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Microprocessors A microprocessor is a computer processor on a microchip. It's sometimes called a logic chip. It is the "engine" that goes into motion when you turn your computer on. A microprocessor is designed to perform arithmetic and logic operations that make use of small number-holding areas called registers. Typical microprocessor operations include adding, subtracting, comparing two numbers, and fetching numbers from one area to another. These operations are the result of a set of instructions that are part of the microprocessor design. When the computer is turned on, the microprocessor is designed to get the first instruction from the basic input/output system (BIOS) that comes with the computer as part of its memory. After that, either the BIOS, or the operating system that BIOS loads into computer memory, or an application progam is "driving" the microprocessor, giving it instructions to perform.

Intel 80486DX2 microprocessor in a ceramic PGA package Main article: Microprocessor The introduction of the microprocessor in the 1970s significantly affected the design and implementation of CPUs. Since the introduction of the first microprocessor (the Intel 4004) in 1970 and the first widely used microprocessor (the Intel 8080) in 1974, this class of CPUs has almost completely overtaken all other central processing unit implementation methods. Mainframe and minicomputer manufacturers of the time launched proprietary IC development programs to upgrade their older computer architectures, and eventually produced instruction set compatible microprocessors that were backward-compatible with their older hardware and software. Combined with the advent and eventual vast success of the now ubiquitous personal computer, the term "CPU" is now applied almost exclusively to microprocessors. Previous generations of CPUs were implemented as discrete components and numerous small integrated circuits (ICs) on one or more circuit boards. Microprocessors, on the other hand, are CPUs manufactured on a very small number of ICs; usually just one. The overall smaller CPU size as a result of being implemented on a single die means faster switching time because of physical factors like decreased gate parasitic capacitance. This has allowed synchronous microprocessors to have clock rates ranging from tens of megahertz to several gigahertz. Additionally, as the ability to construct exceedingly small transistors on an IC has increased, the complexity and number of transistors in a single CPU has increased dramatically. This widely observed trend is described by Moore's law,

which has proven to be a fairly accurate predictor of the growth of CPU (and other IC) complexity to date. While the complexity, size, construction, and general form of CPUs have changed drastically over the past sixty years, it is notable that the basic design and function has not changed much at all. Almost all common CPUs today can be very accurately described as von Neumann stored-program machines. As the aforementioned Moore's law continues to hold true, concerns have arisen about the limits of integrated circuit transistor technology. Extreme miniaturization of electronic gates is causing the effects of phenomena like electromigration and subthreshold leakage to become much more significant. These newer concerns are among the many factors causing researchers to investigate new methods of computing such as the quantum computer, as well as to expand the usage of parallelism and other methods that extend the usefulness of the classical von Neumann model.

80C186 Family Execution Unit The Execution Unit executes all instructions, provides data and addresses to the Bus Interface Unit and manipulates the general registers and the Processor Status Word. The 16-bit ALU within the Execution Unit maintains the μp status and control flags and manipulates the general registers and instruction operands. All registers and data paths in the Execution Unit are 16 bits wide for fast internal transfers. The Execution Unit does not connect directly to the system bus. It obtains instructions from a queue maintained by the Bus Interface Unit. When an instruction requires access to memory or a peripheral device, the Execution Unit requests the Bus Interface Unit to read and write data. Addresses manipulated by the Execution Unit are 16 bits wide. The Bus Interface Unit, however, performs an address calculation that allows the Execution Unit to access the full megabyte of memory space.

To execute an instruction, the Execution Unit must first fetch the object code byte from the instruction queue and then execute the instruction. If the queue is empty when the Execution Unit is ready to fetch an instruction byte, the Execution Unit waits for the Bus Interface Unit to fetch the instruction byte. 80C186 Family Bus Interface Unit The 80C186 family Bus Interface Units are functionally identical. They are implemented differently to match the structure and performance characteristics of their respective system buses. The Bus Interface Unit executes all external bus cycles. This unit consists of the segment registers, the Instruction Pointer, the instruction code queue and several miscellaneous registers. The Bus Interface Unit transfers data to and from the Execution Unit on the ALU data bus. Registers Registers for a variety of purposes such as holding the address of instructions and data, storing the result of an operation, signaling the result of a logic operation, or indicating the status of the program or the μp itself. Some registers may be accessible to programmers, while others are reserved for us by the μp itself. Registers store binary values such as 1 or 0 as electrical voltages of say 5 volts or 0 volts. They consist of several integrated transistors which are configured as a flip-flop circuits each of which can be switched into a 1 or 0 state. They remain in that state until changed under control of the μp or until the power is removed from the processor. Each register has a specific name and is addressable, some, however, are dedicated to specific tasks while the majority are general purpose. The width of a register depends on the type of μp, e.g., an 16, 32 or 64 bit microprocessor. In order to provide backward compatibility, registers may be sub-divided. For example, the Pentium processor is a 32 bit CPU, and its registers are 32 bits wide. Some of these are subdivided and named as 8 and 16 bit registers in order to run 8 and 16 bit applications designed for earlier x86 microprocessors. Instruction Register When the Bus Interface Unit receives an instruction it transfers it to the Instruction Register for temporary storage. In Pentium processors the Bus Interface Unit transfers instructions to the L1 I-Cache, there is no instruction register as such. Stack Pointer A stack is a small area of reserved memory used to store the data in the μp’s registers when: (1) system calls are made by a process to operating system routines; (2) when hardware interrupts generated by input/output (I/O) transactions on peripheral devices; (3) when a process initiates an I/O transfer; (3) when a process rescheduling event occurs on foot of a hardware timer interrupt. This transfer of register contents is called a context switch. The stack pointer is the register which holds the address of the most recent stack entry. Hence, when a system call is made by a process (to say print a document) and its context is stored on the stack, the called system routine uses the stack pointer to reload the register contents when it is finished printing. Thus the process can continue where it left off. 80C186 Family General Registers The 80C186 family CPU has eight 16-bit general registers (see Figure 2). The general registers are subdivided into two sets of four registers. These sets are the data registers (also called the H & L group for high and low) and the pointer and index registers (also called the P & I group).

