Microprocessor And Micro Controller

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 276
  • Pages: 2

Name the various flag bits available in an microprocessor. Give the significance of SIM and RIM instruction available in 8085 What do you mean by pipelining in an 8086 processor? How the 20 bit effective address is calculated in an 8086 processor? What is the purpose of CLK signal in an 8086 system.? What is the use of Latch signal on the AD0-AD15 bus in an 8086 system? 7. Name the two modes used by DMa processor to transfer data. 8. Name the six modes of operation of an 8253 programmable interval timer. 9. Differentiate a microprocessor and microcontroller. 10.Differentiate RRA and RRCA instruction in 8051 microcontroller. PART –B : 11.Architecture of 8085 microprocessor. 12.Maskable and Non-Maskable interrupts in 8085 microprocessor 13.How do the instruction of 8085 is classified based on their functions and word length?Give an eg. 14.Write an ALP to add two 8 bit number. 15.Architecture of 8086 processor. 16.Give the significance of Oflag,T flag and I flag ,D flag of 8086. 17. various addressing modes used in 8086 microprocessor.?give example. 18.Name the various segment registers and their usage in 8086 microprocessor. 19.MIN/Max mode operation of 8086 processor. 20.Role of decoder in memory interfacing with example.

21.Explain 8086 memory banks and associated signals for bytes and word operations. 22.Significance of RQ/GTO and IO/M signals 23.Explain the operation of Interrupt controller with diagram. 24.What is the use of CAS0,CAS1,cas2 signals. 25.Explain the operation of DMA controller with diagram 26.With the help of functional block diagram explain any one application of 8051 microcontroller. 27.Give the PIN details of an 8051 microcontroller and explain.

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