May-june 09

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Volume 49, Issue 3 May/June, 2009


hen I think of the month of May my mind goes to Mother’s Day, Graduations, Memorial Day Weekend and the end of school. Wow! What a full month! Of course being a school teacher I always look forward to the end of May and thinking of having a couple of months off to catch up around the home stead. This year we have a graduation in our family. Yeah! Our youngest, Abby will be graduating from Friends University with a Major in Art Education and a Minor in Music. We are praying that God will lead her to the school where he wants her to teach Art in the Fall. My praise is that we are about to make our last college payment after 10 years and three children graduating from college. After all this joy, though, my heart tends to sadden as I think of Mother’s Day and Memorial Day. You see my mother passed away a year ago so both of these holidays bring tears to my heart, as I know several of you may have that same feeling. My mom was such a special, encouraging wife, mom and grandma. She is dearly missed, but yet we are full of joy that she can be in her Heavenly Home singing praises in the Heavenly Choir along with many of your mothers. I cannot imagine being a non-Christian and not having the joy of our future Heavenly Home to look forward to. As you think about Mother’s Day please don’t forget to spend time thanking God for our Missionary Mothers. These dear ladies have made great sacrifices for the love of their Lord. I also can’t help but think of the mothers of those missionaries. Their hearts must be filled with joy but yet loneliness for not being able to see that child very often. It would be great if you took the time to send cards or emails to several of these precious ladies. But most of all spend some extra time in prayer lifting up these mothers to our Lord and praising him for their lives. If you are a mother I wish you a Happy Mother’s Day! May we Bless God through our Friends Women work.

Dalene Hutson EFC-MAYM FWF President

“The Quaker Bonnet” is a bi-monthly publication of EFC-MAYM Friends Women Fellowship. Subscriptions are $5 per year ($6 after Dec. 15) and are available by contacting: Alice Thompson, editor, 325 N. Hobart St., Glen Elder, KS 67446, or [email protected]

Inside this issue: Prayer Coordinator— Ruth Kemper


Sec’y of Christian Service—Chely Costner


Treasurer’s Update— Patti Rucas


Children & Youth — Sylvia Harvey


Update on Candi Foster/ 3 Address Corrections South Central Area Missions Conference


Be on Time — Doris Ferguson, EFI-NA FWF President




When I was young I always enjoyed singing a little song about telling others about Jesus. The words of the chorus of the song went like this; "Tell it again, Tell it again, Salvation Story repeat o’er and o’er, ‘til none can say of the children of men, 'nobody ever has told me before.'" Who are the people that we are sending missionaries to? Sometimes, for me, they become "Those People" in whatever country I am learning about. Recently, however, God showed me a different picture. I had the opportunity to sit across my dining room table from a young girl from Thailand. She had questions about the Bible and I was trying to answer her questions. In the course of the conversation, I asked her “what do you believe about God?”. Her answer shocked and saddened me. She said, “NO ONE HAS EVER TOLD ME ABOUT GOD, ONLY ABOUT BUDDAH”. In that moment, my heart broke as I realized that my young friend had never heard about Salvation. My next thought was, “ Heaven will not be complete unless my young friend is there”. Since that evening in my home, I have had many conversations about God with my young friend. We have reviewed John 3:16 several times and have read many passages from the Bible, including the Christmas and Easter stories. (Please pray for her as my young friend returns to her own country in June.) Who are the people that our missionaries are going to? They are mothers and fathers, they are grandparents and children. They are 16 year old talented teenagers who have never heard about Salvation. My young friend has put a face on "Those" people, for me. They no longer seem distant and far away. They are real and they need to hear about Jesus.



“Christianity is not a religion “ (I saw this on a t-shirt) .Religion is humans trying to work their way to God. Christianity is God coming to men and women through a relationship with Jesus Christ. "For God so loved the world that he gave is only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16 Ladies, as summer quickly approaches, I hope you are all remembering you adopted missionaries, birthdays, anniversaries, and any special projects they have going on. Pray for their mission fields and all the people they are trying to reach and bring to the Lord.



