May 2009 Libertarian Strategy Monthly

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May 2009

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Libertarian Strategy Monthly Herding Cats Since May 2009 Volume 1 | Number 1

Friday, May 1, 2009

“A diplomat is a person who can tell you to go to hell in such a way that you actually look forward to the trip.” Caskie Stinnett In This Issue: Pages 2-7

Privacy Alert:

Issue Brief:

Homeland Security Chief Moving to Stop Real ID From:



The Successes and Failures of the Barr Campaign

Pages 8-10 Opinion

What We Need For Victory

Pages 10-11 News & Analysis

Ferguson Assists in Resolving MIAC Controversy

Pages 11-12 News & Analysis

American Progress Survey Provides Insight into Libertarian Supporters

Page 12 News & Analysis

Sundwall Loses Ballot Access

Pages 12-13

The Real ID Act, mandating a national identification card, was passed by a Republican-controlled Congress in 2005 and then signed by Republican President George W. Bush. One of those governors objecting to the Real ID program was Janet Napolitano of Arizona, who now serves as President Obama’s Secretary of Homeland Security.

News & Analysis

Iowa Gay Marriage-What Strategy Will They Use

Pages 13-15 News & Analysis

LNC Chair and 2012 Presidential Polls

Recently, Secretary Napolitano stated that she will work in her new capacity to repeal the Real ID Act. Read Full Report: ult.asp?pt=doc&doc=p rivacyw

© 2007-2009 Jake Porter--all rights reserved

“THE STATE OF THE UNION’S FINANCES is not good and is getting worse with the passage of time. The federal government can’t control its spending, and it isn’t doing a good job of raising revenues. The result? Persistent budget deficits, a rapidly ballooning national debt, and an increasing reliance on foreign lenders. Moreover, projections of current policy point to dramatic future increases in deficit and debt levels that threaten America’s well-being across the board.” Read Full Report: etinvolved/citizensguide/2009

Libertarian Strategy Monthly

May 2009

Page 2

Opinion Opinions of our guests, expressed in the opinions section, do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Jake Porter or J.D. Porter Consulting.

The Successes and Failures of the Barr Campaign Conversing With Jake By Jake Porter Shortly after the Bob Barr 2008 Presidential campaign ended, I received many questions regarding both the successes and failures of the campaign. After all, I was an early opponent of Bob Barr, was in Kansas City, Missouri when Bob announced his exploratory committee, and was in Denver when he finally won the nomination. In fact, Bob received my delegate vote every round after George Phillies was defeated. In my humble opinion, Bob Barr is a very good man and he had the best intentions of the Libertarian Party in mind when running. In this article, I will try to present both the successes and failures of the campaign in a non-confrontational or condemning manner. A day after Bob won the nomination, I phoned someone involved with the campaign to volunteer and had to leave a message on their voicemail. Unfortunately, I never heard back from this person. After I flew back from Denver, I e-mailed a campaign staffer asking to volunteer. Remember, I was not asking for a paying job. Attached

© 2007-2009 Jake Porter--all rights reserved

was my resume which includes managing campaigns and other large groups as well as being elected Alternate to a Region of the Libertarian National Committee and while I am very Business, Non-Profit, young, my and Political Services political experience E-mail: is nothing to [email protected] be completely scoffed at. This time, I was informed it would be put at the top of the to-do list. Once again, I never heard anything back in response to volunteering. A week or so later, I was informed that Mike Ferguson was named my Regional Coordinator for the Barr campaign. Mike is a very competent political campaigner who has been elected to public office. I e-mailed Mike and within hours received a phone call from him. In my experience with volunteers, many would have given up after the first or second attempt to try to volunteer.

