Mid Exam Paper 1

  • June 2020
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12/1 Bahasa Inggeris Kertas 1 Mei 2008 1 Jam LEMBAGA PEPERIKSAAN SMK KEMBURONGOH RANAU ____________________________ TINGKATAN TIGA 2008 _____________________________________________________________________ BAHASA INGGERIS Kertas 1 Satu jam _____________________________________________________________________ JANGAN BUKA KERTAS SOALAN INI SEHINGGA DIBERITAHU Arahan: 1. Kertas soalan ini mengandungi lima bahagian dengan 40 soalan. 2. Jawab semua soalan. 3. Anda dinasihati supaya mengambil masa 10 minit untuk menjawab soalan Bahagian A, 10 minit untuk Bahagian B, 10 minit untuk Bahagian C, 10 minit untuk Bahagian D dan 20 minit untuk Bahagian E. Instructions: 1. This question paper consists of five sections with 40 questions. 2. Answer all questions. 3. You are advised to spend about 10 minutes on Section A, 10 minutes on Section B, 10 minutes on Section C, 10 minutes on Section D and 20 minutes on Section E. _____________________________________________________________________ Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 10 halaman bercetak

[ Lihat Sebelah ]




Section A Question 1 – 2 Look at the poster below and answer the questions that follow.

01. This is a poster on ways to A. stop littering B. save the trees C. preserve the environment 02. To help save the environment, we can A. save, reduce and reuse B. save, reuse and recycle C. reduce, recycle and save D. reduce, reuse and recycle Question 3 Study the logo below and answer the question below.

03. This is the logo for the Malaysian A. navy B. army

C. police D. fire department


Question 4 Read the news extract below and answer the question that follows. PM HONOURS COUNTRY”S FALLEN HEROES Kuala Lumpur, Mon: They may have fallen, but are certainly not forgotten. Prime Minister Datuk Abdullah Ahmad Badawi led the way yesterday on the occasion of Warriors Day by laying a wreath at Tugu Negara here. Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, Cabinet Ministers, MPs and foreign dignitaries were in attendance. This year’s commemorative event was hosted by the police force. Adapted from The Star, August 2005 04. The purpose of Warriors Day is to A. lay a wreath at Tugu Negara B. honour Malaysia’s past heroes C. celebrate Malaysia’s living heroes D. attend gathering atTugu Negara Question 5 Read the message below and answer the question that follows.

Mum, Yati called. She said she had to stay back for music practice. She will be back by 4 p. m. Kamal

05. Yati is most probably A. Kamal’s friend B. Kamal’s sister C. Kamal’s brother D. Kamal’s classmate


Question 6 – 7 Read the leaflet below and answer the questions that follow.

ART EXHIBITION (November 6 – 12) Monday – Sunday 10 a. m. – 10 p. m Admission is free

06. Salina can go for the art exhibition A. only on Mondays and Sundays B. only during the weekends C. on any day of the week 07. The word admission can best be replaced with A. fee C. payment B. ticket D. entrance Question 8 Look at the sign and answer the question that follows.

08. When you see this sign on a car, the driver is most probably A. a teenager B. handicapped C. a licensed driver D. still learning to drive


Question 9 – 10 Study the table below and answer the questions that follow.

Accident Index Vehicle Motorcycle Car Bicycle

2006 1 564 1 200 10

2007 2 700 1 500 5

09. The number of motorcycle accidents _____ in 2007. A. increased B. decreased C. remained constant 10. There was a decrease in the number of ____ accident in 2007. A. car and motorcycle B. motorcycle C. bicycle D. car

Section B Question 11 – 18 Each question in the text below refers to a numbered blank. For each question, choose the best answer from the options A, B, C and D to fit the numbered blank.

Mrs. Lin and her family live on a farm. They grow vegetables ____ (11) rear chickens for a living. ____ (12) children, Siew Lai and Meng Lai help Mrs. Lim with her daily chores. Every morning, after collecting the eggs, Siew Lai ____ (13) walk to the nearby market and sell the eggs. She would normally make about fifty ringgit every morning. One day, a man stopped ____ (14) her stall. “Excuse me, I need five hundred eggs,” he said. “But I only ____ (15) a hundred eggs left, sir,” replied Siew Lai. “Please, I need them in a hurry. I will pay whatever price you ____ (16) me.” “Well, if you can wait for an hour, I will get them for you, sir,” replied Siew Lai. After a while, she managed to get the five hundred eggs for the man. The man quickly pays Siew Lai. Siew Lai looked at the note in her hand and then ran home ____ (17). “Mother, I just sold the eggs ____ (18) a thousand ringgit!”

