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  • Words: 2,500
  • Pages: 86
Introduction to ASP.NET

Microsoft Corporation

What We Will Cover         

Introduction to Microsoft® .NET “Classic” ASP Microsoft® ASP.NET Server controls Data controls ASP.NET Web applications Business objects Web services Additional topics

Session Prerequisites 

This session assumes that you understand the fundamentals of  

Development on Microsoft® Windows® ASP or Microsoft® Visual Basic®

This is a Level 100 Session

So Why This Presentation?  ASP.NET

offers many enhancements over classic ASP but…  With ASP.NET, there’s a lot new to learn  Solves many ASP issues  RAD for the Web

Demonstrations       

ASP vs. ASP.NET Server controls walk-through Validation Data controls Cookieless sessions Web services Page caching

Agenda         

Introduction to .NET “Classic” ASP ASP.NET Server controls Data controls ASP.NET Web applications Business objects Web services Additional topics

Introduction to .NET 1st Generation

Cli ent Lo gic

Se rv ers Da ta , Ho st s

Biz Log ic Bro ws er s

Web app developers took advantage of these local services and used HTML to “project” the UI to many types of clients Microsoft provided COM, IIS, Internet Explorer

OS Se rv ices Applications largely operating in a client / server model were augmented with Web browser and servers. The industry focused on rich OS and local services provided by products like SQL Server™.

Introduction to .NET 2nd Generation Ri ch Cli ent Lo gic

Bro ws er s

Biz Tie r L ogic

OS Se rv ices

COM+ Services improve reliability, scalability and manageability. Internet Explorer provides DHTML for better interactivity. Combination of “stateless” Web protocols with DNS and IP routing have enabled mass-scale “geo-scalability”

Se rv ers Da ta , Ho st s

“ Sta tef ul” “ Sta teles s” & “ Geo -Sc alable

Separation of data and business logic provide greater scalability and performance while accessing enterprise and legacy data.

Introduction to .NET

Web Services: The Next Generation Othe r Se rv ice s Sma rt er Cli ent s St an da rd Br ows ers

Appl ic at ions Become Program mabl e Web Servic es



Bi z Biz Lo gic & Web rv ice Tie r LSeogic

OS OS Se Se rv rv ice ice ss


Pu blic W eb Se rv ices


Bu il ding Blo ck Se rv ice s


Int ern al Se rv ic es

XM L Sma rt er Se rv er s Ope n Int ern et Dev ice s Dat a, Hos ts Com mun icatio ns Pro toc ols Ric he r, Mo re Ap plic at ions (HTTP, SM TP, XML , SO AP) Pr od uct ive Us er Lev era ge Ex pe rien ce Globall y-A va il able

Introduction to .NET

Web Services: The Next Generation Othe r Se rv ice s Sma rt er Cli ent s St an da rd Br ows ers

Appl ic at ions Become Program mabl e Web Servic es



Bi z Biz Lo gic & Web rv ice Tie r LSeogic

OS OS Se Se rv rv ice ice ss


Pu blic W eb Se rv ices


Bu il ding Blo ck Se rv ice s


Int ern al Se rv ic es

XM L Sma rt er Se rv er s Ope n Int ern et Dev ice s Dat a, Hos ts Com mun icatio ns Pro toc ols Ric he r, Mo re Ap plic at ions (HTTP, SM TP, XML , SO AP) Pr od uct ive Us er Lev era ge Ex pe rien ce Globall y-A va il able

Introduction to .NET The .Net Platform Vi sual Studi o ® .NET

Your Application and Web Service

Applications Using Your Service End-User Clients

.NET Framework

Operati on s


Windows CE, 2000, XP, .NET ®

Internet Prot oc ols SOAP “bl ue book” HT TP, SMT P, XML

Your Internal Services .NET Ent er pri se Serv ers .NE T Foun dat ion Ser vices 3 rd Part y We b Serv ices

Introduction to .NET

The .NET Framework and Visual Studio .NET Visual Basic® C++ C# JScript® …

ASP.NET: Web Services and Web Forms

Windows Forms

ADO.NET: Data and XML Base Class Library Common Language Runtime

Visual Studio .NET

Common Language Specification

Introduction to .NET ASP.NET

Visual Basic® C++ C# JScript® …

ASP.NET: Web Services and Web Forms

Windows Forms

ADO.NET: Data and XML Base Class Library Common Language Runtime

Visual Studio.NET

Common Language Specification

Agenda         

Introduction to .NET ASP today ASP.NET Server controls Data controls ASP.NET Web applications Business objects Web services Additional topics

“Classic” ASP Successes  

Simple procedural programming model Access to COM Objects  

   

