Membership Packet

  • June 2020
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Like an Elephant, Never Forget a Member By DJ Kaplan

How Many Dumbo Dear Membership Kadima Vice Presidents and Mem/Kad RGB, You are allcan here because you love our region, you want to see it grow and Elephants you love people. If not, you’re in the wrong place ;). Let me start off by you find? you all for receiving the position you have acquired. It is congratulating 1

not going to be easy and many challenges are going to confront you, however it is going to be rewarding. Right now we are in a time that is troublesome to our region. It is really unfortunate that I have to start this letter out this way, but it’s something that I feel necessary. We are in a time where membership is decreasing and members are hard to come by. Let’s just say that we should not look at the troubles ahead of us, but rather look at the difference we are going to make. It is our time to be the heroes of USY. We NEED to increase our membership, we need to do the best job we can do in order to improve our current condition. We must face the challenges head on and we must conquer our goals. However, we are also living in a time where high school kids are packed with after school activities, studying for school and constantly trying to impress colleges. Many just laugh at the idea of joining a youth group that spends time praying and studying. If it was ever the time to change, it is now. We need to incorporate what we know, our past programming skills, and move into this new age of facebook, twitter, and blogging. For too long we have been living in the past, assuming that new members will just come our way. This is not true! We need to act, we need to come up with new programs, new ideas and new ways to bring new members into our youth group and keep them here! Hard work, purpose, and creativity are what we need to bring us up to the top again. I would like to take this time too introduce our 2009-2010 Mem/Kad Regional General Board. To start off we have our senior programmers, Emily Sofayov and Elana Pentelnik. They are in charge of making sure the senior class stays special. This includes planning senior programs and late nights at every convention, distributing toys and overseeing the Big Brother/Big Sister program which will now take place at every convention. They will also be planning Senior Retreat, which will be in Cleveland! Next are our first time convention programmers, Sarah Vandersluis and Lindsay Scheinbach. They are in charge of all programming that is geared towards USYers who are attending their first convention. Our freshman programmers are Ilana Kramer and Elena Leib, and their job is to unite the freshman class, filling them with CRUSY ruach and reaching out during conventions. Lastly, Jennie Bromberg and Amanda Rosenthal are the Kadima Programmers. They will be responsible for helping USY chapters with Kadima programming, informing the region about the status of Kadima, and improve our Kadima membership. Their main focus will be the induction of 8th graders into USY. But most importantly, they will be planning Kadima Kinnus!!


Well, there you have it. Welcome to the membership club, where the fight to gain membership must always be strong. Just remember:

The only safe ship in a storm is the membership. And now, a word directly from your RGB! Enjoy!

As you know, I'm Elana Pentelnik, one of the Senior Programmers, and I am very excited about this year in CRUSY! I love USY with a passion and know CRUSY is always there for me. I'm pretty outgoing and love long walks on the beach as the moon glistens off the waves, lol jk. But really, I am a hard worker whether I'm doing school work, college apps (yuck), art (which I love), and especially my USY work. As this is the last year for the SENIORS, I want to make sure that our class feels united when we graduate. By crazy bonding events at senior late nights, I want to make sure that everyone feels accepted and a part of the 2010 community. I know that if we are united, the amazing fun we are having will show, and all the younger grades will look forward to the excitement of senior year in CRUSY. Of course I also want to help plan an amazing senior retreat that will be unforgettable and full of memories. The Senior Regalia is also fully designed and is getting the final details worked out! So basically I'm excited for this crazy year! My name is Lindsay Scheinbach. I’m a junior and I live in Toledo, Ohio. At school I’m involved with student government, theatre, volunteer programs and different clubs. Out of school, I am the president of BITUSY, and one of the First-Timers Programmers on Regional General Board. I’m so incredibly excited for Fall Boards for so many reasons. I have the amazing honor of being one of the tri-chairs for this convention, and I couldn’t be more happy about it. I also can’t wait to see my friends that I haven’t seen in a long time, and reuniting with them. I’m also really excited to meet all of the new-comers and make many new friends. This year I plan on creating many fun programs for the first-timers to make them feel more at home in CRUSY, as well as a packet full of helpful things to know about CRUSY and what we do. I'm Jennie and I am absolutely in love with USY. I plan to pull off the most AMAZING Kadima Kinnus ever with Amanda, and I am looking forward to working on it. I'm so excited because I remember attending Kadima Kinnus in 2004, 2005, and 2006, and I want to create the same memorable experiences for all of the Kadimaniks in CRUSY, too. Hi, my name is Ilana Kramer and I am a sophomore at Shaker Heights High School. At school, I am involved with Take Action, a club that tutors elementary school students, Project Support, working with special needs students, Israeli Culture Club, and I am an editor of a section of my school newspaper. I can’t wait for Fall Boards/Freshman Kinnus 2009 and working with the entire freshmen class in CRUSY. Elena Leib and I have amazing events planned for the upcoming year. We plan to organize scavenger hunts for freshman, teach them the USY ruach cheers, and properly initiate them into CRUSY. This year I plan on making the freshman feel completely comfortable around me, and having no trouble coming up to me and asking me any questions that they have. After planning the programs for Camp CRUSY (that didn’t happen…) Elena and I found that we work very well together, and I cannot wait to spend the rest of the year planning outstanding activities for the freshman class of CRUSY 2009-2010. My name is Sarah Vandersluis, I am a senior at Oakwood high school, which means this is my last year in USY. I swim, hang out with friends, and I am starting to take guitar lessons. I love USY and I am so excited for all the conventions to begin. As first timer programmer I am so excited to get more kids involved and help them learn of the amazing experiences USY has to offer. I want these new comers to get all that they can out of USY. Lindsay and I are planning amazing activities to get these kids more involved and to help them meet the other amazing USYers. I have made such good friends from this amazing youth group and I can’t wait to introduce others to this amazing gift USY has to offer. Hi! My name is Amanda Rosenthal. I am a senior at Bexley High School and am on the school swim team and a part of the Jewish Student Union and Key Club. Last summer I went on Eastern Europe/ Israel Pilgrimage, group 11, and before that went on wheels and was on bus b! This is my second year as Kadima Programmer. This year I am hoping to increase the number of kids that come to Kadima Kinnus. I also want to make new programs that chapters can do with their Kadimaniks. I want all the kids that go to Kadima events want to


