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SRI SHIRDI SAI KAAVYAM {Story of Sri Shridi Sai in verse form based on inputs from Sri Sai Satcharitra of Sri Hemadpant} by Srivilliputtur Govindakrishnan Alagar

June 2009

Verses composed by A.GOVINDAKRISHNAN, D 211 Kumara Dhara Block, National Games Village, Koramangala, Bangalore, 560047 Ph: 080-25713209 . Cell: 9448353209 – Mail –[email protected]


SRI SHIRDI SAI KAAVYAM {Story of Sri Shridi Sai in verse form based on inputs from Sri Sai Satcharitra of Sri Hemadpant} by Srivilliputtur Govindakrishnan Alagar

; Salutation 1.

Prostrating at the feet of Ganesh, For ever the panacea for difficulties, Sayeth I Srivilliputtur Govindakrishnan, Sacred story of Sai of Shirdi. Hemadpant


‘Compose will I classic story of mine, Confine thyself to your coveted quill,’ Commandeered Sai to the cause noble, Cultured Hemadpant to pen a book. Grinding wheat


Early morning one day dawn, Eager Sai sat and ground, Wheat in plenty powdered to a mound, Withered away cholera with the wind. Rohilla


Thundered Rohilla tirelessly ‘Quran’, Thundered Sai at troubled folk, ‘Barges in ‘Rohilli’ but for ‘Kalma’, Be gone and watch my Mahima. Sai’s Assurance


‘Space beyond, stars the myriad, Splashing seas, season bound earth, Creatures alive, all that inanimate, Created ones over milleniums, Realise me as resident in all, Rattling them all as puppeteer tall.’ Saints on Sai


This is a gem, A diamond unique, This is Vital verily on brick, Asserted monks of Shirdi fold, Ananthanath, Gangajir, and Gouli the old. 2

Gurusthan 7.

Goaded by God Khandoba on a golden day, Ground was dug deep down that day, Stunned locals stumbled on a cellar, Sai said ‘Salute my Guru Dwaar’. Sai’s arrival to Shirdi





Earnest Patel earned back his mare lost, Escorted Sai eventually to Shirdi spot, Alighted Avulia from animal drawn cart, ‘Avo Sai’ addressed Mahalsa first. Feet at Gurusthan Commemorating Sai’s cosmic descent, Consecrated ‘padukas’ below the neem tree, Eager devotees installed by Sai’s will, In the year thousand nine hundred and twelve. Turning water to oil Egged by ego every trader in Shirdi, Eschewed Sai for insisting oil daily, Lord Sai Krishna, lover of water sports of yore, Lighted the lamps loaded with water galore. Rama Navami festival Baba blessed Gopal with a boy, Buoyed Gund performed ‘urus’ Enthused Shakkar too eagerly joined, Every year initiated sandal procession.


‘Organise these annually at Shirdi, On the day of Ram Navami’ said Sai, Came along one year creative Bhishma, Craved to add grand events for Rama.


Events three effectively started there, Elderly ‘ayee’ invested yeomen service, Reverently Bhishma recited ‘Ram katha’, Rendered harmonium reputed Mahajani.


Joyous crowd shouted “Jai Ho”, Sai shrieked thunderous ‘O! No’, Frightened crowd then pacified themselves, ‘Frightful demons Sai frightened thus.’


Till date goes on these events three, Thanks to Sai the divine trinity, Tell tale story for Sai’s preaching, ‘Different faiths are but Divine Wisdom.’ 3