ADO File system object

No compiling, just save Support for multiple scripting languages Mix HTML and code VBscript – leverage Visual Basic skills

“Classic” ASP Challenges         

Code readability Coding overhead PostBack complexity Reuse Performance DLL locking Deployment Sessions Caching

“Classic” ASP Challenges         

Code readability Coding overhead PostBack complexity Reuse Performance DLL locking Deployment Sessions Caching

Agenda         

Introduction to .NET “Classic” ASP ASP.NET Server controls Data controls ASP.NET Web applications Business objects Web services Additional topics


Architecture ASPX















Execution Model Source code Managed code

Visual Basic






Assembly IL Code

Assembly IL Code

Assembly IL Code

Common Language Runtime JIT Compiler Native Code

Operating System Services

Unmanaged Component


Execution Model Source code Managed code

Visual Basic






Assembly IL Code

Assembly IL Code

Assembly IL Code

Common Language Runtime JIT Compiler Native Code

Operating System Services

Unmanaged Component

ASP.NET Features       

ASPX, ASP – side by side Simplified programming model Simplified deployment Better performance Caching Security Powerful controls

ASP.NET Features      

Simplified browser support Simplified form validation Code behind pages More powerful data access Web services Better session management

ASP.NET Features    

No DLL locking No DLL registration Simplified configuration Pagelets

Demonstration 1 ASP vs. ASP.NET

Data-Driven ASP Data-Driven ASP.NET Comparison

Agenda         

Introduction to .NET “Classic” ASP ASP.NET Server controls Data controls ASP.NET Web applications Business objects Web services Additional topics

Server Controls

Simplify Common Tasks 

Simplify common tasks     

   

Forms Tables Data display Calendar Ad rotator

Server-side programming model Automatic browser compatibility Less code, less complexity Extensible

Server Controls

HTML and Server Controls
  

ID – uniquely identifies control Runat – enables server-side processing OnClick – identifies server-side event handler

Server Controls Forms

<script language="C#" runat=server> void SubmitBtn_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) { Response.Write (“Hello” + txtUserName.Text); }

PostBack 

Server-side object automatically populated from client-side controls

Server Controls Browser Support 

Targets client on the fly  

Style Font

Validation  

Client-side Server-side

Demonstration 2 Server Controls Walk-Through Programming Model Syntax

Server Controls Validation 

Without code     

Required field Within range Two fields equal (password) Regular expressions Validation error messages

With code, but simplified 

Custom validation

Demonstration 3 Validation

Required Field Validation Summary

Agenda         

Introduction to .NET “Classic” ASP ASP.NET Server controls Data controls ASP.NET Web applications Business objects Web services Additional topics

Data Controls 

Bind to many data sources 

Collections  


Array HashTable DataReader DataSet


Data Controls ADO.NET      

Connection Command DataReader DataSet DataAdapter DataView

Data Controls ADO.NET




Connection DataAdapter Select … from Authors


Data Controls ADO.NET




Connection Publishers

DataAdapter Select … from Publishers


Data Controls ADO.NET




Repeater Publishers



Data Controls DataGrid  

Displays data as a table Control over     

 

Alternate item Header Footer Colors, font, borders, etc. Paging

Updateable Item as row

Data Controls Repeater      

List format No default output More control More complexity Item as row Not updateable

Data Controls DataList     

Directional rendering Good for columns Item as cell Alternate item Updateable

Demonstration 4 Data Controls ADO.NET DataGrid Repeater DataList

Agenda         

Introduction to .NET “Classic” ASP ASP.NET Server controls Data controls ASP.NET Web applications Business objects Web services Additional topics

ASP.NET Web Applications 

Global ASAX    

 

Application_Start Application_End Session_Start Session_End

Session Application

ASP.NET Web Applications web.config     

Site configuration file Like an .INI file for your site XML format Extensible Some settings     

Security Session Localization Tracing Debugging

ASP.NET Web Applications Session Variables   

Store state information No longer require cookies Share between servers



mode=“StateServer“ stateConnectionString="tcpip=" sqlConnectionString="data source=;user id=sa;password=" cookieless="false" timeout="20"

Demonstration 5

Cookieless Sessions Sessions with cookies web.config Sessions without cookies

Agenda         

Introduction to .NET “Classic” ASP ASP.NET Server controls Data controls ASP.NET Web applications Business objects Web services Additional topics

Business Objects  

Problems with ASP and DLLs DLLs with .NET

Business Objects

Problems with ASP and DLLs 

DLL Locking    

MTS/COM+  

Page hit Shutdown Web application Shutdown Internet Information Server Edit in Visual Interdev Shutdown package Binary compatibility


Business Objects DLLs with .NET 

Not registered 

Placed in ./bin directory

Not locked 

Shadow copy

Agenda         

Introduction to .NET “Classic” ASP ASP.NET Server controls Data controls ASP.NET Web applications Business objects Web services Additional topics

Web Services  

The Web today How Web services work

Web Services The Web Today

Purchase courseware Purchased

Designed for people to browse

Web Services The Web Today

Purchase Courseware


Server to server is a problem

Web Services

What Are Web Services?       

