Methods Inquiry Lp 2

  • April 2020
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son Plan Template U 532_533 e: November 8, 2018 me: Anabele Farrar Identify Desired Results •

Essential Questions/ Key Understandings: How is Thanksgiving today different from the first Thanksgiving? What ways has Thanksgiving stayed the same as the first Thanksgiving?

Objectives (Measurable): • • • •

Questions or key understandings identified. Measurable objectives.

SWBAT understand why/how all types of people celebrate Thanksgiving SWBAT participate and understand comparing and contrasting two concepts SWBAT understand how different people may experience different traditions depending on where they came from SWBAT ask and answer questions, give quality input and participate in a discussion with the class. Core Standards (Reading, Writing)

S.4.2.3.Describe holidays, and tell why they are commemorated in the United States, h as Thanksgiving, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Independence Day, and Presidents’ y. 3.1 Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring plicitly to the text as the basis for the answers K.3 With prompting and support, describe the connection between two individuals, nts, ideas, or pieces of information in a text K.10 Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding

List state standards directly from the state of Idaho core standards document(s). Add Social Standards as applicable.

son Plan Template U 532_533 e: November 8, 2018 me: Anabele Farrar

Evidence of Student Learning/Understanding •

I will know that students are learning if they are actively participating in the discussion while on the rug. I will also know that they are learning when they are able to speak about our topic. Materials Needed

• • • •

Giant venn-diagram Markers (for me) Scholastic News (both- Wampanog Kids and Pilgrims) After Lesson: feast

Environment / Classroom Motivation & Management Strategies • • • • • •

Students will be expected to sit at their spot on the rug If students become talkative, we will do a breathing exercise If a particular student is disrupting the rest of the group they will be asked to go watch and learn from a table We will transition from calendar to this lesson without students moving from the rug so the transition should go very smoothly Give out (and take away) Class Dojo points if needed As always, when students aren’t paying attention I will “look for the best kindergarteners to help me with the activity” or ask them to put their hands on their head

Evidence of learning explicitly explained.

List all materials needed. Select social studies materials that will integrate ELA & Social Studies standards. Please attach materials (or pictures of materials) that you will use in the lesson. How will you keep the classroom engaged? What classroom management strategies are appropriate for this lesson? How will you connect student behavior back to your rules?

son Plan Template U 532_533 e: November 8, 2018 me: Anabele Farrar Differentiation

commodations- (as of this point, we’ve been able to let go of some of our omodations for students with behavioral plans.) • L.S. (PM): picture plan of lesson/ one on one assistance to get started • A.S. (AM): Work at a separate table to control behaviors/ positive praise • A.M. (PM): Positive praise/ discuss model behavior before lesson/ snack with Mr. U • A.H. (PM): go over behavioral chart before lesson if need be/ discuss model behavior before lesson • G.F. (PM): wiggle seat/ sitting OFF the rug if need be

Include in your lesson the types of accommodations / adaptations needed for your classroom. This should include listed accommodations on students’ IEP’s when applicable.

ssroom Adaptations- • Some of the students on behavioral plans take frequent breaks to walk around or sit in the backpack area, all of the other students are aware of it and don’t think much of it ’ve begun to play music for the P.M. group too, but its calmer music Assess Students Prior Knowledge / Background Knowledge •

Students prior knowledge consists of: • Prior Thanksgiving activities done throughout the week • Books read throughout the week ( Learning Activities to Teach Desired Lesson Results 1. Select a problem and conduct research. • Thanksgiving has changed a lot! What ways has Thanksgiving changed since the first Thanksgiving and what ways has it stayed the same?

How will you assess prior knowledge? What background knowledge do you need to provide for students? Use the lesson approach required for the assignment. (Explicit Instruction with modeling, Classroom

