Memorandum Of Private Ltd. Co

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  • Pages: 23

The companies Act, 1994 (Act, XVIII of 1994) ( A Private Company Limited by Shares ) MEMORANDUM OF ASSOCIATION Of …………………………………………………………… Limited. I.

The name of the Company is “…………………………………… Limited.”


The registered office of the company shall be situated in Bangladesh.


The Objects for which the company is established are all or any of the following (All the objects will be implemented after obtaining necessary permission form the Govt./Concerned /Competent authority before the commencement of Business) :-

1. To setup maintain or operate software systems for system design, network design, technical consulting, custom software development, enterprise-wise system integration, data entry and processing, web page development, CDROM authoring and to engage in engineering drawing for local and international clients and to deliver hose products to international clinens, to organize any course of study or training of standard and custom onsite developers course, management overview course, training in computer short and long courses. 2. To carry on the business of manufacturing assembling, maintenance, training, supplier, office equipment, electric and electronics goods like transformer, Electric iron, electric establishing manufacturing industries for purpose of the company. 3. To carry on the business of import, export and marketing of computer, computer accessories, hardware and software, peripherals including, network hardware software, installing sale and services, electric electronic

office equipments training aids, communications equipments audio-visual equipments refrigerator, air conditioner, washing machine and all other house hold items for the benefit of the company. 4. To enter into agreement with foreign computer training or manufacturing company or specialized in such allied field and to do business in collaboration with them including manufacturing and assembling in the country and abroad for the benefit of the company. 5. To act as engineers, sociologists, environmentalist, ecologists, anthropologists, scientists, computer specialists and social scientist and to plan, develop implement, monitor and evaluate projects or ensure same and to set-up maintain and operate facilities and engineers, civil engineers and to purchase or otherwise acquire such equipment goods and other items as may be to the benefit of the company. 6. To enter into business and setup production house, drama package program, and short film production and import all kinds of films for the benefit of the company. 7. To conduct the sale and purchase of all types of business of all kinds of merchandise machinery and parts electrical and electronics equipment, computers and accessories machinery parts, raw materials and to trade in import and export the same and to manufacture or produce the same and to carry on the business of general importers including computer hardware and software, microcomputers, peripherals, voltage stabilizer, exporters and general traders for the benefit of the company. 8. To carry on the business of manufacturing and assembling of electronic goods with 100% imported raw materials for the purpose of 100% export keeping the Government policy into consideration for the purpose of the company from time to time for the benefit of the company. 9. To carry on the business of General trading, export and import offal commercial permissible items, dealers, indenter, general supplier, buying and selling agents, wholesale and distributors, dealers, carrying contractor of all and every kind of general and special products, goods substance and materials. 10. To implement development technology of Data entry in Bangladesh and international jurisdiction for the benefit of the company.

11. To earn Foreign currency by exporting skilled and unskilled people to the Foreign countries. 12. To undertake and arrange different projects for data entry, developing software, giving training and marketing in data entry for the purpose of the company. 13. To undertake welfare projects including training of data entry and rehabilitation education unemployed of youth, men and women. 14. To carry on the business of all kinds of Data entry in locally and internationally for the benefit of the company. 15. To carry on the business and to act as traders, importers, exporters of any commodity. 16. To carry on the business and to act as traders, importer, exporters of any commodity, commission agents, sole agents, manufacturer representative, handling agents, clearing and forwarding agents, buying and selling agents, indenting agents as the company may think fit form time to time. 17. To carry on the business of imports and exports, stockiest, general order supplier and indenters. 18. To acquire purchase, take on lease, exchange or otherwise acquire any land to erect the said lands for set up a cinema houses for show pictures, studio, laboratory and to carry on any business capable of being conducted so as to directly or indirectly benefit of the company. 19. To carry on the business and plantation of all types of fruits, vegetables, spices and other allied products, processing canning and preservation of all types of fruits, vegetables, spices etc. including beverage. 20. To carry on the business as manufacturing of all kinds of Food products, such as barley, biscuit, bakery products, vermicelli, toffee, chocolate, boiled sweets, cereal products etc. for the benefit of the company. 21. To sell, mortgage, give on lease land house sites, buildings and all other properties movable and immovable, as may necessary for carrying on the objects of the company. 22. To work as house and land agents and brokers at Dhaka or at any other place in Bangladesh.

