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Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Background of the study In 21st century watching pornography is still a problem. The technology with the influence of their friends, are the reasons why they are a curious to watch pornography. Many young girls are already pregnant because of that watching porn. They do not stop their feelings to the rumors they receiving are promptly encouraged in their mind to try or do it. Young people engaged in sex because of watching pornography. It has a side effect because of the increases of dopamine level that is why the brain is dropping the response of sexual stimulation. It can affect a person’s behavior. It includes thinking about which instances of nays are being misinterpreted or given malice. The existence of libido most of them are men and women, many are experiencing it and sometimes it goes to violence or moving to someone to have sex. How is this social problem? Every research has much answer and has had some knowledge. It also had disadvantages or negative effects. Women working in pornography or any sexualized job have said it de-objectifies them and or empowers them. It’s just had to believe hit franchise that showed girls flashing for the camera, instead of studying is liberating. But that is what happens when young women are told liberation means taking off clothes and not intelligence. The notion that the research technique employed was explorative and a sample size of 300 was used. Simple random sampling was used to sample the participants for the interview. The study revealed that majority of the students admitted to watching pornography before. Furthermore, it was observed that majority of them agreed that pornography affects students’ academic performance negatively and moreover, did not approve of pornography. The study recommended among other things that government should have the political will to ban the sale and possession of pornographic materials to students. Pornography (often abbreviated porn) is the portrayal of sexual subject matter for the purpose of sexual arousal.

Pornography may be presented in a variety of media, including books, magazines, postcards, photographs, sculpture, drawing, painting, animation, sound recording, writing film, video, and video games. The term applies to the depiction of the act rather than the act itself, and so does not include live exhibitions like sex shows and striptease. The primary subjects of present-day pornographic depictions are pornographic models, who pose for still photographs, and pornographic actors or porn stars, which perform in pornographic films. If dramatic skills are not involved, a performer in a porn film may also call a model. Various groups within society have considered depictions of a sexual nature immoral, addictive, and noxious, labeling them pornographic, and attempting to have them suppressed under obscenity and other laws, with varying degrees of success. Such works have also often been subject to censorship and other legal restraints to publication, display, or possession, leading in many cases to their loss. Such grounds, and even the definition of pornography, have differed in various historical, cultural, and national contexts. All know that pornography has rapidly become an accepted part of the internet society. At some point in time or the other, many of us have been exposed in one way or the other to sexually explicit material. Today, children even below the ages of 10 years have so much access to these materials talks less of teenagers above those ages in their adolescence and adults who have more freedom to do as they like. May be reading this and have been gravity of the dangers posed by being addicted to pornographic materials. May also want badly to come out of the addiction but it seems to be so difficult. You may need to be told that you’re not alone in the struggle. This pandemic as I like to call it has affected so many, but a good number of us have come out free by God’s grace and because of some of the facts that are about to be brought to your notice. Pornography consumers and its opponents have something in common they’re both excited by unrealistic fantasies. The images and scenarios presented in pornography don’t always find themselves into the real lives of most consumers, and opponents are fighting an uphill battle when it comes to getting rid of it. Pornography is quite literally centuries old, and it’s had its place in many societies. Of pornography have changed with the advent of new technologies, but the substance of the genre has remained similar over centuries. The use of erotic material, however, has not always been the same throughout time. Pornography as a

term takes its root in Modern Greek. The word “pornography” first appeared in the French language during the early 19th century and in English by the mid-19th century. Statement of the Problems 1. What is the profile of the respondents? a.) age b.) gender c.) grade level 2. What are the causes that influence the respondents to be involved in pornography? 3. What are the effects of pornographic materials to the respondents in terms of their relationship to the following? : a.) family b.) friends c.) boyfriend/girlfriend d.) studies e.) self 4. What are the ways of the respondents to prevent on watching pornography? Significance of the Study This study on determining the effects of pornography to the selected students in alejandro f. Oligan national high school. Students. They will be more aware about the effects of watching pornography in their attitudes, their social interactions to the other people, and especially to their studies. Faculty. They will give sufficient attention to the students who watch pornography, they could approach high school students properly.

