Miami Go

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 41
MiAmigo Services For Fun, Friends & Fortune

MiAmigo Affiliate Program Dollar Amounts shown in this presentation are approximately!

Amigo Points ₳   

The currency symbol of an Amigo Point is: ₳ Earned Amigo Points will automatically be deposited into your Earnings Account. In 2 programs the MiAmigo Affiliate Program pays out in USD: o Prepaid VISA Debit Card o VoIP Internet Phone

    

In all other Programs the Affiliate Program pays out in Euros.

 

Converting Amigo Points into Euros is Free of Charge!

 

Amigo Points can be used for making purchases at Websites of associated Merchants.

Teenage Amigo can cash-in their earned Amigo Points from the day they turn 18.

Dollar and Euro Affiliate Earnings will be converted into Amigo Points. One Euro equals 100 Amigo Points (₳100). One USD equals ±66 Amigo Points (₳66). Amigo Points can be transferred to your ChamPay e-Wallet. The Amigo Points will be automatically converted into Euros during this transaction. Amigo Points can be used for purchasing UBIs and purchases in the Supaline Store, Art Gallery or to purchase other MiAmigo Services or pay for a membership upgrade. Teenage Amigos – between 13 and 18 – can spend their generated Amigo Points at Websites of associated Merchants or on UBIs, purchases in the Supaline Store, Art Gallery or to purchase other MiAmigo Services and to pay for a membership upgrade.

Referral Bonus 

All Amigos are entitled to earn a 10% Referral Bonus.

The Referral Bonus applies to all MiAmigo Services and Products, including ‘Amigo Circle’ UBIs purchased by your personally enrolled Amigos (Teammates) and on payment of annual membership fees.

The Referral Bonus can be considered ‘Residual Income’ as the Referral Bonus is paid every year when YOUR Teammates pay their annual membership fee!

Your personal membership status is irrelevant, you will always earn a 10% Referral Bonus; even if you are Gratis Amigo!

The Referral Bonus is a ‘shortcut’ to a richer life for our Gratis Amigos. Enroll hundreds of new Amigos and eventually Gratis Amigos will earn enough Referral Bonuses, allowing an upgrade to Bronze Amigo or even Silver, Gold or Platinum, from their earned Commissions.

The Referral Bonus is paid into the Earnings Account on receipt of payment.

Referral Bonus on Annual Fees 

The table shows the Referral Bonus amount YOU will earn when YOUR Teammate upgrades. Membership Status


Referral Bonus


Referral Bonus

Platinum Amigo





Gold Amigo





Silver Amigo





Bronze Amigo









Gratis Amigo

If YOUR Teammate upgrades to a higher membership status at a later date, YOU will again receive a 10% Referral Bonus over the upgrade amount!

If a personally enrolled Amigo becomes a Triple Platinum, the Referral Bonus for the 2 extra Platinum Memberships will be paid to the Amigo that has upgraded to Triple Platinum.

Affiliate Program PayPlan 

MiAmigo offers its members an exciting, unique and very lucrative PayPlan.

This PayPlan has been created with in mind that all Amigos, including Gratis Amigos, should be able to earn a substantial (extra) income from promoting the Services offered by MiAmigo.

From all sales of any of the MiAmigo Services a percentage of the sales price will be reserved for the PayPlan Pool.

In some of the programs MiAmigo reserves as much as 80%.

Pay Plan Subsidies from the Annual Membership Fees: o o o o

Bronze Amigo 40% of €15 / $22.50 = €6 / $9, goes to PayPlan Silver Amigo 40% of €65 / $97.50 = €26 / $39, goes to PayPlan Gold Amigo 60% of €160 / $240 = €96 / $144, goes to PayPlan Platinum Amigo 78% of €300 / $450 = €234 / $351, goes to PayPlan

PayPlan Funds Divided 

The Affiliate PayPlan applies to all programs, except to the Amigo Circle.

It consists from following 5 Elements that share the amount reserved in the PayPlan Pool as follows:

o Forced Matrix or Unilevel Matrix o Matching Bonus o Profit Share Draw o Super Profit Share Draw o Amigo Circle

= 40% = 20% = 10% = 4%

= 26%

Let’s assume that from a payment an amount of €100 / $150 was reserved for the PayPlan, it would be divided as follows:

o The Forced Matrix or Unilevel Matrix Pool would grow with o The Matching Bonus would grow with o The Profit Share Draw would grow with o The Super Profit Share Draw would grow with o The Amigo Circle would grow with

= = = = =

€ 40 € 20 € 10 €4 € 26

/ / / / /

$60 $30 $15 $6 $39

PayPlan Pie


40% Matrix 20% Matching Bonus 10% Profit Share 4% Super Profit Share 26% Amigo Circle

PayPlan + Annual Fees 

The annual membership fee is generating the basic money to go into the PayPlan Pool.