23. To carry on business solely or in partnership or collaboration with other companies’ corporations, firms or individuals as may be convenient for carrying out the objects of the company. 24. To participate in all or any kinds for mercantile or industrial and commercial undertaking or building construction with any individual or partnership, films or with any private or public company and corporation, societies and to enter into any agreement for the interest or benefit of the company. 25. To acquire by purchase, lease exchange or otherwise lands, building, here determent of any tenure or description and any estate or interest therein right over or connected with land either to retain the same for the purpose of company business or to turn the same to accounts may seem expedient. 26. To acquire and undertake all or any part of the business and liabilities of any person, firm or company carrying on any business which the company is authorized to carry on the business either in his or its own name or in the name of the company. 27. To amalgamates with or incorporate with any other company or companies having objects altogether or in part similar to those of this company and to again the interest of the company. 28. To promote any company or companies for the purpose of acquiring all or any part of the property rights and liabilities of the company for any other purpose which may seem directly or indirectly calculated to benefit of the company. 29. To enter into any partnership or arrangement in the nature of partnership or other arrangement of like nature with any person or corporation engages or interested in the carrying on or conduct of any business or enterprise which this company is authorize to carry on or conduct or from which the company would or might derive any benefit direct or indirect. 30. To make or otherwise acquire and hold shares in any other company having objects altogether or in part similar to those of this company or in companies having objects not similar to this company for the purpose of investment or carrying on any business capable of benefit this company. 31. To enter into any arrangement with Government, Finance Corporation or Authorities Supreme, Municipal, Local or other bodies that may seem conducive the company objects or any of them and to obtain such authority

and rights, privileges and concessions which the company may think fit and desirable t obtain and to carry out exercise and comply with any arrangements, rights, privileges and concessions. 32. Generally to purchase take on lease or in exchange hire and otherwise acquire any immovable or movable property and any rights to privileges which the company may think necessary or convenient with references to any of these objects and capable of being profitable dealt with any f company property or rights for the time being. 33. To invest the money of the company not immediately required in such manner as may from time to time be determined. 34. To advance money of the company to such persons and no such terms as may seem expedient and in particular to customers or other having dealings with the company and to guarantee the performances of contracts by any such person. 35. To take financial assistance from and bank or other financial institutions and agencies. 36. To borrow or raise or secure the payment in such manner as the company shall think fit and in particular by the issue of debentures or debentures stock perpetual or otherwise charged upon all or any of the company property both present and future including its uncalled capital and to purchase redeem and pay of any such securities. 37. To take loan either in shape of Bangladesh money or in Foreign exchange or in kinds from any company corporation public bodies whether autonomous or semi autonomous, banks Government or Semi Government organization of all descriptions or private person on such terms and conditions as may deemed proper and convenient and be lawful manner. 38. To send out to foreign countries employees members of the company or others in order to train them up and to make them expert in the lie of the company business and to bring technicians and experts from abroad for the company on any terms the company may think fit proper, subject to approval by concern authorities. 39. To pay all or any costs, charges, expenses (preliminary or incidental or incidental to the formation, registration, establishment and for purchasing machineries form in land or abroad or by any other way for the starting of the company.

