Medical Billing Service With A Difference-practiceclaims

  • December 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 284
  • Pages: 1
Medical Billing with a Difference! Our proprietary Claims INTELLIGENCE tool increases your rate of reimbursements and reduces denials

Connecting point-of-care to re-imbursement

50% of claims collected in less than 30 days, more than 92% collected within 120 days. *

Ask us how to get a

Free Scheduling & EMR System Improve cash flow, reduce administrative and software costs, mitigate payor audit risk and minimize associated stresses • No upfront cost • No risk, Payers & Patients pay your office directly • Improved remittance rate (10% above national average) • Proactive validation and cleansing

I mpro v e d c o nt ro l Billing services integrated with Practice Management and EMR Real-time online 24/7 reporting in detail.

Co m p li a nc e a s s u ra nc e 3 5 11 NW 82nd Avenu e , Su ite 2 0 2 , Doral , F l ori da, 3 3 1 2 2 . Phone: 305-47 7 - 0 1 2 1 F ax: 305-477- 0 1 3 1 E m a il : cont act @ol y mp ia n r r.c o m

HIPAA, LMRP, CCI Payor-and-practice-specific data validation. Post-payment audit support.

P r a c t i c e C la i m s . c o m do e s t h e j o b fo r yo u! Eligibility analysis, E&M coding, claims validations and rigorous tracking at competitive rates * I n d e p e n d e n t r e su l ts m a y va r y a n d d e p e n d o n p a ye r m i x a n d specialty

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