Figure 2. 80C186 Family General Registers

The data registers can be addressed by their upper or lower halves. Each data register can be used interchangeably as a 16-bit register or two 8-bit registers. The pointer registers are always accessed as 16-bit values. The μp can use data registers without constraint in most arithmetic and logic operations. Arithmetic and logic operations can also use the pointer and index registers. Some instructions use certain registers implicitly (see Table 1), allowing compact encoding. Table 1. Implicit Use of General Registers


Operations Word Multiply, Word Divide, Word I/O Byte Multiply, Byte Divide, Byte I/O, Translate, Decimal Arithmetic Byte Multiply, Byte Divide Translate String Operations, Loops Variable Shift and Rotate Word Multiply, Word Divide, Indirect I/O Stack Operations String Operations String Operations

The contents of the general-purpose registers are undefined following a processor reset.

Instruction Decoder The Instruction Decoder is an arrangement of logic elements which act on the bits that constitute the instruction. Simple instructions with corresponding logic hard-wired into the execution unit are simply passed to the Execution Unit, complex instructions are decoded so that related microcode modules can be transferred from the μp’s microcode ROM to the execution unit. The Instruction Decoder will also store referenced operands in appropriate registers so data at the memory locations referenced can be fetched. Accumulator The accumulator may contain data to be used in a mathematical or logical operation, or it may contain the result of an operation. General purpose registers are used to support the accumulator by holding data to be loaded to/from the accumulator. Computer Status (Flag) Register The result of an ALU operation may have consequences of subsequent operations; for example, changing the path of execution. Individual bits in this register are set or reset in accordance with the result of mathematical or logical operations. Also called a flag, each bit in the register has a pre-assigned meaning and the contents are monitored by the control unit to help control μp related actions. Bits in FL reflect ALU status and μp (interrupt) status e.g. Negative (N), Zero (Z), Carry (C), Parity Flag (PF), Overflow (V), Interrupt (IF), Trap (TF). 80C186 Family Flags The 80C186 family has six status flags (see Figure 3) that the Execution Unit posts as the result of arithmetic or logical operations. Program branch instructions allow a program to alter its execution depending on conditions flagged by a prior operation. Different instructions affect the status flags differently, generally reflecting the following states: 1• If the Auxiliary Flag (AF) is set, there has been a carry out from the low nibble into the high nibble or a borrow from the high nibble into the low nibble of an 8bit uantity (low-order byte of a 16-bit quantity). This flag is used by decimal arithmetic instructions. 2• If the Carry Flag (CF) is set, there has been a carry out of or a borrow into the high-order bit of the instruction result (8- or 16-bit). This flag is used by instructions that add or subtract multibyte numbers. Rotate instructions can also isolate a bit in memory or a register by placing it in the Carry Flag. 3• If the Overflow Flag (OF) is set, an arithmetic overflow has occurred. A significant digit has been lost because the size of the result exceeded the capacity of its destination location. An Interrupt On Overflow instruction is available that will generate an interrupt in this situation. 4• If the Sign Flag (SF) is set, the high-order bit of the result is a 1. Since negative binary numbers are represented in standard two’s complement notation, SF indicates the sign of the result (0 = positive, 1 = negative). 5• If the Parity Flag (PF) is set, the result has even parity, an even number of 1 bits. This flag can be used to check for data transmission errors. 6• If the Zero Flag (ZF) is set, the result of the operation is zero. Additional control flags (see Figure 3) can be set or cleared by programs to alter processor operations: 7• Setting the Direction Flag (DF) causes string operations to auto-decrement. Strings are processed from high address to low address (or “right to left”).

Clearing DF causes string operations to auto-increment. Strings are processed from low address to high address (or “left to right”). 1• Setting the Interrupt Enable Flag (IF) allows the μp to recognize maskable external or internal interrupt requests. Clearing IF disables these interrupts. The Interrupt Enable Flag has no effect on software interrupts or non-maskable interrupts. 2• Setting the Trap Flag (TF) bit puts the processor into single-step mode for debugging. In this mode, the CPU automatically generates an interrupt after each instruction. This allows a program to be inspected instruction by instruction during execution. The status and control flags are contained in a 16-bit Processor Status Word (see Figure 3). Reset initializes the Processor Status Word to 0F000H.