come back. I am excited for this year because I got to know a lot of the Kadimaniks last year and am excited to see them again and am so happy that last year's 8th graders are joining USY! Hey everyone I’m Elena Leib and I am so so so excited for this upcoming year and to be working with Ilana as Freshmen Programmers! Ilana and I have a ton of great ideas to get the year jump started and to get the freshmen excited about CRUSY. Our programs will introduce and acclimate the freshmen to our AMAZING region, help them bond, and create a sense of community that will keep them coming to regional events. I am a junior at Allderdice High School in Pittsburgh. I went on USY Eastern Europe/ Israel Pilgrimage this past summer (609!!!) and can’t wait to use what I learned in the upcoming year. I love to have fun, am enthusiastic and optimistic, and I am excited to share all of it plus my passion for CRUSY with all of the freshmen so that they have the best first year ever! =) Hey guys, I’m Emily Sofayov and I’m your Senior Programmer for the 2009-2010 USY year. As Senior Programmer I am extremely excited to be working with the grade I spent my high school life with. In this upcoming year I hope to bring the class of 2010 closer together and unite! Elana and I plan to do this through many random senior activities throughout the year, sweatshirts, our retreat, and many other fun exclusive senior programming. The year of X represents extreme, so that’s what I hope to accomplish, to make the seniors the most eXtreme, eXciding, eXuberant class ever!! I am very committed to making this the best and most memorable year for the seniors

MY GOALS FOR THE YEAR KEUSY! Kadima Enters USY: What is it? KEUSY is paring up USYers and Kadimaniks from different cities and help them foster a relationship through email, the phone and facebook. I will be working on creating monthly challenges and projects that will help to them to know each other. Why do it? To help get Kadima more active, more excited about USY and more involved. It gives them something to look forward to and someone to set an example for them, a role model. With who? Both active and non-active members of USY. The active members will help inspire Kadimaniks as well as give the USYer a sense of accomplishment. Non-active members will give the USYer a closer connection into USY and hopefully inspire both themselves as the Kadimanik. “Who are you” Sheets: These sheets will be created so we can organize our membership in a creative manner, as well as effectively help to create programs that everyone will enjoy. They will be handed out during first timer’s programs (except for Sunday during fall boards). Monthly Mem/Kad Challenges: Monthly Mem/Kad challenges will be done on the internet through email and list serves. I will be carefully monitoring and making sure that all chapter Mem/Kad’s as well as chapter presidents will be receiving these emails. HOWEVER, chapter presidents will not be involved in the challenge. I would like to reinstate these challenges because it will help the chapter Mem/Kad’s create successful programs, learn certain strategies and help with any problems they encounter. A point system will be kept and the winner will receive a prize at the end. The Welcoming Committee: The Welcoming Committee is a group where I will work with volunteers and assign them to a first timer for every convention. Their job will be to look after a first timer, introduce them to their friends and make sure that their transition into USY is a smooth and successful one, without letting them know it’s their job. More than one person may be assigned to a first timer to make sure they meet a significant amount of people. 4

IndiUSY and West Virginia USY: West Virginia and Indiana have been constantly overlooked by many Mem/Kads in the past, and I do feel that it is time to reconnect with their chapters. The least I want to do is stay in contact with some of the shuls of those states. I would love to try and get a convention eventually there; therefore we need to build up the USY chapter there. Mem/Kad Kits: Mem/Kad kits will help chapters come up with ways to get new members, have mixer ideas, and create ways to get 8th graders ready and excited about USY. These kits will be a source for membership and Kadima issues. First Timers Competition: The chapter who brings the most first-timers to every convention will receive some kind of recognition and or reward and will play into chapter of the year. The purpose of this is to have chapters encouraging new people to attend conventions. As the Chapters grow in numbers, the number of teens choosing to attend the convention should also increase. Chapter Mem/Kads and Presidents must come to me and tell me the number of first timers that they brought with them. I will be here to help provide ideas and different ways to get first timers!

