Meta-tribes #3 The World At War

  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 21
Brian Bowhay [email protected] FOR MATURE READERS All characters and civilizations are purely fictional and are in no way allegorical to any groups or individuals, past or present. ____________________________________________________________________________________

META-TRIBES #3: WHEELS OF WAR The evil implanted in man By nature spreads so imperceptibly, When the habit of wrongdoing is unchecked, That he himself can set no limit to his shamelessness. Marcus Tullius Cicero

Indar PAGE 1 INDAR IN ACTION Pin up shot of Indar, a man in high tech battle armor. The wreathed and studded ornamentation on his armor is discolored with blast burns. He is above a battlefield covered in bodies, bullets, and potholes of blood. Some of the ground is smoldering PAGE 2

A WWII style cannon, on one of three concentric walls guarding Nin’eva, is taking aim at Indar. The cannon shoots out Zyrukahn, a Nivian champion. He is seven feet tall, bursting with muscles and has 0% body fat. His skin is like knotted rope. He is wearing a girdle and skirt made of leather and iron. He is also wearing a Nazi helmet that goes down over his eyes. Two angled horns protrude on the helmet in the area where his eyes would be. Zyrukahn is armed with a sci-fi battle hammer that is as big as he is. Zyrukahn knocks Indar out of the sky Indar is on his hands and knees; Zyrukahn hits him with a golf swing of his battle hammer. Zyrukahn knees over Indar with an out stretched hand. Indar’s armor says, “Warning external power drain, Z-cells at 50%.”


PAGE 3 A large hand grabs around Zyrukahn’s torso. Tijan picks up Zyrukahn and throws him, “Off you go!” Tijan looks at Indar, “Are you okay?” Indar, “I’m doing better than he is.” the ground starts to rumble. Massive WWI style tanks emerge out of the sandy ground. Each one is the size of a two-story house. Tijan, “@#$% me sideways, what the hell are those?” PAGE 4 Indar is in an officer’s uniform. He is standing in the center of a circular room in front of a group of men sitting at a long curved table with cigars and scotch. The smoky room is dimly with small elegant lamps. The ceiling is domed and covered in a mosaic. There are large statues of warriors decorated with marble, cedar and bronze at each side of the room. Behind the men there are the head of big game mounted on the wall. Each chair has a plague, from left to right they read; Octrok Khaldash - Aratta Pharmaceuticals, Emre’Elko Khitta - Xenon Energy Corp, Pyrsterio Kutri - North Eparti Infocasting, Sandamo Khutran - Cambyses of Persicaä & Associates, Kray Vanidus Khelar - Luxor Insurance & Security, Minister Six – The Consumer






Indar, “…peace talks do not mean terms for surrender.” Khaldash, “Their advances demand a response.” PAGE 5 Indar, “The Nivians will feel the same way after we retaliate.” Khitta, “So we do nothing when our enemy strikes us and humiliates us in front of the world.” Indar, “Pursuing justice may not grant us the future that we want for the empire.” Kutri, “There can be no dialog with Nin’eva, any attempt at negotiating would be interpreted as weakness. We have to assume that they are working towards our total annihilation.” Indar, “This conflict has us locked into a cycle of violence that is only perpetuating this war. If it is to end, then someone has to be the first to deviate from the status quo, to show some.” Khutran, “Indar…it’s a nice idea, benevolence. But, we do not have that luxury; we have a responsibility to the citizens to provide security for-”

Indar pauses, “The citizens…they’ve buried the generations that remember why this war started. I was designed for one purpose, to defend this city; all of my faculties dictate that another attack will not end this conflict, but prolong it.” Putting on his helmet, “Diplomacy or mutually assured destruction are the only options, we cannot keep going on this path.” Khelar, “We’ll take into consideration. But for now we focus on the success of the Operation: Deep Penetration.” PAGE 6 BATTLE TANKS A flash of smoke and fire erupts from the muzzle of one the tanks taking aim at Tijan, Indar flies in front of it taking the explosion head on. Indar falls to the ground in the middle of a group of Persicaän soldiers. Indar is completely black with soot except for two glowing eyes. A second blast is fired at Indar He raises his hand and the projectile detonates before hitting him. An energy shield that he has projected protects Indar and the men. The men are in shock. Some panels and lines light up on Indar’s black armor. He dives at the tank grapples one of the barrels. As the metal bends there is an ear-piercing shriek that almost sound like the tank itself is screaming. The barrel is ripped off and Indar goes inside There is another explosion and black smoke is pouring out of the tank. The top rotary pod flies off as Indar shoots out of the top of the tank The men roar with victory