Parents. They will guide their children better than before and just like the faculty. The parents will give more attention to their child/children. Future Researchers. They can use our study for their future research purposes.

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

The general intent of this study is to know the effects of watching pornography To the students of alejandro f. oligan national high school. The focus of this research is to determine the effects to the students in alejandro f. oligan national high school. Definition of Terms Erotica. Works of art that shows or describes sexual activity, and which are intended to arouse sexual feelings. (Head 2017) Masturbate. Stimulate one’s own genitals for sexual pleasures. (Head,2017). Peer Group. A group of people approximately the same age status and interests. Pornography. Printed or visual material containing the explicit description or display of sexual organs or activity, intended to stimulate erotic rather than aesthetic or emotional feelings. (Head,2017) Sex. Either of the two main categories (male and female) into which humans and many other living things are divided on the basis of their reproductive functions.

Chapter 2

REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Cary Tennis (2013) said, “And naturally whether you approve of pornography in theory or not, its effect will be to displace you. Like crack, it tends to take over, to push out other hungers that tend to nurture the human community by making dependent to one another. Since we are dependent on each other we must be civil and loving. If we are not dependent on each other we need not be civil and loving. We need not community and family” There is debate whether it is truly moral to be “civil and loving” purely because it is necessary, as Carry Tennis seems to say here. Other Christians argue that to be “civil and loving” purely because we are dependent on others is actually immoral and manipulative. These Christians argue that self-contained, independent and yet still warm and loving is a greater virtue. Debbie Nathan (2012) stated from her book entitled pornography A groundwork’ that “Pornography is everywhere today, everyone is looking, and the media responds with little more than gloom-and-doom talk, about civil likes internet sex addiction, on rah-rah promotion Brazilian waxing and Jena Jameson’s fame and fortune. Meanwhile, few know the real history of this explosive media, or the truth about its Business practices, working conditions, politics and actual effect on people. According to Dr Jerry Bergman (2012), “pornography distorts the natural development of personality. If the early stimulus is pornography photographs, the adolescent can be continued to become aroused through photographs. Once this pairings is rewarded a number of times, it is likely to become permanent. The result to the individual is that it becomes difficult for the person to seek out relations with appropriate persons; although with the human’s populations growing, it can be doubted whether this is lack of desire for a human partner is a bad thing.

The article authored by Debbie Nathan and Dr Jerry Bergman related to our study since it tackles bout the actual effect of pornography in what mediums media it would be explosive. It discusses the destructive effects of pornography once and individual is in the habit of watching it. Difficult could be observed. R. Langevin – (2010) discusses how innovation of technology provides new opportunities for the pursuit of sexual deviance. New technology in computers may have applicability for canal behaviour. Through on-line bulletin boards dedicated to particular modes of sexual behaviour, computers users with special sexual predictions can communicate with people who share similar interests around the world. Erotic computer communication may involve mild filtrations, exchanging information about sexual services availability, and specific varieties of deviant behaviour. Computers have been for child pornography and to arrange meeting for sexual purposes. The appearance of computer erotica can be interpreted at various functional levels and hold considerable impact for social media behaviour and may revolutionize crime and the parameters of deviant sexual behaviour. On the other hand, the work of R. Langevin is almost the same with Debbie Nathan’s article. Computer plays a great part of immediate and fast spreading of sexual themed films or images, which changes the behaviour of a certain person. Since Computer using is very accessible, nowadays, pornography addiction through internet would be an effect would be an effect that would destroy one’s perception or outlook about sex. According to Gordon B. (2009). “Pornography or sexual explicit image is more intense than a dirty or spoiled food. Our body has immune system to prevent spreading of diseases from those foods. On the other hand, someone who is used to viewing pornography record it in retrieval system called brain. The brain doesn’t filtrate and drain out that dirt entering our brain. Once it has recorded, you’re supposed to retrieve and to recall it. You will be away from significant things in the world. Pornography has destructive effect on our personal relation. Destroys the ability of an individual to enjoy the normal pleasure of spiritual relation in opposite sex. Because of numb conscience, pornographers ansd porn patrons would be encouraged to emulate what they without thinking the possible effects on their lives. This means of measuring evilness does

not know how bad it is but the effects it can bring to others, once, they used internet and other source and sort of pornography, and they become sinful.