WHAT ARE YOUR GOALS??!?! What is USY? USY stands for United Synagogue Youth and is the youth group associated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. The organization is open to high school students. USY is divided into three levels: the chapter, the region, and the international USY. Your chapter is most likely affiliated with the synagogue you attend, and it includes people from your area. Our region, CRUSY, is composed of chapters from all over Michigan, Kentucky, West Virginia, Indiana, Ohio and Western Pennsylvania. The third level, made up of 17 regions from all over the US and Canada.

Learn Take what you’ve seen from the past however many years you’ve been a member of CRUSY. Look in the mirror, and say, “what can I learn from past board members, events and conventions, etc.?” It’s not a crime to “copy” or base your ideas off other chapters LEARN from the people around you, even if it’s not USY or Jewish related 5

Experiment Try new things, and come up with new ideas. The worst that can happen is that people may not like it, and you LEARN from your mistakes

Advocate TELL people about USY and show people what you love Lead by example and vision—the more people see YOU doing things, the more they’ll want to do them too. Make it COOL!

Determination You will go absolutely nowhere as a leader if you don’t tell yourself that you will succeed. We all know our chapter can be amazing, because we’ve all seen it be amazing. BE DETERMINED.


Mem: (membership) At programs and events YOU are the one to meet new members, introduce them to other people, hang out with them and check up on them until they can make it on their own into the chapter. This isn’t just being friendly, it’s your job. You are the one to create new ways to increase membership both USY and Kadima (these new ways don’t always have to be new, no use in reinventing the wheel). It is your task to ensure that there are people at the events that other people plan Kad: (Kadima) You are the liaison between Kadima and USY in your chapter. Plan Kadima events, become friends with the Kadima president, attend board meetings as an advisor, and recruit other USYers to staff Kadima events. If you don’t work with Kadima they won’t know about USY. And if they don’t know about USY how can they join? Phone tree: a system of USYers with phones and phone numbers, dedicated to spreading the word about programs, events, and USY in general. Recruit the board or other members to make phone calls every week about programs. On your own time, look at past membership lists to see who did not rejoin the chapter. Call them and ask them why and try to persuade them to come back and try it out. Keep in touch with new members on facebook, by phone or e-mail! Make sure the chapter Kadima boards are either doing their own phone tree or offer to help them find other USYers to help. Membership Reports: forms that help the Regional Mem/Kad as well as YOU, yourself, keep up with the membership increases and decreases in the chapter. You help your youth director fill out and send in the membership reports. At the end of each month, fill out your membership update and send it in to the Regional Mem/Kad. If the Regional Mem/Kad doesn’t know what’s going on, there’s no way to help or congratulate you! 6

Recruitment: You and your recruiting team should always be on the lookout for new members and “forcing” them to attend USY or Kadima programming. This act can occur at shul, Hebrew school, and normal school. If you don’t recruit, there is NO WAY for your chapter to grow.


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Set a date for the program at least 4 weeks in advance Make a flier with all relevant information (date, time, cost, place, etc.) Send out a flier for the event Make two phone calls o Call #1: should take place 2-3 weeks before the program o Call #2: should take place about a week before the program. Serves as a reminder. Make sure that all callers know the details of the program and are ENTHUSIASTIC! Telephone squad: provides the follow-up to the impersonal mailing, A telephone squad is formed by your officers or a core group of members. Callers should always be positive, warm, and friendly without being pushy Make sure that you are organized. Try to delegate responsibilities to other USYers. Phone them ½ week before the program to ensure that everything is running smoothly. Make sure that you arrive at the program and make a list of any new members or potential members who have gone to the event Collect money at the start of the program, and make a list of any new members or potential members who have gone to the event Make sure that everybody is comfortable at the program. Try to ensure that new members are having a good time, without neglecting other members. SUGGESTION: meet all incoming people at the door and then take them back to the room in which the program will take place. While walking with them, ask them questions about their school, favorite activities, etc. Afterwards, introduce them to some of your friends in the main event area so they are not left alone. Keep records of how the program went, so that people know whether or not to use it in the future

PROGRAMMING IDEAS! Low cost: 1. Sports lounge/lounge night 2. Battle of the sexes lounge night 3. -srael extravaganza 4. Sex with the cantor/drugs with the rabbi/tattoos with the educational director

