Mb0027 Human Resource Management

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 176
  • Pages: 1

Master of Business Administration-MBA Semester 1 MB0027 – HRM - 4 Credits (Book ID: B0909)

Assignment Set- 1 (60 Marks) Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions. Q.1 Write a short note on Hawthorne Studies.


Q.2 Trace the growth of Trade Union Movement from Factories Act 1881 to Factories Act 1948.


Q.3 Elaborate the HR planning System


Q.4 Discuss the Multiple Person Evaluation Methods.


Q.5 Write a note on different theories for Managing Compensation [10] Q.6 Write the advantages and limitations of Job Evaluation Method. [10]

Master of Business Administration-MBA Semester 1 MB0027 – HRM - 4 Credits (Book ID: B0909) Assignment Set- 1 (60 Marks)

Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions. Q.1 Mention and briefly explain different sources of recruitment. [10] Q.2 Write a note on guided and unguided interview


Q.3 Discuss the techniques to motivate employees.


Q.4 Explain in detail the disciplinary –Action Penalties.


Q.5 Explain the importance of grievance handling


Q.6 Explain Managerial grid in detail.


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