PAGE 7 FLASHBACK CALM BEFORE THE STORM, NISROKH OF NIN’EVA (Wide Shot of Persicaän army with a vast expanse of land between them and city of Nin’eva on the horizon. “They think that we are weak They think that they can wave their spears and we will crumble It is we that will wave our spears; it is they that will crumble (Zooming in on Nin’eva, shot of shanties in front of the outer wall, farm and ranch land in front of the middle wall, there are giant WWII style cannons staggered on top of the walls) Yes, they killed our brothers. They took them from us. A fluke that will be avenged, we will take ten of their champions for each of our fallen brethren We will show them the meaning of devastation and despair (Zooming into the Nivian city, bloc housing in front of the inner wall with the great temple in the middle surrounded by factories.

Tonight we will sing while they shriek and woe The gods have given this victory to us, Chosen us to be the vassal of their destruction (Nisrokh is a super muscular bald man with no shirt is addressing an army at a big and bold rally every bit as intimidating as Nazi Germany. There is an enormous gold statue of a winged lion behind him and giant vertical banners of the Nivian standard) “We are the army that will usher in an age of glory and wipe clean the fools Their god is old and feeble, The god of Persicaä will sleep while we burn the Zarastrian priests and claim their offerings In the end they will praise us for showing them the true power”

PAGE 8 THE FIGHT HAS BEGUN Rai’los, “Phalanx, hold the line. Ballistics, form ranks on that ridge. Sir, Nisrokh the Destroyer is…destroying our defenses. Rai’los, “We’re not on the defense you &*@%$!!! We’re on the offense.” Rai’los waves his rifle in the air, he has written on it ‘Conflict Resolution.’ “Let’s get with the killin' Persicaä, these Nivys ain’t gonna kill themselves!” Soldier, “Captain Astygenes! We lost Ballistics and we can’t hold the Phalanx on the uneven terrain. We-” Soldier falls over with a spear in his back. Astygenes looks around in a calm manner. The soldiers are scattered and fighting like madmen.

Persicaän Soldiers

PAGE 9 Some one yells, “Siege engines!!!” One of the giant Nivian tanks over shadows Astygenes. His appearance begins to turn solid black as he shifts to ultra high density. Shells are bouncing off him and he punches a hole in the chassis of the tank.

He reduces his density and large shells pass right through him. Nivian soldiers start pouring out of the tank. He makes people’s parts ultra dense and rip away from their bodies. He makes peoples guts lose density and fall out.


Astygenes Rai’los Indar passes Tijan and Vyriss who are holding their helmets, standing at attention while being blessed by Magi with incense and scepters (it’s like last rites). He approaches Astygenes and Rai’los who are hovering over maps and astrological charts. Rai’los, “That’s a lot of open ground…no cover and just enough chop to make a Phalanx a pain in the ass.” Indar joins them. Astygenes, “So how did it go?” Indar, “We are leading another assault…” Rai’los, “…all for the glory (spits)” Astygenes, “Glory’s cheap, getting cheaper with the coalition discount.” Indar, “Never had much use for glory, but I’m afraid we might be loosing the mission.” Astygenes, “(sigh) So much is what we stand against…I can’t remember what we stand for.” Rai’los looks at Indar with doubt and taps a round on the table, “Operation: Deep Penetration?”