J.D. Porter Consulting

Around the middle of July, I was named Iowa Coordinator for the campaign. This allowed me to see first hand both the successes and failures of the Barr campaign. It is my hope that by releasing this article, in the future, we can improve upon our successes and not repeat the failures. It is not nor has it ever been my intention to attack anyone for trying an idea that didn’t work. As the quote that I have posted on my desk that Theodore Roosevelt once said goes “The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and

Libertarian Strategy Monthly

May 2009 sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming.” Success and Failures: Advertising In 2004, I actually remember seeing a couple of the Michael Badnarik television ads on CNN Headline News. In 2008, I saw and heard no Bob Barr advertisements. The video ad of 2008, in my opinion, was less visually appealing than the 2004 television ad I seen of Michael Badnarik. I have no idea if the Barr campaign used any television or radio advertising either nationwide or statewide. I know they had a couple of radio ads produced and at least one ad that could have been used on television, but I have no evidence they ever ran. If they did, there was certainly not much of an attempt to promote the fact that they were running. Many times the fact that you are running ads is worth more in media attention than the advertisements were themselves. Additionally, I asked to fundraise in Iowa for our own advertising. All my polling and sources strongly indicated to me that Obama was going to win Iowa by a large vote total and there was only about a three percent chance of McCain winning according to the betting odds. It looked almost a certainty that Iowa was not going to be a swing state and Bob had the potential to do very well in Iowa if we would just have some ability to promote the campaign using traditional media and use public relations to promote our advertising campaign. After all, Bob was born in Iowa City. The

© 2007-2009 Jake Porter--all rights reserved

Page 3 local media would love to discuss that little aspect. After I was given a green light on the Iowa advertising plan and spent a lot of my time pursuing rates and plans, I was told we could not fundraise through the Barr campaign our own advertising. Talk about a clear violation of the 1:10:100 rule. Those of you who have worked with me know that I rarely get angry and am usually exceptionally calm. After I was told this, I was livid and strongly considered telling the national staff what they could do. Fortunately, our Iowa supporters and volunteers never found out about the decision of the national campaign staff. Ballot Access The state organizations must be strengthened to decrease the time and effort required to gather signatures. In 2012, ballot access must improve. Ballot access is one area that the party is doing worse than we were in previous years. In 2004, the Libertarian Presidential nominee was on the ballot in 48 states plus Washington D.C. In 2008, we were only on the ballot in 45 states and not Washington D.C. There definitely needed to be better coordination with the Libertarian Party on ballot access. There also needed to be quick decisive decisions made as to what states we were going to target and what states we were going to give up on. I remember that Mike Ferguson was going to drive up to Des Moines, Iowa where the Libertarian Party of Iowa was holding an Executive Committee meeting. At the last minute, he called and told me that he was going to have to go to West Virginia to petition and

Libertarian Strategy Monthly

May 2009 mentioned sending Vice-Presidential candidate Root in. Instead of flying in Wayne, I had Mike set up a conference call with Wayne and Mike was kind enough to record a video. If we would have started West Virginia earlier we could have possibly got on the ballot. If we would have stuck with the decision not to go to West Virginia we would have saved a lot of volunteer and financial resources. Another example was the Louisiana ballot access. Bob should have been on the ballot in Louisiana and I am informed that he likely would have with better coordination. The attempt by the Barr campaign to kick John McCain and Barack Obama off the Texas ballot generated great publicity and allowed the American people to view the hypocrisy of ballot access laws. In fact, this was discussed on a radio, not talk radio, station I was listening to. Communications The Barr campaign had a very good idea. The Barr campaign allowed the state coordinators to call in on a weekly conference call to discuss strategy. They also allowed us to use the conference call to call our county coordinators in our states. This allowed us to share ideas and communicate more effectively with each other. Materials Another bad thing about announcing late is that the campaign does not have things like brochures ready. It wasn't until July that I got the brochures to hand out. It was also suggested that we would be charged by the campaign for obtaining

© 2007-2009 Jake Porter--all rights reserved

Page 4 the campaign materials to distribute; however, the campaign did send me materials to distribute at no cost to me personally. Unfortunately, volunteers were forced to buy their own yard signs. I hated to tell supporters that I would give them bumper stickers, but I had no yard signs for them. I caught a lot of hell over the fact that Libertarian was not mentioned on many of the campaign materials. There was a legitimate reason for that. It is easier to convince someone to vote for you if they don’t feel excluded by party names. The thing that concerned me was that there was no volunteer form to fill out and send in on the brochures. Media In 2004, I seen Gary Nolan on Fox News once and heard that Michael Badnarik won the nomination on the morning radio news break, and listened to Michael on Mancow. The Gary Nolan interview was my first introduction to the Libertarian Your Ad Here! Party. Compare Contact: this with 2008. In jdporterconsulting@g 2008, I heard Bob Barr being for advertising rates mentioned shortly before he announced his exploratory campaign, immediately after he announced, during the radio news breaks numerous times, seen Bob in the news papers numerous times, and even on the front page of Yahoo a few times. In fact, my cousin even told me, “I saw your candidate

