/*========== created by :- mohammed salman ======= created date :- 13/11/2006 ============== -- stored procedure <<:::fo_rpt_guest_list::::>> use for guest list report. -- report==>>guest list(based on room status, date range) -- syntax==>> fo_rpt_guest_list , , -- use==>> fo_rpt_guest_list '','01/01/2002','07/07/2007' */ create procedure dbo.fo_rpt_guest_list @room_status smallint, @date_from varchar(10), @date_to varchar(10) as set nocount on declare @qrystr varchar(8000), @condition varchar(300), @total_room varchar(3) select @total_room= count(number)
from fo_room_t
if @date_from<>' ' and @date_to<>' ' begin select @qrystr= 'select dbo.fo_registration_t.room_no as [str col header 1], dbo.fo_room_category_t.name as [str col header 2], dbo.fo_registration_t.title + '' '' + dbo.fo_registration_t.family_name + '' '' + dbo.fo_registration_t.first_name as [str col header 3], dbo.fo_registration_t.sex as [str col header 4] , dbo.fo_registration_t.room_rate as [dec col header 5], dbo.fo_registration_t.number_of_pax as [int col header 6], datediff(day,convert(datetime, left(dbo.fo_registration_t.arrival_date, 12), 103) , convert(datetime, left(dbo.fo_registration_t.departure_date, 12), 103)) as [int col header 7], convert(datetime, left(dbo.fo_registration_t.arrival_date, 12), 103) as [dat col header 8], convert(datetime, left(dbo.fo_registration_t.departure_date, 12), 103) as [dat col header 9], dbo.fo_company_t.name as [str col header 10], dbo.fo_nationality_t.name as [str col header 11], convert(int, "' +@total_room+'" )as [total room] from dbo.fo_registration_t inner join dbo.fo_nationality_t on dbo.fo_registration_t.nationality_code = dbo.fo_nationality_t.code inner join dbo.fo_company_t on dbo.fo_registration_t.company_code = dbo.fo_company_t.code inner join dbo.fo_room_category_t on dbo.fo_registration_t.room_type_code = dbo.fo_room_category_t.code', @condition=' where ( convert(datetime,left(dbo.fo_registration_t.arrival_date,12),103) between convert(datetime,"'+@date_from+'" ,103) and convert(datetime,"'+@date_to+'",103)) ' begin if @room_status=1 select @condition=@condition + ' and (dbo.fo_registration_t.room_status =1) '
else select @condition=@condition + ' (dbo.fo_registration_t.room_status =0) ' end end else raiserror ('invalid parameter found.',16,1) print @qrystr select @qrystr=@qrystr + @condition print @qrystr exec (@qrystr) go