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Name of drug Brand NovoRapid

Name: Insulin’s and analogues.

Generic Name: None

Dose:10 “U”

Route: Subcutaneous injection

Classification/ Action

Action: The blood glucose lowering effect of insulin occurs when the molecules facilitate the uptake of glucose by binding to insulin receptors on muscle and fat cells and simultaneously inhibit the output of glucose from the liver.

indication Indicated for the treatment of patients with insulin-requiring diabetes mellitus.

Adverse Reactions >Cardiovascular: Palpitation, tachycardia, pallor >Central nervous system: Fatigue, mental confusion, loss of consciousness, headache, hypothermia >Dermatologic: Urticaria, redness Endocrine & metabolic: Hypoglycemia Gastrointestinal: Hunger, nausea, numbness of mouth Local: Itching, edema, stinging, pain or warmth at injection site; atrophy or hypertrophy of SubQ fat tissue Neuromuscular & skeletal: Muscle weakness, paresthesia, tremor Ocular: Transient presbyopia or blurred vision Miscellaneous:

Contraindications >Hypoglycemia >Hypersensitivity to insulin aspart or any of the excipients

Nursing Considerations > should be administered in immediate relation to a meal. The rapid onset of action should therefore be considered in patients with concomitant diseases or medication where a delayed absorption of food might be expected.

>Penfill; after the injection the needle should remain under the skin for at least 6 seconds. Keep the push button fully depressed until the needle has been withdrawn from the skin. This will ensure correct delivery and limit possible flow of blood into the needle or insulin reservoir.

Monitoring Parameters >Reduced glycosylated hemoglobin.

> Urine sugar and acetone

> serum glucose

> electrolytes

> Hb A1c

> lipid profile

Diaphoresis, anaphylaxis, local allergy, systemic allergic symptoms

Name of drug

Classification/ Action

Brand Name: Zinacef

Cephalosporin antibiotic

Generic Name: Cefuroxime

Action: well characterised and

Indications Respiratory Tract Infections: for example, acute and chronic bronchitis, infected bronchiectasis, bacterial pneumonia,

Adverse Reactions skin rashes, urticaria, pruritus, interstitial nephritis, medicine fever and very rarely anaphylaxis. Gastrointestinal

Contraindications > CEFUROXIME is contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to cephalosporin antibiotics.

Nursing Considerations > Not ordinarily be given to those known to be allergic to penicillin or to cephalosporins especially if they have experienced an

Monitoring Parameters > Elevations in serum creatinine and/or blood urea nitrogen and a decreased creatinine clearance have been observed

Dose: 750mg TID every 8hrs.

Route: oral

effective β-lactamic antibacterial agent which has bactericidal activity against a wide range of common pathogens, including β-lactamase producing strains.

lung abscess and post operative chest infections. Ear, Nose and Throat Infections: for example, sinusitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis and otitis media. Urinary Tract Infections: for example, acute and chronic pyelonephritis, cystitis and symptomatic bacteriuria. Soft-tissue Infections: for example, cellulitis, erysipelas, peritonitis and wound infections. Bone and Joint infections: for example, osteomyelitis and septic arthritis. Obstetric and Gynaecological Infections: Pelvic inflammatory diseases. Gonorrhoea, particularly when penicillin is

disturbance, including, very rarely, symptoms of pseudomembranous colitis during or after treatment. Endocrine & metabolic: Alkaline phosphatase increased (2%) Hematologic: Eosinophilia (7%), decreased hemoglobin and hematocrit (10%) Hepatic: Transaminases increased (4%) Local: Thrombophlebitis (2%)

allergic or urticarial reaction.

> It should be administered with caution during the early months of pregnancy.

> Modify dosage in patients with severe renal impairment, prolonged use may result in superinfection; use with caution in patients with a history of penicillin allergy, especially IgE-mediated reactions (eg, anaphylaxis, urticaria).

>decreased haemoglobin concentration and eosinophilia, leukopenia and neutropenia.

unsuitable. Other infections: Including septicaemia and meningitis. Prophylaxis: Against infection in abdominal, pelvic, orthopaedic, cardiac, pulmonary, oesophageal and vascular surgery where there is increased risk from infection.

Name of drug

Classification/ Action

Brand Name: Generic Name: Action: Bicarbonate sodium bicarbonate in the body acts as a buffer. Excess hydrogen ions react with bicarbonate Dose: 650mg resulting in the 1 tab TID formation of carbon dioxide and water. The former is Route: oral excreted from the lungs and the latter


Adverse Reactions


> For the correction of documented metabolic acidosis caused by cardiac arrest after standard resuscitation measures have been instituted. Adequate ventilation must be maintained.