Even if members would not purchase additional services, you would still earn commissions when they pay their membership fee.

You will not generate any commissions from personally enrolled ‘Gratis Amigos’ who never make a purchase. However, keep in mind that a ‘Gratis Amigo’ can enroll other Amigos that do upgrade or make purchases and then you’ll still earn commissions.

‘Gratis Amigos’ will be automatically upgraded to Bronze and ‘Bronze Amigos’ will be automatically upgraded to Silver as soon as they have earned enough commissions to cover the upgrade amount --- in other words, in the long run you will still be earning commissions from ‘Gratis Amigos’ that never make a purchase!

From each annual Membership Payment, Sale or Transaction Fee, MiAmigo first pays the Sponsor a 10% Referral Bonus.

Then a certain percentage will be reserved for the Affiliate PayPlan Pool. This percentage differs with each membership level as you will see on the next slide.

More Pay Plan Subsidies 

Here is an overview of other MiAmigo Programs and the percentage MiAmigo reserves for the Affiliate PayPlan, not counting the 10% Referral Bonus: o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

Prepaid VISA Champ Cash Card - 36 % from every card transaction X-Wire Messenger - 50 % from every order for X-Wire messages ChamPromo - 80 % from all sold country acres MiAmigo E-mail - 80 % from every banner impression sale MiAmigo Internet Phone - 10 % from all prepaid calling time orders Offshore Opportunities - 20 % from every Trust / IBC / Foundation order Social Networking - 50 % from ‘contact credits’ sales Supaline Store - 10 % from each sale in the store Supaline Art Gallery - 10 % from every art item that is sold Webhosting and WeBlog - 50 % from extended services sales Advertising - 50 % from sold banners etc. Auction - 50 % from the service fee charged with each sale MiAmigo Radio - 50 % from fees paid for participating in Radio Games ChamPay - 50 % from the currency exchange service fees

The minimum order amount in almost every program is €5.00 / $7.50

Two Different Matrices 

All the MiAmigo programs, except the ‘Amigo Circle’, are supported by a Matrix generating Commissions from Sales. This can be a 2 x 18 Forced Matrix or a 7level Unilevel Matrix.

2 x 18 Forced Matrix will be used for:

o Annual Membership Payments and Membership Upgrades, o X-Wire messages sales, ChamPromo country acre sales, Advertising sales, o Formation (Trusts/IBC’s and Foundations) sales, o Web Hosting extended services sales, Social Networking contact credit sales.

7-level Unilevel Matrix

o Visa prepaid Champ CashCard transactions, o Internet VoIP Phone prepaid calling time sales, o Internet ‘Supaline’ Shop + Art Gallery sales, o Email ‘Banner Clicks’ Impression sales, o Auction Program Service Fee charged for each transaction.

2x18 Forced Matrix       

One of the main ‘engines’ of the Affiliate Program is the ‘2x18 Forced Matrix’. All ‘paying’ Amigos are placed in the Matrix. Gratis Amigos will be entered in the ‘2x18 Forced Matrix’ from the moment they upgrade to Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum at a later date. Bronze Amigos earn commissions once per month, around the same date that they’ve joined. If you join on the 15th, you’ll get paid monthly around the 15th. Gold/Silver and Platinum Amigos get paid ‘2x18 Forced Matrix’ Commissions weekly, on Sundays! You can earn ‘Spillover’ from your upline or downline Amigos, even if you do NOT enroll new Amigos yourself! Your Teammates will automatically follow you into all the ‘2x18 Forced Matrices’. Depending on your membership status you will have multiple positions in the ‘2x18 Forced Matrix’.

o o o o o o

Triple Platinum Amigo Platinum Amigo Gold Amigo Silver Amigo Bronze Amigo Gratis Amigo


9 3 2 1 1 0

Positions Positions Positions Position Position Positions

Platinum Amigo & The ‘2x18 Forced Matrix’      

Without any doubt Platinum Amigos are in the drivers’ seat to a rosy future. Occupying 3 Positions will create a lucrative ‘Triangle’. Your ‘Main’ Position is on your Level 0, and the 2 extra Positions will occupy the only 2 available Positions on your 1st Level (Frontline). When the ‘Main’ Position enrolls new Amigos ‘A’ and ‘B’, not only the ‘Main’ Position will profit, but also the ‘Left’ Position will get 2 new Amigos in the Downline (Amigos ‘A’ and ‘B’). When the ‘Main’ Position enrolls new Amigos ‘C’ and ‘D’, not only the ‘Main’ Position will profit, but also the ‘Right’ Position will get 2 new Amigos in the Downline (Amigos ‘C’ and ‘D’). This unique ‘Triangle’ can be created upon joining only; at a later date the 2 ‘Left’ and ‘Right’ Positions will be occupied by either your Teammates or Spillover Amigos .

