Md. Rahman-early Blight

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 271
  • Pages: 12
Presented By

Md. Shaifur Rahman Biotechn0ology & Genetic Engineering Discipline Khulna University Khulna-9208 Bangladesh Email: [email protected]


Early Blight of Potato

Introduction ™Early

blight is a very common disease of potato and most important defoliating disease ™It is distributed worldwide ™The disease can cause in wide range of climatic conditions ™It is found in all potato growing regions and major in hot climates, especially in irrigated

Cause Alternaria solani

Symptoms ™Dark brown to black, concentric, isolated spots on leaflets ™Spots oval or circular in shape ™Old spots are dark brown, dry and brittle

Symptoms ™Leaves show considerable curling due to shrinkage of tissues ™Lower leaves are affected first ™They dry up and drop as disease progress upwards

Symptoms ™Spots may develop on stems ™Affected tuber develops small, sunken, more or less circular decayed lesions ™Tissues develop brown, corky, dry rot underneathss

Disease Cycle ™Pathogen

overwinters in crop residues and on seeds ™Penetrates into the host tissue directly. ™Conidia spreads by wind and to some extent by chewing insects

Disease Cycle

Factors Influencing Disease Development ™Optimum

temperature- 26-28⁰C ™Frequent rain and heavy dews ™Low fertility

Control ™Destroy

crop residues ™Crop rotation and field sanitation ™Spaying with Rovral or Dithane M 45 @ 0.2% at 10-15 days interval ™Cultivation of resistant varieties Moderately RV-Kufrisundary, Kufrinaveen, Kufrijeevan etc. Highly RV-hybrid from Solanum tuberosum x S. andizera

Conclusion ™Early

blight of potato poses a significant risk to productivity in field and tuber quality in storage ™In our country the disease is also very severe ™Early season application of fungicide, resistant variety and disease forecasting models can be used to predict the onset of the disease

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