Chapter 3 METHODOLOGY Research Design This study used a qualitative research method where it studies the personal experiences of the people, their personal views, interest and feelings. Through this method, the researchers are able to know the personal experiences specifically the effects of watching pornography among students of Alejandro F. Oligan National High School. Data Instrumentation The researchers conduct a survey through questionnaire. This questionnaire is a primary method to gather the data that needed in this study. The data that have gathered will be summarized, analyzed and interpreted. Sources of Data The foremost source of data is the personal experiences of those students from Alejandro f. Oligan National High School who answered the prepared questionnaires. Also, World Wide Web is considered source of the data for it helps the researchers to gather information about the related studies that will support the entire study.

Chapter 4

RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS Profile of the Respondents Table1. Age Profile of the Respondents Age



13-15 years old



16-18 years old



19-27 years old






Table 1 shows three out of twenty one respondents we have 13-15 years old and 16 out of twenty one we have are in the age of 16 to 18 years old and 2 out of twenty one are in the age from the bracket 19 to 27 years old.

Table2. Gender Profile of the Respondents Profile Variables (Gender)












Table 2 shows the gender of the respondents. There are 95.24% male and only 4.76% are female. Male are the highest population who watch porn videos in Alejandro F. Oligan National High School.

Table 3. Grade level of the Respondents Grade Level Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 Total

Frequency 2 1 1 2 12 1 21

Percentage 9.52% 4.76% 4.76% 9.52% 57.14% 4.76% 100%

Table 3 shows so 9.52% from the grade 7 and grade 10 students, it have 4.76% are from the grade 8, 9 and grade 12 students and there are 57.14% from the grade 11 students of watching pornographic videos. Causes that Influence the Student to Get Involved in Pornography Table 4: Causes that Influence the Students in Pornography Causes and Influences Influence by friends During class hours. Because of curiosity they want to know what is all about. They feel bored inside their classroom so they tend to watch pornographic videos with their friends. Total

Frequency 11

Percentage 52.38%







Table 4 shows there are 11 out of 21 students say that they influenced by their friends during class hours, Six out of 21 students say because of the curiosity they want to know what is all about pornography and 4 out 21 students say that they feel bored inside their classroom so they tend to watch pornographic videos with their friends. The Effects of Pornographic Materials To The Respondents In Terms Of Their Relationship To The Following;

Table 5. The Effects of Pornography (Family) Family No effects, because of the

Frequency 13

Percentage 61.90%

absence of parents. It affects how they treat their parents. It will shame faced if their parents find out that they were influenced by the pornography. Total







Table5 shows thirteen out of twenty one students say that their no effects, because of the absence of the parents. They are five out of twenty one students say it can affects how they treat with their parents and also three out of twenty one students says it will be shamed faced of their parents find out that they were influenced by pornography. Table6: The effects of Pornography (Friends) Friends Their relationship with their friends will become sturdy. No effects It gives pleasure to them to watch pornographic videos This is the main topic of their conversation. Total

Frequency 6

Percentage 28.57%

4 3

19.05% 14.28%





Table 6. shows six out of twenty one students say in their relationship with their friends will become sturdy, four out of twenty one students say there are no effects with their friends. Three out of twenty one students say it gives pleasure to watch pornographic videos and also there are eight out of twenty one students say it is the main topic of their conversation. Table7: The effects of Pornography (BF/GF) Bf/GF It may cause misunderstanding between their boyfriend/girlfriend. They will attempt to try

Frequency 5

Percentage 23.81%



or do the sex. No effect Total

3 21

14.29% 100%

Table7: shows they are five out of twenty one students say that it may cause misunderstanding between their boyfriend/girlfriend, thirteen out of twenty one students say that it will attempt to try or to do sex and also three out of twenty one students say that there is no effects. Table8: The effect of Pornography (Studies) Effect in Studies They cannot focus their activities and subjects. If there is class they imagine think about pornography.. No effect, because they concentrate on their studies. Total

Frequency 9

Percentage 42.86%







Table8: shows nine out of twenty one students say they cannot focused on their activities and subjects, five out of twenty one students say that if there is class they 15

imagine about pornography. And also seven out of twenty one students say there is no effects, because they ca still concentrate on studies.