Libertarian Strategy Monthly

May 2009 Matt Barr on T.V. the other day.” Well, at least he got the last name correct. I also received a call from a family member informing me that they watched Bob on Glenn Beck. In 2004, nobody I talked to had heard of Michael Badnarik. The massive increase in media attention was by far the biggest success of the Barr campaign and something we should strive for in future campaigns. Reason Debates: In 2004, Libertarian Party Presidential candidate Michael Badnarik was arrested while trying to debate President Bush and Senator Kerry. Congressman Barr did not go that far; however, he did debate Senator McCain and President Obama live on’s website. The technology needs to be improved upon. It would have been better if Bob could have paused live television to respond instead of just talking over them, and the video stream did go down temporarily, but this was a great strategy. I hope the 2012 campaign improves upon the technology and decides to debate like Bob did if he or she is not invited to the official debates. The Barr campaign also did a superb job talking advantage of the massive government bailouts of financial institutions. Professionalism The Barr campaign almost perfected professional looking logos, videos, materials, and website design. This was a huge benefit to the campaign. There were a couple of times I had to shake my head. For example, the press release regarding the death of Senator Jesse Helms which caused one major

© 2007-2009 Jake Porter--all rights reserved

Page 5 supporter who helped convince me to give my delegate vote to Barr to, at least temporarily, withdraw his volunteer support of the campaign and possibly his monetary support. Another time was when supporters were asked to call talk radio and promote the campaign. Someone posted the following comment on Last Free Voice in response. “We’re getting reports now from that big jet crash out at the airport. Dozens are feared dead. I have on the line a caller who is at the scene. Tell me, caller, what do you see?” “It’s terrible, Kent! Bodies and plane wreckage everywhere. That’s a great issue to discuss, but let me tell you about a real choice in the race for the presidency, Bob Barr.” “Excuse me?” “You know, Bob Barr, the Libertarian candidate for President. His website Bob Barr 2008 dot–” “I’m being told by my producers that was a crank caller. Let’s go to Mr. Baba Booey on line 2…” Source: 08/06/60-seconds-for-bob-how-todefraud-call-screeners-and-piss-off-talkradio-hosts/#comments Qualifications to run: No one person ever suggested to me that Bob was not qualified to run for President. In fact, some people even told me they believed

Libertarian Strategy Monthly

May 2009 he had more legislative experience than President Obama had. Racism: During the 2008 Ron Paul Presidential campaign, Ron Paul refused to return money donated by a member of the White Nationalist Community, Stormfront. This along with the newsletters did, in my opinion, great harm to the Paul campaign. When an endorsement of Bob Barr was posted on a separatist website, Barr campaign manager Russ Verney released the following statement: “The Barr campaign is not going to be a vehicle for every fringe and hate group to promote itself. We do not want and will not accept the support of haters. Anyone with love in their heart for our country and for every resident of our country regardless of race, religion, nationality or sexual orientation is welcome with open arms.” “Tell the haters I said don't let the door hit you on the backside on your way out! “ Source: 90.html I believe the reply posted by Mr. Verney above kept the campaign on message. Swing-State Strategy One strategy that it appears both the 2004 campaign of Michael Badnarik and the 2008 campaign of Bob Barr used was targeting swing states. In my opinion, it didn’t work either time and when you target swing states you might get more media attention; however, voters who think they can decide the