Hand in fire Sanctified dhuni started one day to glow, Stuck in Sai suddenly His hand Oh! Surprised Shama saved the hand pale, Sai narrated sacred a tale. “ Faraway in a smith’s fire, Fell a child fast in fire, Stuck in my arm suddenly then, Certain to save smith’s sibling.” Sai seeking alms Emperor donned every day Himself, Empty tin in hand, an earnest beggar, Collected alms He consecrated as mixture, Contended consumers co-joined all creatures. Baija Ma Searching Sai amidst thorny shrubs, Sumptuous food serve she will, Baija Ma’s service Baba forgot never, Blessed her son Tatya forever. Neglecting Baba’s command Tatya’s travel to shandi in hurry, Thoughtless European’s early exit, Acted against the advice of Sai, Awarded amply unwanted injury. I reside in all “Feeding a dog famished by hunger, Factually amounts to feeding me full, God is in Dog, so ‘Am in all, Contemplate Tharkad” confessed Sai. Sai’s swing Hung from above arrayed in ugly rags, Swing of a plank beset with lamps, None could see Sai ascend or descend. Night and day though crowd surround. Haji Palki Mecca return Plaki, Made his way to Shirdi, Made to sit in mantap away, Months nine flew away. Sai shot to Siddhiq Palki, Sublime questions only three, Shouted abuses angrily many, Shortly then showered grace many. 4










Mule Shastri Mule Shastri mused quietly, Muslim Sai pollutes sanctity, Moments later Mule saw there, Muslim merge in Mahant Golap. Bhima Deadly consumption devoured Bhima, Desparate Bhima prayed to Sai Ma, Dreams two painful delivered to Bhima, Delivered Bhima decisively from Yama. Death-knell to Death Sai rang thus, Deep bliss dawned in devotee Bhima, Accepting Almighty as Sai Samartha, At once started ‘Satya Sai Vratha’. Ganu’s Ganges dip ‘Dip in Prayag delivers from all sins,, Deeply thought devoted Ganu, ‘Hold my feet O!Ganu!’said Sai Navneet, Holy Ganga gushed from holy feet. Cholkar ‘Off with sugar’ swore Cholkar silently, ‘Until my job sticks securely’, ‘Give him tea saturated with sugar’ said Sai, Gave the proof that He is almighty Maai. Lizard ‘What does the lizard say?’ Wanted a devotee Baba to say, ‘Says she her sister from Aurangabad, Shortly coming’ said Sai. On came on horseback an Aurangabadi, Out sprang a lizard from his bag. Instant Brahma Jnan ‘Enlighten me instantly in Brahmajan’, Entreated a rich with money, Sai then sought from many a five rupee, But silent sat the seeker of Truth, ‘Eschew evils from sense organs five’ said Sai, ‘You! Who have wades of rupees five, Madam Deshmuk ‘Sathe secured in short seven days, Sublime grace from Sai Samrat, Seven years stay in Shirdi for self, Secured nothing’ mused Pant in mind. ‘Seek Shama for ‘satvic’ talk and then, Shortly return with his rupee fifteen’, Sai said and sauntered Hemadpant, Silently reached Shama’s home. 5


‘Fifteen rupees have I not, Fifteen pranams have I a lot, I shall narrate an astonishing tale in turn, About Deshmuk a lady with will iron.’


‘Food or water forsake fully I now, Fondly until upadesh Baba sow’, Deshmuk fasted and death came near, Dreaded Shama sought divine grace.’


“ ‘Nanny dear’ narrated Sai, Never my Guru named a mantra, Tortoise feeds turtle siblings only by, Tireless look and thoughtful love, Likewise you too Long for me too, Life here and there Lord I secure you’. Listening to Sai Lady Deshmuk, Lifted her fast ever for good.”


Hearing the tale divine nectar, Hemadpant hailed Sai Avatar, Sai blessed satisfied Dabolkar, Showered him fistful crystal sugar.


Ishopanishad ‘Isha! Grant me wisdom to know, Ishopanishad’ invoked Ganu, ‘Why worry when wisdom waits in, Work-maid of Kaka’ wondered Sai.


Rustic maid in rags at Parle, Restored wisdom to learned Ganu, Exuberance exuded by her evenly in, Rags and rich clothe revealed wisdom.


‘Joy or sorrow Just alike’ we should know, Know them as twins touted by mind. Lettered Ganu learnt from maid unlettered, Lofty truth truly that Sai uttered.