Bronze Amigo Fee Filleted   

Annual Fee per Year To Referral Fee (10% from €15.00 / $22.50) To PayPlan (40% from €15.00 / $22.50)

€15.00 / $22.50 €1.50 / $2.25 €6.00 / $9.00

Percentage to PayPlan Elements Available Amount per Element per Year:  To Matrix (40% from €6.00 / $9.00) €2.40 / $3.60  To Matching Bonus (20% from €6.00 / $9.00) €1.20 / $1.80  To Profit Share Draw (10% from €6.00 / $9.00) €0.60 / $0.90  To Super Profit Share Draw (4% from €6.00 / $9.00) €0.24 / $0.36  To Amigo Circle (26% from €6.00 / $9.00) €1.56 / $2.34 PayPlan Pool paid Monthly  Matrix (€2.40 / $3.60 ) / 12  Matching Bonus (€1.20 / $1.80) / 12  Profit Share Draw (€ 0.60 / $0.90) / 12

Available €0.20 / €0.10 / €0.05 /

Amount per Element per Month: $0.30 $0.15 $0.07

PayPlan Pool paid Quarterly  Super Profit Share Draw (€0.24 / $0.36) / 4  Amigo Circle (€1.56 / $2.34) / 4

Available Amount per Element per Quarter: €0.06 / $0.09 €0.39 / $0.58

Silver Amigo Fee Filleted   

Annual Fee per Year To Referral Fee (10% from €65.00 / $97.50) To PayPlan (40% from €65.00 / $97.50)

Percentage to PayPlan Elements  To Matrix (40% from €26.00 / $39.00)  To Matching Bonus (20% from €26.00 / $39.00)  To Profit Share Draw (10% from €26.00 / $39.00)  To Super Profit Share Draw (4% from €26.00 / $39.00)  To Amigo Circle (26% from €26.00 / $39.00)

€65.00 / $97.50 €6.50 / $9.75 €26.00 / $39.00 Available Amount per Element per Year: €10.40 / $15.60 €5.20 / $7.80 €2.60 / $3.90 €1.04 / $1.56 €6.76 / $10.14

PayPlan Pool paid Weekly  Matrix (€10.40 / $15.60) / 52  Matching Bonus (€5.20 / $7.80) / 52  Profit Share Draw (€2.60 / $3.90) / 52

Available €0.20 / €0.10 / €0.05 /

Amount per Element per Week: $0.30 $0.15 $0.07

PayPlan Pool paid Quarterly  Super Profit Share Draw (€1.04 / $1.56) / 4  Amigo Circle (€6.76 / $10.14) / 4

Available Amount per Element per Quarter: €0.26 / $0.39 €1.69 / $2.53

Gold Amigo Fee Filleted   

Annual Fee per Year To Referral Fee (10% from €160.00 / $240) To PayPlan (65% from €160.00 / $240)

€160.00 / $240.00 €16.00 / $24.00 €104.00 / $156.00

Percentage to PayPlan Elements Available  To Matrix (40% from €104.00 / $156.00) €41.60  To Matching Bonus (20% from €104.00 / $156.00) €20.80  To Profit Share Draw (10% from €104.00 / $156.00) €10.40  To Super Profit Share Draw (4% from €104.00 / $156.00) €4.16  To Amigo Circle (26% from €104.00 / $156.00) €27.04

Amount per Element per Year: / $62.40 / $31.20 / $15.60 / $16.24 / $40.56

PayPlan Pool paid Weekly  Matrix (€41.60 / $62.40) / 52  Matching Bonus (€20.80 / $31.20) / 52  Profit Share Draw (€10.40 / $15.60) / 52

Available Amount per Element per Week: €0.80 / $1.20 €0.40 / $0.60 €0.20 / $0.30

PayPlan Pool paid Quarterly  Super Profit Share Draw (€4.16 / $16.24) / 4  Amigo Circle (€27.04 / $40.56) / 4

Available Amount per Element per Quarter: €1.04 / $1.56 €6.76 / $10.14

Platinum Amigo Fee Filleted   

Annual Fee per Year To Referral Fee (10% from €300.00 / $450) To PayPlan (78% from €300.00 / $450)

€300.00 / $450.00 €30.00 / $45.00 €234.00 / $351.00

Percentage to PayPlan Elements Available Amount per Element per Year:  To Matrix (40% from €234.00 / $351.00) €93.60 / $140.40  To Matching Bonus (20% from €234.00 / $351.00) €70.20 / $105.30  To Profit Share Draw (10% from €234.00 / $351.00) €35.10 / $52.65  To Super Profit Share Draw (4% from €234.00 / $351.00) €9.36 / $14.04  To Amigo Circle (26% from €234.00 / $351.00) €60.84 / $91.26 PayPlan Pool paid Weekly  Matrix (€93.60 / $140.40) / 52  Matching Bonus (€70.20 / $105.30 ) / 52  Profit Share Draw (€35.10 / $52.65) / 52 PayPlan Pool paid Quarterly  Super Profit Share Draw (€9.36 / $14.04) / 4  Amigo Circle (€60.84 / $91.26) / 4