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5. Pajama lounge night 6. Food Olympics Alphabet cereal—2 minutes to spell whatever you can Pie eating contest Chewed gum poster Tallest pretzel cabin Actual food Mr. potato 7

More Programs! (more expensive) 1. Outdoor amusement park 2. Mystery day 3. Dances 4. Scavenger hunt 5. Apple picking—you can make it a Sa/To program by donating what you pick! 6. Bowling 7. Ice skating 8. Laser tag

9. Challenge another chapter from your city in a sporting event 10. Barbecues 11. Putt-put 12. Area food banks 13. Game show night 14. The zoo!!! (elephants?) 15. Canoeing trip 16. Costume party 17. Go see a play! 18. Mall scavenger hunt 19. Car wash 20. Paintball

RETENTION (ri ten’shen) n.Power of or capacity for holding or keeping in possession A major CRUSY goal in which chapters keep their members active and happy Remember your members: call them often!

Evaluate everything!!! Make your programs better each time Take time out of every event to talk to everyone Enlist all members onto committees: keep them busy! Notice if someone’s gone and send a “we missed you” card Thank everyone for coming or helping out with each program Include new ideas: have members fill out questionnaires Offer incentives: member’s only coupons, contests and prizes NEVER STOP RETAINING!!! Integrating New Members into USY • •

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Are your group’s activities well publicized in: o The local press? The congregational bulletin? Through posters in the synagogue? Through regular mailings? Do you have a list of all potential members which you can get by: o Consulting with Rabbi and Educational Directors? Having membership committee compile a list of prospective candidates by keeping eyes and ears open in public school? Distribute a questionnaire to synagogue members seeking names of potential teen-age members Do you conduct your membership campaign in an organized fashion, for example: Make each bar mitzvah boy and each bat mitzvah girl a paid-up member of your USY chapter for the balance of the year, 8

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presenting him or her with a certificate and an invitation to join your chapter. A phone call is made to every prospective member inviting him/her to the first chapter meeting at which time the new members are honored A program is planned for new members which might consist of the following: A brief welcome extended by chapter presidents A skit prepared by group with highlights of the chapter’s activities in a humorous and entertaining manner Singing of one or two old favorites and the teaching of one simple song that everyone can learn quickly, so new members will have a feeling of belonging and of accomplishment A talk by graduate USYers on the purpose of USY A review by program chairperson of coming events in the chapter A report by members who have been on WHEELS or on ISRAEL PILGRIMAGE HOW DO WE GET LAST YEAR’S MEMBERS TO REJOIN?? Make a list of last year’s paid members excluding those who have graduated Write a letter to everyone on the list asking them to send you a check for their membership dues for the current year In one week follow the letter with individual phone calls to USYers. If they are not home or not available then ask their parents to send in the check for them Two weeks follow-up with another phone call and offer to come right over and pick up the check Call on other officers and members for help on special cases. For example, you may want to have a gung-ho senior approach other apathetic seniors about rejoining. The key to success is continual follow-up on members who have not re-registered for the current year. Always be polite, courteous and positive about USY



In order to fight senioritis it may be necessary to hold certain events for Senior Only. In smaller chapters this may be more difficult or even impossible. If your chapter has few seniors, you may want to share this activity with a nearby chapter or travel to a far chapter where a sleepover may also be a part of the program Ideas such as a movie night, pizza party, dance, etc. which work well with the ENTIRE chapter also help seniors escape from schoolwork, college applications and stress 9

Seniors might also like to participate in activities at a local college or university. Check with Hillel leaders at a nearby college to see if they are offering events in which USY seniors could attend. Early in the year, seniors might be interested in a college night. During an evening or Sunday afternoon, invite an informed individual to speak about Jewish life on campus If you think your seniors and your advisor or rabbi would be interested, hold a study group or rap session on almost any topic. Seniors ONLY! Always keep seniors involved in the chapter. This can be done by involving them in planning, This way, activities are planned that Seniors will not be too mature for and freshmen will think that they are exciting, Have them work on activities or as committee chairmen or members

WHERE TO LOOK FOR MEMBERS All synagogues and templesask for a list of bar/bat mitzvah class Your members they have interested friends and/or brothers and sisters Your rabbi he is the first one to know of new families in town Your parents they always have friends with children ”just your age” The Kadima Advisor(s) They are more than willing to give you a list of their outgoing Kadimaniks

The Membership Drive

A membership drive is an event where people get together at the synagogue with a list of all potential members of their chapter. They call all of these people, and convince them to become members of USY, because it’s just that awesome! Then, a legal driver will drive over to their house with a membership form and have them fill out a form and pay dues right that second! And voila! A new member! A Membership Drive is a great way to increase membership and meet new people.