Bala Mirirkar ‘Know thy all this Dwaraka Mayi, Knocker of disasters’ said Sai, Kneel in her lap, Nicely a second or two, Never a harm shall, Near any one of you. Saviour Mayi as she, Stands by you surely, Can snake the dreaded devil, Create ever any trouble?’ 6


Baffled Bala beat his way to Chitale, Barely sat in Bajaran Bali Mandir, Sneaked on his lap a shining cobra, Shaken Shama surrendered to Baba.


Lord’s grace locked around safely, Lightly slithered down devil the snake, Pounced on him bystanders one and all, Promptly put it to sleep in Sai darbar!






Shamya and Snake ‘Save me Sai! Shrieked Shama, Snake having smitten him sharply, ‘Cursed Brahmin! Climb down at once’, Curtly thundered compassionate Sai. As anger ambled down at last, Assured Sai Shama with udhi, Understood Shama that utterances of Baba, Ultimate orders to abate venom of Cobra. Kaka Dikshith Commanded Sai to cut down a goat, Curtly refused reputed disciples two, As Dikshith steadied to deliver the blow, Astounded Sai asked him to hold. ‘Highly compassionate acclaimed Brahmin though, How come you to assault the goat?’ asked Sai, ‘Know we not right or wrong’ said Kaka, ‘Know we that thy word is Veda.’ Ambedkar Assailed by misfortune, Ambedkar chose Shirdi, Ultimately to end up his, Assailed life in a well deep. Came in Sakun Naik, Gave a book on Akalkotji, Came in handy there, Crisp story to save.


Once a devotee of Akalkotji Wound up in a well to end life, Swamiji saved him and scolded well, ‘Suicide insures sure return to hell’.


Timely warning touched Ambedkar, Thanked Sai for divine reminder, Hastened back to brighten his home, Heartily toiled for up rise from doom. 7

Vishnu sahasranama 51.

‘Daily recite Shama divine names thousand, Take home this book’ directed Sai, Ruckus he created that Ramadasi, Rushing to retrieve a little book!


‘Astute you are in Adhyatha Ramayan, Absolutely vain as to its adherence, Eschew desire and ever-present ego, Enlighten thyself in eternal love’ said Sai.


Lady Khabarde Madam Khabarde made for Sai sagun, Manifold dishes for months seven, Shama quipped on Sai’s subtle bias, Sai spoke of her service eternal. Mega


Mega’s service sanctified to Sai the great, Men of repute will they ever get? Sixteen miles he walked very fast, Swiftly to fetch Gomati water in pot.


‘Saint pure I am sacred myself, Save me thou from sacred bath, Pour that water purely on head alone’, Pleaded Baba to pestering Mega. Excited Mega emptied the vessel’s, Entire water on Eshwar’s body, Wonder of wonders Oh! He saw, Only water on the head of Sai Isha!


Serving Lord several years in Shirdi, Silently Mega merged in Baba, Baba showered bunch of flowers, Burst aloud with bountiful tears. Kakaji Vaidya


Devi’s pujari descended at Trambak, Devi Spatashringi directed him to Shirdi, Shama came to salubrious Vani to pray, Shama and Vaidya went the Shirdi way. Sanyasin Vijayanand


‘Oust him out that worthless saint, Who pines for mother once renounced, Regard thy future Oh! Restless monk, Read Bhagavat thrice’ rebuked Sai. 8





‘Saptah’ two silently he completed, Suddenly then the saint sank, Placing head on Bade Baba’s lap, Painlessly then passed into Sai’ lap. Baba in search of Truth with friends ‘Four of us in search of Truth, Forced our way into woods, Trusting at last a tribal unknown, Timely I got my ‘Guru Brahman’. ‘Hanging me upside down into a well, Holy Guru returned to see me still, Seeing things in just opposite perspective, Surely I enjoyed bliss the blessed. Udhi’s Excellence Blessed is the udhi of Sai, Blights it the fate with fatal blow, Revered Sai commanded Ramgir Bua, “Rush with udhi and ‘arthi sai baba’.”