Figure 3. 80C186 Family Processor Status Word

80C186 Family Segment Registers The 80C186 family memory space is 1 Mbyte in size and divided into logical segments of up to 64 Kbytes each. The CPU has direct access to four segments at a time. The segment registers contain the base addresses (starting locations) of these memory segments (see Figure 4). The CS register points to the current code segment, which contains instructions to be fetched. The SS register points to the current stack segment, which is used for all stack operations. The DS register points to the current data segment, which generally contains program variables. The ES register points to the current extra segment, which is typically used for data storage. The CS register initializes to 0FFFFH, and the SS, DS and ES registers initialize to 0000H. Programs can access and manipulate the segment registers with several instructions.

Figure 4. 80C186 Family Segment Register Program or Instruction Counter The Program Counter (PC) is the register that stores the address in primary memory (RAM or ROM) of the next instruction to be executed. In 32 bit systems, this is a 32 bit linear or virtual memory address that references a byte (the first of 4 required to store the 32 bit instruction) in the process’s virtual memory address space. This value is translated to determine the real memory address in which the instruction is stored. When the referenced instruction is fetched, the address in the PC is incremented to the address of the next instruction to be executed. If the current address is 00B0 hex, then the next address will be 00B4 hex. Remember each byte in RAM is individually addressable, however each complete instruction is 32 bits or 4 bytes, and the address of the next instruction in the process will be 4 bytes on. 80C186 Family Instruction Pointer The Bus Interface Unit updates the 16-bit Instruction Pointer (IP) register so it contains the offset of the next instruction to be fetched. Programs do not have direct access to the Instruction Pointer, but it can change, be saved or be restored as a result of program execution. For example, if the Instruction Pointer is saved on the stack, it is first automatically adjusted to point to the next instruction to be executed. Reset initializes the Instruction Pointer to 0000H. The CS and IP values comprise a starting execution address of 0FFFF0H. Arithmetic and Logic Unit The Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU) performs all arithmetic and logic operations in a microprocessor e.g. addition, subtraction, logical AND, OR, EX-OR, etc.. A typical ALU is connected to accumulator and general purpose registers and other μp components that help transfer the result of its operations to RAM via the Bus Interface Unit and the system bus. The results may also be written into internal or external caches. Control Unit The control unit coordinates and manages μp activities, in particular the execution of instructions by the arithmetic and logic unit (ALU). In Pentium processors its role is complex, as microcode from decoded instructions are pipelined for execution by two ALUs.

The System Clock The Intel 8088 had a clock speed of 4.77 Mhz; that is, its internal logic gates were opened and closed under the control of a square wave pulsed signal that had a frequency of 4.77 million cycles per second. Alternatively put, the logic gates opened and closed 4.77 million times per second. Thus, instructions and data were pumped through the integrated transistor logic circuits at a rate of 4.77 million bits per second. Later designs ran at higher speeds e.g. the i286 8-20 Mhz, the i386 16-33 Mhz, i486 25-50 Mhz. Where does this clock signal come from? Each motherboard is fitted with a quartz oscillator in a metal package that generates a square wave clock pulse of a certain frequency. In i8088 systems the crystal oscillator ran at 14.318 Mhz and this was fed to the i8284 to generate the system clock frequency of 4.77 Mhz in earlier system, to 10Mhz is later designs. Later, the i286 PCs had a 12 Mhz crystal which provided i82284 IC multiplier/divider with the primary clock signal. This then divided/multiplied the basic 12 Mhz to generate the system clock signal of 8-20 Mhz. With the advent of the i486DX, the system clock signal, which ran at 25 or 33 Mhz, was effectively multiplied by factors of 2 and 3 to deliver an internal μp clock speed of 50, 66, 75, 100 Mhz. This approach is used in Pentium IV architectures, where the primary crystal source delivers a relatively slow 50 Mhz clock signal that is then multiplied to the system clock speed of 100-133 Mhz. The internal multiplier in the Pentium then multiplies this by a factor 20+ to obtain speeds of 2Ghz and above. Instruction Cycle An instruction cycle consists of the activities required to fetch and execute an instruction. The length of time take to fetch and execute is measured in clock cycles. The μp finishes the execution of an instruction it transfers the content of the program or instruction register into the Bus Interface Unit (1 clock cycle) . This is then gated onto the system address bus and the read signal is asserted on the control bus (1 clock cycle). This is a signal to the RAM controller that the value of this address is to be read from memory and loaded onto the data bus (4+ clock cycles). The instruction is read in from the data bus and decoded (2 + clock cycles. The fetch and decode activities constitute the first machine cycle of the instruction cycle. The second machine cycle begins when the instruction’s operand is read from RAM and ends when the instruction is executed and the result written back to memory. This will take at least another 8+ clock cycles, depending on the complexity of the instruction. Thus an instruction cycle will take at least 16 clock cycles, a considerable length of time. However, Intel made advances by super pipelining instructions, that is by interleaving fetch, decode, operand read, execute, and retire (i.e. write the result of the instruction to RAM) activities into two separate pipelines serving two ALUs. Hence, instructions are not executed sequentially, but concurrently and in parallel more about pipelining later. Microprocessor tasks Microprocessors must perform the following activities: 11. Provide temporary storage for addresses and data 22. Perform arithmetic and logic operations 33. Control and schedule all operations.