>Cardiovascular: Cerebral hemorrhage, CHF (aggravated), edema

> The administration of sodium bicarbonate is contraindicated in patients with renal failure, metabolic or respiratory alkalosis, hypertension, oedema, congestive cardiac failure, hypoventilation, chloride depletion,

>Central nervous system: Tetany >Gastrointestinal: Belching, flatulence (with oral), gastric distension >Endocrine & metabolic:

Nursing Considerations > Use with extreme caution and give very slowly in patients with hypocalcemia. Because of the potential sodium load, use with caution in patients with CHF, nephrotic syndrome, hypertension,

Monitoring Parameters >Acid/base status >Serum electrolytes >Urine pH (if being used to alkalinize urine)

from the kidneys.

Name of drug Brand Name: Minidiab

Classification/ Action

sulfonylurea drugs

Generic Name: Glipizide Dose: 500mg 1 tab BID AC Route: oral

Action: an orally active sulphonylurea having hypoglycaemic action. The hypoglycaemic activity of Glipizide is due to its ability to

indication Indicated as an adjunct to diet and exercise in the treatment of stable, mild to moderate, non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus

Hypernatremia, hyperosmolality, hypocalcemia, hypokalemia, increased affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen-reduced pH in myocardial tissue necrosis when extravasated, intracranial acidosis, metabolic alkalosis, milk-alkali syndrome (especially with renal dysfunction)

hypernatraemia, hypocalcaemia, coexistent potassium depletion or a history of urinary calculi.

Adverse Reactions


Gastrointestinal: nausea, diarrhoea, constipation and gastralgia. Dermatologic: Allergic skin reactions including erythema, morbilliform or maculopapular reactions, urticaria, pruritus and eczema. Miscellaneous: Confusion, dizziness,

contraindicated in patients with: Hypersensitivity to glipizide, other sulfonylureas or sulphonamides, or any excipients in the tablets; Insulin-dependent diabetes, diabetic ketoacidosis, diabetic coma; Severe renal or

oliguria, or volume overload. > May cause sodium retention especially if renal function is impaired; not to be used in treatment of peptic ulcer; use with caution in patients with CHF, edema, cirrhosis, or renal failure..

Nursing Considerations > Regular, timely carbohydrate intake is important to avoid hypoglycemic events occurring when a meal is delayed or insufficient food is eaten or carbohydrate intake is unbalanced.

> Renal or hepatic insufficiency may

Monitoring Parameters > The pattern of laboratory test abnormalities observed with glipizide is similar to that for other sulfonylureas. Occasional mild to moderate elevations of SGOT, LDH, alkaline phosphates. BUN and creatinine were noted. The relationship of these abnormalities to glipizide is uncertain,

stimulate release of insulin by pancreatic β-cells.

drowsiness, headache, tremor, malaise and visual disturbances such as blurred vision, diplopia,

hepatic insufficiency; Pregnancy and lactation

Metabolic Reactions: Hepatic porphyria and porphyria cutanea tarda have been reported. Disulfiram-like reactions have been reported very rarely.

cause elevated blood levels of glipizide and may also diminish gluconeogenic capacity, both of which increase the risk of serious hypoglycemic reactions.

Name of drug

Classification/ Action

Brand Name: Generic Name: Glipizide

Action: an orally active

indication indicated as an adjunct to diet and exercise in the treatment of stable, mild to


contraindicated in patients with: Hypersensitivity to glipizide, other

Nursing Considerations >

Monitoring Parameters >

and they have rarely been associated with clinical symptoms.

Dose: 650mg 1 tab TID

Route: oral

sulphonylurea having hypoglycaemic action. The hypoglycaemic activity of Glipizide is due to its ability to stimulate release of insulin by pancreatic β-cells.

moderate, noninsulin dependent diabetes mellitus (type II diabetes mellitus or NIDDM) without likelihood of ketosis, which cannot be adequately controlled by diet alone. Treatment with MINIDIAB is indicated only if a satisfactory reduction in blood sugar has not been achieved by other measures, e.g. conscientious adherence to the recommended diet, weight reduction in overweight patients, and adequate exercise. In certain patients receiving insulin, the concurrent

sulfonylureas or sulphonamides, or any excipients in the tablets; Insulin-dependent diabetes, diabetic ketoacidosis, diabetic coma; Severe renal or hepatic insufficiency; Pregnancy and lactation

use of MINIDIAB allows a reduction in the daily dose of insulin.

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