son Plan Template U 532_533 e: November 8, 2018 me: Anabele Farrar 2. Introduce the process and present the problem. • The problem: we don’t know the ways that Thanksgiving dinner has changed and stayed the same. • The process: after viewing the Scholastic News “What did the Wampanog Kids Do?” and “What did Pilgrims Do?” And we will recall what different people did on the first Thanksgiving then we will do our own survey about what we do on Thanksgiving on our then, now, and both venn-diagram • We will do this venn-diagram on the floor as we sit in a circle so that students can write, I can write and everyone can see and be a part. 3. Gather data. • We will do a then, now and both venn-diagram to compare what people did on the first Thanksgiving versus what we do on Thanksgiving now where students will: • State their traditions • State traditions from the first Thanksgiving that they learned about in the Scholastic News • See if there are any similarities to put into the both section 4. Develop a theory and verify. • We will look at our chart to see if Thanksgiving has stayed mostly the same or very different 5. Explain the theory and state the rules associated with it. • If there are only a couple of things in our both section of our then both and now traditions venn-diagram, we will discuss that Thanksgiving is mostly the same. • If there are a LOT of things different, and not a lot of things in our both section of our venn-diagram we will discuss that Thanksgiving is very different.

Discussion, InquiryBased, Vocabulary Acquisition ). Describe in detail the lesson activities you have planned.

son Plan Template U 532_533 e: November 8, 2018 me: Anabele Farrar 6. Analyze the process. • We will talk about how we got to organize our thoughts in different sections of our big giant venn-diagram and how we looked at it to make a decision. 7. Evaluate Informal /Formal Assessments

Connected to your acceptable evidence and This lesson won’t necessarily have a formal assessment, however the entire thing will addresses questions be an informal assessment. Overall, I will be looking for students to talk about what listed. This can be at any point during the lesson, they are learning, practice being polite while others are talking and have input in but should definitely be our conversation. I think this is achievable for students because they will be included at the end of the interested in this lesson! lesson.

Closing the Lesson •

The closing of our lesson will be our FEAST! We are doing this the Friday before Thanksgiving Break so right after this we will be moving on to making our own butter and having corn bread and some turkey! We wont have to move from the rug so a song won’t be necessary, just a discussion. Lesson Plan Reflection

Wrap up by stating the main points of the lesson. This could include a brief preview of a follow-up lesson.

Consider and answer the questions as part of your 1. What worked best in the lesson? reflection. Write in • I think that although this was the day before break, students were really engaged. I paragraph form.

think that shaking butter DURING the lesson helped students recall and also helped them to focus on what was going on. I expected it to be a lot crazier. 2. What would you do differently if you were to teach the lesson again? • Honestly if I were to teach the lesson again I would have done the videos the day

son Plan Template U 532_533 e: November 8, 2018 me: Anabele Farrar

3. •

4. • 5. •

6. •

7. • 8. • 9. •

before so we could’ve read a quick book before the lesson to refresh their memory and move on to the venn diagram. In kinder we are always in a crunch for time and so I felt like I was rushing. Did you cover all objectives listed in the lesson plan? Why or why not? I did! Students learned about Thanksgiving, before and after, and students were able to participate in research. They were able to ask and answer questions and refer to the text to answer their questions and find new questions. How were you able to actively engage the students in learning? They loved the venn diagram because it was new and shiny for them. They also got to get up close and personal with it while sitting around it. How was the pacing? Pacing had to be quick and it made me sad because they all wanted to talk about their Thanksgiving traditions and I was like, “hey gotta move on lets go!” so I could get it done… Therefore, I would avoid squeeeeezing so much in. Discuss classroom management successess or difficulties. Truly didn’t have many classroom management difficulties. My successses included having butter for them to shake (since we made our own) and honestly, I did hold the feast over their head. I was saying things like, “if we can’t get through this we can’t get through a feast together!” If there was group work, how did you monitor? No group work, just a group of kindergarteners being 5. Were the materials appropriately selected to meet objectives? I think so! They were totally engaged and I loved watching and being a part of it. Were the transitions smooth between different parts of the lesson? The day overall was pretty smooth. Yesterday transitions werent very smooth, but today they were really ready to move and ready for what came next. I also felt like that could’ve been because we cancelled reading groups so they didn’t have to all

son Plan Template U 532_533 e: November 8, 2018 me: Anabele Farrar randomly leave the room at 10:00. 10. How did you collaborate with others to plan and/or teach the lesson? • Melissa Ball helped me with transition to the feast, but I kind of came up with the venn diagram on my own. I did know that I needed to teach Thanksgiving this week though! 11. Based on your informal/formal and formative/summative assessments, did all students meet the obectives? How will you reteach students who have not met the objectives? • Students got it! They talked about it during and throughout their feast. Some students even came up to me and said “what were they called again vapernog?” I loved it. J