Table9: the effect of pornography (SELF) Effects of Self



It gives Pleasure their self. They feel sexual desire to their opposite sex. It can give relaxation. Total





9 21

42.86% 100%

Table9: Shows four out of twenty one students say it gives pleasure to their self, eight out of twenty one students say they feel sexual desire to their opposite sex, and also nine out of twenty one students say it can give relaxation. Ways to Prevent Watching Pornographic Videos

Table10: Ways to Prevent Watching Pornography Ways to Prevent Better watch action, movies, funny, rather than porn videos. Make some activities special workouts and focus on others. Do not download porn videos and avoid who give bad influence like friends sometimes. Total

Frequency 8

Percentage 38.10%







Table10: show the different ways that will do to prevent of watching pornography. In some students says that better to watch some interesting movies rather than pornography. That makes some more activities, work outs that prevent to think about pornography and some problems. And also do not download any videos that have content immorality scenes.

Chapter 5

Summary, Conclusion, Recommendation

Summary Pornography is printed or visual material containing the explicit description or display of sexual organs or activity, and intended to stimulate erotic rather than esthetic or emotional feelings. many youths influenced to watch pornographic videos in the way of technology. This is the cause of increasing crimes. This study aims to determine the effects and ways to prevent of watching pornographic videos to the students. Through this following question: 1. What are the profile of the respondents? 2. What are the causes that influenced the respondents to be involved in pornography? 3. What are the effect of pornographic materials to the respondents in terms of their relationship to the family, friends, boyfriend/girlfriend, studies, and self? 4. What are the ways of the respondents to prevent the influenced of pornography? There are ways to prevent watching pornography are the followings: 1. Better watch action movies and funny 2. Make some activities and focus to the other things. 3. Do not download porn videos and avoid those people who influenced to watch pornography.

Conclusion The researchers have 20 male and 1 female respondents. . Majority of the minor respondents are male and 95.24% are male and only .4.76% are female. Most of our respondents are on the age bracket from 16-18 years old

• According to the respondents there are 3 factors that cause influencing the students to get involved in pornography. • There are 3 effects of pornographic materials to the respondents in terms of family. While there are 4 effects of pornographic materials in terms of friends. On the other hand there are 3 effects of pornographic materials in terms of boyfriend/girlfriend. And there are 3 effects of pornographic materials in terms of studies, however there are three effect of pornographic materials in there self. • The researchers have should 3 ways to prevent watching pornographic video based on the respondents.

Recommendation • The future researchers may interview equal number of male and female respondents. The researchers recommend to further conduct the study and increasing the number of respondents to come up with a more reliable and valuable results. • The researcher may conduct the same study to get more causes that influence. • The researcher recommend to the future researcher to be responsible and have good attitude. • The researcher may continue this study and find more ways and solutions in other to avoid the effects of different pornographic materials.

LITERATURE CITED Head, T. (2017).The history of pornography. Retrieve on November 30, 2017 from Andrew Wells, (2012)https// Knapton S. (2014).Watching Pornography Damages. Retrieve on May 29, 2014 from, Kenpro (2015) Research design methodology. Retrieved on March 21, 2015 From

APPENDIX A QUALITATIVE STUDY ON DETERMINING THE EFFECTS OF PORNOGRAPHY AMONG STUDENTS IN ALEJANDRO F. OLIGAN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL. Name:_____________________________________________ Age:_________ Gender:______________ Grade Level:_____________________ QUESTIONNAIRES: 1. What are the causes that influence you to watch PORNOGRAPHY? Answer________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 2. What are the effects of watching porn in terms of your relationship to the following: A FAMILY_______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ B FRIENDS_______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ C BF/GF_______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ D STUDIES_______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ E. SELF_______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 3. What are the ways that will you do to prevent in watching pornography? 29 _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Prepared by: ACOSTA, CHERILY R. , RODRIGUEZ, MICHAEL A., SERAFICA, CALVIN B. ,


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