11. A. also B. and

C. but D. so


12. A. B. A

C. An D. The

13. A. might B. could

C. would D. should

14. A. along B. by

C. in D. at

15. A. had B. has

C. have D. having

16. A. ask B. asks

C. asked D. asking

17. A. slowly B. excitedly

C. dejectedly D. shamefully

18. A. of B. in

C. for D. with

Section C Question 19 - 21 Read the conversation below and choose the best meaning for the phrases that are underlined. Fiona

: I really miss Mum. Everything was so sudden and she was so young. I could hardly believe it. Aunt Marlina : We all miss her. We didn’t expect her to pass away (19) so soon after she was diagnosed with cancer. It’s a shock to all of us too. Fiona : I suppose, being the eldest, I must take over (20) the responsibilities of the household now. Aunt Marlina : Yes, you must be strong. Your little sisters all depend on you now. You must help them get through (21) this. Fiona : I don’t know if I can do it, Aunt Marlina. Aunt Marlina : Don’t worry, dear. You’ll be alright. We’ll help out whenever possible. Just remember that we are family. We’re in this together. 19. pass away A. die B. fall

C. run D. leave

20. take over A. avoid B. assume

C. ignore D. complete

21. get through A. forget B. manage

C. overcome D. remember


Question 22 – 24 Read the conversation below and choose the best meaning for the phrases that are underlined. Emily Ajurah

: Why the long face ( 22 ), Ajurah? : I just got the news that I didn’t make it to the finals in the music competition. : Oh, what a pity. You must be disappointed. : I really had my heart set on ( 23 ) making it to the finals. : Well, look on the bright side ( 24 ), you’ll be sitting for the PMR this year. If you were selected you might have to miss a lot of classes. Maybe it’s for the best. : I suppose so. Maybe I’ll try again next year.

Emily Ajurah Emily Ajurah

22. long face A. angry expression B. bored expression

C. happy expression D. unhappy expression

23. had my heart set on A. felt surprised on B. felt excited about C. felt confident 24. look on the bright side A. be clever B. be honest

C. be optimistic D. be hardworking

Section D Question 25 – 28 Study the programme summary below carefully. Then answer the questions that follow.


TV 2



The Breakfast show


Health Watch


Games Interactive


The Morning News


Yoga for Today


Wakey, Wakey …


Celebrity Kitchen


Morning on Two

10.00 The Kevin Ho Show

10.00 Laila

10.00 Tour Tales

11.00 Beauty Secrets

11.00 Asean Pot Pouri

11.00 News on Two

12.00 Pangako Sayo

12.00 Afternoon News

11.30 Korean Drama


Afternoon Bulletin


Friday Prayers

12.30 TV Shopping


Fiona Food Tour




Home Décor


Murder She Wrote


Table for Two


Tamil Drama


Strawberry Cupcake


Dory Detective


What’s Up?


Rich and Poor


World of Tommorow


News Buzz



Jade Gallery

25. The programme summary is most probably for A. Thursday C. Saturday B. Friday D. Sunday 26. Miss Esther likes cooking shows. She should watch A. World of Tomorrow C. Home Décor B. Asean Pot Pourri D. Celebrity Kitchen 27. Which of the following is not a news programme? A. Afternoon Bulletin C. Documentary B. News on Two D. News Buzz 28. The Kevin Hee Show is most probably a A. talk show C. drama B. cartoon D. movie Question 29 – 34 Read the passage below carefully. Then answer the questions that follow.