© 2007-2009 Jake Porter--all rights reserved

Page 6 outcome of the election don’t end up voting for a third party candidate. In the future, I would like to see the Libertarian candidate target safe states to try and increase their vote totals that way. Volunteer Support In my opinion, one of the biggest factors that harmed the Barr campaign was the fact that Bob announced so late that he had not had time to develop a campaign structure like I assisted with as National Mobilization Facilitator and later on as Chief of Staff for the Phillies campaign. With the Phillies campaign, we had coordinators in a little over twenty of the states, one in D.C., and I had plans to name the rest shortly after the convention ended. Running for President takes a lot of planning and when a candidate decides impulsively at the last minute they don’t have the time to put together a staff and fix any problems before the general election. This should be a lesson to the future Libertarian Party delegates about nominating candidates who have not had time to build their campaign organizations. In November, at the end of the campaign, it appears the Barr campaign was about where the Phillies campaign was at in May in regards to the number of state coordinators. As Iowa coordinator, you would likely think I would have had access to the Iowa volunteer lists. I did not. In order to

Libertarian Strategy Monthly

May 2009 contact the Iowa volunteers I had to write an e-mail, send it to my regional coordinator, and he had to send it to someone on the national staff to actually send out. Sometimes it would take almost a week of fighting to get an email blast sent out. I really did like the email blast idea. In fact, it made my job of getting talking points out very effective; however, I think in hindsight it should have been just a small part of the volunteer contact strategy. Perhaps the biggest failure, in my opinion, was immediately following the campaign. The day after the election, I wrote an e-mail to be sent out to all the Iowa supporters thanking them and asking them to get involved with the Libertarian Party of Iowa. It never went out. No state pages on website: One thing we learned in 2008 was the ability to use the Internet, for more than just porn and eBay, to promote campaign events. I first started seeing this work when I was working with the Phillies Presidential campaign. Our MySpace coordinator was posting events to the Phillies MySpace calendar. People started showing up to events because they seen it on our MySpace profile. That is why we started the process of state pages during the Phillies campaign. After the nomination we would be ready to promote news and events in every state. During the Barr campaign, it would have been great to set up state pages to inform supporters what events were happening and news such as polling numbers, doorto-door efforts, and petition deadlines.

Page 7 It has been suggested to me that the second biggest failure, behind the swingstate strategy, in the Barr campaign is that they did not properly utilize the media skills and abilities of VicePresidential candidate Wayne Root by trying to get Wayne on more talk radio programs. The article wouldn’t be complete without mentioning some of my own personal mistakes in the campaign. I predicted we could get a coordinator in all five of Iowa’s Congressional Districts. We only finished with three. I also believed I could get around two percent of the vote with the limited resources I had. While we received a higher percentage and more votes than any Libertarian Presidential candidate since Ed Clark in 1980 we did not come anywhere close to getting the two percent I believed we could receive. I also failed in my project to get Bob to Iowa.

J.D. (Jake) Porter, a 2008 Business Administration graduate, previously served as Chief of Staff to the George Phillies Presidential campaign, Iowa Coordinator for the 2008 Bob Barr Presidential campaign, and worked as Business Manager for the Saint Joseph Telegraph. Today, he is the owner of J.D. Porter Consulting, is the Alternate to Region 6 of the Libertarian National Committee, and resides in the state of Missouri.

Wayne Root

© 2007-2009 Jake Porter--all rights reserved

Libertarian Strategy Monthly

May 2009

What We Need for Victory By Dr. George Phillies In the end, we will be politically successful when we win elections, elect our candidates to office, and put a libertarian direction on the country's political agenda. Political success demands a series of elements. All the elements are needed at once. The libertarian political movement that will bring us to victory is the movement that takes responsibility for assembling all those elements. A libertarian political movement that refuses to develop some of those elements is a libertarian political movement that is foredoomed to failure.

Page 8 and who can discuss major issues in a credible way. A successful libertarian political movement will implement Libertarian Centrism to provide credible libertarian discussion of major issues. Activist Mobilization and Training: A successful political party is built by its feet on the ground, its volunteers. A successful libertarian political movement will motivate supporters to become activists, and will give them the tools they need to make a success of themselves. Local Organization: To elect the local, county, state, and Federal officials we need for victory, we need libertarian political organizations that cover every front door in America. A national libertarian political movement won't organize your ward for you. It will worry that there are effective state and county parties everywhere, and that your state party is doing real political work rather than being co-opted by the Republicans.

