Metals And Non Metals Attari Ropar

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 451
  • Pages: 16

Prepared By:Rakesh Kumar (Sci. Master)


Contents What is metal ? Properties of metals Chemical Properties What is Non Metals ? Properties of Non Metals. Importance of Non Metals.

Metals are found in Earth. It posses shining surfaces and good conductor of electricity and heat. Aluminum, gold, copper, iron, lead, mercury, silver, zinc etc. are strategic metals.

PROPERTIES OF METALS NATURE :Metals are solids at normal temperatures but mercury is liquid at normal temperature. MELTING AND BOILING POINT :It depends upon the strength of its metallic bond. Metals with weaker metallic bond (MB) are having low melting & boiling point while metals with strong MB having higher melting & boiling point .

3. Luster : Metals having shining surfaces. This shine is due to the presence of free electrons. 4. Malleability & ductility : when a piece of metal is hammered, it can easily change its shape. That is why metals are malleable.

5.Hardness: some metals like sodium are so soft that even one cut them with knife. On the other hand some are hard metals . Some metals have high tenile strength. 6. Density : metals normally possess very high density. For example density of gold is & silver is 10.49 gm/cm3.

CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Reaction with acid: When metals reacts acids then hydrogen gas is formed. Zn +H2SO4 ZnSO4 + H2 Mg + H2SO4

MgSO4 + H2

REACTION OF METALS WITH CHLORINE When metals react with chlorine METAL CHLORIDES are formed Zn+ Cl2 ZnCl2

Reaction of metals with Oxygen When metals reacts oxygen Basic oxides are formed 4Na+O2 2Na2O 2Zn +O2


Non - Metals A non metal is a element that doesn’t conduct electricity well and is neither malleable and ductile.

Properties of Non – Metals Conductivity : Metals are bad conductor of heat and electricity but graphite is good conductor. Softness : Non –Metals are soft, but diamond is very hard. Lusture : Non –Metals do no have lusture, but iodine possess lusture because of low ionisation energy. Non –Metals are neither malleable nor ductile.

Reaction with oxygen When non-metals reacts oxygen acidic oxides are formed C +O2 CO2 CO2 +H2O H2CO3

Importance of Non – Metals: Metals & Non Metals such as Hydrogen (H2), Carbon (C), Iodine (I2) etc. are very important in our daily life. H2 and O2 combine to form water. Oxygen is 44.6% by weight of earth crust, Nitrogen is used for fertilizers, Sulphur is used for vulcanization of rubber. Carbon is an element which is present in every living being. It is constituent of hydrocarbons. Graphite an allotropic form of carbon is used as electrodes and as lubricant.

Bibliography From 10 Class Science Book. th

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