In 1960, three years after Malaysia received her independence from Britain, a great Malaysian leader died. His death was a great loss and was mourned by many. Malaysia had lost one of her most illustrious sons. People from all walk of life, rich and poor alike were saddened by his death. Who was this man who had touched the lives of so many? Born in 1883 in Melaka, Tan Cheng Lok was a descendant of immigrants from China. At the age of 19, he became an English language teacher at Raffles College. Six years later, he switched careers and joined the rubber industry. Through the rubber industry, Tun Tan Cheng Lok obtained power and wealth. A true Malaysian, Tun Tan Cheng Lok was not only interested in wealth but was also looking for ways to improve the lives of his fellow countrymen. He was an active politician and one of the founding members of the Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA). As a MCA leader, he worked towards making the Chinese community accept Malaysia as their homeland. To this end, he encouraged the participation of the Chinese community in politics. In doing so, the Chinese eventually cooperated with the Malays in order to champion for the freedom of Malaya from the British. It was through his efforts that the Chinese squatters were resettled in new villages where they were protected from the threats of the communists. Tun Tan Cheng Lok also firmly believed in the necessity of education for all people. He felt that lives of all Malaysians would be further enriched through education. It should be noted here that Tun Tan Cheng Lok cared for the future of all Malaysians irrespective of race. Time and again, he was a spokesman for the various communities in Malaysia. Until this day, Tun Tan Cheng Lok is still well loved and respected by his fellow Malaysians for his contributions towards the country.


29. In the first paragraph, Tun Tan Cheng Lok is described as A. a great Malaysian leader B. an active Chinese politician C. a man who emigrated from China D. an English language teacher at Raffles College 30. The phrase, People from all walks of life, refers to A. the immigrants B. people of various positions and jobs C. people who are very rich and famous D. people who enjoy walking as a hobby 31. In which year did Tun Tan Cheng Lok join the rubber industry? A. 1883 C. 1908 B. 1902 D. 1910 32. Which of the following is not one of Tun Tan Cheng Lok’s professions? A. Teacher C. Politician B. Minister D. Businessman 33. Tun Tan Cheng Lok is well-remembered for A. using the communists to fight the British B. opening up new villages for Malay squatters C. changing the education policy for Malaysians D. uniting the Chinese and Malays to fight for independence 34. In the sentence, Time and again, he was a spokesman for the various communities in Malaysia, the word spokesman means A. leader C. politician B. speaker D. representative

Section E Question 35 – 37 Read the poem below carefully and choose the best answer. THE DEAD CROW He saw a dead crow In a drain Near the post office. He saw an old man Gasping for air And a baby Barely able to breathe In a crowded morning clinic. This land is so rich. Why should we suffer like this?


I want clean air For my grandchildren. I want the damned fools To leave the forest alone. I want the trees to grow, The river run free And the earth covered with grass. Let the politicians plan how we may live with dignity, Now and always. A. Samad Said 35. Where was the dead crow found? A. In the post office B. In the forest

C. In the clinic D. In the drain

36. A crowded morning clinic suggest that A. more people falling ill B. there are not enough doctors C. there are not enough clinic in the area 37. From the poem, we know that the persona is A. angry C. curious B. hopeful D. indifferent Question 38 – 40 Read the extract below carefully. Then answer the questions that follow. Choose the best answer.

Jamal met a friend who suggested obtaining a personal loan. Again Jamal saw a fresh hope. Jamal went to the bank. The loan officer was most helpful and he said Jamal could borrow RM5000. Five thousand ringgit! Jamal’s heart leapt sky-high. That’s it! All his problems are solved. But, wait Jamal! There’s a catch. Look at the loan repayment scheme, it’s RM500 for the first month and RM400 every month henceforth. Jamal’s heart sank. With his miniscule salary he couldn’t even buy cucumbers with the money left over after the repayments. He cannot imagine his beautiful wife eating cucumbers everyday. Besides, there might be little Jamal very soon and he didn’t think they too, could thrive on cucumber. Jamal said goodbye to the Bank Bumiputera officer but took his RM70 out from the savings account. He gave it to his mother. 38. Jamal did not take the bank loan because A. he did not like the bank officer B. his loan application was rejected C. the monthly repayment was too high D. he preferred to borrow money from his mother


39. The word miniscule in the passage means A. very small B. expensive C. average D. big 40. The phrase, There might be little Jamal very soon means Jamal A. invited his little cousins to the wedding B. feels very small about himself C. intends to start a family soon __________________________________________________ END





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