What are those elements? Voter Base: Most Americans choose their political party once, or perhaps twice, in their entire life. They choose their party, for the most part, because it is the party that they trust to make the right decisions for them. In building a voter base, issues are not unimportant, but they rarely win elections. To win, we need a strong voter base. Candidates: We need people who can and will win elections for us. Those people are candidates who are credible

© 2007-2009 Jake Porter--all rights reserved Fundraising: Money really is the lifeblood of politics. To raise money, you need a solid fund raising effort, and you not a credible record indicating that you will spend money well. A successful national libertarian movement will focus its spending on doing politics. An unsuccessful national libertarian movement will concentrate its resources on real estate and paid central staff. There are only so many dollars out there; a successful libertarian political movement will ensure that the national, Libertarian Strategy Monthly

May 2009 state, and local fund efforts are in balance. Marketing: Advertising can't win elections for you. Most people made up their minds where to vote, oh, years and years ago. Advertising can make sure that people know you are there, so that when they want our answer, they know we are the people offering it. Youth Outreach: It is no longer true that young people do not vote. Furthermore, young people are extremely open to our message of social tolerance and fiscal prudence. A successful libertarian political movement will have a strong youth and student outreach effort. Think Tanks: The Libertarian political movement needs effective think tanks, bodies that do the hard work of fleshing out proposals for credible changes in a libertarian direction. A successful libertarian political movement will ensure that those think tanks appearing, rather than piously claiming that the lack of think tanks is not their problem to solve. Affinity Groups: It is not true that the NRA and NARAL are the National Republican Association and the National Anti-Republican Action League. They each represent a particular set of opinions on a particular issue. However, as the strategy deployed to create that representation, they very much tend to act by supporting a political party that is inclined in their direction. Affinity groups mostly don't switch parties. We need our own affinity groups, affinity groups open to all Americans, while almost always finding good reasons to support libertarians. A successful libertarian political movement will

© 2007-2009 Jake Porter--all rights reserved

Page 9 develop its own affinity groups, just as the Democratic and Republican parties do. Ten Items That Supplement a Great Campaign Website: 1. Professional Photo of Candidate 2. Summary of Community Involvement and Political Experience 3. Press page with high-resolution photos, press releases, and a media kit 4. Volunteer form that includes address, phone, and e-mail 5. Campaign logo in the website header 6. Printable brochures 7. Opt-in campaign newsletter 8. Online donations 9. List of Upcoming Events 10. Short biography and photos of campaign staff Media: Crying about press coverage will not give us media support. What the libertarian movement needs are libertarians who are willing to do the

Libertarian Strategy Monthly

May 2009 hard work (which, incidentally, will create paying jobs for themselves) of developing legitimate press outlets the do a fine job of covering reality, while ensuring that the hidden assumptions used to choose which news is important and what it means are libertarian assumptions. A successful libertarian political movement will help those libertarians develop their media skills and outlets. News and Analysis

Ferguson Assists in Resolving MIAC Controversy This past month, Libertarian Party of Missouri spokesman Mike Ferguson did an excellent job handling the public relations regarding a controversial report released by the Missouri Information Analysis Center which many believe branded Libertarians as potential militia members and domestic terrorists. The state of Missouri has since issued an apology and is no longer distributing the report. Ferguson, former national field director for Congressman Bob Barr’s 2008 Libertarian Presidential campaign, issued many press releases and was a guest on many radio and television news programs making certain the issue was resolved in a positive manner. Additionally, the Missouri Legislature recently honored Ferguson for his community work. Whereas, the members of the Missouri House of Representatives hold in high esteem those Show-Me State residents who have proven down

© 2007-2009 Jake Porter--all rights reserved

Page 10 through the years to be exemplary citizens in local communities and neighborhoods through the depth and breadth of their civic involvement; and Whereas, Mike Ferguson of Grandview, Missouri, has attained considerable distinction as the producer/host of the Missouri Viewpoints web site, an adjunct professor, a freelance writer and communications consultant, and an alderman; and Whereas, holder of Certified Staffing Professional recognition from the American Staffing Association, Mike Ferguson gained a significant amount of knowledge, skills, and experiences when he managed the human resources department for one of America’s fastest growing companies and the recruiting, training, and human resources operations for divisions of two Fortune 500 companies; and Whereas, prior to working in human resources, Mike Ferguson was a journalist in the Kansas City area whose media experiences included television, radio, and newspaper; and Whereas, Mike Ferguson has been integrally involved with the Missouri State Plan Committee, city of Grandview Transportation Committee, Jackson County Public Water Supply District No. 1 Board of Directors, and Grandview Planning Commission; and

