Megaman & The Bully

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 15
The Adventures of

MegaMan And the


Written and Illustrated by

Jay Strauss

Dedication November 13, 2006

Ever since I was in high school, somehow, I knew someday I was destined to write. Even in the last 20 years, I have produced many of my own business letters, correspondences, brochures, and edited many of my wife’s school letters. In 9th grade, I tried to write a short story. When it was read in class however, I was heartily laughed at. Needless to say that ended my writing career for the next 45 years. In those days at the tender age of 15, I was not in tune to emotions, and thus my writing was flat. It was only the first decanter of my life, and I had not yet developed my powers of observation or a sense of human behavior. I have entered the third (20 year) decanter of my life presently at age 63, and I’m a grandfather who is about to retire from a career in sales. I think I’ve been given a chance to re-live my childhood. This time around, however, I would like to share it with others. It was a chore for me, and I would venture to guess for most other parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc, to make up stories on the spot, but they still want to share their lives with their own children or grandchildren, nieces or nephews. Bedtime stories provide a way to achieve that desire, and bring us a step closer to the ones we love. Of course I cannot stress more the importance of having a great relationship with my loving wife Susan providing, caring, encouragement, and support allowing me to become the person who is writing this today. She’ll ask me “ Where do you get your ideas” My answer “ They just pop into my head, and I write them down.” This morning, some new ideas came to me as I was out on my morning walk, and I couldn’t wait to get back to my desk and put ink to paper. ** These stories however, are dedicated to my grandchildren, Andy, Penny & Bella. If not for them and a recent visit when I was asked to make up a super hero bedtime story, I would not be writing children’s illustrated bedtime stories at all. Additional thanks goes to my son, Don, who encouraged me to tell Andy, my 5 year old grandson, a bedtime story that night. He said, “go ahead, Dad.” “You used to tell us the best stories ever,” and my reply was, “WHO ME??” (believe me, that was not logged into my memory), “Yes Dad ” he replied, “You told me terrific bedtime stories when I was Andy’s age.” AND thus the seeds of change were planted.

Jay Strauss

Prologue When I was growing up as a kid, If you got bullied, you could complain to your parents or your teacher, but in general your problem was falling on deaf ears unless you were really injured, and could show off the proof. That’s what happened to me one day at about age 7 or 8, not sure exactly. I had recently moved to a new neighborhood, and had not found any friends. There was a small group of immediate neighborhood kids who lived behind my house, and they invited me to play with them. I thought we had become friends until one day they tied me to a telephone pole. They rubbed the inside back of my knee with the rough backside of a leather belt; similar to what a shoe shine boy would do, only they weren’t shining my shoes. Needless to say, I was emotionally hurt as well as physically injured. I went home and reported the event to my parents who then called the offender’s parents. I heard one of the boys father really took it hard, and metered out severe punishment. I never saw or spoke to those kids again. Today, it’s being reported ubiquitously that kids are being bullied. It’s ABOUT TIME ! A recent article by Robert Roy Britt, Live Science writer was posted in April 2005. He claims a new study of children identifies what creates playground bullies. YUP - It’s the T V! Conversely, those children whose parents are more pro-active and spent more time with their four year olds tend to be less pushy. GEE, that was NOT the case in 1950. TV could NOT be blamed for my experience. Personally, I can’t relate to that study, but I can’t negate it either. Other studies, he writes, indicate that 30% of ALL U.S. school children get bullied. In some cases as high as 80%. Kids reported harassment at least once in a 2 week period. The study goes on to say that kids who are bullied tend to develop antisocial and depressive behavior. It is further suggested that just watching T V by itself is not the problem, but VIOLENCE on TV might lend a hand, including violent cartoons. Adults realize that kids under five can’t comprehend what it means to punch some one and cause them pain. Cartoons frequently display punching and pushing or getting flattened by a heavy object and the target just stands up and shakes it off. Be that as it may-- THAT’S CARTOONS, and we all grew up watching them. It still doesn’t explain what happened to me in 1950, and I’m sure billions of other kids since time began. So, what’s the solution? NO one really has the answer, because kids will be kids. Now there are gangs for kids to deal with also, and that makes it even harder to grow up without incident. This story provides one possible solution. Sure, I could write a number of outcomes, but just the fact that it’s being acknowledged by more and more people, even up to the level of the White House, means HOPEFULLY we might be moving in

the right direction to possibly alleviate those stressful events in our children’s lives.

Mom, I’m not going to school today, I really don’t feel well. Gee, Andy, do you have a temperature? I’m not sure, what does that feel like? Well, you would feel hot and maybe sweaty.