Operation of the CPU is sequential : Repeat 1• If (Reset) 2• Fetch (read) the first/next instruction from memory into the IR 3• Read operands, if required from memory or IO 4• Execute the instruction within the microprocessor 5• Write results, if required, to memory or IO • If (Interrupt) { Execute interrupt sequence}

Code density In early computers, program memory was expensive and limited, and minimizing the size of a program in memory was important. Thus the code density -- the combined size of the instructions needed for a particular task -- was an important characteristic of an instruction set. Instruction sets with high code density employ powerful instructions that can implicity perform several functions at once. Typical complex instruction-set computers (CISC) have instructions that combine one or two basic operations (such as "add", "multiply", or "call subroutine") with implicit instructions for accessing memory, incrementing registers upon use, or dereferencing locations stored in memory or registers. Some software-implemented instruction sets have even more complex and powerful instructions. Reduced instruction-set computers (RISC), first widely implemented during a period of rapidly-growing memory subsystems, traded off simpler and faster instruction-set implementations for lower code density (that is, more program memory space to implement a given task). RISC instructions typically implemented only a single implicit operation, such as an "add" of two registers or the "load" of a memory location into a register. Minimal instruction set computers (MISC) are a form of stack machine, where there are few separate instructions (16-64), so that multiple instructions can be fit into a single machine word. These type of cores often take little silicon to implement, so they can be easily realized in an FPGA or in a multi-core form. Code density is similar to RISC; the increased instruction density is offset by requiring more of the primitive instructions to do a task. Instruction sets may be categorized by the number of operands in their most complex instructions. (In the examples that follow, a, b, and c refer to memory addresses, and reg1 and so on refer to machine registers.) •

0-operand ("zero address machines") -- these are also called stack machines, and all operations take place using the top one or two positions on the stack. Adding two numbers here can be done with four instructions: push a, push b, add, pop c; 1-operand -- this model was common in early computers, and each instruction performs its operation using a single operand and places its result in a single accumulator register: load a, add b, store c; 2-operand -- most RISC machines fall into this category, though many CISC machines also fall here as well. For a RISC machine (requiring explicit memory

loads), the instructions would be: load a,reg1, load b,reg2, add reg1,reg2, store reg2,b; 3-operand -- some CISC machines, and a few RISC machines fall into this category. The above example here might be performed in a single instruction in a machine with memory operands: add a,b,c, or more typically (most machines permit a maximum of two memory operations even in three-operand instructions): move a,reg1, add reg1,b,c. In three-operand RISC machines, all three operands are typically registers, so explicit load/store instructions are needed. An instruction set with 32 registers requires 15 bits to encode three register operands, so this scheme is typically limited to instructions sets with 32-bit instructions or longer; more operands -- some CISC machines permit a variety of addressing modes that allow more than 3 register-based operands for memory accesses.

There has been research into executable compression as a mechanism for improving code density. The mathematics of Kolmogorov complexity describes the challenges and limits of this.

Complex instruction set computer From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jump to: navigation, search A complex instruction set computer (CISC) is a microprocessor instruction set architecture (ISA) in which each instruction can execute several low-level operations, such as a load from memory, an arithmetic operation, and a memory store, all in a single instruction. The term was retroactively coined in contrast to reduced instruction set computer (RISC). Before the first RISC processors were designed, many computer architects tried to bridge the "semantic gap" - to design instruction sets to support high-level programming languages by providing "high-level" instructions such as procedure call and return, loop instructions such as "decrement and branch if non-zero" and complex addressing modes to allow data structure and array accesses to be combined into single instructions. The compact nature of such a CISC ISA results in smaller program sizes and fewer calls to main memory, which at the time (the 1960s) resulted in a tremendous savings on the cost of a computer. While many designs achieved the aim of higher throughput at lower cost and also allowed high-level language constructs to be expressed by fewer instructions, it was observed that this was not always the case. For instance, badly designed, or low-end versions of complex architectures (which used microcode to implement many hardware functions) could lead to situations where it was possible to improve performance by not using a complex instruction (such as a procedure call instruction), but instead using a sequence of simpler instructions. One reason for this was that such high level instruction sets, often also highly encoded (for a compact executable code), may be quite complicated to decode and execute efficiently within a limited transistor budget. These architectures therefore require a

great deal of work on the part of the processor designer (or a slower microcode solution). At the time where transistors were a limited resource, this also left less room on the processor to optimize performance in other ways, which gave room for the ideas that led to the original RISC designs in the mid 1970 (IBM 801 - IBMs Watson Research Center). Examples of CISC processors are the System/360, VAX, PDP-11, Motorola 68000 family, and Intel x86 architecture based processors. The terms RISC and CISC have become less meaningful with the continued evolution of both CISC and RISC designs and implementations. The first highly pipelined "CISC" implementations, such as 486s from Intel, AMD, Cyrix, and IBM, certainly supported every instruction that their predecessors did, but achieved high efficiency only on a fairly simple x86 subset (resembling a RISC instruction set, but without the load-store limitations of RISC). Modern x86 processors also decode and split more complex instructions into a series of smaller internal "micro-operations" which can thereby be executed in a pipelined (parallel) fashion, thus achieving high performance on a much larger subset of instructions.

Reduced instruction set computer From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(Redirected from RISC) Jump to: navigation, search This article or section does not cite any references or sources. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. (help, get involved!) Any material not supported by sources may be challenged and removed at any time. This article has been tagged since February 2007.