Libertarian Strategy Monthly

May 2009 Whereas, no stranger to honors and accolades, Mike Ferguson is the recipient of a Champion of Freedom Award from the Missouri Libertarian Party and a Thomas Paine Award from the Libertarian National Committee, was selected as the Libertarian Party’s state lieutenant governor nominee, and has been invited to appear on national television four times as a host, speaker or guest; and Whereas, Mike Ferguson is a member of Southland Baptist Church, where he is universally praised as a loving father to Austin and Amber: Now, therefore, be it resolved that we, the Members of the Missouri House of Representatives, Ninety-Fifth General Assembly, join unanimously to applaud the personal and professional accomplishments garnered thus far in life and the work of Mike Ferguson and to convey to him this legislative body’s most heartfelt wishes for continued success for many more years to come; and Be it further resolved that the Chief Clerk of the Missouri House of Representatives be instructed to prepare a properly inscribed copy of this resolution for presentation to Mike Ferguson of Grandview, Missouri. Offered by Representative Leonard (Jonas)

© 2007-2009 Jake Porter--all rights reserved

Page 11 Hughes, IV District No. 42 Representative Jason R. Holsman District No. 45 I, Ronald F. Richard, Speaker of the House of Representatives, Ninety-Fifth General Assembly, First Regular Session, do certify that the above is a true and correct copy of House Resolution No. 813, adopted February 25, 2009.

American Progress Survey Provides Insight into Libertarian Supporters In March, the Center for American Progress conducted a detailed survey of political beliefs as well as information including party identification. According to the survey, Libertarians make up 2% of the country. From the survey: “Both the “liberal” and “libertarian” labels enjoy much lower the same position as “progressive” was five years ago, with more than one-fifth of Americans unaware of the term or unable to rate it. Surprisingly, self-identified conservatives do not look favorably upon “libertarian”: 35 percent of conservatives rate the term favorably, only 10 points higher than their rating of “liberal.” In Libertarian Strategy Monthly

May 2009

Page 12

contrast, a majority (53 percent) of conservatives rate “progressive” favorably. Younger liberals emerge as the group that views the “libertarian” approach most favorably, with nearly six in 10 giving it a positive mark (59 percent).” Additionally, the survey appears to indicate that Libertarians draw similar amounts of support from both Democrats and Republicans while gaining most support from Independents. This contradicts the long held stereotype that most Libertarians are former Republicans and is also perhaps a good reason for Libertarian candidates to focus more on gaining support from Independent voters. Table 14 Partisan and ideological identification Liberal Progressive Moderate Libertarian Conservative

Democrats 25 25 29 1 14

Independents 8 14 39 6 24

Republicans 4 5 30 1 68

The complete American Progress survey results can be read by visiting: 2009/03/pdf/political_ideology.pdf

Sundwall Loses Ballot Access According to Liberty for America, Eric Sunwall, a Libertarian candidate for Congress, was forced off the ballot after a successful petition challenge. Liberty for America reports that Sundwall endorsed his Democratic opponent.

© 2007-2009 Jake Porter--all rights reserved

And when Sundwall's Republican carpetbagger opponent managed to challenge Sundwall's petitions, and successfully knocked Sundwall off the ballot, Sundwall took the intelligent political step: He urged his supporters to vote for the Democrat, thus maximizing the losses the Republicans received from their maneuvers.

Source: The Democrat defeated the Republican and won the race.

