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Gun 1205 Unit 3: Project Intentions Directions: Submit this document along with your Unit 3 memoir. Responses should be complete, detailed, and clearly explain the intentions and purpose of your memoir. 1. Define the subject and theme of your memoir. The subjects are me and three of my friends whom I don’t want to mention their names because I think that they have the right to keep their identities, so I decided to use pronouns instead. The place is the van, cabin, restaurant, and haunted house. The theme is travelling with my friends. We had both relaxing and adventurous experience throughout the trip. Everything seems to be satisfying for me and I had a very good memory of it. It also focuses on the relationship.

2. Define the tone of your memoir. The tone of sympathy, lovely and calm for most of the story.

3. Describe the plot in a few sentences. I went the trip to Pattaya with my friends and we visited the haunted house, restaurant, and most importantly, the beach. 4. Which goal(s) are you hoping to achieve when creating this memoir? The goal of my memoir is to let the readers understand how I build such a strong relationship with this group of friends and also get to know me better through my perspective on different things. How I felt with each scene and how our relationship was growing.

5. For Written Memoirs: A memoir is a portion of your life that is crafted into a story. Explain which storytelling techniques (characterization, symbolism, climax/resolution, sensory details, etc.) you will use to communicate a central message or theme. Climax: In my memoir, there are no conflicts, so the climax was when we were at the beach because it is one of the best memory of the trip Sensory detail: I use it throughout the memoir, especially for the setting which I want to make it stands out because I want the readers to see the view as what I see.

Mr. Bishop English 12 Tanakom Kaweewuthisinp (Gun) My Expedition I made a decision to be on the trip to Pattaya with my friends whom I met when I did the volunteers work at Ramathibodi hospital. I enjoyed every single activity and the moment we had together, started from picking up my friends from their houses and being lost on the way because their homes are located in mystery roads that I have never heard of before. We also played cards which I lost almost every single game and listened to loud heavy rock music in the van. I cannot remember the name or the lyrics of the songs, but the only thing I know is they are very annoying for me, but my friends are all smiling like they really love them. About two hours after the last man was picked up, we arrived at the place which belongs to the government. My friend’s grandmother has a connection that allows us to stay there for free. Normally, places for resting and relaxing would be hotels or resorts, but this is another level of travelling. It is the house with no air conditioner, no technology and no fully functioned doors and windows. However, I felt that it is safe and heartwarming, for me. Arriving here at the middle of the night letting us see nothing but a little light from fishing boats and cold soft windy air touching my body. As aforementioned, the place we booked is not a hotel, it’s more like a cabin. On my first glance, I don’t wanna be there and leave for a better place to sleep, but no-one else is protesting as I do. Others are fine with it, so following the democratic path, I have to accept to stay here. I walked to the bed uncomfortable, but I later found out that it’s not as bad as I expected. Even there is no air conditioner, but the wind that flows from the sea was freezing. It’s even colder than when I turn the twenty-three degrees Celsius air conditioner on. I was

amazed about the weather, so I took a look at the weather application on my phone and it displays an eighteen degrees Celsius, excluding the effect of the wind which makes it even colder. If I was there a few years ago, I would be really mad at the guy who selected this place, but I at that time was so happy to be there and looking forward to the next morning to come. When the sun rose on the next day, the sight is clear opening the surface of the sea which seems to me like an eternity peace and love, ignoring some garbage on the beach. Travelling with friends is a totally different story from travelling with the family. Both are beautiful memories, but with friends, it is more adventurous and exciting, especially when we visited the haunted house together. One of the sergeants at ROTC said that we will see the real personality of each other best at the most difficult time in our lives. I considered going to places like this as the most difficult time in my life if the ROTC camp was excluded because I am genuinely afraid of mystical stories. Before we got into the house, we appointed to hold each other's hand like a chain or a rope so that we can run at the same pace and don’t get lost. However, just a minute after we entered the house and scary kinds of stuff are scaring us, no-one is holding anybody’s hands. My friend’s shirt is torn off and none of us knows when and how has it happened, another one hit her face to the decorations and she screamed even louder than when she was running away from the ghosts. Last but not least, I ran into the wall and hurt my ankle that I cannot run at my fastest speed for almost a month later. We finally made it out of the facility with almost everyone got injured. Anyway, there is no boundary of time to slow us down, so we took our time and enjoyed each other’s silliness after leaving the building. After we left the house, we ate dinner together at the restaurant located on the walking street. Live music was played for us. I remember listening to Ed Sheeran’s song which was

adapted to use different rhythm and pitch. Amazingly, it was, in my opinion, better than the original version. Good music helped us to be calm with the food that came almost a half hour after the order. I ordered a medium-well tenderloin steak and my dish took the longest time to be cooked. When I complained that to my friends, they thought that it’s my fault to order a nonseafood meal at this restaurant because it is reputed for a seafood meal, instead of agreeing with me that the blame is to the restaurant. The best part was when we were at the beach, sitting on an old breaking log. The light of the sun was perfect. The humidity was just fine. The sound of the tidal waves hitting the sand somehow creates a sense of satisfaction. Walking in the morning and watching at nature is not a moment I can have every day. It’s rare and good. Small crabs, insects, and dogs walk through with us. The smell of the sea later disappears when the sun rises. I can feel the feeling of love and relaxation that I’ve never experienced before. Before we packed our belongings and got home, we visited a zoo. It is a small zoo that we can drive and look at the animals through the windows. We were there for just about an hour. I didn’t find it very interesting or exciting at all, but my friends make jokes with the animals along the way which turned a normal zoo visiting to be my another memorial experience. We took about two more hours to arrive in Bangkok. I have never said this to any of my friends who went with me for the trip that at the bottom of my heart, it is one of the best trips I’ve been on. Moreover, our relationship among us had been upgraded to the next level where we can discuss more problems, give each other advice and have each others’ back. I felt protective when I’m near them like the places we visited are occupied by us and only us. No-one else is important anymore. We share the same memories and

feelings that will be kept in our mind for eternity. It is not gonna vanish through time, there is no proof, but our feelings and memories.

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