Mice And Men Newsletter - Max

  • December 2019
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Issue No. Seventeen

Double Death at Soledad Ranch! By Sean Melvin A woman was recently killed in a ranch in Soledad. She was found laying dead by worker candy half covered in hay with a broken neck on sundown of a gloomy day. Candy’s story goes “I was lookin’ for Lennie, I had somethin’ to tell ‘im. I was walkin’ ‘round and I see Mrs. Court lying there. I thought she was sleeping, with her rouged cheeks and reddened lips. I went up to her, and called her name, but she wouldn’t wake. That’s when it hit me that she was dead. I was really surprised. I had no idea who could’ve it been. I started turning my sorrow into words. I was screaming. The others head and they all come rushing down where I was.” This woman, Margret Court, was Curley Carlson Court, another worker’s wife. Curley and his friends went to go hunt down the man who killed his wife, Lennie Small. The men claimed that Lennie was the man who murdered Margret, without any proof. Curley says “We knew it was that son of a bitch, Lennie. Lennie Small. There was no doubt about it. He came one day with another guy named George. I was always suspicious o’ them, and it turned out I was right to be. That no good, rat brained bastard crushed my hand, then not long after, he killed my wife! He was probably harassing her, then he got mad because of god knows what and snapped her neck! I hear he’s already tried to rape a little girl. Should have ridded of him sooner. We went to hunt ‘im down, and we took George with us. George was the one who found him and blowed his brains out.” George Milton, Lennie’s partner on the other hand says “It wasn’t Lennie’s fault. He didn’t intend to kill her, but the bitch probably started doing something to try to get Lennie in trouble as always, and she managed. I tol’ Lennie to be careful of her, but I guess he was just too dumb to stay away. We found Lennie a couple of miles away from the ranch with a luger he apparently stole from worker Carlson and I talked him into giving me the luger, then I shot ‘im, right in the back o’ his head.” The luger was retrieved, and the apparent criminal was killed. But did this man really deserve death? Was is right to kill this man without proof?

Letter to the Editor Nathan Hale

The jobs available to the common people these days, they just aren’t good enough. The wages are low compared to how much we are made work, and the jobs offer no future to us. We need more, good jobs. Number wise, there’s plenty of jobs. But you would be under constant scrutiny while you were working and you would have to be willing to do practically everything your boss wanted you to do. We need higher wages, and better treatment!

The Collector, 1234 Main Street, Any Town, State 54321 | 123-456-7890 | www.apple.com/iwork

PAGE 2 Ranch Owner’s Daughter-in-law Murdered by Worker

Opinion: Racism Many years back, we found this land. Those days, we just kept getting more and more and more. It was an addiction. We needed more power. Then we got a good idea. We would kidnap africans. We would treat them like some kinds of unearthly beings, so we could fell like we were more important. We discriminated against their skin color, and enslaved them like the horses we ride on and use to pull our carridges. Perhaps some people treated them treated them worse than a horse. Of course, theres no such thing as everybody being equal, but still, isnt this a little too much? There are far more similarities than differences. Do you dare say that skin color is the one important thing that matters? Well, does that mean you would eat an apple with disgusting little critters inside it as long as it was red like a good apple? You wouldn't would you?

A ranch owner’s son, Curley Carlson Court’s Wife, Margret Court was found murdered on a haystack. She was a beautiful woman with a harsh childhood. Her parents made her loose all her chances of getting an amazing career and becoming famous and rich. Any time someone came and asked her if she wanted to be a model or movie star, her parents declined. She had no choice but to get married and get away from home, and that led her straight into the murderer, Lennie Small.


Lennie Small

George Milton

Big and strong and can work long hours, but not very bright.

Hard working, and necessary to keep Lennie out of trouble.

The Collector, 1234 Main Street, Any Town, State 54321 | 123-456-7890 | www.apple.com/iwork

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