Available Amount per Element per Week: €1.80 / $2.70 €0.90 / $1.35 €0.45 / $0.67 Available Amount per Element per Quarter: €2.34 / $3.51 €15.20 / $22.81

‘2x18 Forced Matrix’ Commissions from Annual Fee 

The commission amounts in the ‘2x18 Forced Matrix’ generated from the annual membership fees depend on the membership status of the Amigo that occupies the position in ‘2x18 Forced Matrix’.

Weekly payout to the upline Amigos, if the Amigo is a: o Triple Platinum Amigo the Upline earns €0.03 on 9 Positions, unless the Position is on level 18, in that case the commission is €0.09. o Platinum Amigo the Upline earns €0.03 on 3 Positions, unless the Position is on level 18, in that case the commission is €0.09. o Gold Amigo the Upline earns €0.02 on 2 Positions, unless the Position is on level 18, in that case the commission is €0.06. o Silver Amigo the Upline earns €0.01 on 1 Position, unless the Position is on level 18, in that case the commission is €0.03.

Monthly payout to the upline Amigos, if the Amigo is a: o Bronze Amigo you’ll earn €0.01 on 1 Position, unless the Position is on level 18, in that case the payout is €0.03.

Gratis Amigos will be placed in the ‘2x18 Forced Matrix’ as soon as they upgrade to Silver, Gold or Platinum; however they are placed in 7-level Unilevel!

Matching Bonus       

It is not a requirement to enroll new Amigos, but we do encourage you to do so. That’s why the ‘Matching Bonus’ has been created. The Matching Bonus can ‘match’ the Matrix Commissions earned by your Teammates in the 2 x 18 Forced Matrix or Unilevel Matrix up to 100% if you are a Platinum Amigo. The Matching Bonus can ‘match’ the Matrix Commissions earned by your Teammates in the 2 x 18 Forced Matrix or Unilevel Matrix up to 75% if you are a Gold Amigo. The Matching Bonus can ‘match’ the Matrix Commissions earned by your Teammates in the 2 x 18 Forced Matrix or Unilevel Matrix up to 50% if you are a Silver Amigo. The Matching Bonus can ‘match’ the Matrix Commissions earned by your Teammates in the 2 x 18 Forced Matrix or Unilevel Matrix up to 25% if you are a Bronze Amigo. The Matching Bonus can ‘match’ the Matrix Commissions earned by your Teammates in the Unilevel Matrix up to 25% if you are a Gratis Amigo. Accounted for are Silver, Gold and Platinum Amigos. In other words, you can have enrolled a few hundred Gratis and/or Bronze Amigos, but they do not count towards your number of Teammates for the Matching Bonus! Membership Status


Matching Bonus

Platinum Amigo



Platinum, Gold Amigos



Platinum, Gold, Silver Amigos



Gold, Silver, Bronze, Gratis Amigos



Platinum Amigo



Triple Platinum Phenomenon  

If YOU are a Triple Platinum Amigos, YOU have the best deal of all Amigos!

If Teammates aren’t Platinum or do not enroll at least 15 Silver/Gold or Platinum Amigos, these Teammates do not qualify for a 100% Matching Bonus.

The Matching Bonus earnings YOUR Teammates miss out on, will be paid to YOU, if YOU are a Triple Platinum Amigo!

Upgrading to Triple Platinum upon joining, before YOU enroll new Amigos and before the System will place Amigos beneath YOUR ‘Main’ Position from Spillover, is advised because only then the 2 extra Triple Platinum Positions will be directly linked to the main Platinum Account

If you do not join as a Triple Platinum Amigo, you can upgrade to a Triple Platinum at a later date and this upgrade can be financed from your Amigo Earnings at the time you have earned enough to cover the upgrade amount.

A Triple Platinum Amigo earns two times a 10% Referral Bonus of € 30 / $45 and this amount will be deposited into the Triple Platinum Amigo Earnings Account.

Triple Platinum Amigos will receive 3 VISA Cards and they have an option to activate 3 Email Accounts, 3 X-Wire Accounts, 3 Internet Phones, 3 Personal Weblogs etc. on three different computers, i.e. at home, in the office and on a laptop!

YOU receive the ‘Breakage’ originating from the missed Matching Bonus percentage by YOUR Teammates.

Triple Platinum Case Study; Matching Bonus & Breakage! 

On the next slide you can view a Matching Bonus and Breakage ‘Case Study’ of a Triple Platinum Amigo who has enrolled 15 Teammates; 5 Platinum, 5 Gold and 5 Silver Amigos.

