a bridge formed by magpies. This day then became known as Qi Qiao Jie. Today young lovers gather on bridges in parks all over the country to celebrate this day. Others in China consider Shang Yuan Jie (known here as Chap Goh Mei) also called Deng Jie, to be the true Chinese day of love. An ancient festival celebrated on the 15th day of the first month, it is one of those rare occasions when maidens leave their homes. For those who are ‘of the age of consent’, it is an opportunity not to be missed. Today, however, Shang Yuan Jie is only celebrated in remote villages or by very traditional families. Thailand Traditionally, in Thailand, young girls who are courted are accompanied by family members who gather on the brightly lit front porches of their homes. This is the signal for suitors to introduce themselves. The suitor approaches, accompanied by one or more male friends. If the girl’s family is suitably impressed, they may allow the suitor to sing a song in her honour. The suitor must never touch the young woman he woos. If he commits such a faux pas, the young man must beg forgiveness from his prospective in-laws by sending gifts of flowers and candles before seven days have passed. Failure to do so is considered a grave offence against members of the girl’s family, their ancestors and their spirits. As a result, it is believed the young man’s family members will suffer a streak of bad luck. In the ritual of apology, the father of the girl decides whether to accept or reject a marriage proposal. Portugal Ancient courting traditions from the north of Portugal portray the female lover as a spinner. According to legend, while embroidering linen handkerchiefs, the woman transfers her feelings for her beloved to the cloth before sending it to him. The day of love differs for each girl, occurring when she finishes embroidering her handkerchief. If the young man wore the handkerchief around his neck on his Sunday walk, it was considered his public acknowledgement of his commitment to the sender. If he did not want to pledge himself to her, he would return the handkerchief. Mexico




Romance in Mexico has a sweeter and more harmonious side. The custom of serenading a loved one is deeply rooted Mexican culture. At night, the suitor visits his beloved’s home with a group of musicians. They sing love songs until the girl comes out to receive her suitor. If she fails to appear, she has rejected his suit. Serenading is carried out by mariachi bands. While the custom of serenading has declined in many countries, it remains popular in Mexico.

Questions 16 – 20 Complete the mind map below using information from the passage.

16. _______________________ - the day when two lovers met on a bridge, according to legend


If a girl’s family is interested, the suitor may 18. _____________________ ______________________


THE CUSTOMS OF LOVE 17. ___________________ -a day when maidens leave their home.


The suitor will 19._________________ ________________ with a group of musicians until the girl comes out to receive him.


A young woman will give a to her loved one. The man would 20. _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ to acknowledge his commitment to his sender.

Questions 21 – 25 Answer all the questions based on the passage. 21. From paragraphs 3 and 4, what are the two days in China that are dedicated to love I.

______________________________________________________(½ mark)

II. _______________________________________________________(½mark)

22. From paragraph 5, in Thailand, why do young girls gather at the front porch of their homes? 5

_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ (1 marks) 23. In paragraph 6, what does the phrase “such faux pas” refer to? __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ (1 marks) 24. From paragraphs 8 and 9, (a) What does a handkerchief around a man’s neck on a Sunday signify? ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________

(1 mark)

25. From paragraph 10, how would a suitor in Mexico woo a lady? ___________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ( 1 marks)

Section C A. Comprehension Questions 26 –30 Read the passage about a 10-day course at the Outward Bound School (OBS) in Lumut. Then answer the questions that follow. 1 6

When put together under circumstances that are physically, emotionally and spiritually taxing, a close bonding among people can occur. What I am going






to relate to you is the experience of a group who stated out with fear, anxiety and distrust but felt a special bond of love understanding at the end of the period. Yes, a group of strangers can become closer than a family. I will never forget the 10-day course at the Outward Bound School in Lumut. The term bound is used to refer to a ship leaving port to venture out into the open sea. And that was what we, the participants, were doing. We were leaving the safe haven of our homes to have a changed self-concept, an increased understanding of others and to accept physical, mental and social challenges. What we did not realize was how tough it was going to be and more so, the changes that were going to take place within us. All participants were put in groups called watches, which were named after famous Malaysian mountains such as Kinabalu, Tahan and Jerai. Each watch consisted of fifteen participants headed by one instructor and one assistant. This was to help to organize the large group into smaller, more manageable groups. Moreover, people feel great to be associated with mountains -big, tall, majestic and inspiring! The instructors guided and encouraged us as we came with the preconceived idea that the instructors were going to be mean and push us to physical and emotional despair. This was far from true. Our instructor and other administrative staff proved to be a source of comfort, solace, encouragement, inspiration, and friendship. This was least expected and it goes to show that life is a store of surprises! I was in Kinabalu watch with fourteen other participants, all of whom were young professionals sponsored by their companies. Most of the first day was spent doing tedious administrative work and getting to know one another. Introductions were particularly awkward at first between the girls and the boys but with a bit of teasing, giggles and jokes, we soon got to know one another. On the second day, we were awakened at 6.00 a.m. for a 2 kilometre run. Many of us were still lethargic because we did not have a good night’s sleep. Our large, comfortable dormitories had one flaw – rats. The detested pest did a fine job of ruining our sleep! After the run came the 12-kilometre hike. The hike up the hill was treacherous and long. The watches started leaving at 7.30 in the morning and trickled back to the school only by 6 a.m. the next day. All except one. My watch, Kinabalu had been the first to leave but had not returned. We got lost! It was a terrifying experience as the day wore on and it grew dark. At night, we lighted a a fire and huddled together to keep warm. As our compass had gone bust, we had to depend on instinct to find our way back the next morning. Several instructors went out to look for our group but with no success. It was only after 24 hours that the Kinabalu watch made it back to the school. The next ten minutes was chaotic for everyone was yelling, screaming and hugging each other. This misadventure was an unexpected inclusion in the programme but it certainly bonded the group strongly together.

