Methods For Seeking Forgiveness

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 3
Methods for Seeking Forgiveness By: Said Rageah

*Tawba wa Istighfar are wajib 3alaikum* Ibn Qayim L’jouzi (ra) in his book Madaris Salikin “The difference between Tawba and Istighfar: Allah said ‘wa staghfiru Rabakum Thumma Tubu elaih’” [trans: Ask Forgiveness from your Lord then return to your lord in repentance.] Tawba: Is to Return Istighfar: is to leave behind the Sins you used to commit. People can be one of the two: a) Ta2ib: a person who’s seeking forginess b) Dhalim: a wrong doer. Allah (SWT) said: “wa man lam yatub, fa2ula2ika humu dhalimun” [and who doesn’t repente are endeed among the wrong doers.] If a person is NOT among Ta3ibeen, what he/she is loosing: 1) 3ilm: a person can’t have 3ilm that will save him from hell. Allah (SWT) said in Surah Baqara (2:281) “wa taqu Allah wa yu3alimukum Allah” [have taqwa of Allah and endeed Allah will teach you.] 2) Righteousness: Allah will not assist you to be among the righteousness who a. Remove yourself from the Ma3siya b. Feel Remorse: Feel Sorry If your leaving a sin, you must ask yourself “WHY AM I LEAVING THE SIN?” and “FOR WHOM?” 1) You leave a sin for the SAKE OF ALLAH 2) From a fear that this sin will come back to you and will destroy your dunya and akhira.

Conditions of Tawba: 1. Removal of Sin for the sake of Allah 2. Feel Remorse/Sorry 3. Fear that Allah will not accept his tawba. a. Ali ibn Talib: “an Istighfar needs another Istighfar.” 4. Intend to Stop Sin 5. Leave the Company that linked/made you sin

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a. The land/person/environment that leads you or push you to your old sin, you need to leave them. Ex: friends, family, relative, stay away from them. b. Person who killed 99 people came to a person a asked “I have killed 99 people, is there any tawba for me” The person responded “oh no.” so the killer killed him. Then he went to a sheikh and asked again. The 3alim said “How can you close the door of Forgiveness of God; But you have to leave this land.” Destroy everything that reminds you of that Ma3siya Return whatever you took from people back to them a. 2 kinds of sins i. Sin between you and Allah ii.Sin between you and someone else. Person Good Deeds. Don’t publicize the sin (unless its done to warn people about it.)

-The time to make tawba is before the signs of Judgement, or your entrance to your grave

Perfecting Tawba Best way of making Tawba is to return whatever you took from them Back to them. Ex: if you Backbitted someone: you go to that peson and say what you did to him. BUT if you went and tolled them/gave back will cause GREATER FITNA: then ask Allah to forgive you, but clean his account( say good things about him)

*All of children of Adam make mistakes, no one is Free of ma3siya: Best of them are the once that Repent* Before you go to Sleep, Forget all the Ma3siya that was committed against you and Forgive…This surely will be the Key to your Forgiveness inshaAllah.

Signs of Forgiveness 1. You always hate that ma3siya 2. Person won’t go back to that ma3siya 3. The way you die ---

Question: If a person asked his brother to forgive him, but the brother did not. Will Allah forgive?

Answer: If all the steps of Tawba are taken, Allah will Forgive him; However, Allah will reward the brother in day of Judgment because he wants hi Haq (right).

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