These 15 Teammates have also enrolled new Amigos and in this ‘Case Study’ the Teammates have all earned Matrix Commissions in a particular week.

You can view the Matching Bonus percentage each of the Teammates is entitled to earn and the Matching Bonus amount each of them has earned.

The Matching Bonus percentage the Teammates miss out on, because they did not qualify for a 100% Matching Bonus, is now paid as Breakage to their Sponsor.

In this ‘Case Study’ the Triple Platinum Amigo has earned a 100% Matching Bonus for a total of € 1,089 / $1,633.50!

In this ‘Case Study’ the Triple Platinum Amigo generated a Matching Bonus ‘Breakage’ of €1,715 / $2,572.50!

If Teammates earn a 100% Matching Bonus themselves, the Triple Platinum Amigo does not earn any Matching Bonus ‘Breakage’. In the ‘Case Study’ this applies to the 1st Teammate.

And remember, the Matching Bonus and Matching Bonus ‘Breakage’ is paid weekly because the MiAmigo Affiliate Program is paying out weekly!

Triple Platinum ‘Case Study’ You can see the 15 Teammates enrolled by the Triple Platinum Amigo and the number of new Amigos enrolled by each Teammate at a particular moment.

You can see the Matching Bonus percentage, the Matching Bonus amount and the Matrix Commissions earned by the Teammates in a particular week.

You can see the Matching Bonus and MB ‘Breakage’ earned by the Triple Platinum Amigo. Enrolled Amigos

Teammate Has Enrolled

Matching Bonus Teammate

Your MB Earnings

Your Earned Breakage % + $$

Platinum 1

15 Amigos

€250 / $375


€150 / $225

€150 / $225

(0 %)

Platinum 2

10 Amigos

€210 / $315


€180 / $270

€180 / $270


Platinum 3

5 Amigos


€50 / $75

€50 / $75

(50%) €150 / $225

Platinum 4

2 Amigos

€110 / $165


€150 / $225

€150 / $225

(75%) €330 / $495

Platinum 5

1 Amigos

€50 / $75


€56 / $84

€56 / $84

(75%) €150 / $225

€200 / $300


€160 / $240

€160 / $240

(50%) €200 / $300

€150 / $225

MB Percentage Teammate

Matrix Earnings Teammate

€0 / $0 €70 / $105

Silver 1

15 Amigos

Silver 2

3 Amigos

€20 / $30


€12 / $18

€12 / $18

Silver 3

9 Amigos

€170 / $255


€120 / $180

€120 / $180

(50%) €340 / $510

Silver 4

4 Amigos

€40 / $60


€30 / $45

€30 / $45

(75%) €120 / $180

Silver 5

4 Amigos

€10 / $15


€4 / $6

€4 / $6

Gold 1

2 Amigos

€15 / $22.50


€5 / $7.50

€5 / $7.50

Gold 2

3 Amigos

€4 / $6


€2 / $3

€2 / $3


€12 / $18

Gold 3

15 Amigos

€180 / $270


€100 / $150

€100 / $150


€60 / $90

Gold 4

4 Amigos

€12 / $18


€8 / $12

€8 / $12


€36 / $54

Gold 4

11 Amigos

€112 / $168


€62 / $91

€62 / $91



€60 / $90

€30 / $45

(75%) €45 / $67.50

(50%) €112 / $168

7-Level Unilevel Matrix 

All Amigos, including the Gratis Amigos, are placed in a Unilevel Matrix.

This Unilevel Matrix is 7 levels deep and has unlimited width. In other words YOU can literally have thousands of Amigos on one Level.

YOUR Teammates are all placed on YOUR ‘Frontline’ (or 1st Level).

To get YOUR Unilevel Matrix started, YOU must enroll at least 1 new Amigo!

If YOU are a Gold Amigo, YOU will have one Position in the Unilevel.

If YOU are a Platinum Amigo, YOU will have one Position in the Unilevel.

If YOU are a Triple Platinum Amigo, the TWO extra Platinum Accounts will be placed on ‘Frontline’ of your Unilevel and generate income for your first Platinum Account.

All of your Teammates will automatically follow you into all the programs’ Unilevel Matrices.

Programs Supported by the 7-Level Unilevel Matrix are:

o o o o o

Visa prepaid Champ CashCard transactions Internet VoIP Phone prepaid calling time sales Internet ‘Supaline’ Shop + Art Gallery sales Email ‘Banner Clicks’ Impression sales Auction Program Service Fee charged for each transaction

Prepaid VISA ‘Champ Cash Card’ 

The prepaid VISA ‘Champ Cash Card’ is issued to all Silver, Gold and Platinum Amigos from 13 years and up.

The prepaid VISA Card can be used Worldwide in Shops, ATMs, on line (PayPal) and you can instantly send money from one prepaid VISA Card to another --all around the world!

