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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 866
  • Pages: 4
Ge tting Se rious aboutCl im ate Ch ange

W ind and w ork e rs

w w w .ge ts e rious aboutCO

office @ m anch e s te rfoe

Cl im ate Youth Confe re nce in M anch e s te r

Al lPow e r to th e Pe opl e .... Council ? h ttp:// /l2zz46

jw itcom be @ oxfam

Ade ptadoption ofadaptation

w w w .com m unitie s /publications /localgove rnm e nt/localde m ocracycons ultation

e e furth e r at

Cl im ate Ch ange : A Ye ar from Now

w w w .e cocitie s proje h ttp:// /m a7f69

Quotabl e Quote s "Ifw e m ate rially m is s th e s e targe ts w e 're into s ce narios th atare s o bad you jus t don'tw antto th ink aboutth e m . Your ch ildre n ce rtainly w on'tne e d a pe ns ion. Th e y'llne e d a s h otgun"

w w w .m anch e s te rclim ate forum

Th e CouncilGritte r... Action Pl an Update #3



M ini Confe re nce e arl y O ct


Gre e n & Bl ue Space s


Exe c

?? M tg

Sus tainabl e Cons um ption

Nov 18


W riting Groups re ports h ttp://m anch e s te rclim ate fortnigh tly.blogs /2009 /07/buildings -w riting-group-lays -firm .h tm l

Environm e ntCom m is s ion l ate s t

Trafford Ne w s h ttp:// /7i76.

O n th e Bl og

h ttp://m anch e s te rclim ate fortnigh tly.blogs /2009 /07/ove rs ig h te d-and-s crutine e d.h tm l h ttp://m anch e s te rclim ate fortnigh tly.blogs /2009 /07/e nvi ronm e nt-com m is s ion-update -july-09 .h tm l

H ELP! e ditor@ m anch e s te rclim ate fortnigh

Coping w ith Cope nh age n

Localand Re gionalNe w s

th e pointof th is m e e ting w as ne ve r going to be th e de claration atth e e nd ofit. Th e re alprize w as th atM r O bam a s atin a room w ith oth e r leade rs (e xcluding Ch ina, w h ich could notbe h e lpe d) and im pre s s e d on th e m h is de te rm ination to m ak e a de alatCope nh age n in th e h ope th atth e y w ould trans m ita s im ilar leve lofw illto th e ir ne gotiators .W h e th e r th ats trate gy w as a s ucce s s or failure w e w ill k now in D e ce m be r.

NationalNe w s

w w w .clim ate jus tice fas

Gl obalNe w s

Vol unte e ring O pportunitie s

Scary Scie nce

Giz z a Job

w w w .gre e ne

uk .coop

h ttp://pdf.w ate _ s cie nce _ 2008.pdf

pe tra.m orris @ coope rative s w w w .coope rative s -uk .coop/gre e ne rtoge th e r h ttp://w w w .s cie nce m nt/s um m ary/325/59 39 /376

Apocal yps o Be ats


. w w w .h 2ope . s te ve .w e lsh @ h 2ope

h ttp:// /lk5e jq

w w w .m anch e s te rfoe /lyb/bik e p h ttp://low im ulm e _ containe r_ garde ning.h tm

h ttp:// /m s 7q q c h ttp://trans itionculture .org/2009 /05/06/bu rn-out-and-tak ing-care -of-ours e lve s / h ttp://ne w .britis h /s k yride /m anch e s te r w w w /pgr/re gional/ltp/guidance /localtrans ports plans / policie s /clim ate ch ange h ttp://gre e nde alm anch e s te r.w ordpre s s .com /s us tainabilityutopian-and-s cie ntific/

calltore alaction@ googlem w w w .m anch e s te rclim ate forum

w w w .w ith outh

w w w h ttp:// /lw k bzv

Tool s ofth e Trade

Gre e n Sch e m e l e ads to M O RE e m is s ions ! w w w .re altim e

Unq uotabl e Quote s "H ow e ve r, for th e purpos e s ofth e Nois e Action Plan, aircraft nois e is cons ide re d to be affe cting a firs tround agglom e ration w h e re th e Nois e M apping h as indicate d an L(de n) value of55 dB(A) or an L(nigh t) value of50dB(A) anyw h e re w ith in th e agglom e ration."

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