Meeting Documentation: Notice Agenda Minutes

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Meeting Documentation ❚ Notice ❚ Agenda ❚ Minutes

Notices ❚ Brief information written to intimate the members about the meeting ❚ Should include: Day, Date, Time and Venue of the meeting ❚ Notice of the meeting to be given by the Secretary in consultation with the Chairperson

Notice - Example Usha Mittal I nsti tute of Techn ol ogy SNDT Women’s University, Juhu, Sabtacruz, Mumbai -49 website:[email protected], Ph nos. SNDT 26606607, 26608493 10 Jul y 200 6

NO TICE Al l the memb ers o f the stud ents council a re req ueste d to attend a mee ting to b e ch air ed b y the P ri ncip al to d is cuss the up co ming cultur al fes tival- Ar cane Il lus io ns ‘07 . Date : 25 J uly 2 006 Time: 1 1 AM Ve nue: Mini Aud itori um Attend ance i s co mp ulsar y.

Mee ra Sany al

Agenda ❚ ‘Agenda’ literally means things to be done ❚ Drafted by the Secretary in consultation with the Chairperson ❚ Agenda is written in point form ❚ Details might be given or avoided ❚ First point generally is : Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting ❚ Last two items generally are : Any other matter with the permission of the Chair &

Agenda - Example Usha Mittal Institu te of Techn olog y SNDT Women’s University, Juhu, Sabtacruz, Mumbai -49 website:[email protected], Ph nos. SNDT 26606607, 26608493 10 Jul y 200 6 AGEN DA 3. 1 3. 2 3. 3 3. 4 3. 5 3. 6 3. 7 3. 8

Re ad ing of the minutes of the p rev ious mee ting Re port b y the Ge nera l S ecre tary Ad dre ss by the P rincip al Decid in g the da te, chi ef gues t and main events of Arcane Illus io ns Discus sio n and Ap proval of Bud get Fo rmatio n o f Cultur al Comm ittee Any othe r matter wi th the per missi on of the Chai rp erso n Vo te o f th ank s

Sany al

Me er a

Minutes ❚ Written records of proceedings of a meeting are called minutes. ❚ Generally drafted by the Secretary and signed both by secretary and Chairperson after being approved by the members ❚ Written in point form

Minutes - Example Usha Mittal Institu te of Techn olog y SNDT Women’s University, Juhu, Santacruz, Mumbai -49 website:[email protected], Ph nos. SNDT 26606607, 26608493 Mintues o f the mee ting o f the Stud ent s Co uncil hel d o n 24 J ul y 20 06 at 11 AM in the Mi ni Aud ito rium Memb er s P rese nt: P rincip al ,Cultura l I n- charg e, G ener al Secr etary, Cul tural Secr etary and twe lve o ther memb er s Memb er s Ab sent: 5 . Pro ceed ing s: 3.1 . Re ad ing of the minutes : The mi nutes of the pre vio us meeti ng wa s r ea d, ap pro ved by all and s ig ned by the Chai rp ers on 3.2 G.S’s re port : The G ene ral se cre tary re ad o ut the re por t o f the p revio us years cul tu ral fest a nd c ong ratula ted the council f o r mak ing i t a grand s ucc ess . 3.3 Prin cipal's Sp ee ch: The Prin cipal commend ed the e fforts o f the S tud ents Co uncil and motivated the Co uncil to co nti nue w ith the g ood wo rk. 3.4 Date… : I t w as re so lved th at Arcane I ll usio ns w oul d b e hel d o n the 1 4 & 1 5 of Se p 2 006 and Dr. K. No ori d ire cto r of N CST wi ll b e th e chi ef

3.5 . Cultura l Committ ee: Cul tur al Committee was for med he ad ed b y Pro f. Pand ey and includ ing 7 Stud ents m embers 3.6 . Any o ther m atte r: Ms. Sus hm a sug gested that attend ance sho ul d b e made co mpul so ry d ur ing the d ays of the f est. The sug ges tio n w as accep ted and notice s reg ard ing the s ame w er e i nstructe d to be draw n. 3.7 Vo te o f thanks: The meeti ng e nded w ith a v ote of tha nks by Ms. Ruchi.

Dr . V.K . Mo re Mee ra Sany al Princip al Gener al Secre tary


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