This article is about computer architecture. For the acronym RISC in biology, see RNA-induced silencing complex. This article is about computer architecture. For the operating system RISC OS, see RISC OS. The reduced instruction set computer, or RISC, is a CPU design philosophy that favors a reduced instruction set as well as a simpler set of instructions. The most common RISC microprocessors are Alpha, ARC, ARM, AVR, MIPS, PA-RISC, PIC, Power Architecture, and SPARC. The idea was originally inspired by the discovery that many of the features that were included in traditional CPU designs to facilitate coding were being ignored by the programs that were running on them. Also these more complex features took several processor cycles to be performed. Additionally, the performance gap between the processor and main memory was increasing. This led to a number of techniques to streamline processing within the CPU, while at the same time attempting to reduce the total number of memory accesses.

Pre-RISC design philosophy For more details on this topic, see CPU design. In the early days of the computer industry, compiler technology did not exist at all. Programming was done in either machine code or assembly language. To make programming easier, computer architects created more and more complex instructions, which were direct representations of high level functions of high level programming languages. The attitude at the time was that hardware design was easier than compiler design, so the complexity went into the hardware. Another force that encouraged complexity was the lack of large memory. Since memory was small, it was advantageous for the density of information held in computer programs to be very high. When every byte of memory was precious, for example one's entire system only had a few kilobytes of storage, it moved the industry to such features as highly encoded instructions, instructions which could be variable sized, instructions which did multiple operations and instructions which did both data movement and data calculation. At that time, such instruction packing issues were of higher priority than the ease of decoding such instructions. Another reason to keep the density of information high was that memory was not only small, but also quite slow, usually implemented using ferrite core memory technology. By having dense information packing, one could decrease the frequency with which one had to access this slow resource. CPUs had few registers for two reasons: •

bits in internal CPU registers are always more expensive than bits in external memory. The available level of silicon integration of the day meant large register sets would have been burdensome to the chip area or board areas available. Having a large number of registers would have required a large number of instruction bits (using precious RAM) to be used as register specifiers.

For the above reasons, CPU designers tried to make instructions that would do as much work as possible. This led to one instruction that would do all of the work in a single instruction: load up the two numbers to be added, add them, and then store the result back directly to memory. Another version would read the two numbers from memory, but store the result in a register. Another version would read one from memory and the other from a register and store to memory again. And so on. This processor design philosophy eventually became known as Complex Instruction Set Computer (CISC) once the RISC philosophy came onto the scene.

The general goal at the time was to provide every possible addressing mode for every instruction, a principle known as "orthogonality." This led to some complexity on the CPU, but in theory each possible command could be tuned individually, making the design faster than if the programmer used simpler commands. The ultimate expression of this sort of design can be seen at two ends of the power spectrum, the 6502 at one end, and the VAX at the other. The $25 single-chip 1 MHz 6502 had only a single general-purpose register, but its simplistic single-cycle memory interface allowed byte-wide operations to perform almost on par with significantly higher clocked designs, such as a 4 MHz Zilog Z80 using equally slow memory chips (i.e. approx. 300ns). The VAX was a minicomputer whose initial implementation required 3 racks of equipment for a single cpu, and was notable for the amazing variety of memory access styles it supported, and the fact that every one of them was available for every instruction.

[edit] RISC design philosophy In the late 1970s researchers at IBM (and similar projects elsewhere) demonstrated that the majority of these "orthogonal" addressing modes were ignored by most programs. This was a side effect of the increasing use of compilers to generate the programs, as opposed to writing them in assembly language. The compilers in use at the time only had a limited ability to take advantage of the features provided by CISC CPUs; this was largely a result of the difficulty of writing a compiler. The market was clearly moving to even wider use of compilers, diluting the usefulness of these orthogonal modes even more. Another discovery was that since these operations were rarely used, in fact they tended to be slower than a number of smaller operations doing the same thing. This seeming paradox was a side effect of the time spent designing the CPUs: designers simply did not have time to tune every possible instruction, and instead only tuned the ones used most often. One famous example of this was the VAX's INDEX instruction, which ran slower than a loop implementing the same code. At about the same time CPUs started to run even faster than the memory they talked to. Even in the late 1970s it was apparent that this disparity was going to continue to grow for at least the next decade, by which time the CPU would be tens to hundreds of times faster than the memory. It became apparent that more registers (and later caches) would be needed to support these higher operating frequencies. These additional registers and cache memories would require sizeable chip or board areas that could be made available if the complexity of the CPU was reduced. Yet another part of RISC design came from practical measurements on real-world programs. Andrew Tanenbaum summed up many of these, demonstrating that most processors were vastly overdesigned. For instance, he showed that 98% of all the constants in a program would fit in 13 bits, yet almost every CPU design dedicated some multiple of 8 bits to storing them, typically 8, 16 or 32, one entire word. Taking this fact into account suggests that a machine should allow for constants to be stored in unused bits of the instruction itself, decreasing the number of memory accesses. Instead of loading up numbers from memory or registers, they would be "right there"