Iowa Gay Marriage-What Strategy Will They Use Recently, the Iowa Supreme Court ruled in a unanimous decision that limiting marriage, in Iowa, to one man and one woman violated the Iowa Constitution. Obviously, libertarians believe government has no role in the marriage business, but if government is going to stick their nose in the bedroom, where it has absolutely no business being, it is required to be fair about their laws. This is an issue that those promoting the states rights conservative version of libertarianism will have major disagreements with libertarians who believe in and support the theory of natural law specifically since the issue of gay marriage is occurring at the state level. The theory of natural law is one that rights come from God, or you are

Libertarian Strategy Monthly

May 2009 born with certain unalienable rights. States have no rights and instead of rights they have powers granted to them by individuals. For many social conservatives, gay marriage is an outrage and an abomination; however, amending the Iowa Constitution will be no easy task for them to accomplish. Amending the Iowa constitution will require having a majority vote of the Iowa Legislature in two consecutive sessions, and then face approval on the Iowa ballot. In my opinion, if an amendment banning gay marriage ever makes the Iowa ballot, it passes; however, getting it on the ballot will take an incredible amount of work. This is a huge opportunity for the Iowa Republican Party to rebuild after the disastrous 2006 and 2008 elections which have damaged the Iowa GOP. On the other side, those in favor of Iowa gay marriage need to lobby their legislatures to make certain an amendment does not ever pass the Iowa House or Senate.

Poll Results for Libertarian National Committee Chair and the 2012 Presidential Nominee On April 5th, started unscientific online polls for the 2010 Libertarian National Committee Chair election and for the 2012 Libertarian Presidential nominee. Polls such as these may not be scientific; however, they can assist in determining amount of organization and support. As of April 28th the results were as follows: (Note: many of the following individuals have not announced their intention to run).

© 2007-2009 Jake Porter--all rights reserved

Page 13

LP 2010 National Committee Chair (April 5) Results as of Tuesday, April 28 2009 @ 06:46 PM EDT LP 2010 National Committee Chair (April 5, 2009) 1/6: LP 2010 National Committee Chair - Field Wayne Root

27 (25.47%)

Michael Jingozian Ruth Bennett

5 (4.72%)

1 (0.94%)

Jim Lark

22 (20.75%)

Mary Ruwart

17 (16.04%)

David Nolan Ernie Hancock George Phillies NOTA

8 (7.55%)

6 (5.66%)

15 (14.15%) 5 (4.72%)

Libertarian Strategy Monthly

May 2009

Page 14

2/6: Head-to-head: Redpath vs. Nolan Bill Redpath

6/6: Head-to-head: Phillies vs. Hancock

34 (32.08%)

David Nolan

George Phillies (34.91%)

55 (51.89%)

Ernie Hancock

17 (16.04%)


3/6: Head-to-head: Redpath vs. Phillies Bill Redpath (35.85%)


48 Results as of Tuesday, April 28 2009 at 06:47 PM EDT

4/6: Head-to-head: Redpath vs. Lark

LP 2012 Presidential Nomination Straw Poll (April 2, 2009) 1/5: The Pack - Choose One

Bill Redpath Jim Lark


LP 2012 Presidential Nomination Straw Poll (April 5, '09)

20 (18.87%)


29 (27.36%)



George Phillies (45.28%)

28 (26.42%) Bob Barr 49 (46.23%)


5 (3.62%)

Mary Ruwart

29 (21.01%)

29 (27.36%) Ron Paul

5/6: Head-to-head: Redpath vs. Ruwart Wayne Root

Bill Redpath

47 (34.06%) 21 (15.22%)

32 (30.19%)

Mary Ruwart 60 (56.60%) NOTA


14 (13.21%)

© 2007-2009 Jake Porter--all rights reserved

Michael 3 (2.17%) Jingozian George Phillies

7 (5.07%)

Libertarian Strategy Monthly

May 2009 Tom Knapp

Page 15

Your Ad Here!

16 (11.59%)

Contact: Steve Kubby

10 (7.25%)


2/5: Head-to-Head: Barr vs Ruwart Bob Barr

38 (27.54%)

Mary Ruwart

100 (72.46%)

3/5: Head-to-Head: Barr vs Root Bob Barr

for advertising rates

Free Libertarian Strategy Monthly Subscription! Subscribe To The Libertarian Strategy Monthly For Free:

70 (50.72%)

Wayne Root 68 (49.28%)

Visit: id=8

4/5: Head-to-Head: Barr vs Paul Bob Barr

15 (10.87%)

Ron Paul 123 (89.13%)

5/5: Head-to-Head: Barr vs Jingozian Bob Barr

54 (39.13%)

Michael Jingozian 84 (60.87%)

© 2007-2009 Jake Porter--all rights reserved

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