Indar rolls his eyes, “I know, but all we have to do is just keep the enemy occupied until Tijan can get Vyriss inside their walls…and pray that she can find something to tip the scales.” Astygenes, “What about the Gol Balmu? If he gets close to you…” Indar, “I’ve been working on that one, I’m counting on that thief to come after me. When he tries his ‘Dark Reflection', he’s going to be in for a big surprise.”

PAGE 11 ASTYGENES VERSUS GOL BALMU There is a loud banging coming from the tank. Gol Balmu walks out of the machine wearing the Nivian flag as a cape. Gol Balmu is an expressionless iron warrior. He oscillates with the sound of grinding gears and the chirping of tank treads. The Gol Balmu confronts Astygenes on the battlefield and flashes him with a white light from his eyes, the scan sounds like an old Xerox copier. Astygenes takes a fierce fighting stance. He is almost more calculated and precise in his movements than the machine he is squaring off with. His focus on Gol Balmu is razor sharp. Neither on of them says a word, as if Gol Balmu ever said a word. Astygenes goes intangible as Gol Balmu copies Astygenes its iron hide becomes transparent. The luminescent inner workings of its mechanical guts can be seen. With Gol Balmu’s powers nullifying Astygenes’ density shifting advantage they begin pounding on each other. PAGE 12

Gol Balmu

FLASHBACK, MISSION BRIEF Rai’los, “So ‘DEEP PENETRATION’ is this a real OP or another demo so the MOD can see the Persicaän war machine in action?” Indar, “Mmm, a little of both?” Astygenes, “So anything in your playbook in the way of foreplay?” Indar, “Heh, nice.” Shot facing Indar, he leans forward pointing to the map, Rai’los and Astygenes are hovering over from the other side of the table. “Once we’re within the Nivian firing solution have your entire phalanx teams disperse and take cover. With any luck our catapults will be able to lay down enough barricades to get our men to the Nivian trenches. Rotating shot, now facing Rai’los Indar, “As for us, we maintain a tight Diamond configuration around Tijan. I’ll take point and the two of you will guard the flanks.” Camera facing Astygenes Indar, “Were looking to take out siege engines and their heavies. They will be expecting us to be playing or a wall breach let them think that.” Camera facing Indar, “As soon as the package is delivered focus on the their long ballistics, I want minimal losses on our retreat.” PAGE 13 RAI’LOS VERSUS NISROHK Rai’los (absorbs energy, the kinetic energy from hand held weapons as well as projectiles is absorbed and stored only to be released in his own strikes or to break down matter) Rai’los is scanning the battlefield. He sees Nisrokh cutting into the Persicaän ranks. Rai’los starts making his way over to Nisrokh, swatting Nivians left and right. Everyone he hits falls down and starts melting. Nisrokh sees Rai’los coming. The Nivian warlord looks like a statue of black lava rock, He turns to look at Rai’los and then the rock begins to glow like molten lava. Suddenly the air around Nisrokh bursts into flames. Nisrokh’s arms stretch and wrap Rai’los in burning rock. With an aggressive motion Rai’los turns the rock into gravel and keeps charging at Nisrokh. Molten lava pours out of Nisrokh’s shoulders and immediately grows new arms.