Since March 9th I have had a bumpy ride in my life. I am slowly improving from all of that. God is good though, through it all. He knows His plans for each of us. Our year is off and running. I have received dues for 233 women from 24 fellowships. That is down from last year, but there are some fellowships that have not reported yet this year. Our love offering for February is netted at $1,418.25 so far and we were hoping for $1500. Very good, ladies. Our March offering came with a goal of $3000 and we have thus far only collected $1550.80 toward that. April offering’s goal was $1100 for which we have only received $325.00. Remember that the May offering is for Indian work in 3 places this year. It is for their Christmas and is due by the end of September, preferably. Our Youth offering is already off and running with a total of $3,321.63. Great job, ladies! Let’s keep on giving to fund the other projects, as well. If your fellowship has not sent in Page 2



it’s almost here! The time teachers and students look forward to……SUMMER BREAK! I always plan WAY too much for the summer and very seldom make a dent in my list of things to do. I look forward to taking time to read, rest, and spend quality time with my Savior, which I don’t allow myself to do in the rush of the school year. I hope by now you have all found you packets and are able to use them with your children’s ministry. We are trying to find a better way of reaching the “Right” people with this information next year. Our area vice-presidents are looking for contact people from each church, so if you want to be the contact person for the Children’s Mission materials please sign up! I want to encourage you to continue raising funds for this year’s projects. We are well on our way to reaching the goal once again. God is so faithful to provide funds for His work! I also wanted to encourage you to have your children correspond with our missionaries and their children. How exciting it must be for them to receive mail from other countries and other children. At school we often make banners or large cards and have whole classes sign them. Maybe that is something your children could do this summer. You could send them pictures of VBS activities or church carnivals, pictures of camp experiences, pictures of your group---anything that might brighten their day.

UPDATE ON CANDI FOSTER/ ADDRESS CORRECTIONS “I thank you for all your prayers, support and encouragement during my extended illness and medical leave from the mission field in Aguascalientes, Mexico. This last January I feel like we found the root cause to my sickness when I was diagnosed with having Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (where the limbic system in the brain is not working as it should). Chronic Fatigue Syndrome encompasses all of my symptoms and my digestive system issues and since being treated for it, I feel my body’s systems starting to come back and function as they are supposed to. It is a slow and gradual process, and it will take time to heal, but I am on the road to recovery! I would appreciate your continued prayers for me and my health (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual) through this difficult journey.” Candi THE ADDRESSES LISTED IN THE YEARBOOK FOR THE AQUASCALIENTES MISSIONARIES WERE NOT CORRECT. THE CORRECT ADDRESSES ARE:

Andrea Byrne Fuente de las Cibeles 302B Fracc. Jardines de la Luz CP20117 Aguascalientes, AGS Mexico

Jeremy & Betty Smuck (Bethany and Bailey) Trojes de Chichimeco #105 Fracc. Trojes de Oriente II CP20120 Aguascalientes, AGS Mexico

Edwin & Maria Giron (Faviola and Edwin Isaac) Veracruz 202 Fracc. Del Valle 1 CP20080 Aguascalientes, AGS Mexico

Pratt Friends Church hosted an Area Conference for the South Central Area Churches: Pratt, Hutchinson, and Haviland, on March 22. We started off the evening with a singspiration with songs shared by the various churches. (Pratt’s Worship Band in one picture) Linda Carpenter’s Sunday School class had a skit for us about the Chinese bible. Then supper was held and during the evening service Liz Wine shared her testimony and a PowerPoint with us and Doris Ferguson updated us on the hospital in Kibimba. A good time was had by all. (submitted by Tami Morse, Pratt FWF) Volume 49, Issue 3 May/June, 2009

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Non-profit Org. US Postage PAID Permit No. 96 Beloit, KS ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED

EFC-MAYM Friends Women Fellowship 325 N. Hobart St. Glen Elder, KS 67446

“In the Potter’s Hands” 2009 Friends Women’s Retreat October 16-18, 2009

Wichita Airport Hilton


Doris Ferguson

What time is it?

Probably one of the most repeated statements throughout the day! Why is being on time so challenging for some of us? Even when we start early, something inevitably gets in our way to make us late. I have to remember to clock into my job, and if I forget, I have to fill out an embarrassing “missed punch” card! I was blessed by a reminder today that God is always on time. “When the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth his Son.” Galatians 4:4 (The Living Bible says “When the right time came.”

I love to look back on my life and remember the times that God showed up in one way or another, ‘just in time’. I challenge you to do the same, and write some of those special moments, or events down, and share them with your children or grandchildren.. We are again at the time of year when people are getting involved in missions on a short term basis..maybe a week or so, or a couple of months. We have received letters from people going to China, Indian Missions in the U.S., Bolivia and Africa. We even prepared a “relatively” authentic African meal to serve in our church to raise money for people going to Burundi. That was a lot of fun! Pray for these people as they travel, and during their stay in a new environment. Pray that they will be able to minister as they are being ministered to. One person asked me to pray for “curiosity”. She is going to a place where she cannot openly witness, unless someone asks her a question. So she is praying that God will put curiosity in people’s hearts, giving her the opportunity to share. Pray for all the logistical decisions that have to be made, but pray most of all that this will be done with God’s power, fitting into God’s timing and schedule. Ask God to remind you to support these people with your finances and prayers and be ready to hear all the reports of how God had been “right on time” for them when they return.

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