Mcc Spring Break 2009 Cems

  • December 2019
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COM MPUTER & TECHNICA AL CLASSES BY COM MPUTER EXPLORERS X / TECHSTARS T CLAS SS DESCRIP PTIONS, SPRING P BRE EAK APRIL L 6-10, 200 09 CREATE YOU UR OWN COMIC BOOK (A AGES 7-9) Learn about digital art and create c your computer adven nture! Write and a design you ur own comic book tales p go oblins, genies, princes and anything a you can c imagine. Create C your ow wn characters (even about heroes, princesses, m for your comic bo ook scenes with a simple-to-use multimed dia writing too ol that puts fun n back sccary looking monsters!) in nto creative writing. w Studen nts create anim mated stories that talk and come c to life in n a special com mic book playe er, and can also print out their comic books.

ROCKETEERIING & CSI: CRIME SCENE INVESTIGATIO ON (AGES 7-9)) Design and build your own rocket, D r then la aunch it with water w & comp pressed air! Th his course intro oduces y your children to t some basic PHYSICS P using g simple Wate er Rockets and d demonstrate es the basics off aeronautics, including thrustt, drag and ba allast. You’ll ha ave a blast!! Each E team will build their ow wn water ocket and we will have fun launching the em to experien nce our effortss and the phy ysical terms we e learned ro about while bu uilding the mo odels. Crime e Scene Investtigation: Use lo ogic, your senses and forensic science to solve crimes. Learn L how to work the field scen ne and the labo oratory end of CSI. We’ll use e finger printing, tire tread patterns and much h more! Each le esson will focu us on a new fo orensic skill which w will lead to solving a fiinal investigation. No blood, b no gore e…but excitem ment galore!

DIGITAL MOV VIE MAKING WITH W CLAY ANIMATION (AGES 10-12 /12-15) Working in tea W ams, students have a blast and a learn a ton n as they do it all - from storry creation to making m the ch haracters & se ets. As they le earn the produ uction processs, they will sto ory-board, anim mate, record, download, d asssemble & edit their own m movies. Fun, creativity,, learning & ex F xcitement com me together in n this special hands-on class,, where digita al stop-motion te echnology me eets arts, craftss and creativitty for a truly unique experie ence! Whethe er Creative Gen nius, Technica al M Mastermind, Artistically Endowed or all off the above; th here is someth hing here for everyone! e This class will spark T s studentss’ imaginations & then give them the toolls to bring the eir ideas to life. Fun, education & excitement are e the constants in this neverr-the-same-thin ng-twice classs! All studentss take home th heir animated movie on a DVD for a lassting memory of their projecct to share witth family & frriends.

VIDEO GAME E ANIMATION N & DESIGN (AGES 10-12//12-15) Dive into the world D w of video game animattion by creatin ng characters that t interact with w one anoth her. Add soun nd effects and music clipss to create a dy ynamic video animation ga ame using an innovative pro ogramming lan nguage create ed just for y youth by the MIT M Media Lab.. You can post your game online o so that your y friends, your y parents, even your gra andmother ca an play your video v game! Build Arcade Games B G - Design n, create and edit e your own 2-dimentiona al arcade-style e video game: design d the acttion, crreate the charracters, and ed dit the objectiv ves and outco omes. Take ho ome a CD with your game on n it so that you u can ch hallenge yourr friends and family! fa Creativ vity rules in th his fun version of video gam me design!

TECHNICAL ART & DESIG GN: THE AR RT OF AUTO OMATION (AGES 10-12/12-1 15) Th he newest in ro obotics and prrogramming fun f is the PicoC Cricket! Desig gn and create yo our own creatu ures, sculpture es or 3-D art, then program the devices fo or action! This cla ass encourage es open-ended d (non-theme-b based) techniccal creativity as a students conceptualize e, construct an nd program th heir projection n or invention. Make an electro-mecha anical bobble--head with mu ultiple heads th hat jiggle and d jump on command. c Ma ake a cat and program it to purr when so omeone pets it. Make a birthday cak ke and program m it to play a song s when someone blows out the ca andles. Studen nts work with input sensorss to interact with w the real world and automated outputs o to bring their proje ects to life. Your imagination n is the main ingredient!




WEB: W w www.m u/kids     Schedule: w CCD/SBC CSchedule.pdf    Registration n:  ww pages/D DOCS/CC CD/SBCR Registrattion.pdf MCC C Bradenton  941‐752‐5203  MCC C Lakewood d Ranch  94 41‐363‐7000  MCC C Venice  94 41‐408‐141 12 

[email protected] C (941) 708‐‐2939 

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