FLASHBACK, MINISTRY OF DEFENSE Indar, “If we are taking this fight to the wall then ground support in going to need an upgrade.” Khaldash, “Out of the question, Minister 6 doesn’t want pay for top of the line armament. They want faster trans but cheaper sludge, bigger cubes but lower rates, tastier boargers with less chub and more colors on the prisma-tube with fewer inforuptions.” Khutran, “The consumer can’t have it all, and the collective consumer spending votes for comfort. You get the job done with what you have.” Indar, “What about lifting the exclusive sanctions. The private grid has some affordable components that-” Khelar, “Absolutely not, I had the lowest bid and won the infantry contract fair and square. The divestments stay. Any soldiers using nonstandard issue weapons will forfeit their med-creds, and I expect you to be enforcing company policies.” PAGE 15 GANGING UP ON INDAR Indar is blowing holes in people, tearing off limbs, while swords shatter on his armor. Indar gets a transmission from Tijan, “V is in the air, start the clock.” Ash’Eshur (a giant hovering smoking skull housed in a chassis with three faces and a dozen little arms and legs daggling off) is at the gate with the Nivian sorceress Sha’Rukien (she is dressed in an elegant tunic with a silk wrap and veil, she also has an iron mask an a few pieces of small light weight bronze armor). Ash’Eshur has tubes connected to the heads of three blindfolded obsidian ghouls; the ghouls have their hands outstretched over a map of the battlefield. Ash’Eshur is sending out a psychic order to his generals, “All units converge on the central front. Target Persicaän Captain Indar.” PAGE 16 The Nivian champions Atra’Pazu, Nisrokh, and Gol Balmu abandon their soldiers to take out Indar. Nisrokh wraps his arms and legs around Indar like tentacles in a wrestling hold. Another attacker approaches from the side Indar blows his head off with a blast from his gauntlet. Indar takes to the air trying to shake Off Nisrokh. PAGE 17 Nisrokh is heating up Indar’s suit, trying to cook him in his own armor. Rai’los and Astygenes have rifles and are shooting large chunks off of Nisrokh’s hide. In the background there is large armored figure coming towards them with a 7-foot long battle hammer. Nisrokh is hanging on to Indar by one hand. The Gol Balmu flies up to attack head on.

Gol Balmu begins changing, starting to look like the Armor of Indar. PAGE 18 Indar, “You copied my armor again, right down to my custom programmed circuits. Armor, access Indar-1, Bounce self-destruct transmission single intercept.” Gol Balmu jolts, smoke is pouring out of his mouth and joints. Nisrokh grows two more arms and wraps around Indar again. Indar is white hot and screaming, flames are coming out of his joints. One last enemy flies up from the left. Indar grabs him by the throat and is tearing out his esophagus. PAGE 19 Indar is turned into soup, empty pieces of armor fall to the ground next to the body of Gol Balmu. Persicaän soldiers gather around.

PAGE 20 FLASHBACK: THE KILLER Khitta, “There’s another matter… that we need to discuss.” Khelar signals the guards to leave the room. Hands Indar a sealed dossier. It has come to our attention that the deaths of the last two ministers were not accidental. Kutri, “Someone is acting outside of the partnership treaty.” Khaldash, “Who ever it is has high level clearance, we’d like you to start by looking into those in Command positions...” Khaldash looks around Khaldash, “… but it is most likely one of us in this room.” PAGE 21 VYRISS INSIDE THE NIVIAN TEMPLE Inside the dark Nivian Ziggurat. Shot of Vyriss standing in front of an illuminated water tank with a blonde woman suspended in the center of the tank. Various tubes and wires are plugged all over the tank; it looks like something out of a Mignola comic Tijan on Vyriss’ headset, “Vyriss! Indar is down, we’re loosing our ride, get out of there now!”


PART 2: DESPERATE HOURS PAGE 1 Close up of a man’s sweaty brow, background “The champions! The champions of Kayn are here!” Pan out; Ugrit is in a tent, elbow deep in blood, sewing someone up. Ugrit is a young man in his twenties all the angst and idealism of a freshman. He has stopped working and looks to the opening of the tent. Background “they’re not stopping, where are they going?” Ugrit comes out; birds eye view two human shadows are on him. He yells, “HEY!!! GET DOWN HERE!!! YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO BE PROTECTING THESE PEOPLE!!! HEY!!!” He throws a rock at them, they are gone.

Letterbox shot of Ugrit’s face; he’s on the verge of giving up. PAGE 2 FLASHBACK

Flying Fox




Ugrit is with the Disciples of Esh’la; they are getting supplies in Antyhk, a foreign city. It is a southwestern looking town. The main street is lined with bars, casinos and brothels. There are signs pointing to the side streets that say things like, ‘Child sex slaves’ ‘discount organ transplants’ ‘debtor’s roulette’ ‘Anything Goes’ Misha is a plain looking teenage girl: “city of gluttony; should be a war or a plague to rid these rotted souls.” There are two men taking a young girl towards the temple. Ugrit, “hey, what’s going on, should we do something?” Flying Fox, “When ever a young person reaches age, they are taken to the temple. Worshipers don masks and offer praise by anonymous fornication.” Rahzel looks at a silhouette of a figure bent over barfing while another figure is fornication from behind, “God, it makes me sick, just look at all these pungshang bottom feeders debasing themselves” Misha, “Can we just get the stuff and go?”