40. To draw, make accept endorse, discount, execute and issue promissory notes, bills of exchange, bills of landing debenture and other negotiable r transferable instruments. 41. To pay subscriptions donations to any deserving person charitable, benevolent, cultural or religious institutions like hospital school, college, madrasas, orphanages as the company may think fit. 42. To sell or dispose of the undertaking of the company or any part thereof in such manner and for such consideration as the company may think fit and in particular for shares (fully or partly paid up) debentures or other securities of any other company having object altogether of in part similar to those of this company. 43. To sell, improve, manage, develop, exchange, lease, mortgage, dispose of on turn into account or otherwise deal with all or any part of the company’s property and rights of the company. 44. To distribute all or any of the properties or profit (calculate after necessary expenditure and deductions or reserve fund) of the company amongst members in specie. 45. To give guarantee and/or stand as surety for any sister concern and/or any other company, person and also to create mortgage and/or charges on its own property as security thereof. 46. To capitalize from time to time the whole or such portion or all or any profit or dividend payable to the shareholders as the company may think fit and proper. 47. To do all or any of the things in any part of the world either as principal agent, trustee or otherwise either alone or in conjunction with other and by or through agents, sub-constructors, trustee or otherwise. 48. To do all such other lawful things as may be considered to be incidental or conducive to the above objects or any of them.


The liability of the members of the Company is Limited.


The authorized shares capital of the Company is Tk. ---------------- ( Taka. --------------------) divided in to ------------------- ( ------------------ ) ordinary shares of Tk. ---------------- ( ------------------- ) each with power to increase or reduce it or any portion thereof and to divide the share of the Company from time to time into several classes and to attach thereto any preferential, deferred, qualified or other special rights, privileges or conditions upon the sub-division or consolidation of any share or shares to apportion the right to participate in profits in any manner as between the holders of shares resulting from such division.

We the several persons, whose names, addresses and descriptions as subscribed below are desirous of being formed into a private limited company in accordance with this Articles of Association and we respectively agreed to take the number of shares in the capital of the company set opposite to our respective names :Sl. No.

Names, Address and Occupation of the Subscribers.

Numbers of Signature of the Shares taken by Subscribers. each subscribers. ………….. (………………..) shares.


Mr. S/o. Business, Bangladeshi, Date of Birth :


Mr. S/o. Business, Bangladeshi, Date of Birth :

………….. (……………….) shares.


Mrs. W/o Business, Bangladeshi, Date of Birth :

………….. (………………..) shares.


Mrs W/oBusiness, Bangladeshi. Date of Birth :

………….. (………………..) shares.


Mrs W/oBusiness, Bangladeshi. Date of Birth :

………….. (………………..) shares.

Total..................... shares. Dated the …………………… day of .....................200 Witness to the above signatories. 1.


MAIN OBJECT CLAUSE OF TRANSPORT, WORKSHOP & CNG FILLING STATION The Companies Act. 1994 ( ACT. XVIII OF 1994 ) (A Private Company Limited by Shares ) MEMORANDUM OF ASSOCIATIOHN OF ............................................... LIMITED.


The name of the Company is “........................................LIMITED” The Registered office of the company shall be situated in Bangladesh. The object for which the company is established are all or any of the following ( All the objects will be implemented after obtaining necessary permission from the Govt./ Concerned./ Competent authority before the commencement of business ) :1. To establish s transport company with an intention and to carry on at Bangladesh and elsewhere the business of running buses , omnibuses, taxicabs, lorries, tractors and motor cars of all kinds and on all such lines as the company may think fit for transport passengers and goods and generally to carry on the business of common carriers on land by any vehicle whatsoever for the benefit of the company. 2.

To carry on the business of transport of passengers and goods, by ship vessel or vehicle whether propelled or moved by oil, vapor, gas or other motive or mechanical power for the purpose of the company.

3. To carry on the business of transport of passenger by cab, taxi, maxi, car, micro bus, mini-bus, scooter. auto-rickshaw motor vans and other conveyances of all descriptions whether propelled or assisted by means of petrol, spirit, gas, electricity or other powers and to purchase or acquire the transport and its engines, chassis, bodies and

other things used in connection with the above mentioned vehicles or transport. 4. To set up premium bus service in particular routes with or without Air conditioned transport for the benefit of the company. 5. To carry on the business of transportation with or without air conditioned bus within the cities of Bangladesh and all over the country. 6. To carry on the business as importer of car taxi cab and various motor vehicles and spares parts of all kinds for the interest of the company. 7. To establish run and maintain a workshop for repair of all kinds of buses, tractors, trucks, lorries, mini-buses and all other motor vehicles for the purposes of the company. 8. To acquire by purchase lease or otherwise and operate buses, trucks, lorries, mini-buses taxi cabs, motor cars or automobiles, motor vehicles, road transport vehicles of any description for the purposes and dealing in transport business from time to time. 9. To carry on the business of CNG Filling Station, service station, workshop for car, bus, truck and all other kinds of vehicles or transport.