when the CPU needed them, and therefore much faster. However this required the operation itself to be very small, otherwise there would not be enough room left over in a 32-bit instruction to hold reasonably sized constants. Since real-world programs spent most of their time executing very simple operations, some researchers decided to focus on making those common operations as simple and as fast as possible. Since the clock rate of the CPU is limited by the time it takes to execute the slowest instruction, speeding up that instruction -- perhaps by reducing the number of addressing modes it supports -- also speeds up the execution of every other instruction. The goal of RISC was to make instructions so simple, each one could be executed in a single clock cycle [1]. The focus on "reduced instructions" led to the resulting machine being called a "reduced instruction set computer" (RISC). The main difference between RISC and CISC is that RISC architecture instructions either (a) perform operations on the registers or (b) load and store the data to and from them. Many CISC instructions, on the other hand, combine these steps. To clarify this difference, many researchers use the term load-store to refer to RISC. Over time the older design technique became known as Complex Instruction Set Computer, or CISC, although this was largely to give it a different name for comparison purposes. Code was implemented as a series of these simple instructions, instead of a single complex instruction that had the same result. This had the side effect of leaving more room in the instruction to carry data with it, meaning that there was less need to use registers or memory. At the same time the memory interface was considerably simpler, allowing it to be tuned. However RISC also had its drawbacks. Since a series of instructions is needed to complete even simple tasks, the total number of instructions read from memory is larger, and therefore takes longer. At the time it was not clear whether or not there would be a net gain in performance due to this limitation, and there was an almost continual battle in the press and design world about the RISC concepts.

bus In computer architecture, a bus is a subsystem that transfers data or power between computer components inside a computer or between computers and typically is controlled by device driver software. Unlike a point-to-point connection, a bus can logically connect several peripherals over the same set of wires. Each bus defines its set of connectors to physically plug devices, cards or cables together. Early computer buses were literally parallel electrical buses with multiple connections, but the term is now used for any physical arrangement that provides the same logical functionality as a parallel electrical bus. Modern computer buses can use both parallel and bit-serial connections, and can be wired in either a multidrop

(electrical parallel) or daisy chain topology, or connected by switched hubs, as in the case of USB.

] First generation Early computer buses were bundles of wire that attached memory and peripherals. They were named after electrical buses, or busbars. Almost always, there was one bus for memory, and another for peripherals, and these were accessed by separate instructions, with completely different timings and protocols. One of the first complications was the use of interrupts. Early computers performed I/O by waiting in a loop for the peripheral to become ready. This was a waste of time for programs that had other tasks to do. Also, if the program attempted to perform those other tasks, it might take too long for the program to check again, resulting in lost data. Engineers thus arranged for the peripherals to interrupt the CPU. The interrupts had to be prioritized, because the CPU can only execute code for one peripheral at a time, and some devices are more time-critical than others.

] Second generation "Second generation" bus systems like NuBus addressed some of these problems. They typically separated the computer into two "worlds", the CPU and memory on one side, and the various devices on the other, with a bus controller in between. This allowed the CPU to increase in speed without affecting the bus. This also moved much of the burden for moving the data out of the CPU and into the cards and controller, so devices on the bus could talk to each other with no CPU intervention. This led to much better "real world" performance, but also required the cards to be much more complex. These buses also often addressed speed issues by being "bigger" in terms of the size of the data path, moving from 8-bit parallel buses in the first generation, to 16 or 32-bit in the second, as well as adding software setup (now standardised as Plug-n-play) to supplant or replace the jumpers. However these newer systems shared one quality with their earlier cousins, in that everyone on the bus had to talk at the same speed. While the CPU was now isolated and could increase speed without fear, CPUs and memory continued to increase in speed much faster than the buses they talked to. The result was that the bus speeds were now very much slower than what a modern system needed, and the machines were left starved for data. A particularly common example of this problem was that video cards quickly outran even the newer bus systems like PCI, and computers began to include AGP just to drive the video card. By 2004 AGP was outgrown again by high-end video cards and is being replaced with the new PCI Express bus.

Third generation "Third generation" buses are now in the process of coming to market, including HyperTransport and InfiniBand. They typically include features that allow them to run at the very high speeds needed to support memory and video cards, while also supporting lower speeds when talking to slower devices such as disk drives. They also tend to be very flexible in terms of their physical connections, allowing them to be used both as internal buses, as well as connecting different machines together. This

can lead to complex problems when trying to service different requests, so much of the work on these systems concerns software design, as opposed to the hardware itself. In general, these third generation buses tend to look more like a network than the original concept of a bus, with a higher protocol overhead needed than early systems, while also allowing multiple devices to use the bus at once.

CPU operation The fundamental operation of most CPUs, regardless of the physical form they take, is to execute a sequence of stored instructions called a program. Discussed here are devices that conform to the common von Neumann architecture. The program is represented by a series of numbers that are kept in some kind of computer memory. There are four steps that nearly all von Neumann CPUs use in their operation: fetch, decode, execute, and writeback.

