Medical Vocabularies Group 1 To 11.docx

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Group 1: Health Profession and Personnel 1. 2. 3. 4.

Annisa Triwijaya Tumuyu Aranya Wikantari Arya Cupal Gustiayo Tyagita Ratih Nugraheni

P3. P3. P3. P3.

1. One who specializes in the study of the stomach is called? Gastr-(o)-logist 2. One who specializes in the study of the tissue is called? Hist-(o)-logist 3. A medical practitioner qualified to diagnose and treat skin disorder is called? Dermat-(o)-logist 4. A medical practitioner who specializes in the study of heart or circular system is called? Cardio-logist 5. A medical practitioner specializes to do the x ray to patients in the hospital is called? Radi-(o)-logist 6. A medical practitioner who specializes in urinaria system is called? Uronologist 7. One who specializes in the study of the functions and mechanisms which work within a living system is called? Physiologist 8. A medical health professionals who practice in pharmacy is called? Chemists 9. A medical specialist who administers anesthetics is called? Anaesthetist 10. A medical practice who dealing with the health of the female reproductive systems and the breasts is called? Gynaecologist

Group 3: Human Body Anatomy and System, Digestive System 1. Azzahra Firdausy Susiawan


2. Deby Fitriayuningsih


3. Desy Nurohma Aviyanti


4. Wahyu Chandra Yoga


1. Appendectomy: (ectomy=cutting out) cutting out into appendix is .. 2. Incisor: (in=within) one of four front teeth is ... 3. Elimination (-tion= state or condition) condition of when the descending colon becomes full or fases, it empties its contentts into the rectum to begin the process of ... 4. Colonscopy: (-scopy=act of examining) act of examining colon ... 5. Cholecystitis: (-itis=inflammation) inflammation of the gallblader is ... 6. Absroption: (Ab= away from) passage of the particle thru the walls of small intensive into the bloodstream... 7. Gastrinoma: (-Oma= tumor) maligant lumps that develop in the pancreas duodenum... 8. Gastropanesis: (-Sis= state or condition) condition of the stomach muscles is weak and interference disgesting food... 9. Diarrhea: (-Rrhea= flow of discharge) condition in which bowel movements are frequent and watery.. 10. Peritonitis: (-itis= inflamation) inflamation of the peritoneum...

Group 4: Human Body Anatomy and System, Endocrine System 1. Else Zulfia Martiyaningsih


2. Fahira Ishlah Amini


3. Fathiyyah Aulia Qawam


4. Yasinta Fadilasari


1. Controls other body systems by releasing certain chemicals 2. Help us respond to danger, fight or flight, makes epinephrine 3. Controls levels of vitamins and

a. Parathyroid, (prefixes) para-, b. Adrenal, (prefixes) ad-, c. Polyuria, (prefixes) poly-, d. Hypothalamus, (prefixes) hypo-, e. Hypertiroidism, (prefixes,suffixes)

minerals in the body; controls calcium levels in blood 4. Imperfect absorption of food material, by the small intestine

hyper-, ism-, f. Malabsorption, (suffixes) tion-, g. Polyphagia (prefixes) poly-, h. Hypotiroidism (prefixes,suffixes)

5. A region of the forebrain below the

hypo-, ism-,

thalamus that coordinates both the


Endocrine, (prefixes) endo-,

autonomic nervous system and the


Hypophysis (prefixes) hypo-,

activity of the pituitary 6. Excessive urination volume more than normal


7. Overactivity of the thyroid gland

1. I

8. Pituitary gland

2. B

9. The medical term for excessive or

3. A

extreme hunger, also known as

4. F


5. D

10. Abnormally low activity of the thyroid gland

6. C 7. E 8. J 9. G 10. H

Group 5: Human Body Anatomy and System, Nervous System 1. Febrilla Elena Crismonika


2. Fitra Rahmadilla Haryadi


3. Gita Savitri Hayuningtyas


1. An Impairment of language affecting the production or comprehension of speech and the ability to read or write called…… 2. Loss of muscle function in part of your body called…… 3. Electrophysiological monitoring method to record electrical activity of brain called…… 4. A surgical operation in which a bone flap is temporarily removed from the skull to access the brain…… 5. Mental disorder where a person loses the capacity to tell what’s real from what isn’t…….. 6. Weakness on one side of the body called…. 7. A Portion of the brain that contains a number of small nuclei with variety of function called….. 8. A class of function mental disorders involving chronic distress but neither delusions nor hallucinations called…… 9. An involuntary and nearly instantaneous movement in response to a stimulus called….. 10. Type of cancer that mostly affect babies and young children in nervous system called….. Answer 1.