MAIN OBJECT CLUSE OF CINEMA & FILM COMAPNY. The Companies Act,1994. ( ACT. XVIII OF 1994 ) MEMORANDUM OF ASSOCIATION OF .......................................................LIMITED.


The name of the Company is “..................................... LIMITED.” The registered office of the company shall be situated in Bangladesh. The objects for which the company is established are all or any of the following ( All the objects will be implemented after obtaining necessary permission from the Govt./ Concerned./ Competent authority before the commencement of business ) :-


To carry on the business of proprietors of theaters cinema places and halls, studios & cinematographic shows and exhibitions both motion picture and talkie, & to permit premises to be used for such other purposes as may seem expedient for the benefit of the company. To purchase, hire or otherwise acquire any photographic and other apparatus in connection with cinematographic shows exhibitions. To produces cinematographic films, and to let on hire or sell the same for the benefit of the company. To import foreign films, machinery, apparatus, camera and to export Bangladeshi film to foreign countries. To purchase films, machinery, apparatus, camera and to export Bangladesh film to foreign countries. To establish modern film studios in such suitable place or places of the country to produce or manufacture the long time film short film advertising films and such other films of any nature and description which shall be helpful for the moral and cultural development of the people of the country. To purchase, take or lease or in exchange or acquire in any other lawful manner such lands to be suitable for the establishment of modern film industries and erect build or construct such sheed building office, godown rest house make-up room and any other structure required or necessary for that purpose.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


MAIN OBJECT CLAUSE OF NEWSPAPER MAGAZINE PUBLISHING COMPANY. The companies Act, 1994 ( ACT. XVIII OF 1994 ) ( A Private Company Limited by Shares ) MEMORANDUM OF ASSOCIATION OF .........................................................LIMITED.


1. 2.



The name of the Company is “......................LIMITED” The registered office of the company shall be situated in Bangladesh. The objects for which the company is established are all or any of the following ( All the objects will be implemented after obtaining necessary permission from the Govt./ Concerned./ Competent authority before the commencement of business ) :To carry on the business as proprietors and publishers of newspapers, magazines, periodicals, journals, book and other literary works and undertakings. To carry on all or any of the businesses of printers, stationers, lithographers, type-founders, stereo-typers, electro-typers, photographic printers, computer-printers, photo-lithographers, chromo-lithographers, engravers, dis-sinkers, book-binders, designers, paper and ink manufacturers, book-sellers, publishers and dealers in any other articles or things of a character similar of analogous to the foregoing or any of them or connected their with. To establish run and maintain modern and sophisticated printing press in suitable place of printing and publication of daily weekly and monthly newspapers journal books and periodicals and other literatures and for that purpose to obtain declaration licence permit or any other permission or privileges and to acquire by purchase lease or any other lowful manner such land building structure machineries tools accessories and spare parts required for the purpose of business. To carry on the business as buyers sellers traders indenters wholesales and retail dealers of all kinds of machineries tools spare parts accessories and any other items in relating to the business of printing and publication of news papers magazines journals and other literature and books.

MAIN OBJECT CLAUSE OF PAHRMACEUTICLS & PATENT MEDICINES. The Company Act, 1994 (ACT. XVIII OF 1994 ) ( A Private Company Limited by Shares ) MEMORANDUM OF ASSOCIATES OF ..............................................LIMITED.