‘Off be to Jamner and offer to Nana, All that I gave’ ordered Sai, ‘Worry not Ramgir over the costs, Omniscient will arrange all that lot’.


Midnight at Jalagoan the midway, Made his presence a princely peon, Boarded Bua that beautiful coach, That bound fast to faraway Jamner.


Alighted Bua at outskirts of Jamner, All he needed was wash and start, At once vanished at that dawn, Ornamental coach and the attendant.


Ramgir reached right at Nana’s shelter, Right moment was for Nana’s daughter, Udhi and Arthi worked then a wonder, Womb’s block breached asunder.


Ramgir thanked Nana for coach, Nana knew nothing of coach, Dazed Nana delighted at once, Divine Sai donned different roles.


Dr. Pillai Pillai suffered painful guinea worms, Prayed Baba to put off to births ten, ‘Behold my miracle! Beloved one! Banish I will the bane in days ten!’ said Sai. 9


‘Crow will peck you!’ quietly said Sai, Crow-black Abdul ascended the wall, Tripped on the wound, drove the worms out, Ten days went, went off the disease. Goa Gentleman


Gentle Goan arrived thence, Gently Sai gestured at once, ‘As I slept in my orchid home, I was robbed of my boon. Thirty hundreds down in cash, Trusted cook tucked it off.’


‘Came along an avulia casting grace on me, Gave me advice, adhered I at once, Fortnight went by and penance I did, Fugitive cook found his way back, Fakir got back fully my ‘dhan’, Fast I came to felicitate my Ram.”


Surprised Shama sought for facts, For Sai never shuffled out of Shirdi, Gentle Goan admitted in full scale, Just what Sai said was his own tale.




Child to Madam Aurangabadkar ‘She has no issue since twenty-seven years, Sanction her a child’ submitted Shama, Baba gave her part of a coconut, Promised here a child in months twelve. A year since passed off, Entered Aurangabadkar Avulia’s abode, Placed at the lotus feet of Sai, Baby child a boundless joy. Chavadi Procession On days alternative at Chavadi, Arrived Sai for night ‘Arathi’, On those acclaimed auspicious days, All would gather at Sabha Mantap.


Shining lamps and silken banners, Showcased Dwarakamayi late at night, Singers matching celestial gandarva, Sang in praise of Sai Madhava.


Tatya would drape Him dazzling shawl, Decorated umbrella that Jog would raise, Eswar Sai would exit Masjid, Even as Bhagat escorted Maharaj. 10


Sombre music wafted in wind, ‘Sai Ram’ echoed entire Shirdi, Dazzling fire works draped the night sky, Divine procession shouting ‘Jai’.


Liveried ‘choptars’ loudly announced, Longing crowd lurched forward, Surging crowds surrounded Sai, Surely a feast for all eyes to see.


As smiling Sai sauntered along, Sombre Kaka showered rose petals, Sai in golden hue swung His hands up, Saintly Mahalsa started dancing.


Sai would seat in Chavadi at last, Shining as stupendous pole star, Deeply immersed in divine nectar, Devotees would dance surcharged.


Devotees bedeck Sai with different jewels, Decorated Sai shower His blessings, Waves Jog the lamp with many wigs, Waiting crowd sings the ‘Arthi’.


Sai the Lord Supreme, Silently lies in Chavadi, Delude not that He sleeps, Can the Divine afford to sleep? Baba’s ‘Hundi’



Fond of feeding fortuitous devotees, Baba toiled tirelessly at ‘Hundi’, Devotees thronged delighting that prospect, Delicious food that angles envied. Nana and Gita Chandorkar sat softly kneading Sai’s feet, Silently murmured stanzas from Gita, Goaded by Baba quickly he revealed, Gita’s stanza that he remembered.


Sai then revealed to Nana Chandorkar, Subtle meaning of that stanza thirty four, “Jnan is not for one to learn but, Jnan is ever in ajan’s absence.”


“God and the wise are but one, For God is verily wise in guise”, So said Sai to make sure that He, Surely Krishna Sai incarnate. 11

Samadhi Mandir 88.