PAGE 3 Flying Fox, “yea, we don’t need anymore trouble, but looking around this place, you do get the sense that this whole world is going to wormwood in fug basket.” Rahzel, “yea, and every where you look they’re getting worse and spreading, they’re already at our doorstep, soon they’ll be in our pantries…” Hanan, “You wear panties?” Misha, under her breath, “people can hear you” Rahzel, “Oh, damn, now I have the hiccups.” Flying Fox, “Ya know my mom used to say that you could get rid of em with a good scare.”

PAGE 4 Misha, “Really?” Zoom in on her mischievous face; she casts an illusion to give Rahzel a scare. Next panel Rahzel is in holy terror, naked in a nightmarish abyss. Next panel is Rahzel sitting at the table with a frozen expression of terror; the others are looking at him with confusion…

Rahzel hiccups.

PAGE 5 UGRIT AT THE FIELD HOSPITAL Ugrit is tending to the wounded of a recently looted village. A caravan of merchants arrives; they have also been attacked and are now asking for help. Ugrit has organized a refugee camp with a field hospital. Ugrit is in a tent working on one of the injured travelers. The headmaster of the caravan is kneeling next to Ugrit; the man is wearing the standard of Susha. The headmaster sees Ugrit cauterizing a wound with his finger, which looks like a burning ember. Headmaster: “My friend, I see that you have the gift. A man with your talents could be well appreciated in my company.” Ugrit does not respond. Headmaster, “What has happened to this girl?” PAGE 6 FLASHBACK The Disciples are headed back to Gehinom and passing through Kayn proper. There is a man that is sitting at the entrance to the temple. He is pouring oil over his head. Ugrit, “Is that man anointing himself?”

Just then the man lights himself on fire. “%#$@!!!” Ugrit starts towards the man and Flying Fox grabs him. Flying Fox, “Hold on kid, there’s nothing you can do about it.” Ugrit, “WHAT THE HELL?”

Hanan, “He’s Tribe of Ishmael, it’s a protest.” Rahzel, “Stay out of it man.” Ugrit is horrified and outraged, “a protest?” PAGE 7 The team continues home, Ugrit is straggling behind. He is looking down with an angry expression. Hanan, “Tribalism is getting worse.” Rahzel, “How long do you think it’s going to be before people start lighting each other on fire?” Flying Fox, “We need a Koan Hagadol.” Rahzel, “Or a king that’s worth a damn.” Flying Fox, “Easy with that talk Rahz.” Hanan, “You really think a central High Priest over the tribal Koans would be any different than what a king would do?” Flying Fox, “Yeah, I do. Dahud’s authority is political. I think that El is preparing just the right person with the authority to transcend our tribal differences for spiritual leadership.” Rahzel, “So I guess you’re a prophet now. And which tribe is this spiritual leader going to come from?” Flying Fox, “…” Rahzel, “Yea, that’s what I thought.”