The name of the Company is “......................LIMITED.” The registered office of the company shall be situated in Bangladesh. The objects for which the company is established are all or any of the following (All the objects will be implemented after obtaining necessary permission from the Govt./ Concerned./ Competent authority before the commencement of business ):-

1. To set up a pharmaceutical industry for manufacturing of biological and nonbiological medicines, injections, capsule & tablets of all kinds and life saving drugs and medicine and to carry on the business of manufacture and sale of patent medicines and preparation, and generally to carry on the business as manufacturers, buyers, and sellers of any dealers of all kinds of medicines and medical preparations and life saving drugs what so ever and obtain necessary license and patents from authority concerns for that purpose. 2. To carry on all or any of the business as chemists, druggists, chemical manufacturers, importers and exporters of and dealers in pharmaceutical and dealers in pharmaceutical and medical preparations. 3. To manufacture, buy, sell and deal in mineral water, cordials, soups and other restoratives or food, specially suitable or deemed to be suitable for invalids and convalescents. 4. To carry on the business as manufacture of basic chemicals for the purposes of medical preparation of all kinds. 5. To adopt such means of making know the products of the company as may seem expedient, and in particular by advertising in the press and paper by circular, by purchase and exhibition or works of art or interest, by publication of books and periodicals, and by granting prizes, rewards and donations.

THE MAIN OBJECT OF SOAP MANUFACTER The Companies Act,1994 (ACT.XVIII OF 1994 ) ( A Private Company Limited by Shares ) MEMORADUM OF ASSOCIATION OF ................................LIMITED.


The name of Company is “ ............................LIMITED.” The registered office of the company shall be situated in Bangladesh. The objects for which the company is established are all or any of the following (All the objects will be implemented after obtaining necessary permission from the Govt./ Concerned./ Competent authority before the commencement of business. ):1. To set up a industry for manufacture of all kinds of soaps including toiletries and cosmetics requisites which may seem expedient for the purpose of the company. 2. To buy. sell, manufacture, refine, prepare and deal in all kinds of oils and oleaginous and saponaceous substances and all kinds of unguents and ingredients. 3. To import purchase or procure in any other manner the raw materials required for the purpose of manufacturing of soap toiletries washing powder and detergent of all kind and description and to arrange the sale and distribution of the same in such suitable manner as the company may think fit. 4. To open or establish the show rooms sales centers and godown for sales and distribution of shops toiletries detergent and the products of that nature and to arrange the delivery van and any other transport of that nature for the purpose of distribution of the same.

MAIN OBJECT OF CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS COMPANY The Companies Act, 1994 ( ACT. XVIII OF 1994 ) ( A Private Company Limited by Shares ) MAMORANDUM OF ASSOCIATION OF .......................................................LIMITED.

I. The name of the Company is “ .........................LIMITED.” II. The registered office of the company shall be situated in Bangladesh. III. The objects for which the company is established are all or any of the following (All the object will be implemented after obtaining necessary permission from the Govt./ Concerned./ Competent authority before the commencement of business ):1. To establish run and maintain such modern and sophisticated chemical and pharmaceutical industries in such suitable places of the country as may be determined by the company and to prepare, produce and manufacturer live saving drugs and medicine chemicals and other related items required for the purpose of human life and benefit to mankind in various sector. 2. To carry on the business of chemists, druggists, oilmen, importers and manufacture of and dealers in pharmaceutical, medical, chemical, industrial and other preparation and articles, compounds, oils, paints, pigments and varnishes, life saving drugs, dye ware, and paint and colour grinders, makers of and dealers in proprietary articles of all kinds and of electrical, chemical, photographical, surgical and scientific apparatus and materials. 3. To buy, sell, manufacture, refine, manipulate, import, export, and deal in all substances, apparatus, and things capable of being used in any such businesses as required by customers of or persons having dealings with the company, either by wholesale or retail. 4. To carry on the business as providers of all requisites for hospitals, patient and invalids.


The Companies Act, 1994 ( ACT. XVIII OF 1994 ) (A Private Company Limited by Shares ) MEMORNDUM OF ASSOCIATION OF ..........................................LIMITED.