All transaction fees are $1.75, except for an international withdrawal and card load when a transaction fee of $3.75 applies.

The prepaid VISA Cards are valid for 1 year, and will be automatically renewed when you pay next years’ annual membership fee.

The VISA Card comes with your name printed on the card.

Company VISA Cards are available and include the name of your Company and the name of the Cardholder.

The VISA Card can be loaded with $10,000 (they are USD cards!)

No Monthly Maintenance or Dormancy Fees apply!

VISA Card PayPlan 

From any transaction made with a prepaid VISA Card, MiAmigo will pay a Referral Bonus of $0.17 to the Sponsor.

From any transaction made with a VISA Card, MiAmigo will reserve 36% for the Affiliate PayPlan.

This is an amount of $0.63 and the amount will be divided as follows: o o o o o

To To To To To

the the the the the

Unilevel Matrix goes Matching Bonus goes Profit Share Draw goes Super Profit Share Draw goes Amigo Circle goes -

$0.25 $0.12 $0.06 $0.04 $0.16

Generated VISA Card Commissions are paid during the first week of the next month.

Generated VISA Card Commissions will automatically be converted into Amigo Points and deposited into YOUR Earnings Account.

VISA Card Matrix Commissions      

From the $0.63 the System will reserve 40% for the Unilevel Matrix Program. Forty percent equals 25 cents! The table below shows how the commission amount of 25 cents is divided per level. Only a Platinum Amigo can earn the maximum available amount of 25 cents. The difference in earnings can easily be much higher than the annual fee a Platinum Amigo has to pay. A Triple Platinum Amigo who owns 3 prepaid VISA Cards will create 3 commission streams for the Upline Amigos. Level






















































VISA Card ‘Case Study’ 

This is a ‘Case Study’ to give an idea of the potential earnings that can be generated in the VISA Champ Cashcard Program. Please understand that this is an example and in real you could earn a lot more or less commissions.

On average a cardholder makes 8 transactions per month.

Assume that you and all the Amigos in your Unilevel enrolled 5 new Amigos that are all either a Silver, Gold or Platinum Amigo (VISA cardholder).

This is what you will be earning if you are a: o o o o o

Gratis Amigo Bronze Amigo Silver Amigo Gold Amigo Platinum Amigo

$7,812 $14,062 $21,874 $29,686 $37,498

per per per per per

month! month! month! month! month!

Profit Share Draw 

The Profit Share Draw is an attractive and exciting element of the MiAmigo Services Affiliate Program. A part of the Company’s gross turnover will be returned to the Amigos through a weekly Profit Share Draw.

Every week Amigos stand a chance to become one of the many lucky winners! The total amount reserved for the Profit Share Draw will be raffled every Sunday.

Each Sunday MiAmigo Services will issue one free Profit Share Draw 'ticket' to Platinum, Gold and Silver Amigos

Each month MiAmigo Services will issue a free Profit Share Draw 'ticket' to Bronze Amigos.

If you spend €5.00 (±7.50) on any of the MiAmigo Services, then the system will issue a Profit Share Draw 'ticket', which will automatically play in the Profit Share Draw that Sunday.

Gratis Amigos are also entitled to participate in Profit Share Draw with tickets that have been issued when they made a purchase.

You can have an unlimited number of 'tickets' in the Profit Share Draw, and this will increase your chances of winning a prize --- but you can only win ONE prize in the same Profit Share Draw!

Profit Share Draw Winners

The 10% from the Affiliate Pay Plan Pool that has been reserved for the Profit Share Draw will be paid as follows: o o o o

1st Prize: 1 Winner receives 25 % 2nd Prize: 5 Winners receive each 5 % 3rd Prize: The remaining 50 % will be divided by €5. The outcome is the number of Amigos that will receive €5 worth of X-Wire Messages into their X-Wire Messages Account.

To claim a 1st or a 2nd prize you’ll have to send a message to the Profit Share Draw committee through X-Wire.

All 1st and 2nd Prize Winnings will be automatically deposited into your Earnings Account after you have claimed your prize via X-Wire.

Profit Share ‘Case Study’ 

Let’s assume that this week we had a gross profit of €800,000 ($1,200,000) and 75% would be available for the Affiliate Program, which is €600,000 ($900,000).

Then 10% from this amount (€60,000 / $90,000) will be reserved for the Profit Share Pool.

From the €60,000 / $90,000, one Amigo wins 25% and 5 Amigos win 5%. The remaining 50% will be divided by €5 prizes.

In this Case Study the prizes would be as follows: o o o

1 Amigo receives 25%, which equals € 15.000 / $22,500 5 Winners will each receive 5%, which equals € 3,000 / $4,500 6,000 Amigos will each receive €5 /± $7.50 worth of X-Wire Messages into their XWire Messages Account

Of course the outcome will be more if the weekly gross profit is higher. The winnings will be lower if the gross profit was less.

