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cÉnÉnnl BAccALAUnÉer

SESSION2OO9 A N G L A I S- L V I SériesES-S Durée: 3 heures - Coefficient3 L'usagedes calculatriceset de tout dictionnaireest interdit.

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Nancyhad arrivedin Englandsix monthsago, and had invitedVictoriato a coffee morningwith PhillyBingham,a fellowmotherat the schoolwhereNancyhad recently herson,Connor.All threewomenhadsonsin the sameclass.AlexandPhilly's enrolled on son,Rufus,wereold friends,but Connorwas becomingpopularwith his classmates games filled computer that toysandstate-of-the-art accountof the hundredsof electronic withallthe latest Also,he hada homecinemain the basement hisenormous bedroom. burgers and American films.And NancyMastersservedfabulousteas with real chips ice-cream. followedby tubsof expensive PhillyBinghamwas attemptingto stare discreetlyaroundthe room,takingin the soundsystem,the televisionand the acres of mahoganyfurniture.Philly,thought froman oldEnglishwoman Victoria, wouldprobablydescribeherselfas an old-fashioned Englishfamily.Philly'sown drawingroom consistedof good but shabby established On no accountwouldPhillyallowintoher few fadedrugs and a Labrador. furniture,a But,then,Phillycouldn'tafford the sizeof the one Nancypossessed. housea television theirhousefromAlgy'sfather,and although one.She and her husbandhad inherited job valuingpaintings hissalary for London'ssmartestauctioneers Algyhada prestigious barelykeptthemin pasta. Therefolloweda stiltedattemptat conversation. 'So,Nancy,howareyousettlingintoLondon?' askedVictoriapolitely. 'Weeell,I'm findingmy feet. I've locatedthe Americanlibrary,signedon with an Americandoctor.Of course,the US schoolwas full so we had to put Connorintothe localone.' Nancywasreallygettingintothe Englishwayof life,then. 'AndHayden?' 'Weeell,he'skindabusyat work.They'vebeendoinga bigtakeover'.The cabcomes for himat six.' Phillysoundedbright.'Oh,that'snot too bad.I knowthesebankscan demandthe withyou?' hours.So he hastheevening mostghastly2 'l Nancylookednonplussed. meanthe cab comesat six in the morning.To go to He'sup at five.Hegetshomemostnightsat aroundeight.' CanaryWharf3. 'Gosh4.' Phillywasaghast.'Howdoeshe keepgoing?' 'Oh,he'sprettyhealthconscious. I watchhis diet and I don'tlet him drinkalcoholin thatkindathing.' theweek.Andwe gojoggingat theweekend, life was a bundle fun for HaydenMasters. Victoria, of Wow,thought 'ButI stillhavesomethingsto sortout,'continued Nancy. 'Maybewe cangive to makesomesuggestions. Phillyseizeddeftlyon the opportunity you some pointers.Algy and I have been here for ten years so we know virtually everyone.' I find the Nancyseemeddoubtful.'l'm kindahopingto find a decenthairdresser. chubbyfaceandherlankbrownhair, salonsherea little.., dull.'Hereyestookin Philly's pushedbackfor the occasionwith a velvetAliceband.'You see, I needvolumein my hair,butI cannotfindanyoneherewhocanreallybackcomb.' already,platinumblondewiththe Victoriathoughtthat Nancy'shairwas immaculate 'Jean-Pierre. ends curledneatlyoutwards.But she knewjust the man to take her on. foryou.' l'llwritedownhisnumber He'sexcellent. 'ls heAmerican?' 'French.' 'Letme pass to changethe subject. butevidently decided Nancylookeddisappointed, y o us o meb i scu i ts.' [...] 'Andhowis Utedoing?'enquired Victoria. 'l ladyin Mexican I can't complain. We hadsucha wonderful suppose Nancysighed.