I don’t want to feel sweaty !! that’s yucky ! ! ! Let me feel your forehead. I can usually tell if your temperature is elevated. What’s elevated? Are we going up to Daddy’s office in his elevator?

NO, it just means a higher temperature than normal. Hmmm, you feel OK to me. By the way, did you like the special cookies I put in your lunch? Ummm, I didn’t eat them. Why Not ? Andy. AAAHHH, They were too soggy. How did they get that way? I wrapped them in special baggies. GEE Mom - I don’t remember, they just came out that way.

Ok, no problem, I’ll wrap you some more if you get up and go to school today, your temp feels normal.

That’s OK Mom, I really don’t want to eat much today anyway. Huh, what’s that? You’re always coming home from school, and devouring a snack. Sometimes you can’t even wait for dad to come home for dinner. Then I have to make something special for you. What’s this about not being hungry? Have you been skipping lunch?

Yeh, Sometimes. Lunch at school is a not fun. Too many rules and things to remember. Really now ? Andy , Is there something going on that your not telling me? NOPE !! That was quick. What do you mean by “ Nope ”? AAHHHH !! - No t h i n g really, --- Its not important. Just Nothing? Not Important ? That’s an awful big word for a small kid. Yeh. That’s another thing. I wish I was much bigger TOO . !!

Well, maybe something is wrong. Ok, Like what ? If you don’t me asking? Well, Billy takes my lunch and he gives it to his friends,

Then he threatens to beat me up if I tell anyone. Billy WHO???? You don’t know him. He’s new and I really don’t know him either. He lives far away and comes on bus # 4. I run away when I see him. The sooner I get inside and out of sight, the safer I feel.

Gee, Andy, Don’t any of your other friends have this problem? Yes, Billy bothers everyone. What do the other kids do? The same thing. --- We all RUN and HIDE from him.

Well now, maybe we can get MegaMan to come by and see what he can do to stop this behavior. He can talk to this Billy and set him straight. You have as much right to be outside and play where ever you like as anyone else. And you also have a right not to be harassed by that kind of bullying.

MegaMan had heard this type of story before, and was really concerned about kids under stress due to bullying. But what could he do for them? MegaMan can’t be everywhere. Of course, kids can find web sites where they can get info on handling bullies, but that’s not really sufficient when your out in the playground and some one gets in your face.

Gee, MegaMan, How can we get that kind of help at the moment we need it ?? Well Andy, It looks like kids are going to have to learn how to become self reliant. But just what does that mean? I can’t beat up a bigger kid by myself, and even if I could, I really wouldn’t even want to. I can’t keep running away, He’ll just continue to bother me at another time, or even worse chase after me, and beat me up right away.

MegaMan said “I think I know what might work”. All the kids in school know who to avoid and who their friends are. Right? Suuure. Well, pretty sure. Ask those friends to join a shared self help group. You can call it “FRIENDS FOR LIFE “. That way you will have a group who will watch out for each other. It will be just enough of a force to offer support when ANY of you are targeted by a bully.

IF any on you catches sight of another kid in of need, the group can get together ON THE SPOT and support the one being picked on. That type of group action can often frighten a bully to back off. Adults do the same thing. I guess you could call it bullying back, but in a supportive way rather than threatening. Of course, these support groups will have to get the assistance of the Teachers, Staff, and PTA. We can even ask them to provide treats and rewards. That way the bullies will know they are up against more than just a few kids with big ideas. IN FACT There is antiharassment federal legislation H.R. 3787 in Congress waiting to be passed which enables children in public schools to report bullies to teachers and requires administrators to investigate. WE really need to spread the word so this bill will benefit kids for generations to come.

This is where MegaMan will play his part. He will take on the role of organizer, and get the adults to understand who“ Friends for Life” is and what they are trying to do.

This reminds me of Desert Storm in 1990 when a large group of world powers took up arms against a bully named Saddam Hussein from Iraq. He attacked another country called Kuwait. Iraq was much bigger, and had a much stronger army . Iraq wanted their oil just like Billy who wants your lunch. Do you remember that? Of course not. You weren’t born yet.

Thanks MegaMan, I’m sure some of my friends will join the group. Maybe you can convince my Mom, and PTA, to provide for the rewards and treats. What kids don’t like special treats? Ice cream, cookies, brownies, - yummy, yum yum. Or maybe going to the movies, bowling, or pizza. Less stress – More fun- Hooray, Hooray!! That sounds really great!! “Friends For Life” - What a great idea. - Lets do it. Thanks again, MegaMan, - You’re The BEST - Ever.

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