Super Profit Share Draw 

The Super Profit Share Draw is open to Platinum Amigos only.

The Super Profit Share Pool is filled with 5% of the Affiliate PayPlan funds, reserved from sales during the weeks that have passed since the last Super Profit Share Draw took place.

If you are not a Platinum Amigo yet, we strongly advise you to upgrade ASAP if you do not want to miss out.

Prizes are BIG and chances you'll win are HIGH.

Each Platinum Amigo has 1 'ticket' and a Triple Platinum Amigo will receive 3 'tickets' for each Super Profit Share Draw.

The Super Profit Share Draw will take place every 3 months.

The Super Profit Share Draws in 2008 will take place on: 30 March, 29 June, 28 September and 28 December.

There will also be a regular Profit Share Draw during these weeks!

Super Profit Share Draw Winners 

The Super Profit Share Pool will be divided between 81 Lucky Platinum Amigos: o o o o

1 Platinum Amigo will receive 25% 5 Platinum Amigos will each receive 5 % 25 Platinum Amigos will each receive 1 % 50 Platinum Amigos will each receive 0.5 %

To claim a prize you’ll have to send a message to the Profit Share Draw committee through X-Wire.

All winnings will be automatically paid to your Earnings Account after you have claimed your prize.

Even if you upgrade to Platinum 1 day before the Super Profit Share Draw takes place, you are eligible to participate, provided that your payment has been processed. Don’t take chances and upgrade on time!

Super Profit Share Draw ‘Case Study’ 

Let’s assume that in the last 13 weeks MiAmigo Services had a gross turnover of €10,000,000 / $15,000,000 and 80% of the gross turnover has been reserved for the PayPlan. Eighty percent equals €8,000,000 / $12,000,000.

Five percent from €8,000,000 / $12,000,000 will be available for the Super Profit Share Draw, which is €400,000 / $600,000.

The available €400,000 / $600,000 will be divided as follows: o o o o

1 Amigo receives €100,000 / $150,000 5 Winners will each receive €20,000 / $30,000 25 Amigos will each receive €4,000 / $6,000 50 Amigos will each receive €2.000 / $3,000

Of course the outcome will be more if the weekly gross profit is higher and the winnings will be lower if the gross profit was less.

“The Amigo Circle” A Private Investment Program

MiAmigo Services needs finance to realize its aim of becoming a World Leader in “Payment Solution Technology” - and therein lies the BIG challenge! If we went for a bank loan, or if MiAmigo Services went public on the Stock Exchange, we would HAVE to reveal our ‘Secret Recipe’.

That leaves One Solution!

….and that solution is to approach Private Individuals --- and this is exactly what we have decided to do. The necessary finance will be raised through a Private Investment Program.

Please bear in mind that MiAmigo Services could easily become bigger than Yahoo or PayPal. Though this may sound like a very bold statement, it would ultimately harm MiAmigo Services if we undersold what we have on offer.

Unit of Beneficial Interest or UBI for short 

A Unit of Beneficial Interest issued by 'MiAmigo' is a lien or claim against 'MiAmigo'. A UBI is a negotiable instrument and can be traded above and below 'Face Value', such to be agreed on by the Seller and Buyer. MiAmigo’s Private Investment Program is all about Mutual Beneficial Interest. You will benefit greatly from the growth of this Giant of the Future.

To raise the necessary finance, MiAmigo Services will issue 100,000,000 Units of Beneficial Interest with a value of €10 each. In other words, we have set the value of the MiAmigo Company at 1 Billion Euros. This may sound a lot, but remember that Microsoft offered 45 Billion for Yahoo - and one day MiAmigo Services could easily be as BIG as Yahoo, PayPal, Skype and other company that have changed owners for billions of dollars.

In the development stages of MiAmigo Services, the UBIs will be sold at 10 cents on the Euro. In other words, the UBIs will be discounted because in the early stages the dividend may not be that big.

MiAmigo Services will not ‘drop’ all the UBIs in the market at one time, but issue them in batches. As our membership grows we will issue more UBIs. With each new UBIs issue, the price of an individual UBI will go up. Not only will the price of the newly issued UBIs go up, but also the price of any UBIs remaining from the previous issue.