Membership Drive Sample Conversation Hello, my name is (your name) , and I’m calling from (name of chapter) , the USY chapter at (name of Synagogue) . May I please speak to (Name of prospective USYer)? Parent or whoever gives the phone to USYer-to-be USYer to be: “hello?” HI (Name of prospective USYer) !!! It’s (Your name) , from (Name of Chapter) . How are you? USYer-to-be: I’m good thanks, how are you? I’m great, thanks. I was wondering if you were interesting in joining USY. Have you ever heard of it? WARNING!!! THERE ARE MANY DIFFERENT ANSWER TO THIS QUESTION: CHOOSE THE ANSWER THAT IS CLOSEST TO WHAT THEY GIVE: NO I think so, but remind me what it is again OR No, I’ve never heard of it USY is a youth group for Jewish high School students. It’s a great way to make new friends, hang out and have a great time in Jewish setting. We have fun programs on a chapter level. Like going to sporting events, or out to different stores to eat dessert in what we call a “dessert hop”. We also 10

have a few regional conventions every year where you get to meet USYers from all over the area. It’s really cool and it’s been really fun seeing you there. I’ll think about it. Thanks. Actually, we have a program coming up (time and place of program) . But you need to be a member to attend. It’s (say how much your membership fee is) . I CAN DRIVE OVER TO YOUR HOUSE RIGHT NOW WITH A MEMBERSHIP FORM AND YOU CAN JOIN RIGHT AWAY! HOW DOES THAT SOUND? I’ll come on over. YES Yes, what about it? Well, (name of USYer) , I was wondering I you would like to join USY! There are a lot of benefits to being a member. Like what? Like members’ discounts at programs and regional conventions, membersonly programs, the opportunity to join any of USY’s amazing clubs, or the chance to go on one of USY’s unbelievable summer programs! That sounds pretty cool, how do I sign up? It’s (say how much your membership fee is) . I CAN DRIVE OVER TO YOUR HOUSE RIGHT NOW WITH A MEMBERSHIP FORM AND YOU CAN JOIN RIGHT AWAY! HOW DOES THAT SOUND? I’ll come on over. ------------------Or the dreaded----------------Yes, I’ve heard of it. I’m not interested. Are you sure? Why aren’t you interested? IMPORTANT: THERE ARE MANY DIFFERENT ANSWERS TO THIS QUESTION. IF THE PERSON ANSWER THAT THEY HAVE HEARD THAT USY IS BORING, NOT FUN, OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT, TRY TO CONVINCE THEM TO TRY USY OUT FOR THEMSELVES AND GIVE THEM YOUR PROMISE THAT YOU WILL MAKE SURE IT WON’T BE BORING FOR THEM. IF THEY ANSWER THAT THEY DON’T HAVE ENOUGH TIME, TELL THEM IT DOESN’T HAVE TO BE A HUGE TIME COMMITMENT; THEY CAN BECOME A MEMBER AND COME TO WHATEVER PROGRAMS THEY HAVE TIME FOR, THERE ARE STILL BENEFITS TO BEING A MEMBER EVEN IF YOU CAN’T GO TO ALL OF THE PROGRAMS. Reminders: Be sure to sound friendly and fun Try not to take no for an answer-every kid can get something out of USY if they just give it a shot 11

Keeping the above in mind, if someone really isn’t interested don’t force them-say thank you and try again some other time Be sure to mention the awesome friends at a program, remind them that they already have one friend because you’ll be there If things still aren’t going well, try getting to know the person a little bit, and then tell them that no matter what they’re interested in, they can find something for themselves in USY Sure, this is about getting members, but remember that you’re talking to a real person with feelings and hobbies too! Tap into that! GREAT MIXER IDEAS, some of my personal favorites What’s the point of a mixer/icebreaker? Icebreakers are structured activities

that are designed to relax learners, introduce them to each other, and energize them in what is normally an overly formal atmosphere or situation. Icebreakers are not normally related to the subject matter. In addition, they often help to break up the cliques and invite people to form random groupings in a non-threatening and fun way. It is important to come up with original mixer ideas that you can call

your own, but in case you can’t, here are some to get you started! ANIMAL MARCH: People are split into 5 groups of 20ish. Depending on the number of people there are (the group sizes can be altered)? Upon entering the room, they’re given a card with an animal on it (there are two of every animal). On the count of three, everyone makes their animal noise and tries to find their partner. Once they have found their partner, they interview each other with questions that are also on the card. HUMAN SCRABBLE: Every person is going to receive a letter from the alphabet. (There can be more than one of the same letter). They are then giving about 2 minutes to come up with as many words as they can, using those letters. Someone will record all of their words and when time is up we will tell them to stop. We will then have them go one group at a time giving a word they came up with, and if another group has that word then they have to cross it off. TOILET PAPER: explain to the group that they are about to go on an intense camping trip into the middle of the words, far away from civilization. Embellish a little…and finish off by telling them that they now need to take all of the toilet paper they think they would need for this journey. Send the toilet paper around and let them each take some sheets. When it gets back to you, tell them that they then have to go around the circle and say one thing about themselves (nothing typical). CLOTHES PIN: Each person gets two clothes pins. The object of the game is to be the first person without any clothes pins. To get rid of your clothes pins, you need to pin the clothes pin onto the shirt of another person, but you need to know their name! If you are pinned, you can pin that pin on someone else. BALLOON SHOW: Have 1 balloon for each person in the group. Give them all a piece of paper and inside it have them draw a picture of themselves and put it in the balloon, Then have the leader o the group introduce themselves and then pop the balloon, They then have to guess who drew the picture. Do until all balloons are popped. 12