Ugrit, “The Illumeans, like everyone in this region, are struggling to scrape by. The more desperate people get the angrier they get, and then when they have to watch their children suffer…then things get a little crazy. They cut off this mother’s breasts so that she would never be able to feed her children again.” Man, “that doesn’t make any sense” Ugrit “Sense? These people have nothing left to lose. Living in helplessness is frustrating. Those feelings build pressure and blow reason right out the window. Blinded by anger you lash out against anyone, your own people...maybe even people you love.” Man, “but Kayn has legendary heroes…” Ugrit, “Ya know what, I’ve never seen a hero, if you happen to see them…” Man, “forgive me brother, perhaps God…” Ugrit, “God has nothing to do with it…it’s his damn kids…the children of El, don’t change what needs to change, change what needs to stay the same. The law scroll had forbidden us to make treaties with the outsiders but every time we did we had a new enemy, and enemies don’t go away, they just learn how to hurt you worse and worse.” Man, “It is providence that our paths have crossed. We were invited here to open trade, but now I know that that would be a mistake. But, you did help my people…if it would not offend you…I have vast resources and I would like to help your cause, a gift.” Ugrit is deep in thought. “Who invited you to Kayn?” Man, “We were traveling back from B’Shemah to pay respects at the memorial fountain. I got word that the new High Priest, your Koan Hagadol, announced a reform…open trade, a new interpretation of the law.” PAGE 9 FLASHBACK Wide aerial shot. The Disciples of Esh’la are attacking a camp of Molokites that have just come back from a raid on a Kayn village. The camp is in a large dried river bed. The main building is a scraped house-boat with a double wide trailer branching off like an addition. Several wood and sheet metal shacks line the wall of the river bed. Ugrit is standing next to Misha on the high ground, Ugrit is holding a sawed off shotgun, Misha uses her mind powers to make the Molokites be filled with fear. Rahzel, Azar, Hanan, and Flying Fox all appear to be much scarier. The images are very abstract like a Bill Sienkiewicz/Ashley Wood picture. The Molokites discharge their weapons without aiming. They look like inbred rednecks drawn by Basil Wolverton; eyes too close or too far apart, over bites and shrunken jaws, big noses and ears, and a variety of facial hair, hats and stringy hairdos.


-Azar is a dark oily skinned creature resembling a feral Nosforatu. Azar pierces the belly of an enemy with his large claws And pulls him in to chomp on his prey’s neck. Azar uses his other hand to pull back the man’s head, digging his fingers into the poor soul’s eyes and ear. -Flying Fox dives down on people screaming in fear and impales them with sword.

Azar PAGE 11 -Rahzel has a chain with a spear tip that he is whirling around. He shoots the blade tip forward snaring a man in the sternum. The man fires from his single shot pistol. The round bounces off Rahzel’s skull helmet. Rahzel huffs angrily, Pulls the man towards him and throws his whole body into a punch to the man’s left temple. The man’s head is cracked apart against Rahzel’s spiked brass knuckles. PAGE 12 -Hanan dodges a machete swipe by bending back at the knees. She grabs the shirt of the man behind her for balance, Springs back forward with an instep kick to the head of the machete man. Hanan twists the other man’s arm with a crack and pokes his eyes out. Two men rush her from either side; She pulls out two single shot pistols and shoots them at point blank range. PAGE 13 Suddenly a large freak burst out of a shed at the camp. One of the Molokites is a Frankenstein giant wrapped in barbed wire and wearing a leather hood without eyeholes. Flying Fox swoops down and stabs the creature in the back. Rahzel wraps his chain around the creature’s arm.

Hanan and Azar circle the beast. Hanan yells, “Ugrit, drop him!” Ugrit come running at full speed And jumps into a flip kick. Both feet land square on the monster’s chest. The impact causes an explosion knocking everyone to the ground. PAGE 14 The monster is getting up through the smoke. Ugrit is in a Bruce Lee pose. Both his sleeves are rolled up exposing his hands that look like charred wood; the crevasses on his skin are burning orange. Azar lunges at the thing. It grabs Azar with both hands and wrings him like a wet towel. Azar pushes his head and arms between the creature’s fingers, clawing towards its head. Hanan has Ugrit’s shotgun and unloads on the monster’s torso. The monster beats Azar on the ground and then throws him at Hanan. PAGE 15 Ugrit rushes in blocking the monster’s punches, Ugrit grabs the beast’s arm with one hand and hits it with his fingertips in two pressure points with explosive force. The beast’s arm falls to the ground. It rises up its other arm. Ugrit jams his fingers into the sides of the monster’s head. He is holding his hands there. The thing’s head is sizzling; it raises its hand in the air, Groans and falls to the ground. PAGE 16 FLASHBACK CONTINUED AFTER THE FIGHT Another wide shot. The Disciples of Esh’la are rummaging after the fight. Rahzel is looking at the Molokite priest. The man is adorned like some kind of voodoo witch doctor. “Geez, look at this guy. What’s he done to himself? Why would someone dress up all crazy like that? Hanan and Misha exchange knowing glances. Rahzel is wearing purple and green leather and has his cow skull helmet propped up on top of his head. Hanan, “Yea, guys like that are probably just vain, trying to draw attention to themselves.”