Scheduled UBI Issues In the table below you can see when new UBI issues will take place and the discounted UBI price for that issue. A total of 100,000,000 UBIs will be issued. Members 1+



Number of UBIs

€ 10 - € 9 = / $ 15 - $13.50

€ 1.00 / $ 1.50


€ 10 - € 8 = / $ 15 - $13.50

€ 2.00 / $ 3.00


€ 10 - € 7 / $ 15 - $13.50

€ 3.00 / $ 4.50



€ 10 - € 6 = / $ 15 - $13.50

€ 4.00 / $ 6.00



€ 10 - € 5 = / $ 15 - $13.50

€ 5.00 / $ 7.50



€ 10 - € 4 = / $ 15 - $13.50

€ 6.00 / $ 9.00



€ 10 - € 3 = / $ 15 - $13.50

€ 7.00 / $ 10.50



€ 10 - € 2 = / $ 15 - $13.50

€ 8.00 / $ 12.00



€ 10 - € 1 = / $ 15 - $13.50

€ 9.00 / $ 13.50



No Discount

€ 10.00 / $ 15.00


20,000+ 30,000+

Amigo Circle Dividends 

By reading the rules of the MiAmigo Services Affiliate Program, you will learn that 25% of the reserved funds in the PayPlan go to the Amigo Circle, which is the UBI Program.

In your members’ zone, your accrued earnings will be updated every week and every 3 months your earned dividend will be transferred to your MiAmigo Earnings Account.

The quarterly amount reserved for the Amigo Circle is divided by the number of UBIs ‘sold’.

In other words, we may have issued 10 Million UBIs but if we have sold only 1 million, the reserved amount will be divided by 1 million and not 10 Million!

This is obviously an advantage and a strong reason to invest early.

The projected quarterly dividend, based on 1 million members is €6 ($9) / UBI per quarter!

Imagine what the return will be after MiAmigo Services has 10 or even 100 million members!

It’s truly mindboggling!

UBIs Are Negotiable 

MiAmigo UBIs are negotiable instruments - the value of which is agreed on between Seller and Buyer.

In other words, if you want to trade your MiAmigo UBIs you can do so. You could in fact make a huge profit every time a new UBI issue takes place.

For example, if you had purchased 10,000 UBIs at €1 and the price went up to €2.00 / $3.00 after the Company has 20,000 members, you could sell your UBIs for, say €1.50 / $2.25 each.

This would translate into a profit of €5,000 / $7,500!

New investors are likely to buy your UBIs, because they will save 25% in this example!

Through the MiAmigo in-house trading facility Amigos can buy and/or sell MiAmigo UBIs.

Discount for UBI Holders    

UBI Holders enjoy a discount when they purchase articles in the Supaline Store or Supaline Art Gallery. The more UBIs you possess, the higher your discount will be. The discount will be deposited into your Earnings Account after you have made the purchase. Discount Table: Number of UBIs

Discount Supaline Store

Discount Art Gallery






















If MiAmigo will be Sold 

It is possible that in the future a Multinational Company would buy the MiAmigo Company.

If this was to occur then the Amigo Circle would be closed and all UBI holders compensated.

This would be done by trading the member’s UBIs at the prevailing UBI price, agreed on at the time of sale or we will exchange your UBIs for Shares of the new Company if preferred.

If in time MiAmigo Services will have millions of members, the MiAmigo Company would be worth at least 10 Billion Euros.

This amount would be 10 times the original value of 1 Billion Euros, thus the payout per UBI would be (10 x €10 / $15 =) €100 / $150 per UBI!

If you were holding a package of 10,000 UBIs, you would receive €1,000,000 / $1,500,000 and thus become a Millionaire. Not bad considering the amount you’ve invested!!

Amigo Circle Referral Bonus 

If one of your Teammates Amigo purchases UBIs, YOU, the Sponsor earns a 10% Referral Bonus provided that you possess at least 1 UBI yourself!

You should be in the possession of the UBI prior to a Teammate ordering UBIs! You also qualify if you hold ‘gifted’ UBI’s by the MiAmigo Company!

Every Amigo, including Gratis and Bronze Amigos, are entitled to earn the Referral Bonus.

This is a very rewarding opportunity for all Amigos! All you need to do is enroll as many new Amigos as you can. This has been made all the easier as joining is FREE!

Since the cost of a single UBI is (temporarily) only a single Euro ($1.50), millions of the World’s population can afford to purchase a UBI.

Remember, one single UBI could be worth at least €100/$150 and this is not counting the Dividends already earned!

UBI prizes will go up as the number of Amigos grow. Eventually the price will per UBI will be € 10/$15. Order now while the UBIs are offered at a discount! Promoting MiAmigo can be very Lucrative for more than One Reason!

By promoting MiAmigo Services, Amigos can earn big Referral Bonuses and High Commissions for introducing new members to our great range of services.

But please be aware that the more Amigos enroll, the HIGHER the Dividend Payouts!

Join MiAmigo Services 

This presentation was brought to you by:

catherines92 !

- “A Very Proud Amigo”!

You can join MiAmigo Services by clicking my promo-link: Http:// catherines92

 

If you have questions, please send an email to: catherines92

I am looking forward to help and assist you because I want that you become just as Successful as I am promoting the Services of MiAmigo!

Go, Go, Mi Amigo! Join Now

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