CRUSY LIBS: someone will write a short essay and take words out from each sentence. 5 or so essays, after split up and fill in with nouns, adjectives and so on. GOOD LUCK AND REMEMBER TO BE ORIGINAL AND TRY TO COME UP WITH YOUR OWN! LET ME KNOW WHY YOU’VE MADE A GOOD ONE TO PUT IN THE ARCHIVE! INCENTIVE IDEAS! Make a coupon book and give them to new members! Use things like $1.00 off a USY social, one free admission to a USY social, or take off the price of a regional event, and have sponsors donate the money that you give off. USY member of the month. Using a point system, a member will be chosen each month. The chosen member can be chosen more than once as long as they rightfully deserve it. A membership punch card. After they have a certain amount of events they get a prize or a free something. If a member brings a friend who is not a member, give them a 2 for the price of one for that event. Going to services gets you something

Don’t let birthdays go unnoticed! People love to get birthday cards, and a card from USY may just be what it takes to get them to come to an event. It’s not hard to do and the rewards are sweet!

CHAPTER NAME B’nai Jeshurun Beth Abraham Brith Shalom Beth El Northern Hills Ohavay Zion

CITY Pepper Pike, OH Dayton, OH Erie, PA Pittsburgh, PA Cincinnati, OH Lexington, KY

2007-2008 32 1 0 65 46 13

“Everyone in this2006-2007: room is Kadima membership report 316 Kadima Chapters 2006-2007: reporting by region 16 USY Membership 2006-2007: Report 497 USY Chapters reporting 2006-2007: by Region 23

2008-2009 21 1 1 53 12 9

on the International 2007-2008: 2009: 396 +133 263 2007-2008: 14 2007-2008: 487 2007-2008: 22

2009: 19


2009: 532


2009: 20



-Jules A. Gutin The 8 “ins” to leadership Intelligence is considered by many as being the master key to the door of leadership. This however is cold by itself. It also takes a warm, sensitive, enthusiastic personality. Integrity—a good leader is one who is dependable, whose actions are above reproach, and who stands firm once he is convinced of the right and responsible decision Inspiration is a vital ingredient for leaders to cultivate. Thomas Edison said, “Genius is one percent inspiration is ninety-nine percent perspiration.” He knew without a spark, no amount of work alone can produce results that would be classes as genius Interest is necessary for successful leadership. Interest not only infects the leader, it can also spread contagiously to all members of the group. Initiative is a basic and unique function of successful leadership. Unless a leader sees what needs to be done and takes the initiative in carrying out regular or assigned tasks, the group he leads will lack vitality, purpose and enthusiasm. Interdependence—a good leader persistently seeks to understand the group and its goals and how to encourage each member to work harmoniously and effectively for the benefit of all. This should not be confused with dominance Insight is self analysis as well as the ability to see into the tickings of the group members…a group leader also keeps his eye on the aims and purposes of his group Invention is simply imagination. It is the ability to add that dash of spice to the operations of the group.

“You don’t have to be sick to get better.” ~Jane Howard

Membership Checklist!—for chapters Check the boxes as you go along! □ We have had at least one membership drive so far this year 14

□ We have an up-to-date list of all of our potential members □ Our board members have continuously called each potential member to talk about USY and encourage them to join □ We have had at least one program where “if you bring a friend you get in free” □ We make flyers for all of our programs and send them out to all of the people on our mailing list □ We have made opportunities for non-board-members to get more involved in our chapter and in the region □ We have set a membership goal for the year and informed DJ □ We have had USYers speak at Hebrew school to promote USY and Kadima □ We have had USYers chaperone Kadima events to form a connection between the two youth groups and bridge the gap between the two □ We have made sure that all chapter programs, a board member is always on the lookout for someone who is sitting alone or not being included, and we have always had someone available to talk to them and hang out with them □ We keep an accurate membership records for USY and Kadima and keep in close contact with out Regional Mem/Kad and the Regional office □ We continuously send in our membership reports to the regional and international offices □ We have made sure that all chapter programs have a recruitment component and that there are always membership forms available for potential members □ We are thinking about all of the membership challenges □ We keep membership retention and recruitment in our minds 365 days a year

Do not forget about spring! During the spring many chapter board members feel their job is done. NO IT’S NOT!! There are still a few months left before new boards are elected, therefore that is a few more months to get and keep members.