Rahzel, “Well, he looks ridiculous.” Misha, “Can you imagine going out into public like that?” Rahzel, “This is clearly not someone who was of sound mind.” PAGE 17 Ugrit is looking at a man that he has killed. He has never looked at one of his enemies so closely. Ugrit, “these men are emaciated…” Hanan is looking at a machete. Hanan, “That’s not all, track marks on the arms… designer plastic syringes… from Persicaä.” Ugrit: “Were they raiding for food or feinding for Zig-juice?” Hanan looks at him with a concerned/suspicious face, “why do you care?” Hanan: “Look at this, Persicaän clothes, Persicaän music, Persicaäns Porn, Persicaän fatburgers… they were infected by foreign gods.” Ugrit: “Happens every day. Young people get seduced by Persicaän charms and curios, start robbing and stealing to afford their materialist addictions… Where did they get meat for burgers?” He looks in a kettle and screams. The kettle is a stew of human parts. Pan out, the heroes are looking at a horrific scene of a human slaughterhouse, bodies are hanging by hooks, strips of flesh are spread out to dry. PAGE 18 Dahud and Esh’la approach the crew. Ugrit takes fierce steps towards Dahud, “where were you?!?!? These people were eaten!” Flying Fox rushes to intercept, “whoa kid, don’t do this.” Ugrit, “you’re supposed to protect them, what were you doing?” Dahud grabs Ugrit by the shirt; his eyes are glowing with rage, And then looks away and powers down, Esh’la steps in. Esh’la, “Be silent boy, I taught you respect.” She addresses Flying Fox, “take him home, now.” Ugrit is walking away talking under his breath, “they are all afraid to do what needs to be done to protect our people” Flying Fox, “look man, you’re upset.” Ugrit, “all we do is respond. Never once have we prevented an attack, if we know where the problem is then we should burn it out.” PAGE 19 FIELD HOSPITAL IS GETTING BROKEN DOWN TO MOVE TO THE NEXT LOCATION The head of a woman with red skin enters a tent on a stretchy coiling neck is talking to Ugrit, “Your friend sent more supplies; food, meds, and some very fancy weapons…” Ugrit, “…and?”

Aqat, “…and some news. Sangoma is sending representatives to Persicaä. Seems the new Koan Hagadol doesn’t trust El with the economy and is going to sell our country like a whore.” Ugrit grits his teeth and pounds his knuckles on the table. He looks over at a cloak hanging on a hook. PAGE 20 MONTAGE Wide shot of a Kayin slum, the shanties expand all the way to the horizon. “Our leaders have gone astray.” Close up of hands putting a boot on a foot. “They don’t suffer loss when our sons are killed and daughters taken.” Close up of food being scraped off a plate into a trash can. “They don’t carry the consequences after limbs are severed and homes burned.” Close up of three children hiding (two/three years old) in a dark sewer pipe, the water is blood red. “They don’t live in fear of never knowing when the next attack is going to come.” Close up of hands clasping a cloak. “Between the outsiders and our leaders, there is no innocence left.” Ugrit is standing before columns of grocery shelves like rows of a produce on a farm. “I’ll do what is necessary for my people; I will do what is right.” A woman is holding a starved child, they are covered in flies “I will I sacrifice anything for them; I will sacrifice anyone for them.” I will die for them. I will kill for them. Ugrit has pulled a hood over his head to reveal that he is the one from Saimak’s story that bombed the city. PAGE 21 LAST SHOT, Ugrit is on a balcony look down on his countrymen.

(Brings us to the beginning of Saimak’s story)

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