Diagram showing how one MIPS32 instruction is decoded. (MIPS Technologies 2005) The first step, fetch, involves retrieving an instruction (which is represented by a number or sequence of numbers) from program memory. The location in program memory is determined by a program counter (PC), which stores a number that identifies the current position in the program. In other words, the program counter keeps track of the CPU's place in the current program. After an instruction is fetched, the PC is incremented by the length of the instruction word in terms of memory units.[3] Often the instruction to be fetched must be retrieved from relatively slow memory, causing the CPU to stall while waiting for the instruction to be returned. This issue is largely addressed in modern processors by caches and pipeline architectures (see below). The instruction that the CPU fetches from memory is used to determine what the CPU is to do. In the decode step, the instruction is broken up into parts that have significance to other portions of the CPU. The way in which the numerical instruction value is interpreted is defined by the CPU's instruction set architecture (ISA).[4] Often, one group of numbers in the instruction, called the opcode, indicates which operation to perform. The remaining parts of the number usually provide information required for that instruction, such as operands for an addition operation. Such operands may be given as a constant value (called an immediate value), or as a place to locate a value: a register or a memory address, as determined by some addressing mode. In older designs the portions of the CPU responsible for instruction decoding were unchangeable hardware devices. However, in more abstract and complicated CPUs and ISAs, a microprogram is often used to assist in translating instructions into various configuration signals for the CPU. This microprogram is sometimes

rewritable so that it can be modified to change the way the CPU decodes instructions even after it has been manufactured.

Block diagram of a simple CPU After the fetch and decode steps, the execute step is performed. During this step, various portions of the CPU are connected so they can perform the desired operation. If, for instance, an addition operation was requested, an arithmetic logic unit (ALU) will be connected to a set of inputs and a set of outputs. The inputs provide the numbers to be added, and the outputs will contain the final sum. The ALU contains the circuitry to perform simple arithmetic and logical operations on the inputs (like addition and bitwise operations). If the addition operation produces a result too large for the CPU to handle, an arithmetic overflow flag in a flags register may also be set (see the discussion of integer range below). The final step, writeback, simply "writes back" the results of the execute step to some form of memory. Very often the results are written to some internal CPU register for quick access by subsequent instructions. In other cases results may be written to slower, but cheaper and larger, main memory. Some types of instructions manipulate the program counter rather than directly produce result data. These are generally called "jumps" and facilitate behavior like loops, conditional program execution (through the use of a conditional jump), and functions in programs.[5] Many instructions will also change the state of digits in a "flags" register. These flags can be used to influence how a program behaves, since they often indicate the outcome of various operations. For example, one type of "compare" instruction considers two values and sets a number in the flags register according to which one is greater. This flag could then be used by a later jump instruction to determine program flow. After the execution of the instruction and writeback of the resulting data, the entire process repeats, with the next instruction cycle normally fetching the next-insequence instruction because of the incremented value in the program counter. If the completed instruction was a jump, the program counter will be modified to contain the address of the instruction that was jumped to, and program execution continues normally. In more complex CPUs than the one described here, multiple instructions

can be fetched, decoded, and executed simultaneously. This section describes what is generally referred to as the "Classic RISC pipeline," which in fact is quite common among the simple CPUs used in many electronic devices (often called microcontrollers).[6]

Design and implementation Main article: CPU design Prerequisites Computer architecture Digital circuits

Integer range The way a CPU represents numbers is a design choice that affects the most basic ways in which the device functions. Some early digital computers used an electrical model of the common decimal (base ten) numeral system to represent numbers internally. A few other computers have used more exotic numeral systems like ternary (base three). Nearly all modern CPUs represent numbers in binary form, with each digit being represented by some two-valued physical quantity such as a "high" or "low" voltage.[7]

MOS 6502 microprocessor in a dual in-line package, an extremely popular 8-bit design. Related to number representation is the size and precision of numbers that a CPU can represent. In the case of a binary CPU, a bit refers to one significant place in the numbers a CPU deals with. The number of bits (or numeral places) a CPU uses to represent numbers is often called "word size", "bit width", "data path width", or "integer precision" when dealing with strictly integer numbers (as opposed to floating point). This number differs between architectures, and often within different parts of the very same CPU. For example, an 8-bit CPU deals with a range of numbers that can be represented by eight binary digits (each digit having two possible values), that is, 28 or 256 discrete numbers. In effect, integer size sets a hardware limit on the range of integers the software run by the CPU can utilize.[8] Integer range can also affect the number of locations in memory the CPU can address (locate). For example, if a binary CPU uses 32 bits to represent a memory address, and each memory address represents one octet (8 bits), the maximum quantity of memory that CPU can address is 232 octets, or 4 GiB. This is a very simple view of

CPU address space, and many designs use more complex addressing methods like paging in order to locate more memory than their integer range would allow with a flat address space. Higher levels of integer range require more structures to deal with the additional digits, and therefore more complexity, size, power usage, and general expense. It is not at all uncommon, therefore, to see 4- or 8-bit microcontrollers used in modern applications, even though CPUs with much higher range (such as 16, 32, 64, even 128-bit) are available. The simpler microcontrollers are usually cheaper, use less power, and therefore dissipate less heat, all of which can be major design considerations for electronic devices. However, in higher-end applications, the benefits afforded by the extra range (most often the additional address space) are more significant and often affect design choices. To gain some of the advantages afforded by both lower and higher bit lengths, many CPUs are designed with different bit widths for different portions of the device. For example, the IBM System/370 used a CPU that was primarily 32 bit, but it used 128-bit precision inside its floating point units to facilitate greater accuracy and range in floating point numbers (Amdahl et al. 1964). Many later CPU designs use similar mixed bit width, especially when the processor is meant for general-purpose usage where a reasonable balance of integer and floating point capability is required.