50 '

takeover:(here)takingcontrolof a company bad and unpleasant I ghastly:frightening, in the LondonDocklands " CanaryWharf:largebusinessand shoppingdevelopment, a Gosh:'Oh my God'


P a g e 2 l4



Haydencan'ttake any Dallas.All legal,of course.We paidfor her to be naturalised. chanceswithemploying a/æns.' Phillychokedon herbiscuit. 'Aliensare illegalimmigrants. lt'stheAmericanterm.' Victoriatranslated: 'But get domesticshere.Ute is my third pushed so hard to on regardless: it's Nancy au pairalready.' Phillyand Victoriaexchangeda glance.Consuelahad beenwith Victoriafor nearly fiveyears. 'She'sfine Nancybrusheda non-existent crumbfrom her spotlesswhitepoloshirt. And I with cleaningand shopping,but she strugglesa littlewith Connor'shomework. reallycannottrustherwiththe ironing.I'mhavingto haveallthatsentout.' 'Perhaps withthe language,' saidPhilly,tryingto be helpful. shehasdifficulties 'l can'thelpthatlShehasto takeresponsibility for herownlearning.'

Wivesand Lovers,JaneElizabethVARLEY,2003

t.coMPRÉHerustott NOTE IMPORTANTE AUX CANDIDATS : I'ordre Les candidats traiterontle sujetsur la copie qui leur sera fournie en respectant des questionset en faisantapparaîtrela numérotation(numéroet lettrerepèrele cas desphrases échéant,ex: 15b - voir en particulierles questions6 et 10),lls composeront complètes chaquefois qu'illeurest demandéde rédigerles réponses.Le nombrede mots répondront les candidats d'indication, En I'absence uneexigenceminimale. indiquéconstitue pertinents et brièvement à la questionposée.Les citationsserontlimitéesaux éléments précédées de la mention de la ligne. Alex, 1. NancyMasters,PhillyBinghamandVictoriaare the threemainfemalecharacters. Eachof themis relatedto oneof the Algy,Connor,Haydenand Rufusare malecharacters. threewomen.Sayin whatway. 2. HowdidAlex,Connorand Rufusgetto knoweachother? city)?ln whosehouse? 3. Whereis thesceneset (country, 4. HowlonghasNancybeenlivingthereandwheredid sheuseto live? 5. Whatdoesher homerevealaboutherstandardof living?Explainin yourownwords.(20 words) workinghours? 6. a)Whatdo we learnaboutNancy'shusband's b) l. 29'l meanthe cabcomesat six in themorning.' WhydoesNancyfeelthe needto insiston 'morning'? on herhusband's 7. HowdoesNancymakesuresuchworkinghourshaveno consequence health?(30words) 8. l. 34 'Wow,thoughtVictoria,lifewasa bundleof funfor HaydenMasters'. Explainin yourownwordswhatVictoriareallythinksof Hayden'slife.(30words) gANSEMEAGl


9. HasNancyadoptedthe cultureandwayof lifeof the countrysheis nowlivingin? Answerin yourownwords(25words),thenquoteat leastfourelementsto supportyour answer. 10.a) Fromline50 to theendUteandConsuela Saywhotheyare. arediscussed. b) ContrastNancy'sandVictoria's towardsthem.(40words) respective attitudes 11.Who is Phillymorelikelyto feel closerto, Nancyor Victoria?Quotethe textto support youranswer. 12.To describe titles the relationships betweenVictoria,Phillyand Nancythe fourfollowing areall possible. Choosethe oneyou preferandargueyourcase.(40words) An Attemptat Conversation 'Desperate Housewives' TheBeginning of a Beautiful Friendship 'PrideandPreiudice'

II. EXPRESSION Choosesubject1 (a+b)or subject2. Subject1 (a+b): a) ll.4-6 'Connorwas becomingpopularwithhisclassmates on accountof the hundreds of games electronic filled his enormous bedroom.' toysandstate-of-the-art computer that Doespopularity dependon whatyou have?(150words) job valuingpaintings b) l. 16'Algyhada prestigious for London'ssmartestauctioneers.' job? your prestigious (150 Whatis ideaof a words) Subject2: l. 65 'Shehasto takeresponsibility for herownlearning.' (300 To whatextentis an individual responsible for his/herlearningor professionaltraining? words)