Condition that affect your ability to produce and understand spoken language called Aphasia, A-= without, lack of, not


Loss of muscle function in part of your body because release of cell organelles called Paralysis, Para- = Beyond


Phasia= speech disorder

Lysis= Release of cell oganells

Electrophysiological monitoring method to record electrical activity of brain called Electroencephalography, Electro= Electronik

Encephalo = brain


instrument that recod 4.

A surgical operation in which a bone flap is temporarily removed from the skull to access the brain Craniotomy, Cranio= The bond vault that protect the brain


Incision 5.

Mental disorder where a person loses the capacity to tell what’s real from what isn’t Psychosis, Psych= Psychological

-osis= state of condition


Weakness on one side of the body called Hemiparesis, Hemi-= Half


Weakness on one side of the body 7.

A Portion of the brain that contains a number of small nuclei with variety of function called Hypotalamus, Hypo-: under


Talamus= structure in the middle of the brain

A class of function mental disorders involving chronic distress but neither delusions nor hallucinations called Neurosis, Neuro= everthing about what we think

-Sis= State

or condition 9.

An involuntary and nearly instantaneous movement in response to a stimulus called Reflex, Re-: again


10. Type of cancer that mostly affect babies and young children in nervous system called Neuroblastoma, Neuroblast = immature nerve cells in children

-Oma= tumo

Group 6: Human Body Anatomy and System, Muscoloskeletal System 1. Hamida


2. Hedya Saraswati S.


3. Kartika Witrianti


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Approaching the body The study of muscles Abnormal muscle fibers Within cranium Making and secrete protein, collagen and mineral salts 6. Wiring of bone 7. Muscle rupture 8. Reduced progressive bone density 9. Neoplasm composed of bone and dentine tissue 10. Bone absorption and destruction

a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j.

Osteoblast Myopathy Adduction Mycology Endocranial Osteoklasia Osteoporosis Osteorrhaphy Myolisis osteodentoma

Answer 1. adduction 2. Myology 3. Myopathy 4. Endocranial 5. Osteoblast 6. Osteorrhaphy 7. Myolisis 8. Osteoporosis 9. Osteodentoma 10. Osteoklasia

Group 7: Human Body Anatomy and System, Immune System 1. Kornelia Stepahanie 2. Layla Rizqiyyah 3. Mawar Alfiana





















ANSWER 1. B 2. F 3. A 4. I 5. C 6. J 7. G 8. H 9. E 10. D

P3. P3. P3.

1. An immune attacking self is called___________________ 2. Lack of white blood cells is called___________________ 3. White blood cells have teh ability to eat is called____________ 4. Describes immune cells that mount a response againts the body’s own cells or tissue is called______________ 5. What do we call a white blood cells is_____________ 6. A misguided reaction by the immune system to harmless foreign substances is_____________ 7. Cells called large eaters are called___________ 8. A condition in which the number of neutrophils that are part of the ehote blood cells in the blood decreases is___________ 9. White blood group which is part of the dinghy system is__________ 10. The study of the immune system is called________

Group 8: Human Body Anatomy and System, Integumentary System 1. Nafissa Almandita


2. Nisrina Rifqi Syukria


3. Noviola Lolita


Match the following vocabularies with their meanings

a. Dermatology

(......) excision of nail

b. Subcutaneous layer

(......) inflamation of the skin

c. Epidermis

(......) layer below the skin

d. Lipoatrophy

(......) black colored skin tumor

e. Melanin

(......) study of the skin and its diseases

f. Onychectomy

(......) an agent that promotes sweat

g. Pachyderma

(......) layer above the dermis

h. Sudorific

(......) the black pigmen

i. Dermatitis

(......) abnormal thickening of skin

j. Melanoma

(......) atrophy of fat below the skin

Answer: a.


(..F..) excision of nail


Subcutaneous layer

(..I..) inflamation of the skin



(..B..) layer below the skin



(..J..) black colored skin tumor



(..A..) study of the skin and its diseases



(..H..) an agent that promotes sweat



(..C..) layer above the dermis



(..E..) the black pigmen



(..G..) abnormal thickening of skin



(..D..) atrophy of fat below the skin

Group 9: Human Body Anatomy and System, Urinary System 1. Puput Dwi Martiana 2. Rachmaningrum Putri Nurul Wn. 3. Rani Dwi Wardhani

P3. P3. P3.

