MCA 23 OOPS with C++ Assignment A 1) What is a OOP? Explain its characteristics.
5 Marks
2) Explain with general syntax different conditional branching statements in C++. 7 marks 3) What is string? Explain any 10 string functions with general syntax. 8 marks 4) Explain the terms a) Class, b) Object. 5 marks
Assignments B 1) What is constructor? Explain different characteristics of constructs. 5 marks 2) What is friend function? Explain. 5 marks 3) What is inheritance? Explain different types of inheritances. 5 marks 4) What is operating overloading? Write a program to overload + operator to add two strings.
5 marks
5) What is file? Explain with general syntax any 5 file related functions. 5 marks