Clock rate

Logic analyzer showing the timing and state of a synchronous digital system. Main article: Clock rate Most CPUs, and indeed most sequential logic devices, are synchronous in nature.[9] That is, they are designed and operate on assumptions about a synchronization signal. This signal, known as a clock signal, usually takes the form of a periodic square wave. By calculating the maximum time that electrical signals can move in various branches of a CPU's many circuits, the designers can select an appropriate period for the clock signal. This period must be longer than the amount of time it takes for a signal to move, or propagate, in the worst-case scenario. In setting the clock period to a value well above the worst-case propagation delay, it is possible to design the entire CPU and the way it moves data around the "edges" of the rising and falling clock signal. This has the advantage of simplifying the CPU significantly, both from a design perspective and a component-count perspective. However, it also carries the disadvantage that the entire

CPU must wait on its slowest elements, even though some portions of it are much faster. This limitation has largely been compensated for by various methods of increasing CPU parallelism (see below). Architectural improvements alone do not solve all of the drawbacks of globally synchronous CPUs, however. For example, a clock signal is subject to the delays of any other electrical signal. Higher clock rates in increasingly complex CPUs make it more difficult to keep the clock signal in phase (synchronized) throughout the entire unit. This has led many modern CPUs to require multiple identical clock signals to be provided in order to avoid delaying a single signal significantly enough to cause the CPU to malfunction. Another major issue as clock rates increase dramatically is the amount of heat that is dissipated by the CPU. The constantly changing clock causes many components to switch regardless of whether they are being used at that time. In general, a component that is switching uses more energy than an element in a static state. Therefore, as clock rate increases, so does heat dissipation, causing the CPU to require more effective cooling solutions. One method of dealing with the switching of unneeded components is called clock gating, which involves turning off the clock signal to unneeded components (effectively disabling them). However, this is often regarded as difficult to implement and therefore does not see common usage outside of very low-power designs.[10] Another method of addressing some of the problems with a global clock signal is the removal of the clock signal altogether. While removing the global clock signal makes the design process considerably more complex in many ways, asynchronous (or clockless) designs carry marked advantages in power consumption and heat dissipation in comparison with similar synchronous designs. While somewhat uncommon, entire CPUs have been built without utilizing a global clock signal. Two notable examples of this are the ARM compliant AMULET and the MIPS R3000 compatible MiniMIPS. Rather than totally removing the clock signal, some CPU designs allow certain portions of the device to be asynchronous, such as using asynchronous ALUs in conjunction with superscalar pipelining to achieve some arithmetic performance gains. While it is not altogether clear whether totally asynchronous designs can perform at a comparable or better level than their synchronous counterparts, it is evident that they do at least excel in simpler math operations. This, combined with their excellent power consumption and heat dissipation properties, makes them very suitable for embedded computers (Garside et al. 1999).

Floating point unit From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jump to: navigation, search A floating point unit (FPU) is a part of a computer system specially designed to carry out operations on floating point numbers. Typical operations are addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and square root. Some systems (particularly

older, microcode-based architectures) can also perform various "transcendental" functions such as exponential or trigonometric calculations, though in most modern processors these are done with software library routines. In most modern general purpose computer architectures, one or more FPUs are integrated with the CPU; however many embedded processors, especially older designs, do not have hardware support for floating point operations. In the past, some systems have implemented floating point via a coprocessor rather as an integrated unit; in the microcomputer era, this was generally a single microchip, while in older systems it could be an entire circuit board or a cabinet. Not all computer architectures have a hardware FPU. In the absence of an FPU, many FPU functions can be emulated, which saves the added hardware cost of an FPU but is significantly slower. Emulation can be implemented on any of several levels - in the CPU as microcode, as an operating system function, or in user space code. In most modern computer architectures, there is some division of floating point operations from integer operations. This division varies significantly by architecture; some, like the Intel x86 have dedicated floating point registers, while some take it as far as independent clocking schemes. Floating point operations are often pipelined. In earlier superscalar architectures without general out-of-order execution, floating point operations were sometimes pipelined separately from integer operations. Today, many CPUs/architectures have more than one FPU, such as the PowerPC 970, and processors based on the Netburst and AMD64 architectures (such as the Pentium 4 and Athlon 64, respectively.) In some cases, FPUs may be specialized, and divided between simpler floating point operations (mainly addition and multiplication) and more complicated operations, like division. In some cases, only the simple operations may be implemented in hardware, while the more complex operations could be emulated. In some current architectures, the FPU functionality is combined with units to perform SIMD computation; an example of this is the replacement of the x87 instructions set with SSE instruction set in the x86-64 architecture used in newer Intel and AMD processors.

Wait state From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jump to: navigation, search A wait state is a delay experienced by a computer processor when accessing external memory or another device that is slow to respond. As of 2005, computer microprocessors run at very high speeds, while memory technology does not seem to be able to catch up: typical PC processors like the Intel

Pentium 4 and the AMD Athlon run with a clock of several GHz, while the main memory clock ranges from 233 to 533 MHz. Some second-level CPU caches run slower than the processor core. When the processor needs to access external memory, it starts placing the address of the requested information on the address bus. It then must wait for the answer, that may come back tens if not hundreds of cycles later. Each of the cycles spent waiting is called a wait state. Wait states are a pure waste for a processor's performance. Modern designs try to eliminate or hide them using a variety of techniques: CPU caches, instruction pipelines, instruction prefetch, branch prediction, simultaneous multithreading and others. No single technique is 100% successful, but together they can significantly reduce the problem.

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