Micro-teach Idea Shlomo Swan-azmon

  • December 2019
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Teaching Plan Teacher Name

Shlomo Swan-Azmon


Subject Area



1-2 Microteach


Weather and climate. The 5 senses.


50 mins

- Identify changes in wind direction, and wind speed. Diurnally and seasonally. - Understand the difference between air and wind. Learning Objectives - Understand that air takes up space. What do you want your - Understand that temperature affects air and is a vital component in producing students to learn? wind. - Understand how we can see wind through observing our surroundings. - Ability to observe changes in air and wind through our senses. Assessment How will you know your students have learned?

-Students can identify changes in wind speed and direction throughout the day, week, month, etc. - Students can identify traits characteristics of wind and air. Pinwheel 30 Pinwheel paper template on foam paper Hair dryer 30 paper straws 30 round head fasteners 30 pinwheel templates Stickers Markers

Materials What resources will you need?

Anenometer 3 sticks, 5 paper cups, 1 bottle per group -Anemometer will be made at home and brought to class 2 water bottles with balloons. -One bottle will have a hole and one will not to show air takes up space. 1 small water bottle with balloon - Demonstrate the effect of heat. Hot air rises. Cold air sinks. Wind Vane - Made up at home.

ED 2500 – Orientation to Teaching Instructor: Deborah Yawney

I will have all the materials above on the table. Water bottles, hair dryer, anemometer, wind vane, and hair dryer. Hook: I will ask one student to volunteer to blow into a new, clean balloon placed in a bottle. He will be unable to blow the balloon up, proving air takes up space. I will place a balloon into a water bottle with a hole in it. I will be able to blow up the balloon as the air inside the bottle will escape through the hole, proving that when air has a place to escape to, it will. Introduction (how will you “hook” students? ) Time: 5-8 mins

Heat effects air: I will have a bottle with a balloon attached to the outside of the bottle. I will use the hot air of the blow dryer to heat up the air inside the bottle which will cause the balloon to blow up. Proving hot air rises. I will put the cold setting of the dryer on and the balloon will lose its air. Proving cold air sinks. I will illustrate that hot air rises in areas of earth due to the sun. This will allow cold air to move into the area where the hot air once was, creating wind. (Show Bill Nye the science guy video). Class discussion and Illustration: Does wind change throughout the day? Does the direction of the wind change? State/show the goal for the day: Today we are going to learn about air and wind as they are important component of weather and whether we can observe air and wind with our senses. I will show the class how we measure wind speed using an anemometer and how we can find the winds direction. I will use the hair dryer to illustrate this. Anemometer - Faster wind will make the anemometer spin quicker. It is possible to count the number of rotations in 30 seconds at 2 different settings of the blow dryer. Then compare the 2 settings. Wind Vane - The tail of the wind vane will illustrate from where the wind is coming and where it is going. Another way to see changes in wind speed is a pinwheel…..

Body Learning activity or sequence of activities. ) Time: 25 mins

Preparing the pinwheels 1. I will illustrate how to make a pinwheel using the materials above. 2. I will hand out the materials for the pinwheels and hand out markers and stickers that can be used for decorations. Creating Pinwheel Each student will receive the pinwheel template and follow the steps I have demonstrated in-front of the class. Students will first complete the appropriate folds of the template. Students will then overlay all the pre-made holes and insert the faster through. The fastner will come out of the flower and then it will be inserted into the pre-made hole of the straw. Once the faster is through all the holes and the straw, the fastener’s ends will be folded. The pinwheel should now be able to rotate. The students will decorate the pinwheels as they like. If time permits and its windy outside, the students can be taken outside to count number of rotations the pinwheel does in 30 seconds. Students can observe whether the pinwheel rotates differently throughout the day as a consequence of changing wind speeds. Clean Up 1. All excess parts into the garbage. 2. Students keep pinwheel.

ED 2500 – Orientation to Teaching Instructor: Deborah Yawney

Closure Time: 10 minutes

Ask students what we learned today? - Does air take up space? - Does hot air rise? - Does cold air sink? - Can we see air? Can we see wind? - Can we see wind when we observe our surroundings? - Can we feel wind? Can we feel air? - Does wind change during the day? (try observing this with your pinwheel at home) Further thinking - What are activities that use wind? - Can we use wind as an energy source? - What seasons might have more wind ? Why? - Ask students to use their pinwheel to observe changes in the wind outside of school.

Notes and Ideas

ED 2500 – Orientation to Teaching Instructor: Deborah Yawney

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