Question: 1. Sue Lim is a physician who's specializing in treating diseases of the kidneys. What does Sue Lim do? 2. This disease is also known as 'kidney stones'. 3. It is defined as distention of the renal calyces and pelvis with urine as a result of obstruction of the outflow of urine distal to the renal pelvis. 4. Hye Na has a surgical reconstruction of the ureter using a segment of bowel or a tube of bladder. What’s the medical terminology for it? 5. What is reparation or plastic surgery of either or both ureters called? 6. Dilation of the pelvis also defined as? 7. A situation where we involve more than one kidney. 8. Acute or chronic nephritis that involves inflammation of the capillaries of the renal glomeruli. 9. Med' terminology of cystic distension of the kidney caused by the accumulation of urine in the renal pelvis as a result of obstruction to outflow and accompanied by atrophy of the kidney structure and cyst formation. 10. Because this illness, Emma always has an urination at night, especially when excessive, and it's also called 'nycturia'. So what’s the disease usually called? A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J.

Nocturia Policystic Neprohydrosis Ureteroplasty Glomerulonephritis Nephrologist Hypoproteinemia Nephrolithiasis Hydronephrosis Pyeletacsis

Answer: 1. Nephrologist (nephr/o=kidney, -ist=person or agent) 2. Nephrolithiasis (nephros=kidney, lithos=stone, -iasis=state or condition) 3. Neprohydrosis (nephros=kidney, hydro=water, -sis=state or condition)

4. Ureteroplasty (uretero=ureter, -plasty=surgical shaping or formation) 5. Hypoproteinemia (hypo-=under, deficient, beneath, protein= , 6. Pyeletacsis (pyele=pelvis, -ectasis=dilatation) 7. Policystic (poly-=multiple, cysto=bladder, -ic=pertaining to) 8. Glomerulonephritis (glomerulo=glomerulus, nephros=kidney, -itis=inflamation) 9. Hydronephrosis (hydro=water, nephros= kidney, -sis=state or condition) 10. Nocturia (noct/i=night, -iah=state or condition)

Group 10: Human Body Anatomy and System, Respiratory System 1. Safira Ramadhanty P.


2. Salsabila Rizqi N.


3. Shabrina Nisa S.


1. Severe infection of the lungs, its called? (pneum- onia) 2. Lack of the sense of smell, its called? (a-nosmia) 3. What is instrument to examine the bronchi? (bronch-oscope) 4. Inflammation of the larynx, its called? (laryng-itis) 5. Cosmetic surgery, its called? (rhino-plasty) 6. What others name of lung secondaries? ( pulmo-nary metastases) 7. Conditions where the expansion of the lung air sac is incomplete....atelectasis (atelo= imperfect and Ectasis= expansion from -ec: out from, - sis: condition). 8. The girl was diagnosed with .........where she has lack in the sense of smell (anosmia from -a= not and -osmia= smell) 9. Difficulty breathing is called?...(dyspnea, from - dys= difficult, painful and -pnea= breathing) 10. Procedure to remove fluid from the space between the lining of the outside of the lungs (pleura) and the wall of the chest, is called?... (thoracentesis from -thora= chest and centesis= Surgical puncture with needle to aspirate fluid

Group 11: Human Body Anatomy and System, Reproduction System 1. Shafana Salsabila


2. Tammy Melliani E P


3. Tinezia Febriani K


1. Hidden or obscure testis and generally refers to an undescended or maldescended testis is called as? 2. Channel that serves as a place for storing and channeling sperm is called as? 3. The most common pure germ cell tumor of the testis is called as? 4. Disease and inflammation that occurs in the prostate area is called as? 5. Inflammation of fallopian tubes is called as? 6. Sagging breasts is called as? 7. Discharge of milk from the breast is called as? 8. The pain which we usually feel in menstruation cycle is called as? 9. Absence or suppression of normal menstrual flow is called as? 10. The process of releasing monthly oocytes from the ovary when a ruptured follicle is called as?

Answer 1. Cryptorchidism (-ism) 2. Epididymitis (-itis) 3. Seminoma (-oma) 4. Prostatitis (-itis) 5. Salpingitis 6. Mastoptosis 7. Galactorrhea 8. Dysmenorrhea dys- (prefix) bad, difficult, painful, disordered -rrhea (suffix) drainage or flow

-men- (word root) menstruation 9. Amenorrhea a- (prefix) without or absence of -rrhea (suffix) drainage or flow -men- (word root) menstruation 10. Ovulation (suffix)

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