Memory Management .... By Nflpvm

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  • Words: 1,107
  • Pages: 31
Memory Management Operating Sytems Lecture 4

Today • We’ll try to finish most of memory management today • EXAM two weeks from today – Material covered only up through today

• Lab before exam will be a study session for the exam

Early memory management schemes • Originally used to devote computer to single user:

User has all of memory 0


Limitations of single-user contiguous scheme • Only one person using the machine--lots of computer time going to waste (why?) • Largest job based on size of machine memory

Next: fixed partitions • Created chunks of memory for each job:

Job 1


Job 2

Job 3


Limitations of fixed partitions • Operator had to correctly guess size of programs • Programs limited to partitions they were given • Memory fragmentation resulted • The kind illustrated here is called internal memory fragmentation

Dynamic Partitions 1


1 6





Internal versus external memory fragmentation: Space currently allocated by Job 8

Job 8

Space previously allocated by Job 1

Dynamic Partitions • Contiguous memory is still required for processes • How do we decide size of the partitions? • Once the machine is going, how do old jobs get replaced by new ones?

Dynamic Partitions: First Fit • In this scheme, we search forward in the “free list” for a partition large enough to accommodate the next job • Fast, but the gaps left can be large

Dynamic Partitions: Best Fit • In this scheme, we try to find the smallest partition large enough to hold the next job • This tends to minimize the size of the gaps • But it also requires that we keep list of free spaces

Deallocating memory • If the block we are deallocating is adjacent to one or two free blocks, then it needs to be merged with them. • So either we are returning a pointer to the free block, or we are changing the size of a block, or both

Relocatable Dynamic Partitions • We can see that in some cases, a job can “fit” into the combined spaces within or between partitions of the early schemes • So how do we take advantage of that space? • One way is to move programs while they are in the machine--compacting them down into the lower end of memory above the operating system

Several names for this • Garbage collection • Defragmentation • Compaction • All share a problem: relative addressing!

Special registers • Early machine architectures went through a phase of “more complexity is better” • Few registers, but large sets of commands • RISC computers have changed all of that (for architectural reasons we won’t go into in detail)

But... • In order to manage dynamic relocatable partitions, two registers were assigned to each partition • Note: jobs were not broken into parts, but were relocated whole hog • Note that the whole job is stored in memory--still no heavy use of external storage devices

Summary of early schemes • These were adequate for batch jobs • But speed of components continued to advance • Storage devices appear • And then the biggie: remote terminals • Note that processor speeds double about every 1.5 years--much faster than memory!

To accommodate changes • We really need to be able to extend memory by hiding unused parts of programs on storage devices--called virtual memory • We can do this if we can break a program into pieces--called pages--that can be independently loaded and removed from memory without affecting the running program

Paged Memory • Allows jobs to reside in noncontiguous memory • More jobs can be squeezed into memory • But—some internal fragmentation, particularly if the number of jobs is large

Disk partitions to page frames • Disk partitions varied in size before • Now we want to fix the size to match the chunk size of the programs coming in (plus a tiny bit of bookkeeping space) • We call these chunks of memory page frames

Is there any fragmentation? • We can see that if page frames are chosen right, we shouldn’t have external fragmentation • Seldom will the size of code exactly fit the frames, so there will be a little bit of internal fragmentation • Tradeoff between internal fragmentation and processor time spent managing frames

Other problems • Earliest schemes didn’t allow virtual memory • Tables for managing memory a significant part of the operating system--its growing!

Demand Paging • Demand paging broke jobs into pieces and became popular because it allowed only parts of jobs to be active in memory • New problems: thrashing and page faults

Page Replacement Algorithms • Optimal page replacement simply not possible • Keep referenced (R) and Modify (M) bits to allow us to keep track of past usage instead – Page is referenced by any read or write in it – Page is modified by any change (write) made to it

Page Replacement Algorithms, Continued • • • •

FIFO = First in, first out LRU = Least recently used LFU = Least frequently used both of the latter rely on a page request call to the operating system • a failure to find a page = page interrupt • we might measure quality by failure rate = page interrupts / page requests

Page Replacement Algorithms, Continued • Clock page replacement – Hand of the clock points to the oldest page – If a page fault occurs, check R bits in “clockwise” order

• A variant called the “two-handed clock” is used in some UNIX systems

FIFO solution is not more memory • Called Belady’s anomaly • the page request order is an important factor, not just the size of memory

LRU • Doesn’t suffer from Belady’s anomaly • Presumes locality of reference • But while it works well, it is a little more complex to implement in software – Consequently, aging and various clock algorithms are the most common in practice – Aging can yield a good approximation

Segmented Memory Allocation • Instead of equal divisions, try to break code into its natural modules • Compiler now asked to help operating system • No page frames--different sizes required (meaning we get external fragmentation again)

Segmented/Demand Paging • Subdivide the natural program segments into equal sized parts to load into page frames • eliminates external fragmentation • allows for large virtual memory, so it is often used in more modern OS’s

Tradeoffs • Note that there is a tradeoff between external fragmentation and page faults in paging systems • Note also that we probably want slightly smaller page frames in a SegmentedDemand Paging framework

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