Media Studies A2 Genre Study

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  • Words: 537
  • Pages: 11
Media Studies A2 Genre Study

SESSION 2 What is the audience for the Horror genre?

How can we define the horror audience? 

Predominantly male until 1990, according to SARA BRAGG (1995).

Audience is split into CHASER or CHASED, which polarises the audience (LAURA MULVEY – 1975).

According to CAROL CLOVER (1992), male and female audiences view the material bisexually; they identify with the victim.

What audience does horror have according to national statistics? 

Male and female, but with a higher proportion of males expressing a keen interest.

Most fit into the age range of 16-28 years.

Prefer the experience of a horror film being seen socially and in groups, rather than in isolation.

Who chooses a horror film? Enjoy watching pain being inflicted on others

Want to see EXPLICIT scenes of violence, rather than IMPLICIT

Identify with the killer

Appreciate the violence and its staging Adapted from “Men, Women & Chainsaws” by CAROL CLOVER (1992)

Who chooses a horror film? Dislike watching pain inflicted on others

Identify with the victim Enjoy the adrenaline rush, and being scared

Want to see IMPLICIT scenes rather than EXPLICIT violence

Find the innovation of the genre appealing, but dislike repetition of themes Adapted from “Men, Women & Chainsaws” by CAROL CLOVER (1992)

Why is the horror audience appealing to filmmakers & institutions? 

Large group viewings mean large financial gains. The 16-28 age group spend the most on popcorn, merchandise, etc. The audience for horror traditionally is very loyal. Institutions like DARK CASTLE and HAMMER prove that Horror is enough to have financial stability. The most popular genre titles tend to be low budget efforts.

Why did horror disappear in the mid to late 1980s? 

The genre was blamed for rising violence within society. The “Video Nasties” scandal stigmatised the audience. As a result, Horror films went largely straight to video. Cinema audiences dropped worldwide; the Horror genre had largely become repetitive and stagnant.

Convention, codes and audience PART ONE View this first clip, and consider:  Is

it conventional?

 Why

or why not?

 What

type of audience do you think this would appeal to? Why?

Why are the most successful horror films usually low budget?

It avoids the constraints of large institutions.  It gives the filmmaker the control to avoid conventions.  It permits greater artistic license. 

Conventions, codes and audiences PART TWO

View this second clip, and consider: 

What is different about this, compared to the first clip?

What type of audience do you think this film would appeal to?

Why do you think this?

Audience, codes & conventions exercise In pairs, create a synopsis (overview) for a short 30 minute horror film. You must try to consider the time constraints imposed, as a short film will not allow you to be too complex with your theme. In your synopsis, you must address the following:

 The main genre target audience (16-28).  The genre conventions you have studied so far (you may wish to subvert them!).  Identify a clear plot, and how the piece will progress.  Explain the characters, and their part in the narrative.

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