Members: Rishad Ishtiak Habib Mohammed Ezadus Salam Najeeb Abedin M Mamunur Rashid Sarker Rahat Maleque Faraz Ekhlas Zubair

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Download & View Members: Rishad Ishtiak Habib Mohammed Ezadus Salam Najeeb Abedin M Mamunur Rashid Sarker Rahat Maleque Faraz Ekhlas Zubair as PDF for free.

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Members: Rishad Ishtiak Habib Mohammed Ezadus Salam Najeeb Abedin M Mamunur Rashid Sarker Rahat Maleque Faraz Ekhlas Zubair

Product: Bangla Greeting Cards

TriMatric Redefining Your Expressions!

What is TriMatric? 

A greeting card company which targets the socially conscious and educated teenagers and young adults of Bangladesh who welcome Bengali cards

Mission: Create a need for sharing the emotions and feelings by meeting the everyday needs of our Young Bengali Culture.

Regular occasions as well as Special days such as fathers day, mother’s day, Ekushey February or Bijoy Dibosh.


Why the name: TriMatric? 

Words can be expressed in only 2 dimensions….we add a 3rd to it…the EMOTION...

Market Information Competition  There are currently 13-15 greeting cards company in Bangladesh(I.e. Ananda products, Creation Ltd.,Motion works, Diamond products etc.) 

Printing, selling book & stationary item etc.

Major Players: Azad Products, Hallmark, Archies etc. Hardly any card uses Bengali language to convey the message They are not offering any differentiated products (specialized in standardized products)


Industry Trend 

Bengali Culture is changing, so do the tastes and preferences of the young generation

Young generation don’t always find the exact words to express their feelings in English greeting cards.

Time Constraint: People these days have lesser time and incentive to go to a card shop, buy a card, and give it to their friends Most of these cards are designed for special occasions. None of these companies provide cards that can meet the daily incidents of life. Greeting cards are becoming an old and standardized concept

Our Business Plan 

We plan to reboot the concept of greeting cards 

We will introduce Bengali street languages in greeting cards for the first time in Bangladesh We will focus on customization With the help of a database of our members we plan to:  Create a culture of using greeting cards in our everyday life.  Remind them about any upcoming occasions on which they might want to send greeting cards  Post cards to their peeps on special occasions such as birthdays

Targeting the market Bangladeshis who are young-at-heart

Teenagers and young adults

High school and university goers

Social high school and university goers

Pre-Launching Stage 

Color print advertisements in the top 4 newspapers Main objective: 

To create awareness of the brand To provide a solution to the problem of ‘time constraints’ and ‘standardized products’ To let people know that Bengali street language is going to be available in greeting cards.

jo til b a s to ta ? !?

Ashchhe kalke…

thik tym… b ethik idea ? !?

Opekkha korun… Coming very soon!

s uicide kha o a r a gey…


Porer patai dekhun…





Customization (Design Your Own Cards) Memorizer (Event reminder) Card delivery service


JOTTTTEEEL Shob bangla


cards…first time in bangladesh!!!

FIND OUT MORE AT OUR RETAIL OUTLET Gulshan 2, Road 28. Phone No: 0179724122 Dhanmondi 27, Phone No: 01819145645 Website:

Launching stage 

The launching ceremony would be held in a special day, such as friendship day During that day a fixed number of envelopes would be distributed in front of several universities and high schools The envelopes would contain a friendship day card and a leaflet which would contain detailed USPs such as: 

  

Bengali street languages in greeting cards Customization Occasion reminders Card delivery services in specific areas

Launching stage (contd.) 

We would also host a opening ceremony of our retail stores in Gulshan and Dhanmondi Our chief guests would be celebrities, like singers After the ceremony there would be a free concert for the members only

Post Launching 

Marketing consists of three major objectives:   

 

Creating customers Satisfying customers, & Retaining customers

Our focus will be completely on customer retention Hence we will focus on providing value on every customer touch-point i.e. where a customer comes in contact with the brand Some of the example are:

Touch-Point Marketing 

Consumers watch the ads: 

Customers enter the shop:   

Touch the hearts of the viewers Smell a wonderful fragrance Welcomed by the salespeople Cozy and friendly environment

Customers asks for his/her need: 

Salesperson courteously points or guides in the right direction

Touch-Point Marketing (contd.) 

Two Divisions in the shop: 

Customization Corner – computer operators help out customers to design their cards The Vault – a separate section where ready-made sample of the cards will be presented in a dark room illuminated by spot lights on the cards Cards of the week will be displayed  Best-seller cards will be displayed 

Touch-Point Marketing (contd.) 

Accountable Selling 

Customers will be contacted once in a while for improvement suggestions and query about their level of satisfaction

Occasion Reminders 

The members will be reminded about any upcoming occasions such as a mother’s day or a best friend’s birthday

Touch-Point Marketing (contd.) 

Card Delivery Services 

At a prescheduled date a card (specified by the customer from the website of TriMatric) will be delivered to a pre-specified address

Overall Marketing Strategy 

Focus on Differentiation strategy according to Porter’s generic strategy More investment on retaining customers through public relationship and spreading +ve word-of-mouth through them Strengthening the USPs of the company over time.

Unique Selling Propositions 

Bengali Language in Greeting Cards  

Use of funny street language Recent & Popular Bangla song lyrics

Customization 

Any design and quote from the TriMatric database or personal ideas of the customers

Scanning, editing and printing personal pictures in greeting cards.

Customers will also be able to choose cards from TRIMATRIC website.


Unique Selling Propositions (contd.) MEMORIZER 

Memorizer is a service oriented program designed to meet the needs of our Premiere Customers

Membership is free (*Conditions Apply) This program includes special services like Occasion reminder & Card Delivery. A form will be given to the members to fill up their demographics, important dates and other occasions. (friend’s birthdays, special family occasions etc.) and they’ll be reminded about it on the day before

Unique Selling Propositions (contd.) 


Card Delivery for Members ◦

Members will also have the luxury to have cards delivered to a pre-specified location on a fixed date

To enjoy this service, members have to deposit a fixed amount in their account which can be viewed in the TriMatric website

As soon as a delivery date approaches, the member will receive a Memorizer call so that he/she can choose the card to be sent from the website and the delivery will be made and the member will be informed about it.

Unique Selling Propositions (contd.) ◦

As soon as the account of a member reaches a lower limit, he/she will receive a call to restore the amount

SWOT ANALYSIS of TriMatric 

Strengths  

Customization Use of funny street language & latest bangla song lyrics Specialty services: Card Delivery, Occasion reminder Touch-point marketing

Weaknesses  

Lacks capital to go for mass customization Currently don’t have other gift items like toys, dolls etc. Currently don’t have branch facilities to different localities.

SWOT ANALYSIS of TriMatric (Cont’d…) 

Opportunities 

These companies are not offering any new incentives for expanding the market The current players of the market are not engaged in proper competitiveness and Don’t have any marketing and promotional activities.

Threats 

Competitors brand reputation and back-up capital may allow them to remain in the competition Competitors ability of adopting the strategies applied by Tri-Matric (customization, card delivery etc.) Increasing popularity for free online greeting cards

Financial Plan •

Financial goal is to achieve financial stability and shortened the payback period as much as possible

We six partners have equally invested BDT 1500000 BDT each to make a total investment of BDT 90,000,000 initially for the store. The start up cost includes the cost for:

• • •

• • •

Machineries & equipments, Space rent in advance for next 2 years Interior design of the store Licensing & legal procedures Buying database software & card designs Opening a website for Tri-Matric


Thank You

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