Mgr Calender

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 958
  • Pages: 5





Day One What cho’ Name is? -Stereotypes of AAVE -Implications & how it applies to students -View Pbs special on linguistic profiling

Day Two Knowledge is KEY -Lecture: History of AAVE power point with guided notes for students

Day Three History of AAVE -Pbs documentary with guided notes HW: read intro of “Talking that Talk”

Day Four AAVE is a language! Discuss hw readings/Pbs special (code-switching) HW: “talking that talk”

Students will be able to: *understand how to escape the negative perspectives of AAVE *understand and learn that AAVE is a systematic rule governed language

Students will be able to: *gain knowledge of the historical roots of AAVE *use guided notes to recognize important facts about AAVE

Students will be able to: *use guided notes to recognize important facts about AAVE *analyze the visual components of a film

Day Five (see lesson plans) What it is? Introduction to Grammar Rules (handout) Genre: Children’s Novel Introduce Multigenre Project (rubric, modes, description)

Students will be able to: *understand the undertones associated with AAVE *conceptualize how stereotypes are formed and put into place by society.

Students will be able to: *understand the various components of a multigenre project and inquiry based research *become acquainted with the different options of projects available to them.

Monday Day Six What it is? Grammar Rules (handout) Identifying in music lyrics Genre: Music HW: research song w/ at least 5 grammar rules Due: project proposal Students will be able to: *gain knowledge of the basic grammar rules of AAVE. *gain experience identifying grammar rules in hip-hop and r&b songs.



Day Seven What it is? Grammar rules handout Read segments of “Their eyes were Watching God” What does the language DO for the book? Purposes of AAVE/ figurative language Genre: Novel (story)

Day Eight What it is? Grammar rules handout and worksheet Genre: Poems HW: listen to fam/friends & record at least ten diff. ex. w/ five diff. rules used.(description of assignment handout)

Students will be able to: * read a small section of text with a specific purpose (identifying AAVE grammar rules) *recognize and understand an author’s purposeful use of language.

Students will be able to: *gather pertinent primary information from their surrounding community on AAVE grammar rules. * gain experience working with AAVE grammar rules.



Day Nine What it is? Grammar Rules Discuss research in small groups. What words most commonly used? Identifying in Poems Genre: Poems

Day Ten Lexicon Rules (handouts) lecture with diagraphs and handouts reading of “Talking that Talk” Genre: radio shows and comedies

Students will be able to: *Participate effectively, respectfully, and equally in a class discussion *observe and practice identifying the various grammar rules in various poems. *understand the underlying tones of photographs and how messages can be conveyed without words.

Students will be able to: *critically analyze the lexicon rules in Steve Harvey’s radio Show. *Learn the format, performance, and dialogue of a radio show

Monday Day eleven The Ebonics Debate! Controversies Ann Arbor case Oakland Community case Youtube clips (B.Cosby) Statistics of AAVE users WHO? WHY? Students will be able to: *become acquainted with the historical controversies surrounding AAVE in the classroom *gain insight into the perspectives about AAVE in the classroom to help inform their own thinking about the issue.


Tuesday Day twelve The Ebonics Debate! Research Various Perspectives surrounding the controversies of AAVE Students will be able to: *research and formulate opinions about the Ebonics Debate *locate good supportive evidence for argument


Wednesday Day thirteen Debate Reflection on Debate Students will be able to: *engage in a dialogic discussion in the form of a debate *hear and understand multiple perspectives surrounding the Ebonics debate *dialogue with peers about the perceptions and opinions shared in class. *recursively reflect debate in a written reflection


Thursday Day fourteen How it Sounds? . Lexicon Rules Students will record themselves reciting a nursery rhyme and reflect critically Students will be able to: *perceive the sounds of AAVE through various recordings. *engage in small groups to analyze their voice recordings. *Recursively reflect on the lexicon rules governing AAVE Due: project update


Friday Day fifteen Lexicon Rules watch a segment of “School Days” Genre: Movie, movie posters, and movie trailer) Students will be able to:

*critically analyze the lexicon rules in “School Days” *comprehend the connections between a movie, movie trailer, and movie poster. *learn the purpose and components of advertising a movie Due: Project update Peer workshop Students will be able to: * Verbally explain their projects and rationale behind their ideas and projects. * view and critically analyze peers ideas, gaining other perspectives and new ideas for their own projects.


Day Sixteen Being Bilingual -Play code switching Jeopardy -Reintroduce the multi-genre project and purpose -display sample student work

Day Seventeen Translation -using segments of “Their Eyes were Watching God students will translate it into standard English

Students will be able to: *visually understand the components of the multigenre project *analyze and conceptualize student examples of the multigenre project *translate pieces of AAVE and Standard English in a nontraditional form

Students will be able to: *translate segments of a novel into standard English *use the segments they have translated in their final portfolio assignment

Day Eighteen

Day Nineteen

-Research and Peer editing

-Research and Peer Editing

Students will be able to: * work independently and develop time management skills *edit with peers to produce and receive critical feedback.

Students will be able to: *work independently and develop time management skills *edit with peers to produce and receive critical feedback.

Day Twenty Strut Ya Stuff! Presentations Students will be able to: *verbally explain their projects and rationale behind their creations. *view and critically analyze peers projects, gaining other perspectives

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