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  • Words: 2,178
  • Pages: 6
This is one of the symbols YHVH gave His people to remind them of who they are and that they are to follow YHVH. This is one of the Commandments YHVH gave that is classified as a Ordinance and it is something that is visual that act as a reminder. If you do not know what the Mezuzah stands for, it is of no use to you and the Commandment does not do its purpose in your life.

The Hebrew word for doorpost is “mezuzah” and we find the instruction regarding the Mezuzah in Deut 6:9.

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YHVH instructed His people to write His Commandments on their doorposts of their houses and on their gates. Write is “kawtab” which means: ‘to engrave, to write, to record’ This word “write” is first used in Ex 17:14 5 + 6 ! & &


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This is where YHVH instructed Moses to write down what happened at the battle against Amalek so that the people may remember what YHVH did for them in the battle. Amalek represents the flesh and YHVH gave us the means on how to get victory over it. (see the study on “The Two Enemies”). Doorpost, is the word “Mezuzah” which means; door or post. It comes from the root word “zeez” that means: moving thing, creature, abundance and fullness.


Mezuzah is first used in Scripture in Ex 12:7 where YHVH instructed His people to put blood on the doorposts of their houses during the Celebration of the first Passover. Passover was a time of judgment and those who obeyed YHVH, lived. But those who disobeyed YHVH, died. If YHVH instructs us to do something, especially in the time of judgment, it is for our own good and benefit and we will experience His fullness and abundance. If you do not obey, you will experience the opposite, His wrath that will lead to separation and destruction. House is the word “beit” that means house or dwelling place. First used in Scripture in Gen 6:14 where YHVH instructed Noah to build an Ark. It had rooms and was like a house that saved them from the wrath of YHVH. Again we see judgment and salvation and those who obey YHVH in the time of judgment shall be saved. Gates is the word “sha-ar” and it means: ‘Hair, offensive, disgusting thing, be very afraid, to split open, to reason out, storm, tempest, gate, heaven, a unit of measure. First used in Scripture in Gen 19:1 where the two Messengers came to Lot at the gate of Sodom just before Sodom was consumed by fire. This is yet again a time of judgment and because Abraham “interceded” for the City, all the righteous people were saved, except Lot’s wife because she disobeyed YHVH during the time they had to flee when she looked back. This is a warning to us when we will face the last days of judgment; we must obey YHVH detail instructions and not go back or look back when the time is there to leave everything and have to go. 7 & + 89 :;

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These four words we just looked at are linked together and we find the word “write” as the only word that does not have anything to do with judgment, it has to do with preparation. It is not a passive word but an active word where you have to do something to prepare yourself for the time of Y’shua’s return. How do we prepare ourselves? By battling against the flesh by the power of the Spirit (Hur) and upholding YHVH’s standards and His Word (Aaron). Aaron and Hur were the two people that held Moses’ hands up high so that they could have victory over Amalek (the flesh). This is where the verse in Eph 5:26 comes in handy; we need to wash ourselves with the water of the Word, knowing what is right and what is wrong and with the help of the Spirit gain victory over our flesh. The Commandment regarding the Mezuzah in Deut 6:9 also links up these additional meanings: •

YHVH wants us to remember (write) the constant battle against the flesh and how we can be victorious every time and overcome the flesh in the process of being prepared as His bride so that we can be ready when He comes again. The first step of being victorious over the flesh is salvation. We are reminded of our salvation by the blood that was put on the doorposts foretelling what Y’shua did for us when His blood was shed, so that we can pass from death into life. The second step for overcoming the flesh is to receive His Spirit so that He can indwell you. He has made His abode (house) in you.


He wants us to apply His word as a covering (hair), to anything that is disgusting and rise up against us. You can apply His word when you are afraid when storms hit and when evil spirits (tempest) feature. His Word is the way (gate) to heaven and is the unit of measure to use to know what is right and what is wrong.

All these things mentioned are to be remembered when you see the Mezuzah as you enter your house as well as the Commandment itself; to remember YHVH’s Word, to keep it and to teach it to your children. To talk about it when you get up in the morning and when you go to bed at night, to think on His Word (Torah) constantly and to live it out in your daily life. This is what it means to be set-apart (holy). The verse in Deut 6:9 is stating that you must write or engrave it, which is an action. You cannot be passive, but be active applying all these protective attributes to your home when reminded seeing the Mezuzah. The Mezuzah is not a passive symbol with supernatural power to keep the “evil” away, but is a reminder to the people in the house to apply YHVH’s word in their house. It is applying YHVH’s Word actively and the result of that will be blessing and protection (Ps 91).

