MAZE SOLVING ROBOT In this project we have devised a robot which will move from any position in a m*n maze to any target point detecting the obstacles in the way. Our robot acts according to a code written purely in āCā language, which directs it to explore the maze containing random obstacles. The robot is totally controlled by the computer by Interfacing it with a computer, using Parallel Port. As an example we have taken a 8*8 maze and fixed the initial and final points as shown. The boundary line is the wall. The red stars indicate the obstacles; the black images indicate the initial and final points. The robot follows the path pointed by the arrows as shown in the adjacent figure. Such kind of robots are used to find the path. They find their application in defence where it is used to find the location of mines in sensitive areas. It can also be used as a house-hold gadget for cleaning the floor, as an automatic lawn mover, etc;