Every first timer is identified by having each of them mark on their form for convention whether or not they are a first timer. Then we mark on each of their name tags in some way whether or not they are a first timer. We are reinstating FRISKY THE FIRST TIMERS DOG! He is cute and cuddly and you have to be first timers or the first timer’s programmers or the regional Mem/Kad in order to hold him. It makes it a privilege to be holding Frisky and it gives them something to talk about because they do funny and stupid things with the dog, and also if we see someone who is not a first timer holding it and/or the same first timer having him a lot we can grab him and switch hands and what not. On our general board, we have first timer’s programmers, whose job it is to make first timers packets for every convention and to come up with a mixer and a program to present the packet and the ways of USY to the first timers. This year, our programmers are exceptional. Their first timers program is usually done during mixers, and we pull them aside into a different room. I am also hoping to get “I love first timers” and on the back it says “It’s getting Frisky in here”. They will stick out and be cheap, and according to the 2002 USY year they were a huge success. The Welcoming Committee is also related to first timers. What they do is before a convention starts, I obtain a list of all of the first timers that will be attending the convention. I pick the same number of “old timers” who are outgoing and friendly. They have to make sure they are never sitting alone and having a lot of fun. They should also receive a Shabbat-o-gram from their welcoming committee friend, and also from the first timer’s program. We will also be emailing every first timer and just say we hope you had a great time and enjoyed your first convention and we can’t wait to see them again. We also say that we would love to hear what they thought and constructive criticism about what they did and/or didn’t like and what we could do better in general with the convention and with the first timers in order to make their transition easier.




*Call your members. Show them that they are wanted and needed within your chapter This phone call could help them decide whether to go to that next meeting

*blow up at a member when they didn’t follow through on an assignment

*Arrange a car pool if he needs a ride for your next program

*demand something of a fellow member; everyone likes to be asked *complain about your fellow members behind their backs

*be different when advertising for programs type personal letters inviting all members *make sure that all members introduced to everyone. Make them feel comfortable

*only recruit your friends to join. Make sure everyone reaches out to all potential USYers

*hold a friendship circle or some kind of wrap up at the close of the program. End with a snappy USY tune

*be cold and unfeeling if a new member needs help with an assignment or chairmanship, etc.

*have a sunshine committee to take care of sending birthday, get well, congrats, condolence and thank you cards to members

*leave members behind when going to the USY office to type letters or run off those copies. Bring them along, and acquaint them with the office and its resources. Let them be a part of it

International USY Awareness Week The November 8-14, 2009 has been designated as International USY Awareness Week. It is a way of inviting and welcoming USYers back into the swing of USY, while teaching all members—new and old— everything there is to know about USY. This week is an international celebration that will include all 17 regions, 4 divisions, 3 subregions, hundreds of chapters and thousands of USYers. But, you might be asking, what is USY Awareness Week? It is a week packed with all different aspects of USY in the shape of programs, tips, events, services and more that make you and your regions aware of USY. SA/TO SUNDAY: Behold the day for all things giving and helping; use this day as one to implement new, creative SA/TO ideas in your regions and chapters, as a day to do something good as a USYer, and as a day to do something for the environment and the community. ISRAEL MONDAY: The day to learn about, remember, celebrate and love our holy land; use this day to listen


to Israeli music, read Israel-related news stories, write a poem about Israel and eat Israeli food. SUMMER PROGRAMS TUESDAY: Take a full day to celebrate, promote, think about and get excited for USY’s incredible summer program options; tell your friends about these programs, call a friend you made on these programs, research and even dream about them! REGION’S CHOICE WEDNESDAY: As a region, decide what kind of event, competition or theme you want your region to participate in this day; refer to the Regional Event suggestion flyers for a possible regional program or create your own unique way of making your chapters aware of USY. COMMUNICATIONS THURSDAY: This is the day to get the word out about USY; use Facebook, emails, flyers and even phones to reach out to USYers and USYers-to-be. Communications is a key step in increasing awareness. On this day, change your Facebook status to be about USY! MEM/KAD FRIDAY: This is the day dedicated to increasing membership and members; participation in programming! Wear your USY T-Shirt to school and make sure to spread the word about USY and Kadima REL/ED SATURDAY: Spend Shabbat with your USY friends, try Shabbat Unplugged, or a creative service; use this day to get in touch with your spiritual side.