Early one day in side a Wada, Earnest devotees two had a dream, ‘Build a wada with mandir in ’, Bade Baba to Bhuti and Shama.


Surprised devotees sought His blessing, Sai concealed His succinct thinking, Buti raised a beautiful abode there, Baba chose that as final abode fair. Deo’s Udyapaan




Sai vowed to attend with two, Sacred ‘udyapaan’ held in Dahanu, Bengali saint with bubbling youth two, Promptly made their presence there. Bala Deo blamed Sai then of lying, Baba quipped ‘you forgot Bengal Saint’. Holi feast Once on “holi’ day in dream to Hemadpant, Holy Sai promised to join his feast, Midday neared with meals on plate, Maharaj came as ‘bas-relief’ to eat. Mahasamadhi Sai decided to shed His coil and, Start to live in sacred hearts, Subtly revealed to unsuspecting folks, Shilangan as His sail-away day.


Fever the flannel His famished body wore, Frightened Tatya’s life he saved, Shed He His mortal coil safely in, Sacred October one thousand nine eighteen.


‘Take me to Buti wada the beautiful, Delighted I will to get life beautiful, Brahmins there will pray me for sure, Benediction to all’ blessed Baba.


News of mahasamadhi knew to all, Noon became nightmare for all, Assembled devotees all then cried, ‘Almighty deserted, what a plight’.


Dispute arose but died in its start, Devotees took Sai in decorated cart, Maharaj was interned in Buti’s mantap yonder, Mantap meant for Muralidar Sundar. 12

Dikshith’s doubt 97.


Baba the diamond unique, Bhakth had in measure full, Buckled under doubt, ‘devotion fully didn’t measure’, Anandrao Pakade arrived, Anxious to share a dream, Dream that assured that their, ‘devotion was in full measure’. Sai’s Gaya visit ‘Arrive I will at Gaya, Ahead of you Shama’ assured Sai, Two months later a sojourn, Took Shama to a Gayaval, Decorated there the hall wall, Divine photo of Sai Vishaal, Donated decades two ago, To Gayaval by Mahavarao. Frog and snake


Sai sat near a small rivulet, Sauntered there a passer-by, Hearing a frog bitterly croak, ‘Enjoys bitter fruit of earlier life’ said Sai.


Facing close the ferocious snake, Fakir Sai scolded ‘Veerabadrappa’, Snake and frog separated at once, Said Sai a scintillating story.


‘Long ago to build Lord Shiva temple, Loving devotees donated funds, Money the entire, a rich miser misused, Mahadev met miser’s wife in dream.’


‘Donate thy jewels O! woman bold, Deliver I will a hundred fold’, Husband shuddered at unwanted loss, Agreed for a thousand to offset the loss.’


‘Even that amount exactly not in cash, Endorsed he an entirely barren land, That too belonged to damsel Dubaki, Dismayed fate destroyed them in lightning.’


‘Miser returned as mendicant Badrappa, Miser’s wife as Gowri the girl of priest, Dubaki as boy Basappa to assistant, Due destiny brought together them all.’ 13


‘Wedded Gowri to Veerabadrappa, Wasteland fetched fabulous one lakh, Principal to Gowri, Basappa to bag interest part, Penny nought to Badrappa’ said I.’


‘Beastly Badrappa promised to finish Basappa, Pledged I to protect Basappa ever, Heard I the croak of erstwhile Basappa, Eliminated now the enmity once for all.’ Kaka Dikshith


‘One day in future, O! dear Kaka!’ ‘Off I will take you in viman Pushpa’, Dikshith got Divine’s assurance fine, Died in seconds in a speeding train. Somdev Swami


‘Banner flying saints, Blots among sacred saints’, Berated Somadev barely in mind, Baba thundered it back aloud. Humbled swami uttered praises, At once held that Almighty’s feet. Samarpan Sai’s miracle myriad to collect, Sayeth me in verse a hundred and eight, Earnestly those who ever recite in faith, Entail themselves ever-lasting bliss.



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