Mgt. Exam Questions Final 2

  • October 2019
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Mgt. Exam #2 Essay Questions—50 points total 1. Name and explain three types of ethical principles. 2. What is the MBO style of planning? What does it stand for? Name and explain the four parts of the MBO cycle. 3. Name the essential elements of communication. Explain how these elements can help a manager meet goals.

Multiple Choice—Take home questions—worth 2 points per question.


Which of these is not among the nine cultural dimensions from the GLOBE project? a. Decision making style b. Uncertainty avoidance c. Power distance d. Future orientation e. Assertiveness


According to research, which of these was the leading reason why U.S. expatriates went home early? a. Homesickness b. Not trustworthy c. Did not perform job effectively d. Too informal e. Family did not adjust to culture

3. Which leadership style turned out to be the least applicable in the GLOBE cross-cultural leadership study? a. Participative b. Achievement-oriented c. Self-protective d. Supportive e. Team-oriented 4. Which goal was consistently ranked the highest by employees in a crosscultural study? a. Job security b. Interesting work c. Autonomy d. Working conditions e. Pay


In a. b. c. d. e.

geocentric organizations, strategic planning questions are addressed by Headquarters Subsidiary managers and local government, cooperatively Subsidiary managers, with veto power retained by headquarters Subsidiary managers and headquarters, cooperatively Local government


Culture, by definition, involves a. Conflict b. Laws and regulations c. Attitudes but not behavior d. Ethnocentrism e. Taken-for-granted assumptions


Stage one in the six-stage internationalization process is a. Licensing b. Local assembly and packaging c. Joint venture d. Direct foreign investment e. Exporting


Which of these is one of the major barriers to North American women taking on foreign assignments? a. Lack of technical qualifications b. Inadequate foreign language skills c. Lack of opportunities d. Prejudice among home-country managers e. Foreigners prejudice against women


Terminal values involve a. End-states worth striving for b. Modes of behavior c. Unethical conduct d. Proactive social responsibility e. Negative attitudes

10. Which of the following is not a way in which management can encourage ethical conduct? a. Using ethical advocates in high-level decision making b. Using a reaction strategy to deal with social responsibility issues c. Preparing a formal code of ethics d. Creating an open climate for dissent e. Conducting ethics training 11.Which of the following factors must be present before a company can be called socially responsible?

a. b. c. d. e.

Lack of a profit motive Voluntarismal Government cooperation A legal tax deduction allowance A social responsibility audit

12. To encourage ethical behavior effectively, a formal code of ethics must refer to specific practices and a. Be brief b. Encourage discussion c. Be the result of consultation with all organizational levels d. Be firmly supported and equitably enforced e. Follow the letter of the law 13.What term best explains the present status of the concept of corporate social responsibility? a. Temporary b. Obscure c. Evolving d. Bankrupt e. Outdated

14.What term applies to reporting perceived unethical practices to outsiders such as the news media or government agencies? a. Flipping b. Whistle-blowing c. Proaction d. Social auding e. Altruism 15.Which of these was not found by researchers to be a common strategy for rationalizing unethical conduct? a. Stereotyping b. Metaphor of the ledger c. Appeal to higher loyalties

d. Denial of responsibility e. Denial of victim 16. Moving from low to high, what social responsibility strategy follows the reaction strategy? a. Cooperation b. Passive acceptance c. Defense d. Reconciliation e. Affirmation 17. ____________ values are enduring beliefs that certain ways of behaving are appropriate in all situations. a. Ethical b. Terminal c. Lifestyle d. Instrumental e. Final

18. Which of these is not one of the ten general ethical principles? a. Universal rules b. Individual rigts c. Self-interest d. Economic efficiency e. Clear conscience 19. In a. b. c. d. e.

break-even calculations, fixed costs are costs that Are tied directly to production Cannot be identified in nonprofit operations Do not change with the level of output Are a function of volume Are drawn as a 45-degree angle on the break-even chart

20. Which of these is not one of the four stages in the project life cycle? a. Conceptualization

b. c. d. e.

Termination Execution Planning Evaluation

21. Which of the following is a benefit of objective? a. They clearly state the organizations purpose b. They put an organizations philosophy into action c. They serve as targets and measuring sticks for management d. They mak strategic planning easier e. They reduce employee turnover 22.The purpose of the periodic review in the MBO cycle is to a. Check the validity of objectives and provide feedback to subordinates b. Find substandard performance and administer punishment as needed c. Test the reliability of the MBO process itself d. Provide information for financial statements e. Provide the close direction and monitoring needed to obtain adequate levels of performance 23. Which of the following statements qualifies as a well-written objective? a. Increase sales b. Hire four computer programmers c. Reduce employee turnover by the end of the calendar year d. Double the sales of product XYZ by next Oct. 1 e. Cut overhead expenses by 10 percent 24. According to ______, a minority of causes, inputs, or effort tend to produce a majority of results, outputs, or rewards. a. MBO b. The 80/20 principle c. PERT d. Break-even analysis e. Gantt charting 25. Which of these is not on of the six roles played by project managers? a. Facilitator b. Marketer c. Politician d. Entrepreneur e. Friend

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