Allow applications to communicate across the Internet Platform independent Protocol independent Synchronous/asynchronous Stateful/stateless BizTalk® ASP.NET

Web Services Class Courseware WebMethod GetPrice Purchase


Web Services Testing Courseware.asmx Test HTML Page


Web Services WSDL Courseware.asmx?WSDL Service Definition(XML)

Proxy DLL


Web Services Register for Course Purchase Courseware

Proxy DLL


Demonstration 6 Web Services

Web Service Source Testing WSDL Client Proxy Creation Consuming a Web Service

Agenda         

Introduction to .NET “Classic” ASP ASP.NET Server controls Data controls ASP.NET Web applications Business objects Web services Additional topics

Additional Topics     

Deployment Scalability Caching Authentication and authorization Availability

Additional Topics Deployment 

Copy   

Apps are isolated 

Components in .\bin No registering DLLs No locked DLLs Each app can have its own version

Uninstall 


Additional Topics

Scalability Improvements     

ASP.NET pages are complied State shared across machines Managed providers Disconnected data access Caching

Additional Topics Caching 

Page output caching <%@ OutputCache Duration="60" VaryByParam="none" %>

Page data caching Cache[“MyDataSet”] = SomeDataSet    

Like application variables Scavenging Expiration Dependencies

Additional Topics Authentication    

Supports basic, digest, cookie, and Windows authentication, Passport Form-based authentication Users or roles One API for user info

Demonstration 7 Page Caching

Compare Performance

Call To Action  

Download the .NET Framework SDK Build a new ASP.NET application, or migrate from ASP

Session Summary 

ASP.NET offers many enhancements      

Improved session state Improved programming model Validators Caching In-place updating of sites The list goes on…

For More Information… 

MSDN Web site at  

C# Language Reference  oricreference.htm

For More Information… 

.NET Resources/Quickstart Tutorials 


Essential Resources for Developers Subscription Services

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Online Information

MSDN Online, MSDN Flash, How-To Resources, Download Center

Training & Events

MSDN Webcasts, MSDN Online Seminars, Tech-Ed, PDC, Developer Days

Print Publications

MSDN Magazine MSDN News

Membership Programs

MSDN User Groups

How-To Resources

Simple, Step-By-Step Procedures             

Embedded development how-to resources General how-to resources Integration how-to resources Jscript® .NET how-to resources .NET development how-to resources Office development resources Security how-to resources Visual Basic® .NET how-to resources Visual C#™ .NET how-to resources Visual Studio® .NET how-to resources Web development how-to resources (ASP, IIS, XML) Web services how-to resources Windows development how-to resources

MSDN Webcasts

Interactive, Live Online Events    

Interactive, synchronous, live online events Discuss the hottest topics from Microsoft Open and free for the general public Take place every Tuesday

MSDN Subscriptions

The way to get Visual Studio .NET Visual Studio .NET

MSDN Subscriptions MSDN Universal $2799 new $2299 renewal/upgrade

Enterprise Developer • Enterprise lifecycle tools • Team development support • Core .NET Enterprise Servers

MSDN Enterprise $2199 new $1599 renewal/upgrade

Professional • Tools to build applications and XML Web services for Windows and the Web

MSDN Professional $1199 new $899 renewal/upgrade


Enterprise Architect • Software and data modeling • Enterprise templates • Architectural guidance

Where Can I Get MSDN?  

 

Visit MSDN Online at Register for the MSDN Flash e-mail newsletter at Become an MSDN CD subscriber at MSDN online seminars Attend more MSDN events

Microsoft Press®

Essential Resources for Developers

Microsoft® Visual Studio® .NET is here! This is your chance to start building the next big thing. Develop your .NET skills, increase your productivity with .NET Books from Microsoft Press.

Become a Microsoft Certified Solution Developer 

What is MCSD? 

How do I attain MCSD certification? 

Premium certification for professionals who design and develop custom business solutions It requires passing four exams to prove competency with Microsoft solution architecture, desktop applications, distributed application development, and development tools

Where do I get more information? 

For more information about certification requirements, exams, and training options, visit


Training Resources for Developers  Introduction


 Course

no. 2063  Detailed syllabus: To locate a training provider for this course, please access Microsoft Certified Technical Education Centers are Microsoft’s premier partners for training services

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