Traditionally a parchment scroll with scripture verses written in Hebrew is rolled up and placed in the mezuzah cover. Deut 6:4-9 and Deut 11:13-21 are usually inscribed on the parchment: 6 = "



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This passage starts with an introduction where YHVH introduces Himself. The next portion of this passage is instructions to His People to obey His Commandments. After this He speaks out a blessing to those who chooses to listen to Him and accept His authority and obey His Commandments. He then speaks out curses over those who refuse to submit under Him and refuse to listen to His instructions. He ends off by repeating the Instruction to obey His Commandments and He underlines the importance by repeating this for the second time. Then He gives the commandment to make yourself a reminder to help you to remember these words and obey them.

Most od the time the word

“Shaddai” is written on the front of the Mezuzah and it means

– ‘The Almighty, most Powerful Elohim’ . “El Shaddai” is made up with the letters “shin

– dalet

– yod” . Traditionally these letters is an acronym: “Shomer D’latot Yisrael”, and it means: ‘Protector of the doors of Israel’.

Traditionally, the Mezuzah is affixed to the upper right hand portion of the doorpost, third way down, leaning to the inside of the home with a slight angle of 30 degrees. Why is the Mezuzah mounted at an angle? This brings us to the second part of the real meaning of the Mezuzah. The connection found in scripture regarding the ‘doorpost’ or “Mezuzah” is found in Deut 15:12-17: > 8 + 4 . 9 /


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This portion of Scripture describes the instructions regarding a Hebrew servant. The servant served his master for six years, and then he is to be set free on the seventh year.


But when the servant choose to stay in his master’s house and keep on serving Him, he must confess in public that he loves his Master, that he loves the wife and children his master gave him and that he chooses by free will to keep on being a servant in his masters house. This servant is then called a “bondservant”. To finalize this declaration public, he had to stand in his master’s doorway and his ear is to be nailed to the doorpost (Mezuzah). This is to be as a sign to himself and to everybody who sees him to show that he is now a permanent part of his master’s household. Being a bondservant, he had all the rights as one of his master’s children. He lived inside his master’s house and not in the servants quarters anymore, he could eat at his master’s table, and enjoy all the benefits of a child for the rest of his life. 3




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< Does this sound familiar? This describes the process of re-birth, coming into the Kingdom of YHVH through accepting Y’shua as your Master and Savior. You have all the benefits as a child of YHVH and live in His house, under His authority, and eats at His table. This is why Paul called himself a Bondservant of Master Y’shua the Messiah. The servant’s ear had to be nailed to the doorpost of his master’s house and in Galatians 4 we see that the Spirit is given as a sign to you that you are a son (daughter) of your Master YHVH. Picture the servant’s ear nailed to the doorpost; he would have to stand at an angle to have his ear fixed to the doorpost (mezuzah). That is the logic and symbol of mounting the Mezuzah at an angle at about ear height. This is a reminder to you and your family living in your house, that you all are servants (sons and daughters) of Master YHVH and that He is the Master and head of your house. You acknowledge His authority in your house and everyone living in your house is obligated to abide by His Rules or Instructions. You declare by the sign of the Mezuzah that you are all bondservants of Master YHVH and that you are part of His Kingdom.

1. To become a Bondservant (son/daughter) is to prepare for the judgment of YHVH. To prepare for YHVH’s judgment we need to be cleansed from the lusts of the flesh (Battle against the Amalekites) There are three things that give us victory over the flesh and help with our preparation as His Bride. o Salvation by the blood of the Lamb (Y’shua). o Receiving His Sign, His Ruach HaKodesh or Holy Spirit. His Spirit is our Helper and Comforter and He reminds us constantly of His Commandments and gives us the strength and ability to follow it. o Applying and doing His Word as Protection and Cleansing for your life. Protection against bad and unclean things - physical. Protection against evil things (spirits) – spiritual. Protection against fear – you serve the one you fear. The Measure to determine right from wrong – wash yourself clean from wrong things through constant repentance. Help us to live Chai Olam (better quality of life, clean, set-apart and holy. 2. Secondly, the Mezuzah is there to remind you that you are a bondservant, an adopted son or daughter of YHVH your Father and you have decided to submit yourself under His authority.


Everything you have is a gift YHVH gave you and you should always remember that and give Him the glory. Nothing you own belongs to you, not even your abilities and talents, He is the Master and giver of them all and you should be willing to give it back to Him so that He can use you to edify His Household (fellow bondservants). To YHVH be the Glory, forever and ever! Amen.


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