It’s loud, bold and appropriate. You are the


Membership/ VP!!!!!!! Kadima is not only a branch off of USY; it is its own individual group! What is Kadima? Kadima is the United Synagogue’s youth group for sixth through eighth graders. Its main goal is for Jewish pre-teens to get the chance to meet other kids from across the region. This is a good way for us, Jewish teenagers, to really see what Jewish life is like in other cities. How do I start a Kadima chapter in my city? The first thing that an up and coming Kadima chapter has to do is blend efficiently social action programs with the always needed tikun olam fundraisers and drives. Next, a good budgeting technique is needed, especially during the first few years. As long as an efficient budget is intact and people enjoy programs, the chapter 18

is sure to succeed. Finally, working together with your congregation’s already built USY chapter can really help boost membership. Include Kadima! “We don’t want Kadima tagging along!” sound familiar? All of us are guilty of not including Kadima because we don’t want to “babysit,” so why is it so important that we involve them? Kadima is our future. It is a natural progression that active 8th grade Kadimaniks will become freshman USYers. Thus, it is our responsibility, as Chapter Mem/Kads, to prepare the 8th grade Kadimaniks for their huge freshman year in USY. Leadership positions, just an idea: To help make the eighth graders feel wanted, try to give them some role in the chapter. Some ways to do this include using their houses for an event, asking them to bring food to an event, have them work part of an event, have them read torah during services, and asking them to make decorations through an event. Giving them fun, easy tasks will make your eighth graders feel like they are part of your chapter. Be sure that you do not overwhelm them with things to do. Also, remember that they are in eighth grade and may not be as responsible as the older USYers. **With Kadima it is important to do excellent program promotion. This requires well thought out programs because if the Kadimaniks enjoy the program, they will come back and bring their friends. For Kadima events, it is a good idea to have unofficial “welcoming committee”. These people can circulate the room and make sure that everyone is meeting each other and feeling included in the programming. In order to familiarize the Kadimaniks with USY it is important to have a couple of joint events. These events should have aspects that allow people to hang out with each other yet also allow for space if space is needed. It is also important to concentrate on the synagogue Hebrew Schools. Have programs that immediately follow Hebrew School to attract the kids that might not normally be willing to go out of their way to attend an event but are willing to simply stay at the synagogue for an event since it is already part of their day. When programs are planned, it is always important to keep in mind whether or not they are really Kadima appropriate programs. From a regional level, it is a good idea to start evaluating the Kadima chapters and what their strengths and weaknesses might be. This can be a jumping off point for chapters to begin developing new and exciting programming and improve upon any possible problems that they may have.


members standing in a line. One disliked the president and then there were 9

9 ambitious members offered to work late, one forgot his promise and then there were 8



creative members had ideas good as heaven, one lost enthusiasm and then there were 7


loyal members got into a fix, they quarreled over programs and then there were 6


members remained with spirit and drive, one moved away and then there were 5


steadfast members wished there were more, one became indifferent and then there were 4


cheerful members who never disagree until 1 complained of meetings and then there were 3


eager members! What did they do? 1 got discouraged and then there were 2


lonely members, our rhyme is nearly done. One joined BBYO and then there was 1


faithful member was feeling rather blue until he met his neighbor and then there were 2!!!


earnest members each enrolled one more doubling their number and then there were 4!!!


determined members just couldn’t wait ‘til each got another and then there were 8!!!


excited members signed up sixteen more, and in another 6 verses there will be 1024!!!

Never underestimate the value of one member


What do you need? Synagogue support- do your rabbi and executive director understand what Kadima is and why it is important and necessary Parent Support- They can often provide the essentials for your group Someone to do the Program- Dedicated Staff or Parent Volunteers Funds (Budget) - Everything costs money. Either find or make necessary resources Proper Publicity- phoning and flyers in addition to a balanced calendar Fun Programming- involvement and participation from kids in events that they want to do Integrate Religion/Social Action/Israel Education, etc. into programs Circulate- Befriend newcomers and wallflowers. Encourage others to do the same. How to plan a successful Kadima event: OBJECTIVES: define what type of program you want and what you want it to do. List key parameters such as, who will be invited, a good date/time for everyone, how everyone will get there, how you will meet, any attendance requirements (price, paid dues, what they need to bring…) will there be food, how long will the event last, and how everyone will leave. PREPARATION: make a list of what needs to be done. Define who is in charge and delegate tasks to as many people as possible, so everyone feels involved. Have the chairperson check on all the others a few times before the event to make sure everything is running smoothly. Make sure all the details of the event are taken care of ahead of time. Have reservations/down payments been made? Have materials/food been ordered or prepared? Have decorations been made? Have invited guests been notified? Have rides for those who need them been planned or provided? PUBLICITY: don’t rely on word of mouth. Kadimaniks are more likely to go to many more different schools than USYers. Therefore publicity needs to start early and be extra good. Make sure publicity starts at least 2 weeks before the event is scheduled. FOLLOW-UP: make sure that at the end of the program or right after it you ask each member how they liked it, if they had fun and what they would do to improve it. Calls should also be made to those who said they’d come and didn’t and those who didn’t respond.


CENTRAL REGION UNITED SYNAGOGUE YOUTH EXECUTIVE BOARD 56 HOME: (216).765.8328 CELL: (216).402.4897 EMAIL: [email protected]


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