7 7

Another thrilling experience was the canoe trip to Pulau Pangkor. Many skills of the participants were put to test in this trip. That night, we











jogged down to the beach to watch the lunar eclipse. Later, when the tide went down, we ran on the beach and walked among the corals, sea cucumbers and sea urchins unearthed by the tide. We did not go to bed until late that night and by that time, our tents seemed to be the most welcoming place in the world. All to soon our course came to an end. I felt sad to leave because the friends I had made there were special. I did achieve my personal goal, that is, to meet as People as I could. The OBS is only about learning jungle survival skills or climbing across ropes 200 metres above the ground. It teaches us to be tolerant, to care and to be concerned for one another. All of us had been thrown together into an unfamiliar environment and – through trust and co-operation – a team. More importantly we became friends.

Paragraph 3 26a) Why were the participants divided into groups? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ b) The groups were named after mountains. How did this effect the participants? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Paragraph 4 27 Mention two unpleasant events on the first day. a)________________________________________________________________ b)________________________________________________________________

Paragraph 5 28a) Quote a word to show that the hike up the hill was not easy. _____________________________________________________________________ b) Give evidence that the hike was long. ____________________________________________________________________ Paragraph 6 29 When the Kinabalu watch finally returned, the rest of the participants were relieved and happy. a) How did the participants show this? _______________________________________________________________________ b) What resulted from the misadventure of the Kinabalu watch? 8




________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Paragraph 8 30 You are selected to attend Outward Bound School (OBS) course. Give two why you are afraid to go. a) ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ b) ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ B Summary (Question 31) Write a summary of: •

the training

the experience of the author and other participants at the Outward Bound School (OBS). in Lumut.

USE ONLY THE MATERIAL FROM LINE 6 TO LINE 53 Your summary must be in continuous writing form (note in note form). It must not be more than 130 words, including the 10 words given below. Use your own words where possible but make sure the meaning of the text is not affected.

Begin with: It was indeed an unforgettable experience for all the participants................. Section D Question 32 Read the stanzas below and answer the questions that follow. Si tenggang’s homecoming iii but look, i have brought myself home, seasoned by confidence, broadened by land and languages, i am no longer afraid of the oceans or the differences between people, not easily fooled 9

by words or ideas. the journey was a loyal teacher who was never tardy in explaining cultures or variousness. look, i am just like you, still malay, sensitive to what i believe is good, and more ready to understand than my brothers. the contents of these boats are yours too because i have returned. Muhammad Haji Salleh

a) Explain “seasoned by confidence, broadened by land and languages”. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ (1 mark) b) State one way in which the persona has changed. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ (1mark)

c) State what has not changed in the persona. ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ (1mark) d) In what ways would you have changed if you had spent a few years alone overseas? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ (2 marks)

33. Read the extract from the short story The Necklace below and answer the questions that follow. Suddenly she discovered, in a black satin box, a superb diamond necklace 10

and her heart throbbed with immoderate desire. Her hands trembled as she took it. She fastened it round her throat and was lost in ecstasy at her reflection in the mirror. Then she asked, hesitating, filled with anxious doubt. “Will you lend me this, only this?” “Why, yes, certainly.” She threw her arms round her friend’s neck, kissed her passionately and then fled with her treasure.

a) Name the character referred to as “she”. ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ (1 mark) b) Why did “she” want to borrow the necklace? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ (1 mark) c) Why do you think “her hands trembled as she took the necklace”? __________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ (1 mark) d) Would you borrow an expensive necklace from a friend to wear to a party? Give a reason for your answer. _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ ( 2 marks) 34 The following question is based on the short story; The Drover’s Wife. From the short story, write about one character you admire the most. Give reasons why you chose the character. (15 marks) ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 11

______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________


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