The name of the Company is “...............................................LIMITED.” The registered office of the company shall be situated in Bangladesh. The objects for which the company is established are all or any of the following ( All the objects will be implemented after obtaining necessary permission from the Govt./ Concerned./ Competent authority before the commencement of business ):1. To set-up a industry and to carry on the business of manufacturing cycles, bicycles, tricycles, motorcycles and carriages of all kinds, and of all articles and things used in the manufacture maintenance and working there of and also all apparatus and implements and things for use in sports and games. 2. To buy, repair, alter, and deal in apparatus, machinery, materials, and articles of all kings which shall be capable of being used for the purposes of any business to be required by customers of any such business. 3. To open establish run and maintain show rooms sales centers and agency office for purpose of sale or distribution of bicycles tricycles motor cycles and carriages of all kinds and the spare parts and accessories there of in whole sale and retail trading in such place or places of the country which may be determined by the company.


The Companies Act, 1994 ( ACT. XVIII OF 1994 ) ( A Private Company Limited by Shares ) MEMORNDUM OF ASSOCIATION OF .................................................LIMITED.


The name of the Company is “............................................LIMITED.” The registered office of the company shall be situated in Bangladesh. The objects for which the company is established are of the following (All the objects will be implemented after obtaining necessary permission from the Govt./ Concerned./ Competent authority before the commencement of business ) :1. To carry on all Dhaka metropolitan area and elsewhere in the country running motor omnibuses, taxicabs, scooters, lorries, tractors, buses and motor cars of all kinds and on all such lines as the company may think fit and transport passengers and goods and generally to carry on the business of common carriers by land and water by any vehicles launches vessel, ships and any other land and water transport whatsoever. 2. To carry on the business of manufactures of motor omnibuses, motorcars, lorries, taxicabs, and buses and vehicles a all kinds and the builders of all kinds of launches, vessels and ships whether propelled or moved by oil vapor gas or any other motive or mechanical power. 3. To establish run and maintain motor garage, mechanical work shop service center shipyard and dockyard for repairing maintenance and servicing of vehicles and transport of all kinds and the ships vessels launches and water transport of any kind and description. 4. To obtain road and water transport route permit and to maintain the same by plying of motor vehicles and water transport of and kind nature and description.

THE MAIN OBJECT OF SERGICAL INSTRUMENT MAKERS The Companies Act, 1994 ( ACT. XVIII OF 1994 ) (A Private Company Limited by Shares ) MEMORNDUM OF ASSOCIATION OF ...........................................LIMITED. I.

The name of the Company is “.................................LIMITED.”


The registered office of the company shall be situated in Bangladesh.


The object for which the company is established are all or any of the following (All the objects will be implemented after obtaining necessary permission from the Govt./ Concerned./ Competent authority before the commencement of business ) :1.

To carry on the business as manufacturers of and dealers in anatomical, orthopedics, and surgical appliances of all kinds.


To carry on the business of artificial eye and limbs makers, corset makers, stay makers, bandage makers, crutch, chair and stretcher makers, carriage makers, and providers of all requisites for patients in the hospitals, clinics and treatment centers including the provision of ambulance service for the patients.


The companies Act, 1994 (Act, XVIII of 1994) ( A Private Company Limited by Shares ) Memorandum of Association Of …………………………………………………………… Limited. I.

The name of the Company is “…………………………………… Limited.”


The registered office of the company shall be situated in Bangladesh.


The Objects for which the company is established are all or any of the following (All the objects will be implemented after obtaining necessary permission form the Govt./Concerned /Competent authority before the commencement of Business) :-


To establish run and maintain shoes and leather goods manufacturing industries in such suitable area or place as may be thought by the company and to make, produce or manufacture boot, shoe and also to make or manufacture suit case, brief case bags, belts money bags, leather dress and any other kind of leather goods materials and products and to arrange marketing of the same in local market and also to export the same in different countries of the world.


To carryon the business as boot and shoe manufactures, hide and leather merchants, leather dresses tanners, dealers in hides, skins and other materials manufacturers of and dealers in all kinds of rubber and leather goods.


To carry on the business as exporters, importers of and dealers in hides, skins, and leathers of al animals and all kinds of leather goods.


To open or establish such show rooms sales and display in such place as the company may deem fit for the purpose of sale the shoe and other leather product of the company and also to act as dealer wholesaler retailer and exporter of the same.


To purchase take on lease or acquire in any other lawful manner the lands for erect or construct building seeds office garage and godown and other structure for the purpose of establishment of factories, sales and display centers and such other place as may be required for the conduct of business of the company.


The companies Act, 1994 (Act, XVIII of 1994) ( A Private Company Limited by Shares ) Memorandum of Association Of …………………………………………………………… Limited. I.

The name of the Company is “…………………………………… Limited.”


The registered office of the company shall be situated in Bangladesh.


The Objects for which the company is established are all or any of the following (All the objects will be implemented after obtaining necessary permission form the Govt./Concerned /Competent authority before the commencement of Business) :1. To carry on the business of extracting, pumping drawing, transporting & purifying and dealing in petroleum and other mineral oils. 2. To undertake the work of searching inspection examination and exploration of mineral oil and petroleum and for that purpose to take on lease, purchase or otherwise acquire land and places which may seem to

the company capable of affording supply of mineral oil, and to establish and being apply the pumping stations, pipe lines and other works and conveniences suitable for the purpose extraction of fuel oil and lubricants of any kind nature and description including the petroleum and other mineral products. 3. To establish run and maintain the pipe lines and under ground reservoir for the preservation of petrol diesel and any other kind of mineral oil and to arrange the sale or distribution of the same in different place of places of the country and for that purpose to acquire by purchase hire charter or in any other manner the land, river and ocean going transport including the carriers like tank lorry oil tanker oil ship and any other ship vessel and transport suitable for the purpose of business of the company.

Main object clause of Electric company The companies Act, 1994 (Act, XVIII of 1994) ( A Private Company Limited by Shares ) Memorandum of Association Of …………………………………………………………… Limited. I.

The name of the Company is “…………………………………… Limited.”


The registered office of the company shall be situated in Bangladesh.


The Objects for which the company is established are all or any of the following (All the objects will be implemented after obtaining necessary permission form the Govt./Concerned /Competent authority before the commencement of Business) :-

1. To establish or set up industry or industries for manufacturing of electric appliance, magnetic, galvanic and other apparatus, spare parts accessories and all kinds of electric goods and commodities required for supply of electricity and for the use of mechanical and electrical engineers, suppliers of electric light heat and power. 2. To carry on in any part of Bangladesh or elsewhere the business of generation and supply of electricity in all its branches and in particular to construct, lay down and establish all necessary cables, wires lines, accumulators, lamps and works and to generate, accumulate, distribute and supply electricity and light and power to cities, streets, docks, markets, buildings and places both public and private.

Main object clause of laundry company The companies Act, 1994 (Act, XVIII of 1994) ( A Private Company Limited by Shares ) Memorandum of Association Of …………………………………………………………… Limited. I.

The name of the Company is “…………………………………… Limited.”


The registered office of the company shall be situated in Bangladesh.


The Objects for which the company is established are all or any of the following (All the objects will be implemented after obtaining necessary permission form the Govt./Concerned /Competent authority before the commencement of Business) :-

1. To establish and carry on at Dhaka metropolitan area and elsewhere the business of a steam/automatic and general laundry, and to wash clean, purify, scour, bleach, wrings, dry iron color dye, disinfect, renovate and prepare for use all articles of wearing apparel, household, domestic and other cotton, silk and woolen goods, linen and fabrics of all kinds, and to buy, sell hire manufacture, repair, let on hire alter improve, treat and deal in all apparatus, machines, materials and articles of all kinds, which are capable of being used for any such purpose. 2. To center into contract or agreement with garments and textile manufacturing companies or organization engaged in the manufacturing of garments yarn clothes and dresses of any kind nature and description for clearing washing and calendaring their dress cloths yarn and other textile products mechanically or through manual process at such cost or remuneration which may be fixed mutually by the parties and the company. 3. To undertake the work of cleaning washing and calendaring of dresses of security guard supplying companies or any other organizations on contract basis.

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